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<br /> (B) Any fallure on the part oS the Truetar to maet tha r�peyment terme In reepect to tho Lot�n Agreament and eny �
<br /> other edvancee under thle Qaad of Trust horeby seau►ed; and, �-
<br /> (C► Ar�y ectlon by tha TruetAr prohlbited by the terme of the Loan�Agreument or thla Deed of'Truet or eny failure of _
<br /> . the Truetor to ect ee roquirod by the Loen Agreemant or thlo Deed o4 Truet,each oi which Truetor hereby agreea �
<br /> ` � h�ve en ndversd etiect on the Bensficiery'e security far the Ilne of credit esteblished and the righte oi the =
<br /> _;_yy�° 9onoficlnry Irs auch�acurity. �
<br />_:�.�, �.:
<br /> •��$ end upon the heppening of eny euch evant of default, Beneficiery may declare rll eums secured hereby Immedietely r=
<br /> ■ du��end peyable by deliver to Tru�tee of wrltten decteretfon of defeult. Th�Truatee ahetl have the pawer of sele of �-
<br />- the Praperty,and if Beneflclsry dealrea the Property to ba$old,It ehell depo8lt with Truetee this Deed ot Truat and all F`�
<br /> �.,
<br /> ; promisaory notee and documente evldenr,ing expenditure9 secured hereby and shell dellver to Trustoe e written notice =
<br /> �' of defeult end electlon to cause the Property fa be aold, end the Truetee in turn ehAil prepere a notice In the form
<br /> . '. :•• �� roquir�d by law, whlch shell be duty flled for record by Trustee. _
<br />_'`" ' (A) After the lepae of such time as may hp requlred by lew fbllowing the recordetion af setd notice of default, end
<br /> `. .� � notice of defeult end natice of sele havin�been given es required by lew,Trustee, without demand on Trustor,
<br /> � ' ' "` shall sell the Property on the date end et the time end pleca dosignetod In eald notice of sele, et qubNc auction to
<br /> ;�t:���.�-•�;, the hipheat bidder, the purchese prlce peyable In lewtul money of the United Stetea at the time of sale. The
<br /> -"°����- person conduoting the sela may, for any cauae he deems expedlent,ppatpone the eale from time to time untif it
<br /> i:�f t�.._.
<br /> :r:_�._..yt
<br /> zl.f,,;s��,�;. �, shait be compteted end, in evary suci� ease, no4ice o9 poatponenent ehall�e givan by pubflc doalaratfon thsreof
<br /> �`"'=�r` by such person at the time end place leat appolnted for the eele�provided,if the sele ic postponed for longer then
<br /> "�'���"`: one(1) day beyond the dey designated In tha notice of sale,notice thereof ahall be given in the seme menner as
<br />=_�r`r��:_ the origlnel notice of ae19. Truatee ahall execute and dotiver to the purchase►(te Deed conveying the Property so
<br /> �' sold,but wlthout endy covenant or w�rrenty,expresa or implled. Tha racitals In the deed of any matters or ecte
<br /> --'•���.�� ehell be conclus(ve proof of the truthfulnesa theroof. Any pereon,I�ciuding Beneflciery, mey purchase et tho aele.
<br />-�-,..,,
<br />--::''i�'=�. (B) When Trustee sella pursuant to the powera heraln� the 7ruatee ohall epply tha proceeda of the sele to peyment
<br /> - =� af tha coate and expenaea of exercising the power of sale end of the sele,including the peyment of the Truatee's
<br /> �'�`�'`� teea ectually Incurrod�which Trustee's feea shall not in the eggregata exceed the following emount based upon
<br />�`°��:� the arr►ount aecured hereby end remeining unpald; 6 percentum on the firet 91,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the
<br />___ �� balance thereof end then to the Items (n subperagrapM(C)In the arder there steted.
<br /> -� -�:'� �--------.. .,. . .. e � tie..•,we •
<br /> ---�—� �i;j ATier paying ina iiama op�ciiitlo iri 8uupmayraN��ior 3�t��o'8ie 3s!s;T:usi:,:.,ar 2lt�ptop..t L�tstt n�C2..... L
<br /> �;,��-=-- of foroclosure and aQle if the sate is purauant to Judiciel forecloaure,the proceeds ot sele shall bs apptted in ti�e order
<br /> "'"•�' acated to the payment of:
<br />- .-_,�,�:,;.-._
<br /> _ ____ (1) Cost of eny evide�ce oi title procured In connectlon with euch sele end of eny revenue atem�e;
<br /> _--�� ' (III All sums the secured hereby;
<br /> ' (III) The remetnder,ff eny,to the peraon legally entftled thereto.
<br /> 13. Dutl�t �nd ObllQatiom ot TrustNS. (e) The dutfes and obllgationa of trustee ehail be determfned solely by
<br /> the express provlslons of thia Deed of Trust,nnd Truatee shell not be liabla except for the performance of such dutiea
<br /> � — snd obUpationa e� are specificelly set torth herefn, end no implied covenante or obligetiona shell bo Imposad upon
<br />-- — 7rustee; (b) No provisions of this Deed of Truat ehail require Truatee to expand or �isk fts own funda, or otherwiae
<br /> incur eny f(nancial obllgetion in the pertormance of any of Ite dutiea hereunder, or In the exerciae of eny of its rfghts
<br /> or power,If it shell have grounds for belleving that the repayment of such funds or edequeta Indemnity against euah
<br /> rlsk or Ilabtlity ie not reesonebly essured to it;(c) Truatee may consult wlth counsal of ite own choosing end the edvice
<br /> of euch counsel eheil be full�nd complete authoriPetion end protectlon tn the reapect of eny ection teken or suftered
<br /> --��— by ft hereu�dee in good feith end rellance thereon;(d) Trustee ehall not be Uebte tor eny ection taker.by it In good feith
<br />� end ree�aonably believed by it to be euthorized or within the dlacretion o�righte and powere sonierred upon it by this
<br /> Deed ot Truat.
<br /> --��� 'i4. Additionr Security Inatrum�nts. Trustor, et Its expenee, wttl execute and deliver to the Trustee, promptly
<br /> - upon dam6nd,auch aecurity Inatrumenta es mey be requirea by i ruetee,in form end suostance aaiisfsc�tory Yn'iru��ae,
<br /> covering any of the Property conveyed by thie Oeed ut Truat,whlch securlty(natrumente shell be eddittonnl saCUrityr
<br /> °'— fer Truator's fefthfui performance of eli of the terms, aovenants and condlNona of thls Deed ot Trust, the Loan
<br /> Agreement,any promissary notes secured hereby and eny other security instrummnts axecuted In connection w(th this
<br /> trensectlon. 5uch instruments mhell be recorded or fiiAd, and re-rocorclod end refiied� et Trustor's expense.
<br /> - — 15. Miac�ll�nsow. -
<br /> �' (A) In the event eny one or more of the provisfona conteined in the Deed of Truet, or the Loan,Agreement or eny
<br /> -- -- — promissory note,or eny other security instrument giWen in connectlon with thls trens�ction, ehall for eny reason
<br />- ���� to be held to be Invalid,illegal or unenforceebla in any respect, such invelidity, illegellty or unenforceebflity ah�tl,
<br />=�.;:on�•:-����
<br />--___=_ — et the opti�n of Beneficiery, not effect eny other provislon of thls Deod of Trust,thet thla Deed of Truat shall bo
<br />_�L��� conatrued as If such invelid, illepal or unenforceeble pravislon hed never been contelnod herein or therein.
<br /> =;_,;;� — (B) Thia Dead of Truat ehell be conatrued eccording to the lews of the State of Nebreaka.
<br /> °'"�_t�.,5,�; (C) the Deed of Truat shall insuro to end bind the helra,legetees,deviseea, edministretors,executore, successore and
<br /> ��:�.�� ` asaigns of the gartiea hereto.
<br /> -�;,r:�o� fGy �rugior i�i�afi Gny sii iexss!avled upan thls Daa�of Trusi or th:.�at�t secured hereby,together with eny other texea
<br /> -_��;.._ � or assessments which may be levied egaMa4 the Trustee or Beneftciery or the lepal holder of the Loen Agreement
<br /> _��,°},�, .°�.,,. ' on eccount ot the fntlebtoaness eviaence tnereoy.
<br />- (E) Whenever uaed herein,the singular r�umbor shell Include the plural,the plurel,the singular,the use of eny gonder
<br /> - _ .. .. shall bo epplicable to all gendere, end the term "Beneficiery" shell include eny peyee of the indebtedness hereby
<br />=r.'`' �.:.._ � secured o�eny trenafer thereof, whether by oporatlon of le�v or othorwise.
<br /> - .��,,,'=;:, ,:� 16. Suaceuor Trustaa. Benoficiary mny from tfmo to time aubatitute a successor or successora to eny Trustee _
<br /> _. + �,;, named hereln or ecting hereundd�to execute thla Trust Deed. Upon such appolntment end Hrfthout cnnveyAnco to
<br /> ' � the suacassor Truatee, the letter ehall be veated wlth ell tltle, powers end dutfes conferrerl upon eny Truetee hereln -
<br /> , . named or acting hereunder. Each such eppofntment or substftution aholl be mede by written instrument by 8ene4tclery, _
<br />- • .z~ contelning roforence eo thia Deed ot Truat end Its plece of recard, which when recorded In the ofilce of the Reg!ster
<br />_ _ '� . of O�eds of the county or countles fn which sefd property is sltueted,ahall be conclusive proof of pro�er l�p�intment _
<br /> .:...."..,. �r of the succea�or T�ustee. The foregoing power of aubatitutlon end the proceduro theretore ehafl not be exclusive of
<br /> gig4 408•3
<br />