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<br /> ` ^ - • ppplici�bic law muy r�pccfty for reinswtementl bcfurc .ulc of'�he Pru�ny pur,uuot to uny ��wer of�ulc con�oincd in thih ---�-
<br /> � Security In��rumcnt;or(61 cntry af u judgment rnfurcing Ihix Security Instrumcn�. '�'hotic c�mdi�ion�arc that Borcuwer: lu 1
<br /> ' puys Len�kr nit .ums wqlch �hen would be duc undrr thi� Security Instrumcnt und ihc Ncnc uy ff no urrclrru�i�n had
<br /> " occuRed;(b1 cure.r ony defauli of uny athrr wvenant+or ugrcem�ni�;lc1 pay�ull cx{xnse�incurred in rnfc ircing�his Sewriry �
<br /> ' " Imlrument, including, bm noi limited u�,reasnnahle uuomey.r' fee�: and Id)tuke� tiurh uciiun us I.endcr muy rcu+unubly :�,-,,,
<br /> � = ',.,;.�--
<br /> � reyuire to n+�orc thnt thc lien of thiti Sccurity Imlrumcnt.l.endrr;ri�hl�in ihc Pro�xrly und Rurn►wrr',uhllgution to pay Ihr •�•;,:�,_,___.._-
<br /> � � , sums xwurcd by this Security Instrument rhall cnnlinuc unchanFed. U{x�n rcin.�i��cn�rn� by Bu�ruwrr. �lii� Srcurity .
<br /> - __ In.rtrumcnt and the ohlig.Ni��m�crcured hemNv tihall remuin fully�ffecliv�u� it nu uccelerutian huJ�xcurreJ. Howevrr,this �;. � _ _
<br /> . right to reinslutc+hull na apply in thc casc of ucccicratian undcr parugraph 17. t . �_=�=-•=�-
<br /> 19, Sale af Note: Change aP Lunn Servicer. The Nute or u pun�ul imere.t in the Notc Itogether with�hi�Securiry •,r�—
<br /> Insirumcnq mAy be sold on�ar more iimcr without prii�r notice u� Rorrowcr. A sulc muy resuU in a cFwnge in �hr emiry _::�C -,},�y��.
<br />- ` (known as thc"Loun Servic�r'1 t hat co l lcc�s m��n t h ly pu y m e n t s d u c u n c k r i h c Na�e and thi.Securi�y In.irumcni. Thcre ulxo . ..•;,::.:.-�_
<br /> mAy be one or more changes ul' Ihe L.oan Servircr unrcls+tcJ lo a u►Ic of tbc NiNc. If there is a chungc af ihc L.aun Servicrr, �
<br /> ,. Sorrower will be given written nalice of the changc in urcordunce wilh pareigruph 14 ubuvc und upplicahk luw. The ni�tice
<br /> will s�ute the name and address of the new L�►an Serviccr und the uddrexti to which payment�she�ulJ Ix mncle. The no�ice will _:;,- _
<br /> uko contain vny athcr informa�ic�n reyuireJ by applicablc law. "��'°"'-LS�--u=
<br /> ; :'r,�,F�...,,�;.�,.:r—
<br /> 2 0. Hazur dous S u b s t a nces. BuROwcr�hall not cau��or permit thc pre,enre,u�c,dispo�al. ,toraFc,ur releauu of any ,�,..;r,,.,��-��-:z
<br /> Huzardou+Sub,iumes on or in the Pro�xny. Borr��wer.hall nrn do.nor allow unyime�I�c to do, unylhin�t aff'ecting thc . . ��:�•�-�:
<br /> • �• Propeny thut is in violution oi nny Em�ironmental Luw. Thc preceding two semence+shnll no�apply to the praxnce.u�c,or � � �..;as,V,,�,�;,.,
<br /> starage on the Propeny of srnall quantitic�oP H:uurdous 5uhtitance�thut ure genrrully recagnir.ed to be ap�ropriute to nartnul �, :r•, ::I-,�;`��i�
<br /> � residential uxes und to maintenancr of�he Pn►�rnY. .
<br /> ' � Borrower+hull promptly�ive Lender wriUcn notice ol'uny investigutian,cluim,dcmatxl, law.uit�K oiher action by uny :�rai.:;�_
<br /> �� . govemmental ur regulAtory ugency ur privme pany invc�lving the Property nnd i�ny Hzrr.t�rdnu�Subxtanre ar Environmentul , . , ��x. :
<br /> Luw of which BuRi�wcr h.�y ucluul knc�wlcdgc. If Bnrrowcr Icum�, or i.r notificd by any �ovcrnmeniul ar rcguluwry Y �"7•...,,,:;.
<br /> ' authority.Ihut any remrnal or c�thcr rcm�diutiim of uny Huiurdou. Substance ufi'cctinE the Prn{nny is n��ctisury, B��rrowcr � - � . _ N L ';
<br /> .rhull promptly takc ull nccc.,ary rcm�dial•rrtion�in accurJanrc with Envirnnmcntal Luw. _�.,,
<br /> As uud m thi,puru�r�ph 311."HuiarJuus Sub�tunrrti'urc �h��.c+uh+�anceti�lelined u.ioxir or hivarJou�auh.iuncr�hy 1 .y�,�_,
<br /> Environmcntal L�+w und ih�foUuwin�.+uh.�unce+: ga.�dinc.k�ro.enc.othcr Ilammublc���t��xic pctr�d�um produrt,. luxic .
<br /> petilicidr�unJ hrrbiridcs, vol•rtilc .ulvrnl.. maucriul,cuntaininti n,hc.u►�ar li�nn+ddch�•�Ir. and ruJivaclivr mulcri:�l�. Ati --- ' _
<br /> u�cd in�hi.puru�!rnph 31►,..Envirunmcnrd I.u�v..me:m,tcdrrnl luw.:md luw.uf�hr juri,dic�iun whrrc ih�Yu��xny i.r I�x+ucd � __".
<br /> , �hu�rrlu�e a►heuUh.,atc�y�x envir�,umrntal pr�Her�iun. �
<br /> ' N(1N-UNlf�e)RIN fOVF:NAN'Pti. RuRn��rr and Lcndrr lunh�r rovcn:ml altd a�rce a�li►Iluw�: i r
<br /> . 21. Accelerutinn:Remedir�. I.ender rhull {�i�•e notice tu Norrower prior lo ucc��leruli��n fnllowing Hurrowr�'� ; .
<br /> � breuch oP uny covenunt or u{Creenxnt in Ihi�tiecurily tn.rlrument Ibut not prfur lo uccrlerution uader p�ruKruph l7 , t�
<br /> - _ - - ., . unlcss vpplirablc luw pro�idc�olherw ire1. '1'he noNce tibull tipeciPy: I u1 thc tlefuult:lb l lhc ucUon reyuired tu curc Ihe �.
<br /> dciuulh Icl u dute.not leti.r•Ihun JII du�•v Irom Ihe dule ihe �IU��I'C I1�}{tiHii�ii I3iii'i'iAYl i,!�s�s h!c!�!hr s!rlaalt mu+1 ���� � _ �"_
<br /> cured:and�dl thut Poilrre to cure the dcfuuU on or t►cfore the dute tipe�iti��d in the noNce mu}•re�ult in s�cceleruli�►n of` .,: _
<br /> Ihr�ums xrund by Ihls tiecurilp In�lrumrnt und wle of the 1'rv�perly. '1'he noticc�Null further inG�rm Borrower of k,
<br /> Ihc r1uM to reinsWle u(Mr uc�elerutinn und the riuhl lo brinu u cnurt action tu us+ert the non•e�ictenr� of u dei'uult ar �
<br /> uny other dePen.r•e��f Borro�rer to uccelrrnlion und zule. IP the defuult is not cured on nr beP�K�thu dule tipecificd in
<br /> the nolice.I.rnde�ul ilsohlinn mu�require immediutN pa��mcnt in PuU oi'ull sum!+secured bv Ihistiecurlt}Innlrumenl
<br /> withoul Purthcr demund und mu�� inrukr the puaer of rulc und •rnv olhrr rrmedi� permitted by upplicuble IaK. . ;
<br /> I.ender shall be entitkd to c��llecl uU exprnxez incur�ed in pur�uin�; Ihe remedier procided in tlds puru�;ruph 21. ; ; 4,
<br /> includin}!.bul not limiled lo,reuynnuble uUorne���feex und cu.rts aP tilk e�idence. � •
<br /> If Ihe po��'er��P sulr ir incoked,"1'ruslee shull recurd u nolicc uP defuuU in eucN cuunty in ahich uny purt of thu • �,`
<br /> Proprrtp f.1�MUted andshull rnail capicti uP xuch nolic��in the munnrr prescrilKd b}•upplicuble lu��� tn B�►rrower und t��� �
<br /> the nther persons preurilxd b� upplicuble lu���. ��f'Icr thc timc rcqulrcd br upplicuhk lu���.'frustee+hull uive public -
<br /> � notice oP sale to the penunx und in Ihe munner prexcribed b}•upplirable lu��. 'I ruslee,�cithoul durnund on B��rrmver, `�
<br /> yhull seU the Propert��nt public auction to the hi�;he+l bidder ot Ihe tlme aud pluce und under thu terms dexi�;nuted in• 1. :
<br /> the notice of sule in one or mure punch and In um order'1'rustec determinc,. 'fru�lee mu} pustp►nu tiale of'all or unv
<br /> parcel of the Property M• puhlic unnouncrment ut Il�r time uncl plure oi'un}�pre�inutil} xheduled ule. I.ender nr its
<br /> � desi�nee may urrnu�the I'rupert�ul um +ule.
<br /> �l�pon rePipt of pn�•im�it oi'Ihc price I►id. '1'rustce�haU deli��er to Ih� purcha�er '1'ruytcr'+ deed cnmeyin�;the •
<br /> ce
<br /> 1'ropert}. 7'hr recituls In Ihr 'f�uslcr'�decd�hull Ix primu fticir e��Wencr�►i'the�ru1h ni'Ihe�talenuniti mude therrin.
<br /> 7lrustee shnll upply the pr�Krrd�of'Ihe.ulc in thc iidlo�►in�urder: 1 ul tu ull cn�t�und c�pcn�c�nf c�crcisin�;ll�e pu��cr
<br /> ' � �
<br /> a �
<br /> turul.N1� vWl q�,i�;� <�,��,��,�c��i
<br /> i
<br /> �
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<br /> , l� � _ . _ . . _ . . . -
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