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. !I . . :. .,.....T . .'.�rY" �.L. ]�i.Ywtlrt... � i.^''i, '-. . i ' .- . :�t <br /> � -+� �i�"`�� �"k 1 � t 7 �9.�7� - ��: _ •�7S. r�ie'.. _ <br /> t h I�... ' i I�L: <br /> '`.. �d � � �.�!f„L�2 �4,+.,+¢i.v,;� � , � ,. fy __ <br /> ��ii- .«..1M��b�(•a .<< � �r! �.•e��,j �'�� ";,�e . •_s:�r....-.�-�.-•------ -- — ... _ <br /> ,....:�." <br /> � �.�I I. . .. ,.kri:'�""�' - <br /> L��+l�- • . .i�iin . .-a;ti:T_�i:.'...:-� • . ' <br /> - <br /> s".is'.L irtM� ...vt_"^"`-- <br /> .. :114 _.._-.-. <br /> _ ' "' `` ' ' "' "_ " - . . ' "'_— — ....--..... <br /> ��� '—. <br />_ . � 9� �U��o 7 '�__ _=- <br /> _ �-�-� <br /> . , . . � ,� -_- <br /> , . .. �"�: �_��� <br /> ^ � , ' � TOC3@TH�R WITH ull Ihe impruven�cma nuw nr hereuftrr crcc�eJ on thc property, und ull ruwemcn��. +7`��,';n� <br /> ' appunenancen,und fixlures now on c�rcul'icr u pan of�hr prapeny. All replaccmcnt.uixl i�Jditianx shull nl�hc rmend hy �,:,,�r_-' ` �� <br /> ;. Ihia Securily Imtrumem.All ot the foregomg ir rclrned ta m�his Sixurity Inxlrumcnt uti thc 'Nru�hy." �r�•'""_-_ <br /> ' soRRUw�k CuvHHnNrs thut Borrow�r is luwfully�ci�d of�he e.iu�r hrrehy canveycJ �nJ ha+�hc righ��o grvm and r <br /> ' � cunvey the Property und�hat�he Pmperty i�unencumi�red,except for encumbruncea of rec�Kd.B�rn�wer wurrc►mx und will �.-�� `- �"` -�— <br /> drfend gencrnlly the ti�lr w the Propcny uguinst ull cluims and Jemundx,subj�ct tu uny enrumbrunce�of rccnrd. �__ :���---- <br /> ' J Ttus Secueirv INS�neu��i:�vt combinc�uniform covenunl�for nutionul u�e und non-uniii�rm cuvenuntx wnh fimited • <br /> �! :�----� -- ---- <br /> ' vuriatianc by jurir:dictiun to constiwlc a unifarm security instrument covering resd prupeny. -., - <br /> i�,,s=-— <br /> ° UNIPORM COVNNANTS. Sotrower unct L.ender covenunt and ugrce u�followh: � ����=�__. <br /> R " l. Payment of Pri,uipal and Inleresl;Prepuyment And l.pte Clw�e�• BuROwer +hall prum I a when duc '�'`�`�'; - <br /> 1'�Y P'Y ' =_s���.= <br /> the principul uf:u�d intemst on Ihe deht evidenceJ hy the Note und uny prepayment a�xi lutc churgeti Juc undcr thc N�►tr. '' = "`�•:;;KU,___ <br /> - 2. Funds�or Taxcw and Insurance. Subjccl to upplicaMl�law or tc�•r written wuiver hy l.rnder. Borrowcr sholl pay �. ;,• -_-''''_�`� <br /> , Io l.ender on the doy mamhly puymentx sue due undcr the N��e,until�hc Note i+paid in full,s�,um l"Funds')for:la)ycarly � '•'�-':�,#�:..,_::-- <br /> , tuxes:uid acsessm�nts which muy uttuin priority over thiti Securiry Inxtrumcnt ax u lien on the Property:(bl ycarly Ieuuxhold ,f���;�,;�;;,;�,o„mt_ <br /> �uyments ur�round renl�on the Prc�eny. if uny: (c)yearly hu�urd or properry insuruncc premiums;IJ) yeurly flood -°=---�;.-„�,;,.--�_ <br /> ' mxurunce premiums, if uny; (e) yesul� mortgage msurance premiums, if any:and (�any sums payuhle By Horrower lo _ •_�.:w_ <br /> L.ender,in accardance with the Pravisiom of pamgrnph 8, in lieu��f the payment of murtFage insurance pmmiumz.These ".:"_y�+� <br /> � items are culled"Escrow ltem..•.' Ixnder may,a�any time,collec�sind holJ Funds in an am�x�nt nat to exceed the muximum ,�•�;�;._•�.��;- . <br /> " umount u lender far A federully reluteJ mortgage laan mAy require for Borrower'c r.�crow account u�xier the Pederal Reul r.'�. : <br /> � Estnte Settlement Pmcedurrs Ac�of 1974 as omended frnm time �o time, 12 U.S.C. # :(�1 rr sey. ("RESPA"). unlew� ' <br /> t another luw that applies to the Funds se�x n lehser umount. If�:o, lxnder muy ut uny time, collect und hold Funds in an <br /> umounl not to exceed the lesser amount.l.ender may estimnte Ihe amaunt of Funds due on Ihe basis of currenl data unJ 4 . � <br /> reaconable estimntes of expenditures ai flnure Escrow Items or otherwise in accord:►nce with�pplicable luw. ( �. . <br /> The Funds ehall bc held in an inslitution whosc deposiis are intiured by a federal agency, instrunxntulity,or entiry P ° ••�°`:;� <br /> n <br /> (including L.ender,if L.ender is such an ins�itution)or in uny Federal Home l.oan Bank.Lender shull upply thc Funds to pay j ��„-=° <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender mu nw chur e Borrower for holdin And u I in the Funds,unnuull unul • the excrow ":"=-- <br /> . • Y � R PP Y R Y Y S ���x <br /> accounb or verifying the Escmw Items,unlesz L.ender pays Borrower interes�on the Funds and applicable luw �x:rmits — <br /> L.ender ta make such a chnrge. Howevc�,l.ender may reyuim Bormwer to puy�one-time chnrge for un independent r�AI '_°-- <br /> eslate tax reporliog xervice used hy l.ender in connection with this loun,unleqs applicubk(uw pnrvidex otherwise.Unles+an F •"' <br /> agreement is made or upplicable Inw requim�imerest to bc paid,l.ender+hall nut bc reyuired to pay Bortower�ny intercst or ,-:��; <br /> esimings on the Funds.Borrower and Lander muy Agrec in�vriting,however,that interest xhull he pnid on the Funds. I.endcr � <br /> shall give to Borrower,without chnrge,An unnuul uccaunting of the FunJs,xhowing credilx and debits lo thr Fundx und the � �.^�t. ;'� <br /> purpose for which each debit to the FundR was mnde.The Funds are pledged us udditional securiry for ull sumx secured by " �r <br /> .� *.� _ <br /> —� this Secunty Instrument. � �, i _ <br /> If�he Funds held by Ix�der exceed the umounts permined to t+c held by upplirnMk law. LenJer shull account to ,�' ��: <br /> Borrower for the excess Fund� in accordunce with the reyuircments af upplicahle law.If the umount of the Fundx held by � " - <br /> �`' Lender at nny time is not xufficient to puy the E.crow Item,when due,l.ender m•ry so nutify Barrower in,writing, und,in "''.' ��'�� � �� <br /> ' , such cuse Barrower shidl puy ta l.ender the amount n�cessary ta muke up the deficicncy. Borrnwer �hall muke up thr � • <br /> , deficiency in no more than twelvc momhly payments,ut l.ender'��;ok discrction. ' ' , '`' <br /> U�n payment in full of s�ll sumz ucured by Ihi.Security Inxtrumrnt.LrnJer�hall promp�ly mfund w Bom�wcr uny � <br /> F u n d s h e d b y L.e n d e r. I f,u n d e r p a r n g r a p h 2 1,L s n d e r x h a l l a c y u i r e o r �e l l t h c P m p c rt y. Lender,prior to the ac yuitiiliun or <br /> sule of the Property, shall npply uny Funds held by L.crnler ut the timc�of uryuisition or wle u� u credit again,t�he sum� ( '� <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. � 'r� <br /> 3. Applicution oP Paymenls. uni�.,�rpu�uni� law pruvidcs othenvisc,all puyments rcceivrd by l.ender unikr � ' "' <br /> pamgruphs I and 2 shull tx applieJ:tint,w any prcpayme�l chargc+duc under thc Notr, second,to amnunls payahle undcr r <br /> • . pumgrnph 2;third,lo intercyt du�;fourlh,to princ�pul due;and I•r�4 to uny lu�c rharges duc undcr th�Note. E� '.' <br /> ' 4. Charges; I.icns. BoROwcr r�hull puy all taxc,, us,cssmcntti,char�±cs, �nry and imposi�ionti attributable to �hc � `., <br /> Pro�rty which muy uttain priority ovcr this Srcuriry Instrument,and Icu�chnl�Qaymcm.�x€rounJ rcnts,iP any.Bortowcr � <br /> ���,,, shu I pay thexe obligntionti in Ihc manner provided in para�ruph 2.�x if ncU p•rid m thut manner,Born►wer+hall pay them on , <br /> •, time Jirectly w�he pe:rson owed p•rymrnt.Bortower shull prrnnptly fumi.h ta L��n�kr all n��tice.ot':�mounts to he puid undrr <br /> , this paragruph.If Borrower makes tlxne payments dimctly. Borrnwer shull prumplly fumi�h tu Lender mceipts evidenring ; . <br /> . ' the paymants. � <br /> Borrower shull promptly di�ch�►rge any li�n which ba.priurity uvrr thi� Srruriry In.tNmem unle�s B�imiwee eul , <br /> . ugree,in writing w the puymem uf tlx uhli�aliiai securcJ hy th�licn in a mannrr arcrplahlr lu lAnder:(hl cuntests in gaxl � <br /> faith thc licn hy,or dcfends against entimrrncnt of Ihe licn in. Irgal prikreJinE,w•hirh in Ihc Lcndcr'x opiniun o�ratr to ! . � <br /> prevent Ihe enlorcemcnt of the lien; nr(c)ucurex from Ihc huldc���f thr lirn an agrccment zuli�fuctory to Lender � <br /> rubordinuting the lirn lo Ihis Security In�trumem. If Lrnder deterniine.that:my part uf thr PruExny i��ubjert to a lirn«•hich <br /> muy ulluin �riurity over thiz Security Inslrunknt, l.ender may givc[i��ROa�r a n��tirr idcntifviii�t Ih� lien. Bortower shall <br /> r, <br /> satisfy the I�en or tuke one or more of Ihr uc�iuns sct 1'unh ubuve wilhin IU d•ry.uf�hc giving ut'nuu�u. <br /> FOtm 3029 WOO�pie�_',)n�crci <br /> BANKERSSYSTEMS.INC.6T CLIXID.MN56302(�l00�397�23��IFOHMMD�NE :19� � <br /> i <br /> . � �. . ---- -- - - . . __ � <br /> _ . . _ ._ - -- -- -- <br />