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,�. S si 1 �� .i t t .i� ` r . �� .;..`;�� r � .. .. . ������ � r• u <br /> 4�f i'� —..a�e��:! � .iJS�f }'� .� ���iic.r�.i�} ZoY ` Y•=:... 4'.'�►����� f '�.� , . � .:�L�� '�� � 's __� <br /> . .r+r.w. .. -��'y"�C. -diF`,�ti•+" �( .+' �s•:Sj �.r����i � � I'� ,. - ,` � '�'�., �{ ks,._,_._���-�-��� <br /> . :�� .rr•+`t3ii'sl.m�. �t���VM:Yj�4JM�� ��.io�,..:r��. • . .w.....L�cns�.,:�t.. . ;�,.. <br /> � _�_. r •- -- <br /> �'' fl�"'!►'�HSY'y�"'{°' . ., � • —_ <br /> . �: . . _- y' � ..,,:wMi'$f#�..eeunrw........ � - -- ----- <br /> � - _...�..-..._ t• �— <br /> h�. — <br /> � _.�.• �..... ....«..... J ,�,.o.-+--F.- <br /> '��",,.. �� <br /> .4:�•���'•_ _ _. <br /> . - . _=-:-- _, g`� 1 U2 5 y'7 _��:' �:�.,.�--- <br /> . Tl)(l�THER WITH vU thc improvements oow or hercuflcr crected on the propeny. and all wsemcnts,appunenenccs, and � <br /> Bxturcx n�w on c�rcoftcr u (�rt uf thc properly. All rcpluccmcnls and additiana tihall alw� txs cnvcral by thl.r Sccurity <br /> • , Inwrumcnt. AO af thc fimg��ing ix rcfcrr�d p�in th�ti Scruri�y In.trunkm ua lhc "Pru�xrty." ��=:"='�"==-- <br /> is._._.-- <br /> � • " � BURROWF.R COVGNANTS�hut &�rrowcr i�luwl',cd oi�hr c.lutc hcrcby cunvcy«i and ha+ �Ik rigM tu gran� unJ „� <br /> convcy Ihr Pr��rty und Ihat thc Pru�xny i�unrnrumikn�l. rxrcpt ti�r cncumhranrcti c�f rccurd. Bnrr�►wcr wurrrnts uiul will �:.r:-'"":�.:�,.,. <br /> , , � --- <br /> �• detcnd gencr�lly�hr titic to�hr Prapcny yguin.t atl claim.und JcmanJ.,.uhjcrt tu any cncumbr�nrc+nl rcc�xd. + <br /> q� ` " THIS SECURITY INSTRUNENT a�mhincs uniliirm covcnunt+ti�r nutii�oul u+a�nd nc�munilimn ruvcnonlx with limitcd <br /> � ��.:�:�::�°-_-"i� <br /> ., variatinn,by�juri�Jictiun t��rim,litun u uniliirni.rruri�y in+tn�mrm cuvrrinµraul pru�rty. r . ..:�'„_:��.° __ <br /> UNIFORAI CUVE:NANTS. &�rn�wcr and lAndcr cuvcnuul anJ agr�c us li►Il�►wti: j '�; , ,._.,''_ <br /> • -� 1. P�►yment aP Princlpal �nd Intenwt; Prepaymenl +�nd I.�lc Chwry�ex. Rurrowcr �hall prumpUy puy whcn Juc �he ( � <br /> • p�incipal of anJ i�tcre.t on thr dcbt cvidcnccd By ihc Natc and uny prcpaynknt �nd lutc churgcs duc uncicr thc Nntc. ' <br /> 2. Funds Pur Taxcw nnd Ingu�nre. Suhjrrl h�upplicuhlc luw ur lo v wriucn wuivcr hy l.cixlcr, &�rruwcr �hull pay to ; . :• •.�•-_;- <br /> L�:ndcr�m thc Jay monlhly payment.u��Juc undcr thc Notc,until Ihc Nutc is puiJ in ful l,•r sum 1"Funds"►Gir: lul yuuly tuacs ( _. ;��:.��r,; <br /> nnd a��c+�mem,whirh muy attuin prinriry uvcr this Security ln.lrumcnt ux u licn�►n thc Props:ny:Ibl yc•rrly Icusch��W payments �' •-'-�-Y"` <br /> or gnwnd rent.�m th�:Propcny,if any: (c1 ycarly hs�r.�rd or pruperty inwruncc prcmium.:IJ)ycarly I1�KKl insurancc premiumti, � . � <br /> iP any: �c)ycurly m��rt@•rgc imuruncc prcmiumti, if uny: unJ (�uny xum, payublc by Burruwcr to l.cnJcr,in accurJanrc with � • �'_. _,,., <br /> thc pravitiions of paragrnph 8, in licu of ihc paymcnt af mungagc insuruncc premiums.Thcsc item�arc cullcd "Eun►w Item�." ? • <br /> l.cndcr may. �t any timc, cullect and h�ilJ Funds in un amount not t�►cxc���l thc max imurn amount u Icndcr f�r•r fcdcrrlly ; <br /> � rclAted nwrtgagc I��an m•ry rcyuirc fix Borrowcr's curow urcount undcr thc fcdcral RcAI�s�atr Setdcment Pnx:cdures Ac� of • <br /> 1974 rti umcndcd from timc I��timc. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 el sey. 1"RESPA"l.unksti anc�thrr law thut applics to thc FunJti .. ..r�r�, <br /> � sctti A les�cr amount. If x►, L.cnder muy, at any timc, cullcct and hold Funds in an umaunt not to exc.*��d the umount. • � : <br /> • �.,�. <br /> L.cnder may e�imate thr umount iif Funds Juc on thc basir of currcnt dutu and reuwmublc estirnates of expendiwres M�future � � �":� <br /> Escrow Item,ar ahcrwisc in accordancc with upplicablc luw. ` . ; .. .....+_" <br /> The Fund� zhall I+c hclJ in an instiw�iun whosc dcpiisits arc insured by u fcd�ral ugency, in�trumenlality. ur entity <br /> (including�enJcr,if Lcncicr is xuch an institu�ian)or in any FcJcrul Homc I.oan Bunk. [.�ndcr tihull upply Ihc Funci+t��pay thc � '_����- <br /> Eu:row Items.l.cnder may n��t chargc Bonuwer Ii�r holJing unJ applying the FunJx, annually unulyzing the escrow arcuunt,or d <br /> vcrifying thc Eurow Itcros,unlcss l.cndcr ps►ys Borrc►wcr intcrest�n thc FunJx and applicublc IUw pertnits I.cnJcr tu mukc such <br /> a charge. Hawever.Lender muy require Borrowcr t�pay u une-litm churgc for an inikpenclent real extatc tax rep��Ring tierviee � <br /> uscd by [.cndcr in c�mncriion with this I�ian, unlcss upplicublc luw providcs oth�rwisc. Unlcsti un ugrcemcnt i�� nwdc ��r �� <br /> applicablc law requires intcretit�u bc p•rid, lAndcr shull noi tx rcyuireJ to puy Rorrower any intcrest or u�mings�in thc Funds. <br /> Borrower und Lendcr may agrce in writin�, howevcr. �hut intenst tihall bc p•rid on the Funds. Lendcr shall givc to Bnrrowcr, . ` <br /> _ - wiiix�ui chargc, an annual :icrounsing =2f thc Funds, sht��ving rrcclits and dchit� ��+ �hr Fnncl�und �hc purpisc for which carh ==a1i,. . <br /> debit to the FunJti wus mude. The Funds urc pledgeJ us udditional ,ecurity for ull xumx ,ccurcd by this Security Instrument. <br /> If thc Funds held by I.cndcr exrecd Ihc umnunts permiued tci Ixt hclJ by upplicablc law,l.�ndcr shull account to Bnrrc�wcr ��` .' � <br /> for the cxcess FunJ. in accord•rrne with Ihc myuirements of upplicuble luw. If the amount i�f the Furxls helJ by l.endcr ut uny . •� <br /> time is nw suffiricm tu puy thc F..crnw Itcros whcn Juc. Lendcr ms�y so�x�tify Bormwcr in writing,anJ, in�uch ca,e Burcuwcr . <br /> shall pay to Lendcr lhc amount neccssury tc>mukc up thc detiricnry. &►rmwcr shull mnke up the dcfiri�ncy in n�►marc thun •�`� <br /> twelvc monthly puymcntti,a� L.cixlcr', u�lc Jiurctiun. ��� <br /> Upon paymcnt in 1'uU ��f ull .um� +ccureJ by thi. Sccurity Imtrumcnt, l.endcr shall prompdy ret'unJ tu Burruwer any �"j <br /> FunJs hcld by l.cndcr. If,undrr paragraph 21. Lcndcr tihall ucyuirc or rcll thc Propcny. Lendcr,priur ti�Ihc aryuisitian�ir,alc j <br /> • of thc Property. tihull upply•rny Fund� hclJ by l.cndcr at Ihc timc u(ucqui+ilii►n or salc •rs n creJit aguinst thc tiums xccurcd hy . <br /> this Sccuriry In,trurn�m. <br /> 3.Appllcation of Paymcnt�. Unlc+s applicnblc luw pruvidc.uthcrwi,c.all paym�nt+rrccivcd by l.crnkr undcrpuragraphs <br /> 1 und 2 shall tk •rpplicd: lint, to any prcpaynx;m�har�c�Juc unJcr thc Notc: seronJ, to arnnums payublc undcr p•r�a�:mph 2; • <br /> third, a►intcrc+� due: ti�urth. �o prinripal Juc;and I•r.t.�o•rny lutc rhar�cs duc undcr ihc Nutc. <br /> 4.Ch�rg�: Liem. Borrowcr shvll pay all iaxr,.�,�c.,m�nt,.rharFr,, tinc.arxl in�+u�itiuns uttrihutublc h► thc Property <br /> which nwy au•rin pri�xitp av�r�hi�Srcurity Instrument. anJ Ica.chold paynkna or gr�wnd mnl�. if any.Burruwcr shall pay . <br /> thesc��bligatiun. in�hc munncr providcd in parugraph 2,ur il'nnt puid in�hu�munncr.Burn�wcr�hall pay �hcrn�m �imc Jircrtly <br /> • to thc person��wed paymcnt. Hnrn�wcr shull prompdy furni.h lu I.cndrr all nuticcti ul anux� Ik paiJ undcr thix pur�graph. . <br /> If Borri►wcr m•rkcs Ihc�c paynxnlx JirccUy. I3�►rruw�cr+h:dl prumptly furni.h�o Lcndcr rccripts cvidenrin�;thc p•rymcnts. <br /> Borcowcr�hall prnmptly diuhargr nny lirn which hu�priurit}•u�•cr�hi,ticcunt�•In+uunxnt unlc+s Borrc�wcr. lal utirccz in <br /> writing to thc puymcm of thc��bliga�iun scrurcJ My thc licn in a manncr:Kr�piahlc i��L�ndrr:Ih1 comc�ts m giwxl fuith�hr licn <br /> by, or JcfenJs a�aim� rnforr�mrnl ��t' thc licn in. Icgal pnxc�din�t+ which in thr L�ixlrr', upiniun u�ratc to prcvcnt thc <br /> � ;,. enlorcement of�hc lirn: ��r 1�1 +crurc+ from Ihc hnldcr nl ihc lien :m aErcrmrnt +,�n,l�Ktun• tu l.�nJcr.uhnr�iinating the licn to <br /> � this S��curity In,trumcnt. U LcnJrr Jet�rniinc+that any pan �d thr Pm�xn� i. �ublcrl t��.i lien whirh m�y attain pri��rity uvcr <br /> this Sccurity In�trumrnt. Ixndcr may�i�•c li��rr��wrr:�ni�ucr idrntil��n�!thr lirn. l;��rr�►W�r ,h:�ll ,a�i,i� tlx lirn i�r tukr unc iir <br /> more o(thc actions+et furlh atxi��wuhin 111��„ul Ihc Ewin�ut nuUir. <br /> Form 3028 919f1 <br /> • „n�J.��r. ' <br /> MC-30�18-NE/2 <br /> � <br /> . <br /> 1� � <br />