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::t;r .'«.. .4�:h .� . � �7.� ,� .r.. �. :.,1;. . , . :'x.�� v:ar�i�C^�n3pirran�r� ; <br /> ' 'i. ..x jf;};a„ , — —:�-----�._ <br /> � , • . <br /> . <br /> • �_, . .. . -- — — <br /> �'^d_ '.4}:�;"9' ''f. . '__" .�•-` ._ _ —__ �: <br /> L .. '?�``y"d� ...��.�:�:.:'; , .� ,,,,,.." <br /> �`>�' --• - --= <br /> ' _.�Irli�. - -. . --- �— -- - - - .=— <br /> �,- <br /> ., , .. 92, io26i7 n..== <br /> , 4 . <br /> �' ' , ".' TO(i6THF.R WITH u0�hr impravcmcm,now ur homolirr enc�ed nn ihr prn�xny. und uU rau•mcm,,ur�un��,���«., �' ' <br /> , ` .'` �,"..' "�`""''. • ond fixlurrx now or hrrcaftcr u pan oi'thc pr+��ny. �II rcpluccni�m.und uddiliun��hall ulw� Ik cuvcrcd by�hiy 5ecuri�y �v�_=_ <br /> ,� <br /> � Mxtrument. AU�►f the ti�rrguing ih rel'cRrd to in t hf��:crurily In,�rumcnt a+ihr"Nr�►�xny." -- <br /> ". . B(�lZRUW�R CUVF.NANTS�hut Hnrruwrr iti lawfulty.rixd uf�hc e+lu�c hrrehy cunvcyed+uul hu�Ihr righl lu�runt <br /> � ; � . unJ convey�hr Pru�xny und Ihut ihc I�ra�xny i, un�ncumlxrrd,rrr��p�fu���ncwnhraurr,ul rcrnrd. liun�iwrr warrunt.und � <br /> > ••-.- --_ : will def�nd gcncrully thc�Itic�u Ihc F'�u�xrly ugoinM ull cluim�und drmand.,�ubjrrt lo uny rncumhr,�n��,uf rccurd. "' �` .""� - <br /> �:� ." .. .� _ <br /> � � THIti S�CI'k17 Y INSTRUMEiNT cuiubiur, uulf�►nn ro��cnant� far na�i��nal u,r und n�m•unrtiMm c�w��num� wilh � � ,�_ , _ <br /> � limitcd variatiun�by ju�i�dicUun�u ron,utulc u unili�nn ucun�y m.trumcn�ci�venn�t real pru{xuy. r� "� ` ' - <br /> � ' UNIFORM COV�NANTS. B�truwcr und I.cndcr cuvenunt and agrcc u�Ii�Uuw,: =_ <br /> i�• • 1. Poymenl af PrincipAl�nd Inlerestt Prepaymenl wr�d I.ulr('harRes. RoRUacr tihal l prumplly pay whcn duc�hc <br />�•,; � ° -- � princiPul of and interetil on the deM evidenced by ihe Nutr und any prcpaymem unJ lutr chvrger.lur under�hr Nute. <br /> ' , 2. Fund�tor Taxes aod InrurAnce. Subject ta uppli�ablu luw or tu u writicn wuivcr hy l.rndcr.Borr��wer shull pvy to _ <br /> . • I.cndcr on thc day momhly paynxnt.ure due undcr Qn Nutc.umil Ihc Nulc i,priJ in full,a+um 1"Fund�"1 ti�r:lal ycurly -- <br /> tuxcs and Asse.�mentti which muy aUain pri��rity avcr �hi�Serurity ln.trumcnt u+a licn on�he F'rupcny:Ib)ycurly Ieuschold � __ <br /> " � "' paymenn or gmund rents on Ihe Pra�xny, if uny; Ic1 ycurly huiurd ur pmpeny in+urunr� premiums; Idl ycurly tt�xxl — <br /> •� insurunce premium�, if uny: Icl ycarly mongugc in,uanrc prcmiums, if uny; and ifl uoy +urn.payaM� by Borrawcr ta <br /> Lcndcr,in accurdancc wi�h thc pmvi,ionti uf parugruph R,in licu of�hc paymcnl of mnngugc insuruncc premium�. 'llx,c <br /> " .. i�emti are cullcd"E+cmw Item,.' l.�nder muy,ac uny �imc,collrct und hulJ Fund,in un amnunt nu�ia rxc�ed thc muximum <br /> " ' Amount u lender far u fedcrally rel�ted mangu�e H�an muy rcyuire for eorrowcr:eticrow uc���unt undrr the fcderul Renl <br /> Es�s�te SetUement Procedures Act af IN7a a.umended Gam�imc lo timc, 12 U.S.C.�2601 rr ar�/.1"R�SPA"),unle+�unother <br /> „ • law thut opplies to Ihe Funds.ets a lesser amount. If sn,Lrnder uny timr.ri►Ilect und hold Funds in an amaum nnt to ` <br /> excced the Icsscr Amount. Lender muy e.timute tlie unux►nt of C'und.r• duc on thc b•rsix of current dulu and rec+sonable _ <br /> estimates af cxpendiwres of future E+crow I�em+�xotherwixc in uc�ardunce with applicublc luw. c�„ <br /> �� The Funds shull be hcld in un insti�u�ion whohe depo�its ure insured by a fedcrul agcncy.intitnimrnlaliry, ar entity :s�� <br /> (including Lender.if l.endcr i.such an imiiwtiunl ur in uny Federal Homc Loun Bank. Lender�liull upply Ihe FunJs lo puy <br /> �he Escraw Items. Lender may rx�t churgc Barrower for holJing and upplying �hc Funds,annuully anrlyiing Ihc c.crow - <br /> ,., �� account, or venfyinF the Escrow Items,unlesr l.ender pay+ Borrower in�crc�t on the FunJx and upplicuble luw permi�. � •- <br /> � , ,�, Lender to muke such a charge. However.Lender muy reyuire Bor�ower w puy A one-time chsuge fur un independent rcal : <br /> . estAte t�x rcpurting service useJ by Lender in connection wi�h this loun,unles.applicuble law pmvi�kx otherwitie. Unles,un � <br /> ;•� , agreement is mude or upplicable luw rcyuires imerc�t to be paid,Lendcr�hall not be reyuireJ to p�y t3orrowcr Any inlcrr+t ur - <br /> ���,� � eurnings on thc Funds. Borrower and Lcnder muy ugrce in writing,however,that inierezt shuU hc paid un Ihc FunJs. L�nder � •�*� <br /> ��� , shull givc lo Borrc►wer,without churgc, an unnuul accaunting of thc Funds,xhowing crcdits Und dcbit�lo thc Fund.und�hc ' �__ _ <br /> a purpoce for which euch Jc�bit to the Funds wati mude. The Funds ure plcdgeJ us additionul security ii�r•rll �um++ecurcd by ! . •�sy <br /> this Security Instrumem. "� <br /> If the Funds held by l.endcr esceed ihe Amounls prnmucd to bcr held by applicubic l�w.L�ndcr +iiaii accowd iu � r-"' <br /> ' . Borrower for the excrss Funds in uccordancr with thc reyuirements of;►pplicaMr law. If Ihe umiwnt of the FunJ.hcld by <br /> ,. Lender at ony time is not sufficient �o puy Ihe Escrow Items when due. Lendcr may,u rx�tify Borrower in writing,und, in . <br /> sueh cuxe Borrower ,hull puy to Lender Ihe nmount necessury w mukc up thr dcficiency. Borrower xhull mukc up the j <br /> de�cicncy in no rnore than iwclvc manthly payments,ui L.endcr ti tioly di+cretion. �a•• <br /> ,'' Upan puyment in full of all sumti secured by thi+Scruriry In.tniment.Lender tih•rll paimpdy rcfund lo Bortowcr any : � . <br /> Funds hcld by Lender. If, undcr purngraph 2 L Lcndcr,hall acyuirc or�cU thc Properly. Lender.prior�n the ucquitiition or • <br /> sale of tha Properry, shall upply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of ucyuisition��r zuk as a credit against Ihe sumti ;,�;_� � <br /> sccured by this Security Instrum�nt. , ` <br /> 3. Applleation af P�ymen��. Unleti, applicuhle luw provides otherwi.e, ull puymentti mccivcJ by Lrnder unJcr •_-:� <br /> � paragraphs 1 und 2�hall be applied: tirst,t�uny prepuymrnt rhurges due under th�:Nute: +cconJ,io amounts p•ryrblc undcr ;,tt'_;_ <br /> paragraph 2;third,to intcrc,t dur:founh,io prinripal duc;anJ lust,to any latc chargc.duc undcr thc Notc. � � _- <br /> � ' 4. Charges; Liens. Burrower shall p•ry all Wxex,assc+xments, charge�, finc� anJ imposi�iom upributuble to thr •-.; <br /> ,,;t�:� � Property which muy ouain prioriry over this Sccuriip Inxtrumrnt,und leasehold paymentti or grounJ renl+, if any. Bortower , �.:�;- <br /> .., . shall pvy thesc ubliF�tfons in thr manncr providcd in paragraph 2,or if nul paid in thut m:mncr, B�xrowcr shull puy Ihcm on • . <br /> �imc directly to the p�:rson owed paymen�. 8�irrciwer �hull promptly fumi,h i��Lrndcr all noiiceti of•rmounts w lx paid undrr , •, �..>•-` <br /> � , ', � • �his parugraph. If Borrower makes thr�e paymenis dimc�ly, Borrowcr shull pnnnpily furni.h to Lender receipt,evickncing , _ � <br /> , .' the p•rymentti. , � � �" x <br /> � Barrowerxhull pramplly di.churgc•rny ticn �vhich hu�prioriry over thi�Srrurity Instnimcnt unlr,.Bormwer:lul ugn:es . , l''�''" '' <br /> in writing to the payment of thr��hli�utiun ucur�J by ihe lien in ai munncr acceptaMe w L�nder: Ibl conte+ts in good 1'aith the . '. . <br /> ; 1w�:��. <br /> • lien by,or defcnds Aguinxt enl'orccnunl of the li�n in,Icgal pr�xceJing,which in thr Lenckr:opiniun i�peratc to prevent thc .,.,,�r3�t��- <br /> enforcement of the lien:or Ic)+ecurc+fr��ni the hokier nf'the licn an ugrcrment.uti.factury U�Lender wbordinatinF the lien �'� .::.;,�,,.-,.: <br /> , �o this Security lnstrunxnt. If Lcndrr deicrtnines that any p:�n of the F'roperty i..uhject to a lirn whirh may uttain priority •••- <br /> over thi.3ecuriry Instrument.LenJrr muy give Bixrc�wer a notirr iJentit'yin�thr lirn. Borrowrr.hal I ,atisfy thc lirn or tuke <br /> .•�;�.� one or morc of the actians,et funh aM�vr w•ithin 10 d:�y�of Ihc giving ol'notirr. <br /> . 5. Hazard or Property Inxurunce. Burrower shall krrp thc impru�emrn�.nuw rxi+ling on c�rcuftc�crccted un the ' <br /> Propcny insurcd aguin+�lo+x by tirc,hatarJ�inrlu�lcd wilhin thr t�rni°rxlrndrd ruvrragc"and any uU��r haiard.,inrluJing <br /> ftoods or flcxiding, for whi�h L�ndrr reyuirc+ inwranrr. Thi+ in+ur:mcc .hall hr maintuincd in ihr amountti and for thc <br /> , Fi�rmM121i 4i411 �pder=„�np��i�•v <br /> i <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . � _. - _ ._ _. . <br />