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<br /> COVElVANTS � �,,'��
<br /> 1. P��mc„R�. Borrower �pre�e to m�ko ell paymsntc an the �rured debT whm due. U�leeo Borrownr�"J LanJ�rvu1ay- ot�ia�l�a, �ny =__
<br /> �eymente Lender receivea froi�t �utrower ar for�orrowar'o bono(It will �:, ap�Ilod 41rat to uny ernounte Qorrov�ar owr�e on tho securod dabt �_
<br /> OHCIU3IVJ O}IIl'[CfCEI Ot�t7I�tC.IpC1,eecon:l to Int�rost,and thsn to princlpol.If pnrtl�l���(IOyGI°I11 0}1h9 OOCUICd(�Qb4 OLCUIP fOf Blly f0�G011�It v�lll �
<br /> not reduce or sxr,u�a,�n�eoh�dul�U p�yrn�nt until tt��ocuruJ debt la pold In full. __
<br /> 2.CI�Mn�ApNnvt Tl1M.Borrowar wlll p�y aU t�xn,r�we�menu,�nd oth�r chupo attrlbutahl�to tha property whm due end wlll d�tsnd tltl� �-
<br /> to tM prop�rty�9�Imt�ny aldm�whlch woufd Mnpdr th�Ilon a}thl�d��d of 4rurt.L�ndn m�y nqulr�Borrown ta ud�r��ny ripht�,ctalmr or _
<br /> detemn wlilch eottowu m�y hov��p�ln�t pq��wlw�uppty I�bar or m�tarld�to Improvo o►m�etntdn the prop�rty. _
<br /> 3.k�wnna�. 8orrower will k��p th�`prop�riy Inauiie undrr t�rma�cc�pt�bl�to L�nd�r�t Borrow�r'e�xp�na �nd for L�nd�r'� b�n�tit. All �
<br /> �ntura�c�policl��oh�ll Inelud���t�ndard mortp�p�el�u��In frvor of L�ncl�►,L�nd�r wltl b�n�med n lot�p�ye�o���th�Insund on�ny�uch
<br /> Inrw�nc�policy.AnN In�urane�proce�d�may br��plled,wlthln Landu'�ditcr�tlon,to ahh�r the rutoi�tlon w rspalr of th�d�mopad property �.-
<br /> or to th���cur�d d�bt.If Lat�dv nquke�mott��pe rour�ncv,Horrowrr dpr�ro to nirintal+i ouci�Inouranco for ac lonp a�Lcndar rcquiro.. �,
<br /> 4.Prop�rty�Borrow�r wi�l k��p th�prop!�rty(n pood con�:itlon end m�k��II np�ln n��ombly n�c�n�ry.
<br /> B.ExpMt���.Borrow�r�prae�to psy dl lender'�exp�n�ee,I�cludi�y reuombt��ttorn�y�'f���,If Borrower breaks eny covenant�In thl�dmad —
<br /> o}tru�t or In�ny obllyatlon��cund by thi�daed of trust.Borrown wlll p�y tha��mount�to L�ndn n provldN In Cov�ntnt 9 0}thl�d��d ot
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> 8.Prlo�0�Mtu��ts.Unleai Bortower tint obtdns Lendu't writt�n content, Barrow�r wlll not makd or permit any ch�nfle�to my prlor
<br /> security Interea e. Horrower witl pertorm atl of Borrower'o obilg�tions under �ny prlor mortgs8e, deed o4 trutt or othu t�curity aprsoment, u
<br /> Inciudinq Borrow�r'�cov�nent�to m�k�p�ym�nts wh�n du�.
<br /> 7.AsNp�ft of R�Ma�nd Profk�.Ba�owsr a�IQn�to L�ndsr th�nnt��nd protftt of the proporty.Unl�u Borrower and L�nder h�vs apre�d
<br /> othsrwiu In wr(tln�, Borrower may cotNot �nd retdn th��snt�aw lonp�s Borrowar I�not In det�uit. If Borrower def�utt�, L�n6er, Lendar'e
<br /> apent,or a couet eppalnted tecelver meV take pos�e�sion�nd m�nsps the property and catl�ct tho rent�.Any ront� Lender co�teota�h�!I ba
<br /> npplied ifrst ta the co�ts of m�napin0 ths property, Includin court cost� and �ttwneya' fasi, commisslom to rent�l ■p�nt�, �nd my oth�r
<br /> necss9�ry rst�t�d sxpen�eq.TM rem�TMnq�mount o}rent�w�l th�n�pply to paym�nts on the sscund debt��provided In Cav�n�nt 1,
<br /> �,L��holdr Co�domle�Nm�e;Plwwd lMk D�vNoprt�b.Borrow�r�n�s to comply wlth th�provitbn�o}�ny le���if thl�de�d of trust I�on
<br /> �laas�hotd. If thir ds�d o4 trust Is an a unit In�condominium or�plann�d unit d�vdapm�nt,Borrow�r wlll p�rform �II of Barow�r'a dutbt
<br /> und�r ti�e covenor�ta,by-I�wa,or reputaNans at tha condominlum ar plonnad unit d�wlapmenS. —
<br /> 9.Authortty of L�ntlK to P�rfetm fa loncwer. It Borrower fall�top�rtam�ny of Borrower'n duiles undsr thi�deed of trutt, Lender may
<br /> conit c2 on on�the�prroperty la diicont rtued or n�odt cer fed on In a ree�on�ebte�minr,er,LenderY�y do whatever li rtmcess�ry�protect Lender i
<br /> •scurity interest M tf�e proputy.Thia may Inciude completinp the consuuction.
<br /> Lender'�4ailure to perform wlll not preclude l.ende►from exercirinp any of its ot�har ripht�under the law or thi�deed of tru�t.
<br /> Any amounts paid by L�nd�r to prots�t Luxler'�s�curlty interest wlll b�sscured by thl�dssd of truit.Such amounU wlll be du�on dem�nd
<br /> and will bear interaat irom the data of the payment untii paid In tull�t the tnters:t r�ts In eNsnt on ths secu►ad debt.
<br /> 70. O�twk �nd AccN�ntlan. If Borrower fefls to mske eny payment whcn due or 6re�ks eny c9vemntt under thls deed ot tru�t a any
<br /> oblipatbn securad by this d�ed of trust or any prbr mortpape or desd of tru�t,Lendar m��r acc�l�rat�tl►�maturlty of th�e�cured dsbt ai�d
<br /> demand immedi�ts payment�nd m�y invoke tM pow�r ot nt��nd eny other nmadiea p�rmltt�d by�ppllcabN law.
<br /> 11,p�quait tor Natlo�of D�fwit.It 1�hereby requested that coplea of ihe naticea of def�uit�nd ule be tsnt tb s�ch person who i��party
<br /> hereto,at tfis eddres�of each such p�rcon,a�set forth herein.
<br /> 13.PowK aA SeN.If thr Lender Invokae the power of�do,ths Trustee shall firct record In ihe of(ic�of tM rsplatn of du+ds of each county
<br /> wharetn tM trust proporty or�om�part or peresl thercof Is situatsd e notice of dsfauit contdninp the inform�tion reQufred by I�w.Th�Tru�tee
<br /> shall alco mail coples of the notice of def�ult to the Borrow�r,to each psrson who is�party hxeto, and to other penons a�prosuibsd by
<br /> �pplic�bb law. Not b�s than one month �iter the Ttuste� racad�the rwtics of defautt or two mortth�if th� truq.prop�rty i� not In sny
<br /> Incapontad city or villape and la u�sd in fuminp oparatlom canled on by the trustor,ths'�rustee shall plve publio notiae of s�ls to tM peraono
<br /> and In tM manne►pntcribad by sppplia�bt�law.Trustes,without dsm�nd on Bor►ow�r,ah�ll seil tM propsrty�t pubfio euntion to tM hlpM�t
<br /> bidder.if r�qulred by tM Farm Homeatead Proteation Act,Trustee shdt oftsr th.e prope►tv In two ssparate�aiee�a rsqulred by appllc�bia law.
<br /> Uur�r a Its d�iibn i miy purch,is the prMOp�rqi�tinyi,Nty by public�nnounc�m�i►t a4 tM tims�nd place o!�ny pr�viouily�cMdulsd t�N.
<br /> Upon ncetpt of paYment oi the prlce bfd,Tru�tee shall deliv�r to the purch�:er Truates'�d�ed convayl�the property.TM ncitial�contair�d tn
<br /> Tru�te�'�dasd sh�ll ba prim�tacb evidisnce of the truth of the statement�contained therein.Trustes ahall�pply tM proasd�ot the sNs M th�
<br /> toNowkq ord�r: (�) to �it sxpsnsas of tM uM, Includinp, but not Omit�d to, �ason�bts TruatM'e f��i, nasonabN �ttorn�y'� t�s� �nd
<br /> nlnst�t�rtKnt iNS;(b)to�II sum�oeound by thi�deed nf Uust,and tcI th�bal�nce,if any,to th�(�srsons Iepaily�nt�t�sd to ncelve tt.
<br /> 13.Fonckwr�.At Lendcr'�option,thia desd of truet mey be foreelo:ed fn the mann�r provtds by�pplicabin law tar toncbnun of mortpap��
<br /> on rod prop�tty.
<br /> 14.� Lender mey enter the property to intpaat it it Lender pives 8orrower notice baforehnnd.The notice muat stete ths n�sonabb
<br /> cause of r Ls�nder'�fntpeotion.
<br /> 16.Ca�d�rtre�tbn.8orrawar�ssiqn� e to Lender theproceed�of any ewerd or clatm for dam�g a�conneated wlth a condemn�tbn or otMr Lkinp
<br />_ of dl a�ny part of tM property.Suah procoed�will be app0ad ea provided In Covensnt 1.7hi�essi�nment Is aubJeot to tho terme of�ny prbr
<br /> security spreemsnt.
<br /> 1d.W�iwv.By sxsrciNnp�ny rsmed�evaflable to Lender,I.ender does not pive up�ny riphts to later use sny other remedy.By r►ot exsrcttlnp
<br /> �ny rert►�dy upon Dorrower'�det�ult,Lender does not watve eny rlpht to leter considar ths event�dafautt Ii tt happen��pdn.
<br /> 17. Joint�nd 6w�r�{y��y Caiiprwn: Suce��tora �nd As�Fpu �ax�d. All dutN� under thli dsed of truat �re Jaint and sswrnl. Any
<br /> Borrowa wta co•slpn� thti dsed ot trust but doea not co•s�pn tha underiving debt fnttrumentlo) does so oniy to pnnt and convey thet
<br /> eonowsr's Int�root In the property to tTa Y�uttes undsr the tsrms of this dead of trust.In�ddition,auch a Borrow�r preu that the Lender�nd
<br /> sny other gorrow�r undsr ti�l�dsed of trust mey ex2ond,modtiv or make�ny othar chsnpa�In the terms of thla deed ot hust ar th�securad
<br /> d�6t whhout that Borrow�r'�conant aixl without rel�aslnp thst$orrowar from the termt ot thla d��d of tru�t.
<br /> The duti��and ben�tin of thi�ds�d of Vutt�hall bind and benefit ths succstsori and asslpn�af L�nder�nd Borrower.
<br /> ' 1�.NWfc�.Unl�ss otMrwlse rsquirsd by law,any notics to Borrower shall bs plven by daiiverinp it a by meliinp it by certffbd meil addn�:�d to
<br /> Borrowe►at the pro��ddrsso a any o4Mr�ddreu that Borrowsr he�piven to Lendsr.Bonowe►wftl pivs any notice to l.�nder by csrtffied
<br /> mail to LendK'�addre�i on p�pe 1 of thia deed of truat,or to�ny other eddres�which Lender ha�deaf{1n�ted.Any other notice to Len�ler sh�ll
<br /> ' be sent to Lsnder'��ddreu tt ststed on paqs 1 of thla deed o}trust.
<br /> Any notic�ahill b�deem�d to h�ve bsen piven to Borrower or Londer when plven In the menner eteted above.
<br /> ' 19.Transf�r oi tM Prop�ty a�6�1kid IM�►��t In tM Bortowu.If dl or eny part of the prapertv or e�y Intereit in ft Is sold or trenatorred
<br /> without Londe's prta wrftt�n conc�nt, Lender may demand Immediate paymant of tha recurod debt. lendsr may also dem�nd Immediata —
<br /> dam�ndtpiymin6on tFii�bove Rltuationi It It�ls6p�r�ohlb ted by Tsdernt Inw aa of ttro daBef of thli decd�oi uuit nsterred. Nowever, Lender may not
<br /> 20.R�ca�wyrne�.Whe�the obiip�tion�ecured by thfs deed of 4rust ha�be�n paid and Lender has no furt{xr oblipatlon to mske edv�nce�
<br /> unA�r the{natrum�nt�or��re�ment��ecurad by thl�deed of truet,the Trustee sh�lf, upon written requast by the Landx,rsconvey tM truat
<br /> , pro .TM L�nd�r iAell deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower'o succeaaor in intereat,the Vuet deed snd the note or other evfdenca of the
<br /> obl atlon so eatistled.Borrower thelt pay sny recordetlon coste.
<br /> � �7. 7uccRwr i�usiw. ientiv, ai i.oiiuii�o v iivn, �TiG im7�viie iTiieii6 6ini n`�i e ivai.iisbr irusioe uy iii�i� mbiiiiiy u �vp� oi irro �
<br /> Rubstitution of Vuatee es requlred by epplicabie�aw,end t�ien,by filing the subttitu�lo of tn!stee for recard In the ot/ice of the replster of deede
<br /> of sach counry in which the trust prape►tyr,or some pa►t thereoi,Is iltuated.The eucces�or Vustee,without canvayance of the praperty,ah�ll '
<br /> euccaed to ell the power,dutlee,euthoNty end title of the Truatee named I�the deed ot trust and of eny succefaor trustee. _
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