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<br /> .�.�.;• �.�� i nn,N NQ. � �a n� � �o o a -_=-
<br /> -- ��9"'�,��`7�� �,-
<br /> TMI:��ECURITY IN;Tf1UMFNT cam�lnc�unitorm cov�narite Par���2fanal uao an�non•u�ltorm covon�nta�rf4h
<br /> �� ! Ilmfted vaPlatlons by�urlsdlctlon to constituta a unitorm eacurlty Irstru�nonY covering real prop:�ty. _
<br /> :a .�:�� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and Lender covenant and agree se iollowe: �:_-.
<br /> "=`• ' � , 1,Pa�ym�m of p�inct�l�nd Int�ns��i'npayment�nd Lat�Chsr���. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br /> L':.:
<br />�:;�,r, x,- the pNncipal of and Interest on the debt evldenced by tho Noto and any prepayment�nd late charqes due under the �.-�
<br /> :..�:��?���. Note.
<br /> �" �.�u+�s���e�r 7aue�end I�e�rt�rece. SubJect to eppllcabls law ar to a wrltten walver by Lender,Borrowor sh�ll ay �_-
<br />_,�..._.__,.,rd �--
<br /> to i.er�der on ii�n uny��w�hdy;.�ya::.:s'�as�'.�t!°!!Mler��Nnfw;untll the NOte IS t�11d Ir1(Utl,a sum("�unde"�(nr:(a
<br />�._�,� early taxes srxi asseasments w h ic h m�y a tt aln p�lorit y aver thls Security Instrument es a[[en on the Propertyt(bl Y�nY -_
<br /> leasehdd payments or graund ronts on the Praperty,if eny;(c)yearty hazard or properry Insurance premlums;{d)
<br /> yeariy flood Insumnce premlums,If gny; (e)yeAriy mottgage Ins�tanae premluma,If any;anci(�any sums payable by
<br /> Borrower to Lender,ln accorciance wflh the provislons of pa►agraph 8,In Ileu of the payment of mortgage Insurance
<br />��.��;�ft�, �. premtumy.These ftems are called"�ecrcyw Items"Lender may,at�ny time,cdlect and hdd Furxis In sn amaunt not to _
<br /> >• � exeeed the m�cimum amoanS�Iender far a t�odorally related mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow account
<br /> ��� under the federal Real�state Settlement Pra�edures Act of�974 as amended irom time to timo,l2 tl.S.G. �2601 et
<br /> a�"�''"`= seq,("R�SPA"),unleas enather law thet applle�to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If�o,Lender may,at any time,coilect
<br /> -==°�� arxi hdd Funds In an arr►ount not to exceecl the lesser amount.Lender may estlmate the a�rount of Funds due on the _
<br /> ,-�����'''"'�''� basls of current deta and reasonable esElmates of expenditures of future Escrow fteens or otherwise in accordance wfti� _
<br />_':��r;��
<br /> .- � applicable law.
<br />-��"'"""'�'� The Funda shall be held in an Instnutlon whose deposEts are Insureci by a lederal agency,Instrumentaliry,or entity
<br /> _ �_..�� (lncl�.�dln{�1-.end�r,ft Lendar Is such an instftution)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lencler shail apply the Funds to
<br />=_�:_�� pay the Escrow Items.L.rander may not charge Borrower for hdding and ap�lyfr�g 4he Funds,annually analyzing the
<br /> --- -= escrow account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unleas Lender pays Bor�ow�r Inte�st on the Furtds and applicable law
<br />"�� ;. ! permfts Lender to make such a charge. Hoyrever,Lender may requlre Sorrower tn pay a one•tlme charge tor�n
<br />��`"��� Independent real es4ato tex reportiRg serv lce us e d by L e n d e r I n c o n n e c t l o n w i t h t h l s l o a n,u n l e s s a p p l l c a b l e law
<br />_��J-- - pravidos otherwlse.Unless an agreeme�t Is mada or appllcabie law requlres Interest to be pald,Lender shall not be
<br />"'�__>�:. required ta pay Borrower any I r r tePes t or e a r n i n g s o n t h e F u n d s.B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d e r m a y s g r e e I n w�t i ng,however,
<br /> ' --— that lnterest shall be pald on the Furxfs. Lender shail ghre to Borrower,wfthout charge,an annual account ing of the
<br /> -- Funda,showinfl credits and dobfts tothe Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The
<br />__.:•t��r+■e Funds are�ledged as addftlonal securltytoa all sums secured by thls Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> -== If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held b�eppllcable law,Lender aha11 account to
<br /> Borrower for tho excess Funda in accondance wfth the reqe�lrements of appl cabie lav►.If tho smount of the Funds held
<br /> --_-- by Lender at any tlme Is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notiiy Borrower In wtftfrtg,
<br /> �� and�(Il ellCll Ce189 tSOTrOWer Snflil pti�j�t'v i.eti ei'vi tli8 aii�tliiL ii.. °° r;i4 m�e�.�n the�i�tictency.eorrower shell make
<br /> --=__= up the deficlency in no more than twelve monthly paymen4s,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> --����F-� Upon payment in fu11 of all sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument,Lender sha0 promptiy refund Eo Borrawer any
<br /> � Funds held by Lender.lf,under p�rapraph 21,Lendsr ahatt acqulre or sell the Property,Lender,prlor to 3he acquisftlan
<br /> — � or sala of the Prope►ty,she�l epply eny Funds held by Lender at the time af acqulsltlon or sale as a credlt�gainat the
<br /> �=�! sums securoei by this Secu�ity Inat�umem.
<br /> - 3.Appllcatlon of Paym�Mf. Urdoss applicable law�peovide�srges duegundet he�Vote;sacorKi,to emo nts payabto
<br /> parag�aphs t snd 2 shall be applied:8rst,to eny prepaY
<br /> under paregraph 2;thlyd,to Irnerost due;tourth,to prtnclpal due;and lab�t,to any late ch�r�es due under tho Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�rpas;U�ns. 8orrower shallpay All taxes,assessments,charges,tines and imposkions attributable co the
<br /> Property which may atta�n pHo�ty over thls Securfty Instrument,end leasehold Rayments or ground�ents,i�any.
<br /> BoRawer ehall pay these oWigatlons In the manner provided In paragraph 2,or H not pald In that manner,Borrower shall
<br /> pay them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of
<br /> amou�s to be pafd underthis paragreph.If Bnrrower makes these payments dlrectiy,@orrower shali promptty furnish to
<br /> Lender receipts evidencing tt�e parymente.
<br /> Bonower ehail ptomptly discharge any 1(en whlch has prlotity over this Security InstrumeM unlesa BoROwer:(a)
<br /> egrees In wrfting to the payment of the oWigatlon secured by the Ilen in a rnanner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests In _
<br /> good fafth the Ilen by,or defends agalnst eniorcement of the I{en ln,ic�pal proceedin s which In the Lender`s opinlon
<br /> Oa
<br /> operate to prevent the ertlorcemerrt of the Ilen;ot tc)secures irom the hdder of the len an a$reement satiafactory to
<br /> - ==== Lender su'ooRiinaiiny�i�o II���tu i�is Se-ri,u��:y Ir�YrunmY.!:l.�;�ar d�t�rmin;,:,that.n��rt o.*.4��F�o�►ty!y s!��J�ct Q�
<br /> a Il�en which may atteln priority over thls fiecuriry Instrumen2,Lender may give B�rrovrer a notice kiem�tying the lien. .
<br /> -� Borrower shail satlsty 4he Ilen or take one or more of the actlons set farth above withln 10 days ot the gNing of notice.
<br /> �.H�zanf a Propsrty Intura�ce. Borrower shali keep the Imprrnremonts now exlstln�or hereatter erected on the�
<br /> Property Insured agalnst loss by fire,h�zards Included within the tern�"extended coveraQe and any other hazards,
<br /> ' Including floode or flooding,tor whlch Lender�ec�ulres Insurance.Thls Insurance shail be malntalned ir�the amounta and _
<br /> --- � for the perlods that Lender requiros.The Insuranca carrler providing the Insurance shall be chosen by 6orrower subJect
<br /> to Lender's approvel whish shatl not be unreasonably wfthheld. If Bonower falls to m�tntaln coverage c�escribed above,
<br /> -------- = Lender may,at Lendor's�optian,obialn coverage to protect Londer's rlghts In tha Property in accordanae with `
<br /> ._��,� paragraph 7.
<br /> --`=:.;,�.
<br /> �,��� • FbRM 80?A O/o0
<br />--_-i�� �- ISC/CWI�TNE//0782/3028(9�90)d. PA(4E 2 OF 8
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