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<br /> � „ 92- r 102599 ��=
<br /> ' Exhibit A �..
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<br /> Ti�^-t• o! l�nd eo�prf�lnp • p�rt e! lA� C��t H.lf el th• SoutM��� Ou�r1�� ,�," � - --
<br /> �L KI'-:..x..�._....
<br /> 19� 'Y�l,ef,tM itA ►�M.i•N�ll�[eunty•*M�bru��,d��erlt�d w�rtollo•��• Nln� � ; ��__� -
<br /> —� :_�..,;��,r....
<br /> ��pinnlnp •t • pofet on Lh� Y��t 1!n• ot •�id [��t H�1! o! tA• io�tA���t i : --__
<br />"' Ou� �t�r IEl/9 SE1/�1. •�!/ polnt e�lnp /.177.00 f��t 6autA of lA• Nort�•��t . --
<br /> eer nrr a! [ut N�1! et tt�• SoutA��N Ou�rt�r 1[1/9 �E!/�1� •�!d Poln� •1�0 ':..�,�=G- :
<br /> b�! np on t�• South lin• ol [��t Iou►tA 8lr��t f! •Mt�nd�d tto. !A• Y��ll ;:��F!_^
<br /> • �A�eu •anofnp MorM�ul�rlr • df�t�ne� e! 971.91 l��t. th�ne� d�fl�rttnp J �:.--;�:�rwT,:�-
<br /> 1�1 t 7? d�pr�►• 39' �nd rvnefop NortM��t�rl7 • d1�t�nc• o! l2.01 t��l to � ..+:,�-""�`
<br /> pot nl an th• 6autherly 1!n• o! [��t �eurtA �tr�rt� tl��ne• tunnlnp
<br /> i^i,�-:U
<br /> �• So�+ln���t�rly �Ionp •nd upee th• Sautherly 1ln� o! Cut Iour�A 6tt��t � �
<br /> df�t�nc• o! �99.95 l��t te • polnt on �h� Y�N 1in• o! �M [��t H�lf �t tA�
<br /> �'.:ulA�ut tr,��rt�r IE//R SEli�1. th�ne• runnfnp ioutA •loep •nd vpon t�• Y��t ,�y�;
<br /> llr.• o! !h• [��t H�1! ot tA• Gouth���t Ou�tt�r I[f/7 fC1/1� • di�t�ne• ot E . :�"'.,__�,,� ,
<br /> a�. S7 l��t to th• pofnt o! b�pfnnlnpl ( ���'� _
<br /> � tlr�t to •�cert�ln tM polot e! b�0s^^!"0 e! ��ld tr�et, �t�r♦ •t tA� ��,��_,
<br /> MorlA•��t eorn�r o! •�id Es�t 1��1! a! 6outh���t Ou�rt�r ICt/2 CC!/�1, runnlnp , _� ,� _�
<br /> � ' �A�oc• South •IonO w�.d upan ♦h• Y��t 11n• ef th• [��� H�l! ot lh� iouthr��t � yY��y
<br /> �I Ov�rt�r If1/7 Q[f/�1 • di�t�nc� o! 1.19T.OS l��tl lhtne• dell�etlnp l�!! il � •
<br /> d�pr��• 4l• wnd tunnl�p Morlhe��t�rlr • dl�t�ne• af �71.91 !�e! to lA• Polnt ; . I^ .__
<br /> et b�pfnnlnp� thenc� d�tl�etl�p �lph! 107 I�pr��• 01• •od iunnlep • {� "'_'r-
<br /> � SoulA���t�rly w dl�l�ne• ot S1B.�7 l��t 10 • polnt on th• NortA�rlr rlpAt-o(- �' :�..
<br /> ' � •' ��y o! th• U.P.p.w. Co���nr. tA�ne• ru�nlnp Northr��l�r ly wlonp •nd upon •�ld .
<br /> � . ..�i�.
<br /> �!ahl-ot-��r Iln� • di•e.�e• of �77•O l��t� IAr�c• d�t1�e!!np lett 9� depr��.
<br /> 77 ' 70• �nd runnlnp Norll����t�rly ■ dl�l�ne• ot 69�.S� !��! to • polnt on tA� � ;;:j;i
<br /> � Sovlh�rlr 1!n• o! [��t �ourtA Str��t/ th�ne� r�����o so��n...�.�ir �lenp •nd
<br /> up on •�ld Soutf���lr 1ln� • dl�t�nc• o! ZOf.49 i��t� lA�nc• d�il�etlnp J�It 6] � —
<br /> d�pr��� O1• �0• �nd runnlnp SoutA���l�rlr • di�l�ne� o! 92.01 l��t to lA� , ,
<br /> point o! b�pinnlnpl ; �,.�h'
<br /> I�rt o! th• No�thvert Ou�rt�r o! tA• South���t Ou�rl�i 1N�1/• SEf/�1 0! * •�
<br /> Srelioo T�o 1lO1. !e ?o�n�hlp El�v�n N1/ Norlh, Il�npe Nln� 19l Y��t o! lM � * #
<br /> � 6tA P.M.. �or• p�rlieul�rly A��crlbed �• lello��, to-�lt� Co���nefnp •t th• . �
<br /> , � ' j 6oulh���t eorn�r of lh• Ro�ii��f�t Cuattsf o! th• Reulh���t Ouvt�r IN�1/� . ��'•:_
<br /> SEI/�� e! •�!d S�etion, thene• •tr�fOht NortA on th• E��t 1io� of •�Id �� �� ;'
<br /> Northr��t Ou�rt�� o! Soulh���l Ou�rt�r fHwl/{ 6E1/�1 te • pofn! •h�r• •�id "� �
<br /> 1ie� lnt����et• th• South�r]r Eound�rr lin� n! iou�th Str��t !n th• C1lr o!
<br /> Or�nd l�l�nd, H�br��k• •� �ho+� o� th• pl�t a1 JoAn Y. L��b�rt•� Addltfon la 4a��
<br /> •�1d C!!�, lh�nc• !n • Soulhr��t�rlp ol��etlon •fonp ��d upon th• SovtArrly ; �
<br /> bouod�ry 1!n• o! •�!d rovHA f•trr�t to • pofnt •h�r• •�Sd 1!n• fnt�r��cl• th• 't
<br /> 6 oulA 11n• 01 •�1d Harthv��t O��rt�r o! the 6oulA���t Ou�rt�r IMV1/• C[l/el � �� ,
<br /> o! •�Sd S�ctlon, tA�nc• •tr�1p►�t [��t •lonp •�d upon w�ld SoulA 1ln� of •�fd
<br /> N orlh���l Ou�rt�r o! SOYtI11��L Ou�rl�r INVI/� 6C1/�1 lo tA� pl�e• oI ' �
<br /> b�pin�!np 1
<br /> Al�b. •11 0! th• 1�nd eont�tn�d �nd lnclud�d !n !h• �loek�, �tr��t• •nd _
<br /> �Il�y• •• lorw�rlr �wl�tinp •nd loe�t�d ei �nd !n Bloak• �7. 2�. �S. 7G. ?7 '-
<br /> • �nd Z0 !n tv�n�' Additlan to U�e C�ty ot Or��d t�1�nd. N►br��k�. •�1d 41ock�,
<br /> �tr��t� wnd wll�r• h�vinp Dr�n •�c�t�d �r d��d to Nub�rt H. H•y• �nd Ylt�, _ _
<br /> ' d.l�d M.reh 11, 1890 •nd r�cord�d !o �oak ?6 0! D��d• •t P�pt •25 0! Th� D��d
<br /> R�eord• p! N�II County. N�Gr�rk�� �1�o tA• lollovl�p tr�et o! l��d, �or• •
<br /> �..��ie�i..ir d��crlb�d •• lDllo��,' te•rit� Co�►�ncfn0 �t • polnt on lh• Y��t
<br /> 1 fn• o! lh• [�wt H�lt o! th� SoulA���t O��rl�r IE1/2 6E1/�1 0! 6�ctfon 7��
<br /> 1 101. in To�n��lp El�v�n Ifll NottA, P�np• N!n• 19� ���t o! th• 6th P.M.,
<br /> ��rr• th• South �fn• o! iourth Str��t.ln �h� GSt� o! Cr�nd ��l��d, NeDr••M•.
<br /> t �rould lnl�r��e� tA• •�•�, !! •�t�l.d�d, •nd tunnfn0 lh�ne• C�.t�rly •lonp tA� .
<br /> �euth 1Sn• o! •�1d rourlh 51T���� !! •rtrnd�d, T����y 7�0 •nd ilfir Iour
<br /> � H�ndr�dth• 1]�.'S11 Rad�, tA�ne• Soulh�rly !or • df�t��c• ef iAfrly O�• •nd
<br /> �
<br /> �our Hundr�d 7���ty ?�o Thou�rndtA• 171•���� ��d�• to • pofnt on �h• n�th
<br /> � 1fn• of �h• rfp►,l'o!-��y o! tA• UnIOh f�tftle �.flro.d te.r•�y. ?hlrlf •nd
<br /> � � i'11ty f our Hundr�dth• 150.��f Rod• [��t o! t�• Y��l 11n• of •�1d E�rl H�1! ot
<br /> " !A� 6ovlh���t Du��t�r IEI/T S[1/11 Of •�1d 6�clton i�n I101� th�nt• ���1
<br /> % ., •lorp th• Nr rth 11n• of •�fd r3pht•ef•v�y lo �M Y��l 1lnr �f lt.• (��t N�If
<br /> �' � o! tt.• 6aulL���t O.��rl�r I[!/7 Sf1/�1 0! •Nd t�rtlon T�n 11�:1. lh�n.-• Norlh
<br /> 76lrt� i�o •nd [fp�.lr ►!v• Hond��dt�• 177.SS/ Pad� •Ionp •�id Y��l lfn� to
<br /> , th� plre• o! b�ptnninp.
<br /> .t
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<br /> i
<br /> I
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<br /> � � -._ - --- _ .
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