� -`, ' \ ilr'�ti��' .. . ��.. ��. int�:�•`; ;�N3� ' iF�i I�L�� 1 �A !i+4 rr�. ` 2'lv. � I�. -��;';, :i• �L ,� �y.
<br /> IS�i��_ )S+{2.:r ^I,.Jf F�.'�Y. I �_���._, _• �.... — '_
<br /> . _— 'l��.. •Ml�/� ti��� __" — e .. _ _ __ _.. .
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<br /> � �.-�-----_---.-._._-_.
<br /> � , ; � ,., . 92— �io26f�
<br /> � o� n applicablc luw muy�pecify far rcinstatementl beforc zulc of the Property purauant to uny pc�wcr of sale contuined in this
<br /> ,.r "��:^�,�.�,;.;-. Security Instniment;or(b)entry of u judgme�t enforcing�hir Security Instrumen�. Those conJilbnx are that Hortower: (u)
<br /> pays Lender ull sums which Ihen would be duc under thix Security Ingtrurnent and the fYate us if no ucceleralian had
<br /> : �' ' ' occurted;(b)cures uny defaul�of any ather covenunts or ugreemeots:lc)pAys ull expenses incurteJ in enfarcing this Secu�ity
<br /> Ins�rument, including,hut not limited to, reationable unameys'fees; und(d) tokes.r•uch action as Lender muy reusonubly �_v��
<br /> require to assure thul the lien ai�hi+ 3ecurity{n.r�rument.Lendcr's righis in thc Property und Bortnwcr's obli�uti�m�o pny the
<br /> ` sums secured by this Srcu�lty In�t�umenl zhull conlinue unchnnged. lipon reinstutement by Qurrower. Ihig Securi�y
<br /> - " - ` tu+��umcnt and thc obligatians�xcured herehy�hall remnin fully effective as if no accelerulian hod<xcuRed. Howeve�,this
<br /> �oµ�� •••�••••�'•^ ' right la reinstute shull not apply m Ihc c:►x:uf acccicrauon undcr paru�raph 17.
<br /> � - •----s-=-
<br /> • ` 19. Sple ot Notei LhAnpe af la�an Servicer. The Nute�tt a part�ul interert in the Note Itogether with�hix Secu�ity
<br /> � ' Inxtrumentl may bc yold ane or murc�imcs without prior no!icc ta Bnrcnwcr. A wlc muy rc+ult in u rhiingc in�he cntiry
<br />� (knawn As thc"Loun Scrvicrr"►Ihut collccis monthly paymcotY Juc u�xlc�ihc Nrnc und�his Sccurily Instrumenl. Thcre ulso
<br /> ° � � muy be une or more chungcs of�he l.oun Scrvicer unrcluted to u+alc of thc Nate. If thcrc is u change of Ihe Los�n Scrvicer,
<br /> ' Borrowcr will bc givcn wriucn nnticc of thc chungc in uccorduncr wi�h psuagruph Id utwvc and upplicublc luw. Thc notice �^,
<br /> will,wie the namc und uddrr..��f the nrw Luan Servicer und the uddre+�to which paymems shauld be mude. The notice will F
<br /> ulso�ontain uny mhcr informution rcyuircd by c►pplicuhle luw.
<br /> 20. Nazerdous tiubotance�, Borrowcr.hall not cau+e or permillhe prexence.use.Jis�x►sul.�ti►ruge,or release oi any
<br /> ' • Huzurdous Sub.iuncc�un ur in ihc ProFx:ny. Borrowcr tihall aot da,nor ullnw anynnc cltic lo do.unything affecting thc �-;� „�
<br /> Property that ix in violu�ion of nny Enviranmenwl Luw. The preceding two scnlcnces xhull nut upply w the pre�ence,use,��r ��.`�;yy���___
<br /> • starAge on thc Piopeny of.mall yuumi�ics of Huzurdoux Subxtances that urc gencrully rceognized to hc uppropriatc lo nortnal __
<br /> . i ,,. residential uxes and to maintenunce uf 1hc Praperty• --__
<br /> BoROwer shull prnmptly�ive l.endcr wrilten nrnirc of unY inve+tig:�tian.cluim,dcmand,luwsuit ur other uctiun by uny
<br /> � ' ovcrnmentul��r rc ulutory agency or privatc purty invntving thc Pruperty und uny H.vardnu�Subxtancc or Environmcntal ��' ''Y� �_, _,_ _ z_.__
<br /> , R F - �
<br /> Luw of which Sorrower hus uciuul know le dge. I f Barro w e r l e a m c, a r i ti n c�i f i e d b y u n y g u v e m m e n t n l ��r m F u u t o ry
<br /> . uuthority,that uny rcmovnl ar c�thcr remediatian of uny Hur.u�dou,Sub�tanr�uffccling the Pmpeny i+necessury,Borrowcr � ��-�>��°--
<br /> „�,��
<br /> xhull prompUy�u k c a l l n c c r,wry remedial action,in accordancc wiih 6nvimnrncntal Luw. �' '• „.a°Y--_.
<br /> Ati uxcd in�his p•rrugruph 211,"Hu�ank�us Subs�ance�'arc thoxc+ub.iun�c,dclincd a+u�xic or huiarduuti.ub,�ancc,hy �
<br /> � � �� Environmcntal Luw und thc tolluwin� sub,�uncc.: gc��olinr, kcrosen�. oihcr Ilummubk or toxii: �xtn�lcum pmducts,toxic • ..:�,�
<br /> �„',•.' ..
<br /> pesticide�und herl►icide�,volu�ile ,olvemx, re�ateriul+c�mtuining aslkstc�,or I'ormaldehydr. unJ r•rdioactive muterials, A�
<br /> � uxed in this parag�aph 2(1."6nvironmentul I.a�v"mruns fedcrul luws uixl luws iN'tlx jurisdicti�m whcrc Ihe F'ro{+cny is lacutcd _
<br /> '� that relut�to health,snfery urenvironmental protection. � � � '. �"'�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Snrrowcr und Lemkr furlher covenunl and agrec a�fuUow,: � �^��
<br /> � 2l. Accelerution; Remedks. Lender shall �ive notice to Borrower prior to u�celeraliun followin� liorrower's ; ; ;.;
<br /> • • • breach of uny covenant or uareement in this tiecurity Instrument Ibul nat prior to ucceleration under puraaraph 17 � �
<br /> --:_.__ _ _ _ unless applicable law pruvides utherwi�el. The nMice shall speriP,v: lul the defaull;lbl the action reyuired tu cure Ihe - .
<br /> , � i s 1'ro m the dute the noiicr i� ki�ru iu iiorroK�et'. h}�w�hicts!!te def�ttslt must !�e � ° �r, , f�
<br /> • default:Icl a date.not letis Ihan_0 day
<br /> cured;und Idl that fAilure tn cure Ihr default on or bei'ore Ihe date specified in thr notice muv resull in uccelerutinn oi r:� '�•. ` .t��;�
<br /> the sums secured by thiti tiecurUy Instrument und salr�►P the Prv�prrly. The nntice+hall further inPorm Borrower oP � ti�..
<br /> the rf�ht h�reinstale afler uccelerulion and the ri�ht U�brinR u court action to utisert Ihe non-existence ai a defuult ur c� . �
<br /> f
<br /> uny other defense oP KorroN•rr to ucceleration und xule. If the default is nol cured on or heforr Ihe dute specifietl in f
<br /> ' the notice.l.ender vl its oplHn�mu�•requi�e immediute pu}•mrnt in i'ull��'all+ums secured by this tircuril}• Instrument ; �. :
<br /> � � withuut furti�r demund und muy im�oke the poa'rr oi'zulr and a�}' olher remedirx permitted by upplicuble lu��.
<br /> I.ender shull be entitled to c�dlecl ull e�pemes incurred in pursuinp Ihe remedles pr�►��ided in this paruuraph 21, ;
<br /> includinR.but nol limited tn.reutinnable upornr��ti'Pees und coxls oF t iUe c��idence. ;�
<br /> If the poN•er of salr i+imoked.7Yustee shull rec��rd u nulfce of def'uult In each counl�• In ahich un}• purt of the
<br /> • Property is li�ruted und shull muil mpir�of such nolire in the munner presc�ibed b�•upplicuble lu�v to B�rerox�er und to . :•1`A
<br /> � Ihe other per�ons presrrihed b�• upplicable lua�. After the timc required b��uppUcui►Ic la�s.'11�astee shall ui��e public _
<br /> � notice oi sale lo the prrxons und in thr munner prc,criArd b} upplicuble lu«. 'frurtce.���i1hoW demund on Burro���er. ;
<br /> • � tihull tiell the Propertv at public uuctino to thr hi�;hetil bidder ul thr time und plurc und under the lerrnx deslKnuled in
<br /> the nolice nf sule in uue or mom purcels und in un} order'I'rustec detcrmine�. '1'rustec ma}puslponr snle oF uU or um• .
<br /> parcel ol'the Properly bc puhlic unnouncemenl ul Ihr lime und pince of um•prr��i��u�l�� schedulyd wle. I.ender or il+
<br /> • de!ti�;nee ma�•purchuse Ihe Praprrl�•ut un} +ule. .
<br /> Upon receipt of pa�•ment ol'Ihr price bid.'IYustce yhull deli�er to 1hr purchutier 'I�ustee'�deed com�evin�! the
<br /> Property. '1'he rccitulti in the 7'ruxler's decd shull bc primsi t'uric ecideme nY�hc truth of'�hr slutemems mude therein.
<br /> '1'rustee!zhall applv the pr�KCedx of the�ulc in Ilic ii�Uo��in�ordcr: 1:�1 to ull cnsts und c�prmrti of ererci�in�the pne•er
<br /> w• ,
<br /> � '
<br /> Furm 1112M 4vN �,ec-'••�n��, ,r,� .
<br /> >
<br /> �
<br />