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<br /> '�t r ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 92� 1 U�s��. � „
<br /> � TrwWr und�ntands that the documont thet Truator Is obout to execute le w Wed ol Tru�l and nol a mortpa�e and that the power —
<br /> ol�als provld�d tor in the Deed ol Tru�t provide��ubstendally different rlphts and ob8petiom to Tru�tar than a mortpape In the evsnt
<br /> � ot a ds1au11 or braaah of oblipatlon under the Deed ol Trual,fnotudinp,but not Iimlled to,tha Lender'e ripht to have the Properry wld �_,- i- --
<br /> • " py th�Tru�tw without any judiclal prxwdinp. Truitor reprssante end warranl� that thl�acknowlodpement wa�oxecuted by
<br /> _�_ _ Truator bolore the oxecWon of tha Deed of T�ust �,F�JOD, INC. . _- __�__-:_ _
<br /> .:C `� -�
<br /> � � i!�� :c � �.'•-G<<Lc:
<br /> . (Janice,Thayer� Tru or President) =
<br />�� ,, • . � --
<br /> . Tru�tor —
<br /> � THIS DEEQ OF TRUST,fs made ae of the�5t11 dey of �'�'► ,19�-�by and emong --.
<br /> � Weclyewca�� Inc _ � '�``
<br /> the Trustor, -
<br /> who�mellfnp eddress i4 � ��°"'i n'";°"� Grand Islanr7. NE 6B�erein"Trusta�'whether one or more), ,_- - -
<br /> .� .-
<br /> tne rruatee, Five Points Bank. A Nebreaka Corporation . �
<br /> P.O. Box 1507� Grand Island� NE 68802 (herein"Truatee").and � ��"'
<br /> whose malliny address Is '"
<br /> .. the BeneNciary. Five Po n a Bank� A �,_L_--,-- .,_._..,.�....:� , � _
<br /> ��.
<br /> P.O. Box 1507 Grand Islarxi. NE 68802 (he►ein°Lende►"). '�"�`_—
<br /> , whose meilinp address is -
<br /> �x:_-�
<br /> FOR VALUABLE COtdSIOERATION,Includiny Lender's extenalon of credit Identllfed hareln to �.R��' ��• �
<br /> (hereln"Borrower",whather one or more)end the trust herein created, ' ��
<br /> the recelpt of which is hereby acknowledged, Truator hereby Irrevocably grants, trenslers,conveys and aeslgna to Trustee,IN - ::�t�.
<br /> TRU3T,WITH POWER OF 3ALE.for the benelit and securly of Lender,under and sub�ect to the terms and conditlone herelnafter set ;�
<br /> forth,the reel properly,deacrfbed as follows: � �;
<br /> Lot One (1), Union Square Fifth Subdivision in the city of Gcand Ielar�d. Hall Countyr � ��4; .
<br /> Nebraeka� & Lot One (1), Union Square E'ourth Subdiviaion, in the City of Grand Island, • '
<br /> Hall County� Nebraska� & Lot One (1)� Union Sguare Third Subc7ivision� in the City of Grand �. � .,•, �
<br /> „ Island� Hall County� Nebraska. ��x, �
<br /> Together with all bulldings,Improvements,Ifxtures.streets,alleys,passageways, easements,rights,privileges and appurte-
<br /> nencea Ixated thereon or in anywise pertafning thereto,and the rents,issues and prolits,reversions and remainders thereol,and '
<br /> such personel prope�ty Ihat Is etlached to ihe Improvements so as to constifute a fixture,including,but not limited to,heating and •����
<br /> � coolinq equlpmenk and together wlth the homestead or marital fntereats,if any,wh�ch fnterests are hereby released and wawed;all
<br /> of which,Including replacements and addftlons thereto,fa hereby declerad to be a pert ol the real eetate aecured by the Iien O1 thla , _
<br /> Deed of Trust end all of the loreyolnfl being referred to heroln as the"Properly". � • _
<br /> L,T.
<br /> Thls Oeed o(Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the pnncipal sum and mterest ewdenced by a promlasory note or credit I ' � -•
<br /> e�reement dated �rch 26. 1992 _ ,having a matunty date of — N1aCCh 15. 2001 , �. ;.�.,.- -
<br /> � L
<br /> In the original principal ernount oi S-5�•�-� - -- .and any and all madificalions,extenaions and renewels
<br /> .. thereol or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any ol them il more ihan one)he�eunder '
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credi►agreements lherein called"Note"1;Ibl the payment d other aums advenced by ,
<br /> Lender to protect the svcurNy of the Note;(c)lhe performance ol all covenents and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all i ,
<br /> present and future indebtodness and oblfgations o(Borrower(or any of them d more than one) to Lender whet�er direct,indfrect, ;
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all I
<br /> other dacuenta that secure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection theraw�th,mcludmg without limuation guarentees,security . ,. .
<br /> epreements end essignmenis of leases and rents,shall be relerred to herein as the"Loan InStrument8". '
<br /> Truator covenants and agrees with Lender as lollows•
<br /> �. 1. Paym�nt ot Ind�bbdn�w.All indebtedness secured hereby sha�l be pa�d when due ' �
<br /> 2. Title.Trustor fs Ihe owner ol the Property,has the nghl and authonty to convoy the P roperty,and warrants that the 11en
<br /> '` creeled hereby fs a ifrst and pnor lien on the Property, except lor liens and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor in wrrtfng and
<br /> delivered to Lender belore execut�on of this Deed of Trust,and the execution and dehvery of th�s Deed olTrust does not v�olate any
<br /> contraCl or other obligation to wh�ch Trustor is sub�ect
<br /> 3. Tax��,A����sm�nls.To pay belore delinquency all taxes,spec�al assessments and all olher charges egainst lhe Property
<br /> now or hereafter levled. •
<br /> 4. In�uranCe.To keep the Property msured agamst damage by I�re.hazards�ncluded with�n the term"eztended coverage",and
<br /> such other hazards as Lende�may require.�n amounls and with comparnes acceptabie to Lender,nam�ng Lend�r as an additional
<br /> named Insured,with loss payable to the Lender.I�case of loss under such pol�wes,ihe Lender is aulhonzed to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> Compromfse,all clafms Ihereunder and shall have Ihe optien of appiy�ng all or part of the msuran ce p�oceeds(i)to any mdebledness
<br /> secured hereby and fn such order as Lender may determine fi�1 to the Trustor tu b�used tor the repa�r or restoration ol the Prope►ty
<br /> or(III)(or any other purpose or ob�ect salislactory to Lender w�thout aHect�ng the I�en ol th�s Deed ol Trust for ihe lull amount secured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever look plaCe Any applicat�on of proceeds to�ndebtedness shall not ealend or pOStpone the due
<br /> dete o1 any payments under the Note,or cure any delautt Ihereunder or hereunde�.
<br /> .�..��;,w�...,�...lomnnatn a��Hinwnt .
<br /> 5. E�C/OW.Upon wnTten Qemand oy�enaer.7rusior si�aii p++y iu Lo��vo�.���o....�� ���o,.����.-.� ,---�o
<br /> sums to enable Lende►lo pay as they become due one or more ol the follow�ny p1 all taxes,:�ssessments and other charges agamst
<br /> the Property.(fl)the prem�ums on the p�operry insu�anc�� r�quued hereunder,and lifi►the prern�ums on any mortgage msurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnt�nYncf, R�paNf and COmplfanco wNh Laws, Trustor sha11 keep the PrOperty in good conddion nnd rept��r,Shall
<br /> promptly repalr, or replace any fmprovement wh�ch ma,r be damaged or destroyed. shali not comm�t or permit any waste ar
<br /> deterloratfon of the Property:shall not remove.demol�sh or substanually alter any ol the�mprovements on the Property.sha�l not
<br /> commit,suHer or perm�tany act to be done in or upon the Property�n wolat�on o�any law.ord�nanca,or regulabon.and shall pvy and
<br /> , promptly dlscharge at Trustor's cost and expHnse al1 I�ens,encumbrances and charges lev�ed,imposed or assessed against the
<br /> Property or any pan thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domaln. Lender is hereby assigned all compe��sat�on,awards.damages nnd other paymenls or rel�ef(heremafter
<br /> "PrOCeed8")in conneCUOn with condemnat�on or other taking ol lhe Property or part lh�reol,cx for Conveyance in lieu o�condemna-
<br /> tion.Lender shall be enUtled at fts opt�on to commence,appear m and prosecule �n�ts own name any action or proCeedings,and
<br /> ahall also be entdled ta make any comprum�se or senlemenl��connection w�th such tak�ng or damage.In the ev�nt any port�on ol
<br /> NBC]�671Nonpirtu4u���0�waipwrtU Btl ,
<br /> � O tqpN�u�wqlB�nYn�fumm��iwl.upuMSn��.y�A�p..u����. I..wri�N�M�•�•
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