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<br /> `S 1. Pay�+'�ont�. L�orrowar aprao� to moke ell peymenta on tho oacs�rod dobi whon duo. Untoes Unrrovror end Lendar anree otharwlee, eny �
<br /> ppy��i:�ntn Lond�r roccivca irom florrow�r o►tor flarrowor'e 6ono11t wlll 6s opplled Ilret to any emaunte E3ovrower owes on the aecureQ dabi
<br /> ;q •xetutlw ot(ntar�ot or princlptl, t�cond to Intuo�4,�nd thon to princfpal.If pertldi prepeyment o4 tiio accurod dcht oceuro for any eoaoon,It will
<br /> . , � , nnt nduce or exaue�em/ech�duied�sym�nt untll th�ncured dsbt le pNd In full. _
<br /> i w.,� .
<br /> � °' ` 3.CIrmR Apidn�t rMreri��ll' ,(,''{iI1t�YxM,�wireumont�,ond oth�r nhupa�ttribut�bls to tho propsrty whm dw�nd wi�l deTend tltlo __
<br /> , ,1 � dsfiniis whlc��BOrrnwir r�i�i h�j!�;�r1�l.�r�Ilioi}�PP V IYbu�e m matirloli to Impdro�ve or milntrin B i propeity������ny rlpht�,clalm�or =
<br /> �.�n��+� 3. Inwt�nc�. 8orrow�i wlll k��p f�i propiiity Inound und�r t�rm��ac�pub��to lanuu�t Borrown'�expan�� �nd for L�ndn'�b�n�flt.All
<br /> ;� :� Ineurenco�wllcln ohall Inctude��t�nduA mortp�p�cl!uu In hvor af L�ndu.L�nder w1i1 be nemed e�lofs peyee or e�th�Insund un�ny wch _
<br /> Insunnee poltcy.Any I��ur�nr� proc��d�m�y b�rppllyd,w�{iii�n��W,�r'�����io�miintalniuch InRUrince for i�lo�plai Lmd��riquirjs ro(Nrty �-
<br />--°°—_= w ia irN��cw�u uiu�.i�L��N:��y���:: .r.a:t�'�4t�..._n^_.__
<br /> 1„�—
<br /> � 4.�o�p�rty.Bonower wl�keop th�proputy In pood condltlon end m�k�dl rspeirs reuonebfy necn��ery. _
<br /> 6,ExpwuN.Borrower�pr�n to poy dl L�ndu'�sxp1�ntn tnctudlny rtatonsbl��ttorn�y�'Pai,If Borrow�r break�eny covemnta In thl�deed
<br /> � �'� � of truot or Ir+�ny obilp�tbn Ilcured by thi�de�d of trust.�orrowsr wi!I poy thns �mount�to Lender��provided fn Covenant B of thf�d�ed of _
<br /> ,_,_}��� trutt.
<br /> � e.Pdor 3sc�y k►ters�t�. Unteee Elurrow��f'ost obt�ins L�nd�r's written con��nt,Borrowe�r wlil nat mske or pe►mft sny chanp�s to ony prlor
<br /> '_k3�' ��curity Inte��t�. Borrow�r wlll��rform dl of Borrower'�obitq�tlon� under�ny prlor mortyape, dend of truot or ather�ecurlty apreament, �-
<br />_:�:��; ineiudlnp Borrow�r'�cown�nt�to mnk�p�ym�nt�wMn du�.
<br />-�°`"��� 7.M�1 of R�U�nd hoffi�.Borrow�r stNpm to L�nd�r th�ront�and proflU of ths prop�rty.Unl�s�Borrowu�nd Lendsr hiw eyroed
<br /> -��:a;mT,� otherwfs In writlnp, Barow�r m�y colbct�nd nidn the rmto e�lonp u Borrower b not In defauit. If Borrower dbfeutt�, Lmder, Lend�r'�
<br />'���•���,a �pmt,or�court�ppointsd rocelver meY nke poues�lon md man�pe tha property snd cottect the renta. Any ronts Lender coliect� shall ba
<br /> "�'�' neca�iieiry rilited ixpiniss The re�mainlnp imoJnt of renti will then eppty to peyment��on the�i ured debt es provl�ed In�Covanant teny other -
<br /> ��� ���,��hoi�.�ondo�m�;pl�d qNt p�wlopm�nq.Borrower�prea to comciy with th�provi�lom of any fsn�If thi�d��d of tru�t li on
<br /> ����-��a undei tM�COVininti by Uwi or ripuiatlom nf the conrxlom nlum cr plinned anit divitopmentnt,8orrower will port'orm ell of Borrowsr'a dutier
<br />