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<br /> ' , ������s����, LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 0 0 4 -
<br /> �� � 10.�otxiurnn�tlan. '�he procaodo of any award or clalrn for d�arnapc�,c�lract ar con�cquon4l�l,In cAnr�cctlon�vlth ��.
<br /> ` any condernnatlon or othe�taklnp of eny part af the Prop�rty,qr for r,onvoyanco!n Ileu o!condomnatlon,are hereby °-
<br /> ';' ' � ��' asslAned�nd shali bo pakl to Lender. _
<br /> .. L,;. ,
<br /> �� In the event oi a total tak!ng of the Property,the proceeda ehail be applled to the sum�secured by thls Security __
<br />�=�::• �, , Instrument,whether or not then due,wfth sny exaess pald to Borrower.In the event of w partlai taking af the Propeny In --
<br /> T"`� whlch the talr markat value of the PropeKy Immedlately beiore the taklnp Is ec�ual to or greater than the amaunt af the
<br /> � " �..:�_'_ Ruma secuvecl t�y ehla 3ecurity Ins¢rurr�ant(ri�r��dfi;.tc�y��toro th�tu.clnq,unloss�orrotror and Lender nthervulRe s�res In
<br />`-°-:�s�="'�� wrftinp,the eums secured by thla Security Inat�umem shall be reduced by the amcwnt oi ihe pracatxiu�iiiii�ij�le,�;by��a
<br /> _,,-,�T�:-�; idlow�ng fractlon:(a)the total emount of the aums sacured Immedlatety befuro thA taking,divkied by(b)the falr market �
<br />_;:r,,,� value of th�Property Immedlately be�fore the taking.Any balance shall be paid to 8orrawer.In the event of a partixl —
<br /> taking of the Property In whlch tho falr market value of the Property Immedlately batore the taking la lesa than the
<br /> amount of tho suma seaured Immedlatety betore the taking,��nless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree fn wrfting or
<br /> �..::;:� unless eppllcable Isw othervulse provkies,tho proceeda ehall be spplled to the suma secured by thia Security
<br /> '�.�r.�� Instrument whether or not th�suma ara tijen clue. �
<br />-_�;;�::,,..- �
<br />-3�,. If the Property Is abandoneci by Borrower,or ff,aftQr notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to
<br />'=_;;� rrutke an award or settle a clafm for dnmages,Borrower fails to respdnd to Lender wlthin 30 days after the date the
<br /> ,,, � notice Is given,Lender Is authorized to collect�nd appll�tho proceeds,at ita optlon,efther to restoration or repalr of the
<br />°�.�� Property or to the sums securod by thle Securtry Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> - —= Unless Lender[tnd Bonower otherwise egree In wrftUg,any appllcatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> _.�:���� postpone the due clete of the monthly paymente�eferred to!n paragraphs� snd 2 or change the amount of such
<br />�„�ys,��� paymenta.
<br /> 11.eorrowsr Not Rtls�s�d;Forb�antncu By Lende Not�W�IrrK. Extenston of the tlme for payment or
<br />:�i;t;��� modHicatlon ot amortizatlon of the sums secured bythls Security Instrumeni qrantod by Lenderto any successor in
<br /> ��°ti� Intereat of Borrcw�er ahall not o�orate to release the Ilablliry of the original Borrower or Borrowers su�cessore In
<br />_�:��,��� (nterost.Lendar shall not be requlred to commence proceedings against any successor In Interest or retuse to extend
<br /> -�— time tor payment�r otherwise modNy amortizatlon of the sums s�cured by this Security Inst►ument by�eason of sny
<br /> - ---= demarxi made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearancA by Lende�In exercising
<br /> �- any ripht or remedy shall not be a walver of or preclude the exerclse o4 any rlght or remedy.
<br /> � S2.Successon�nd Ass�ns Bound;Jolnt�nd Sovsral LlabltRy;Casiynen. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> W�� this Security Instrument ahail bTnd and benefit the successors�nd asslgns of Lerxier and Bnnower,subJect to the
<br /> --- provislona ofparagraph 1'l.Borrower's covenaMa and agreoments shall be Jolnt nnd several.Any Bonower who
<br /> r.aslona thla Securitv Instrument but doas not exacute the Note:(a)is co•signing thls Security Instrument only to _ .
<br /> mortgage,grant and convey that Borrower's IMerest in the Prope►ry under the tam�s ot th�s S�curity inscrumern;�b�ia
<br /> = not personally obllgatetl to pay tha aums secured by thls Security Inst�ument;and(c)agrees thdt Lender and any other
<br /> ___ _ - Borrower may agree to axtendi,modffy,farbear or make any aacommodations wfth reg�rd to the terms�ot thls Securtty
<br /> --= I��istrumenY or the Note without that 6oROwer's consent.
<br /> 13.L�n Ch�r���. If the loan secured by thls Secur(ty Instrumerd Is subJect to a law which sets maximum losn
<br /> charges,And that law Is finally Interpreted so that the interest u�other loan charges cdlected or ta be collected in
<br /> — connectlon wfth the loan exceed the pe►mitted Ilmtts,thAn:(a)any such loan charge shat!be reduced by4he amount
<br /> — necessary to reduce the charpe to the permitted timft;and(b)any sums aiready collected From Borr�wer which
<br /> exc�gded permttted Ilmits wifl be refunded to Borrower.Lerxfer may choose to make this refund by roducing the
<br /> principal owed under tho Note or by makfng a dlrect payment to Borrower.If a refund�educea principal,the reductlon
<br /> — wNl be tre�ted as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Natic�s. Any notice to Borrower provided tor In this Securfty Instrument shall be ghren by delivertng R�by
<br /> maNlno R by flrst daas maN unlese�pplicable law requlres use of anothsr method.The not�e ahali be d(rected tu the
<br /> propertyr Address or any other eddr�ssa Borcower deslgnates by notice to L.ender.Any notice to Lende�shall be given
<br /> by Hrst dasa maM to Lencier's addreas steted hereln or any other addresa Lendef deb�nates by noike to Borrower.My
<br /> — notlCe provkled for In 4hls Security Instrument shail be deemed so have been given to or��ower or Lender when phren
<br /> as�rovtded in thls paragraph.
<br /> 16.Gavoml �.aw;Savenibttity. Thls Securlry Instrument sha!!be govemed by federal law and t�e law af the
<br /> -____ _ �li►!�±ici44n!!!uth�r. the pro»2rty Is Inc�tettl.ln tha avent that Any provislon or ciause ot ihi�Security Instrument or 4he
<br /> Note corMlkta with appl{cab�e law,such coMtict shall not affect other provlslons oi th(s Securtty Instrument or the Noto
<br /> whlch can ba ghren eHect wfthocit tho coMlicttng proviston.To this end the pravislons of this Security Instrument and the
<br /> NoRe are declared to be severabte.
<br /> --- 1d. Borrorwr's Gopy. E3onower shall be ghren one conformed copy ot the Note and of thls Security Instrument.
<br /> -- 17. Tr�nsi�r of ths Property or e Benaficial interest In 8orrovwr. If All or anypart of the Property or eny
<br />�. -� Interest In It Is sdd or transtarred(or�f a beneficlal Interest In Borrower Is sold or tran�ferred and k3oROwer Is not a
<br /> �' natural pereon)wfthout Lenda�'s prlorwrftten consent,Lender may,et ita option,requlre Immediate payment In full�otail
<br /> —� sums sacured by thls Security Instrument. However,thls optlon ahall not be exercised by Lender if exercise Is
<br /> __.� prohibked by federal law as of the date oi this S�curity Instrument.
<br /> ���� ISCJCMDTNE//0792/3028(8�90)-L PA�E 4 OF 8
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