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<br />- r�aT,�lr.0 � nnni�,,,arun ,�Bv :iu n ��i►�n5 TF'NANTS 7N r.nmm�N
<br /> HALL NFf3CtA91<A
<br /> of the County of nn�State of,� hcrainafter called Ute party of the f]rst part, in
<br />:; considerati�n of T�H I R T Y T Fi 0 U S A N p A N 0 N 0/1 p 0 DOId/1ILS,
<br />, in h�nd p�id, do hereby�rmt, b�rQaln, sell anJ canvey uuto tiie ftomo f�eder�l 5avinge&La�n Aesociatfon of(}rand Island, arand Istand,
<br /> Nebr�ske,md iu successore�nd�seiIIn�,tite following reel eslate,eitu�tecl In FIALL
<br /> caw�ty,5tnte ot_ NEBRASKA ,cowit:
<br /> 'r'ogeli�er w1Ui all the Appurtenancea thereunto belu�iging,and ell covcnants in ell thc tllle decde running with�aW real estate.and all the rente,issur.s
<br /> end profi4s�ricing Iherefram�fter defeult tn performaixr,af eny cnvena�n or cond(tim�i�erein contdned;md w�rrants the title thereto perfect attd
<br /> clear excxpt for thia mortgage.
<br /> Duttng the tlme thi�mortgage is in forco tho m�ttQagar��gree:
<br /> First. To pay�II axes end special�ssessmente levled��einst eiid premise�,inaludin��II taaes�nd aaaeasments levicd upon this mortgigc,
<br /> or the debt secured by this mortg�ge.
<br /> Second. To kap all bufWinga thereon insured eg�in�!la»by flre,UQhtni:►Q end totnad�in some company,to be approved by tl►e said
<br /> fiome Fedenl eavings dc Lo�n Associ�tbn of Grsnd Ialuid In tlie sum aP S-30�0 ip.❑(7 , for the benefit of d�e erid
<br /> Arsaciatinn,end its succesaoro or assians;ind to deposit eiid polkiea with eaid Aasac�tlon,r�ul ahatl�n���mni�s„s�„�...l:;wsste o�2:_id
<br /> premises,and shall put�nd kecp s�id re�l esute bulidtnge�nd improvements In gaal order.
<br /> Tf�i�d. To pay or cause to be paid to the Home Fedenl S�vinge�c I.o�n Ansceluion of Orand Isl�nd,Its succe�sore or assigns,the�um
<br /> aum of S THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100��-----
<br /> I�I.1/IRS,
<br /> � pey�ble��follpws:
<br /> with interest thereon p�yi4le,occording to the tenor and cffect at Ihe�ne ceruin flrst mort�qe note of edd mortQ�lore,Ik�rin�even date wUh
<br /> these presents. After ni�turih�askl bonJ dnwe iutereat at the rate of nine per�ent per annum.
<br /> If sai.d roxe�and assessments ere,net paid when due,�►r If tlze buildinga on aeld premise�are not insured�s�t►ovc pmvided.nr if eny
<br /> of s�id Intere�t is not prid when due,dun eaid wAotc debt sliail bccome due immedintely,ot t!u optk+n otthe s�id Atsociation.�nJ si►tl��herc�Rcr
<br /> ' draw interest u tt�e nte of nine per cent Ner pnnum.
<br /> The martg�gor(e)hereby assign(e)to aaid morlgagee�li rcnta�nd(ncome+�rising�t�ny�nd�!I timee from eaid property a►ni fiereby
<br /> auhoriu��fd nwrt��gro or i�agent.�t itr option,upon defiult.to take charge of said propeny�nd colkct ell renta rnd income the�efrom and
<br /> � �pply 1he a�me ro the p�yment nf Intercst,princip�i, insurance pretniums, taaes,esses�mcnts, rep�ira or impmvements necessary to keep s�►iJ
<br /> � property in leoantable coedition.or to other ch�rge�or payments provMed for here(n or!n the noto hereby eecured. 'i'hia rent�seignn�ent shall
<br /> ^ continus in furce until the unptW b�lance of s�id note i�ILlly paid. 't'he t�king of poaseesbn hereundsr ehdl In no manner pnvent or remrd said
<br /> mortgi6oe in ihc col�ectl�n of ea�d¢ums by torcclosive or otherwisc.
<br /> : Whether aeid debt becomes due by IApse of Nme,or by re�son of�he faNure of the pany of the tir�t p�rt lo comply wlth�tny cutxlit(on
<br /> hercin,the eatd Honx Pederal Savinge.Q I.oan Associadou uf Grnnd IslanJ,the ruccessoreand assign�,sh��l h�ve Ihe r1gh1 to begln tite furecloxure
<br /> of lUls monqege�t oncc on the whole Jebt herehy Recurcd,anJ tn include therein xll taxes,�sacsamen�,insunnce pren�lum�enJ a�ste,paid by
<br /> il or them;or s�W Association, it�su�cessors or asslgns, mny furecluse only us to the swn past due,wili�uut i�ury tu Ihla nu�rt4a�e, or U►e
<br /> displ�cement or impdrment of tho ikn U�ereof.
<br /> And lhe n�id Cret pecty anJ the m�kere of aaid nufo,especiaily Agrea end decltee thu the eep�r�te eaute of e�ch�nd every o�k of tl�em.
<br /> inclucllny both tltat now owned and that hereafter acquired,is pledged and bound for the payment of the debt hercby eecured.
<br /> ARer the commencement of any sutt in foreclosure tl�e plaintiff tharcin shnli 6e entitled to the imnxdi+�te�saes�km oI s�ld�Sremisea md
<br /> tl�e appointniens of a recelver tlierefor.not witl�standing thcy may bc tl�c homestead oP tlu occupant ond nut witlist�ttKflnR tiis p�rtks Il�bic for ttic
<br /> deht m�y be sotvent,ancl the first psrry hereby consents eu the nppointment of n Reccivor upon the producNon ot thls indenturc, wiU�aut utl�er
<br /> cvidtucc.
<br /> � The forcgoing eondiNons and agreements,nll and sioaular, bcing ftdly perfornud,Uils conveyinco eli�ll bc votJ,otlurwtsn to bc anJ
<br /> remiln in iLlt force and effect.
<br /> Sl�ixd tht� 18TN ���' �/6 �_�..—� ,`l'.D.. �
<br /> � �._,..... �.�..�-��l � �
<br /> 'pATRIGK DUWD � '
<br /> �' � � —
<br /> in prescncc of f mA Y DOWD C���
<br /> 11194 -
<br /> A77-1 =
<br />