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<br /> I data of tho rr'�onthly�taymonto,tiUhlch aro r�farred to In Pnra{�raph 2.,or ctfanpo tt�o amount of such puyments. Any
<br /> • excess proceode over an amount requlsod to pay�II outetendlnq In�nbtodnec�undor tho Noto And tP�ls�ecurity
<br /> In�tru�n�nt ehall bo pald to the ontity legally a�itltlaai theroto.
<br /> " e,FHP. Londer n�ay cdlect tees�nd cher�es authoriz�tl by the 8ecretary.
<br /> o,rtaund�for AccN�ntlon o1�ebt. '
<br /> (�)D�hutR. Lender may,except ae Ilmltsd by repulatlons Issued by the Secretary In the case af payment detautts, �,
<br /> ' requlre Immed{ate payment In tull of ail�ums secured by this Security Instrument ff:
<br /> '_;� (I)�orrower cJetau�ta by telllnQ to pay In fuil any monthly payment req�rlred by tfils 3ecu�ity I iistrumen4 prlor �•'
<br /> " -- ~ n to ar on the due dete of th�next mo�lMy payment,or �
<br /> - (II)8orrawer defaults by falling,for a perlad of thlrty days,to perform any ath�r obllgatlons contalnod!n this�
<br /> „�` Security Inatrument. -
<br /> �� (b)9�1�WNhoa!Crbdll App�'ov1d. Lender shall,if permitted b�appllcable law a�d with the prlor approval ot the F„�
<br /> SecrAtary,requlro Immedlate payment In full of�Il the sums securod by this Security Instrument it: � i_=
<br /> - ,� p)All ar part of tho Proporty,or e beneflcts!Intereat in e truat owninfl all or part ot the Property,is sald or � �::.
<br /> otlieewlso�►ar�aferred(other than by d�vise or descent)by the eorrower,and �,
<br /> �• u� (U)The Properry Is not accupled by the purchaser or grantee as hla or her principal residence,or the Q =_
<br /> `� purchaser or graMee doee so occupy the F'roperty but hls or her credit has not been approved In jV �
<br /> � ��. sccordance with th�requUemento di tha SscreRSry. _
<br /> - ._,.� :;,, (c)No Wa1vK.If circumstances ocaur that would permR Lender to requlre Immediate payment in full,but Lender
<br /> :J:`::�'.�.�y: does not require euch paymente,Lender doea not vuaNe ite rlAhts with respect to eubsequent events.
<br />_=.��°°=�,;� (d)Re�u!�tlQ�te of H!!d 9dc-�et!�ry. �n m�ny alraumatances rogulatlons Issuod bythe Secretarywfll Ilmit Lender's
<br /> "�'r r',�'� rlghts,in tha case of payment defaults,to require Immedlate payment In tull and foreclose if not pa{d.Thls Security
<br /> `z�7m•�:�� -.; . Instroment does not authorize acceieretlon or toreclosure if not permftted by regulatlons of the�ec�etary.
<br /> ` � � (e�Mo►tyx�e Not Intured. Borrawer agr�es that should thls Securiry Instrument and the note secured thereby not
<br /> ��,a��,�: � be ellgible fc,r Insuranae under the National Houatng Act w(thln s o o n r s irom the dAte hereof, —
<br /> > � .,.�- Lender may,at fts optlon and notwfthst�nding anything In Paragraph 9,require Immedlate payment In futl of aIl _
<br /> �' ` � ' sums secured by this 5ecurfty Instrument.A written statement of any authorfzed agent oi the Secratary dated =-
<br /> ,���,
<br /> ^�� �.r.�:�. subsequent to s o D A Y S irom tho date hereof,decllning to Insure thia Secur�y Instrument and the
<br /> ��..�?.� note secured thereby,sha l l b e d e e m e d c o n c l u s h r e p r o o t o f s u c h I n e l ig l b l lfty.N o t w fth st endin g thefor e pain g,this —
<br /> _��;�. i, �� oNtlon may not be exerclsed by Lendet�xhen the unavallsbllity of Insurtince Is solely due to Lender's failure to rAm!t
<br /> -�-r,...,r ~ a mortgage Insurance premlum ro the Secretary.
<br /> ^'• =` 10.RNn�Mtement. Sor�ower hae a righi to be reinst�ted ff Le�xier has required Immediate payment In full I�ecause
<br /> -�:� of Borrower's taflure tn pay an�mount due under the Note or thls Security Instrument.This right epplles evan�fter
<br /> _��;,,�:-:'"�� foreclosure procoedings are Instftuted.To relnstate the Secunty inst�umsnt,norrower ahaii ierxier in a iump sum efi
<br /> --.:�•�'_..�j amounts�equ(red to bring Borrower's account current Including,to the extont they are o(oligations t�i Borrower urxier
<br /> ;:`�r�'� thls Security Instrument,forealosure�osts snd reasonable and customary attorneys'fees snd expenses properiy
<br /> s. � associated wfth the foreclosure proceeding.Upon relnstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obilgatlons that ft secures shall remain In eitect as if Lender had not requlred Immedlate payment In tull. However,
<br />----_— I.endar Is not requlred to pormk relnstatement H:(I)Lender has accepted relnstatement after the commencement of
<br /> �-�--�� forectosure proceedings wfthln two yeare Immediately precedfng the commenc�ment of a current foreclosure
<br /> �°— proceAding,(II)relnstatement wAI predude foreclosure on dHferent grounds fn the future,or(iiq relnstatement wlll
<br /> --��"'�""�' �dversely affec:t the prloriry o!the I{an creat�d by thls Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �`������ 11.Bomownr Nat RN�t�d;Fort�Mr�n�l�by I.�nd�r Not�W�twr. Extenslor�of the tim�of payment or
<br /> --- �T-.,YR,�
<br /> ,��o� modKlcatlon oi amoR(zatlon of the sums secured by thls Sec;urity Instrument grented by Lender to any successor In
<br /> —=��� Interest ot BoROwer sF�alt not operate to releaso the IlabNlty of th�oripinal Borrawer or Borrower's succsssor In Intorest.
<br /> _ —_ Lender shail not be�equlred to c�mmence praceedings+aga(nst any successor in Interest or refuse to extend timo tor
<br /> --�-- paymeni or o:herwlse modity smortizatlon of the suma secured by thla Security Instrument by rees�n o�f eny demand
<br /> .__ _ mada by the orlginal Borrower or BorrowePs successors In Imersst.Any forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any dght
<br />=-___.� or remedy shall not be a wahrer ot or preclude the exerclse ot any�ight or remedy.
<br /> 12.Succ�ssors�nd As:�ns Bovn�;JoiM�nd Sevenl Ll�bilfty;CaSiyr��n. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> ' thia Securky In�trumern shall bind and beneflt the successors and asslgns o!Lender and Fforrower. subJect to the
<br /> --=--=--°- provi�lons ot Paragraph 9.b.Borrower's cavonanis and agreements shall be�olnt end several.Any 8or�ower who
<br /> __ -_- _ casMns thls Security Instrument but dces not execute the Not�:(a)Is co•slgning this Securfty InstPUment only to
<br /> �°'—_ - mortgage,grant and convey that dorrotvor's intorest in the Properry urxier ihe 4�rms ut ih�s Sei;uriiy liti5iiui��ei�i; (b)is -
<br />�-'�'� not personally obligated to pay tho sc:ms secured by thls Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lenderand any other
<br />- -- Bo�ower may t�r�ree to extend,modHy,forbear or make any accommodatlons with regard to the terms af this Securfty
<br /> —��'=-�� InstrumeM orthe Note without that Borrower's conseni.
<br /> •�� 13.Notics�. Any notice to Borrower provided for In thls Security Instrument shall be gNen by delfvedng ft or by
<br /> _�°;;,��� maffing ft by first class mall unless c�ppllcable law�equfres use of another method.The notice shall be direc4ed to the
<br /> _..::;.�..��:,� Proporty Addresg or any ot�er address Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lendor.Any notice to Lende�sh�91 be gNen
<br />