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20100450. <br />REHA;B~L~T,A.TYQN LOAN RISER <br />1~HA Caa¢ No. <br />321-2879394 702 <br />THIS ~EHA.BILITATIt:]N LO,EIN ItID~R i[; made t1aiS 3 0TH day of JUNE , <br />a0~-D ,anti is irccorparuteul into xtixi Shall bn deexuecl to bnnend atld supplexnecu tl[a Mortgage, <br />Deed of Trutt or Sacauity Dc-rcl ("Security Instrtttne~tt") of tl~v aacnts dote givon by fhc tuul~rsigncd <br />("$cYrroWe!") to secure I~orruWer'S Nate ("NOte") to WFIiL5 FARGQ HAtNKr N. A. <br />("Lenc1C-r") of tha lama slate arul eoveruag the Property descried in the Sectitirity Instxament antl located xt: <br />+~13 H 13Th Sx, GIiA>iiD :C8T.1~NDr NL 6B801 <br />il'ropariy~ Addresal <br />A~DAI'FYONA,I. COVEN,A.NT`5„ ~n adAition to ~ cpvenan[s and xgro~ecus in cha Security <br />Ia]r?trutn6gi[, I30IXr)War a3]d lender f11~eT caVel7AIlt liAd A~Iee uw POllOws: <br />A. l,batc praceed>3 are to be advancxact for the I7rertlise9 lt1 accordance with the Rehabilitation Lunn <br />Agreentant doted , between Borrower xntl bender. This <br />agteemeu[ i$ iuc:urpurated by rc;feieru:e xutl etude a pact of tb,it; Svutttity Ilrstrttm~utx. Ivc xdr'ac]L~, <br />cltall bc: utade unless approvtrd by rlnrz Secst+tary ut llattsiag and Urban Dcveloptxmalt ar a Direct <br />Eudnxsen.~snt Uudarwri[er. <br />B. Tf t1>.e r~etbilitataon is not properly ccrrrcpleted, pcrforiYtad with reasonable diligence, or i~~ <br />discotttinate$ at any ticn[e except for strikes ar laekouucs, the Lozlder is v~,~,ted wii'h full autlwrity <br />w rate tlw rleceSSary Srape u~ protect ttie rc~abilltatiorx improvemt.~n[s and. prop~ry fxr~m lam, <br />contitnte existing cotw~.cts or entex itiro ]aec[sgsary courac.~ to complete [he telauhilitarlor-. Ala <br />J+'WA calk RChalt3lttatitul T.n~ ittdMr • 10/95 <br />~~38t3tJ (9705) <br />pegs t of 2 11+(tfals~_ . . <br />vnnr wtoaraaotr tennis tvoa-ezt~rxv~ <br />