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<br /> "� � ` ,��.�• upplicable IWw muy specify far rcins�ulcmentl before sulc of�hc Property punuum u�uny �x►wcr ��f xalc runtuined in Ihis �_
<br /> � '�• Security Instrumcnt;ar(b)eNry of a judgmcnt enforcing thfw Ser.u�iry Inrmiment, 7'h��+�condi�i�inw ure�hu�dorrower. (ul
<br /> , � � '' 4 pays I.znder all sumx which Ihen woulJ be due under this Secu r ity Inztrument unJ thr Nute u� if na urceleratiun hud
<br /> •,t oceurred;lbl cureti uny default of uny�Khrr covenants or ugreemems;lc1 pay+All rx�xnu�incurt�J in rnfoning this Sccurily
<br /> � � Instniment, including, hut rn�t limited ta, rcaxonahle uuorncyti'feex: ;u�J Idl wkc� +urh uctiun ay Ixndrr may rea+�muhly ---� _
<br /> • . rcquire ta sssure that the lieo of�his Security Instrumenl.Lcnder4 rightz in tlx Pn�p►+ny und R�►rrower:uhligaiiun a�puy thc
<br /> �:::�_.�._.�..,,`
<br /> .� .
<br /> sums secured by this Serurity Imlrument �hall c��ntinue unchunged. Upan rein+�u�emrn� My Born�wrr,Ihiy Security
<br /> * , -. • • - •� Instniment und the ubligsNiun�+�wureJ liereby ,hull rumain fully cffrctive a.if no aecelcratinn had�xcurced. H��we�rr,ihi� � -- ___-__ :_:__
<br /> right to rcinstate shall not npply in lix cuac of acccl�rution under parngraph 17. — -
<br /> l9. Sale of Note:ChanQe of l.oan Servke� The Nnte ar u partiul imcrest in�hc Nntc Ilo�eclhrr with tl�i+S�curity
<br /> � � Instrumentl mny be+old one or more time,wiihaut prior noti�c[o Bnrrowcr. A�ulc muy rc+uh in a chungc in thr cntily ---- -- --_
<br />�`��g � ' Iknown ns lhe"Loun Servicer'1�hat collec�s munlhly ppyment��iue unJer thr No�e und Ihis Srcuriry In�irumem. There ul,�� �+�
<br /> ��, � may be one or more chunges of�he Loan Srrvicer unrclated�n a sule of the Nate. If theR i.u rhungc of thc L��an 5crviccr, �;.�.,,9���
<br /> , •• Bomower will be given written notice of Ihe chnngc in xecxJance with p�rugraph 14 ulx►ve und cippliruhle law. Th�nulice =;,.�.�;�.�+��'�--
<br /> ' will stute the namc And ndd�css of the new La:u�Serviccr unJ ihe uddres�to which payment�.hould hc madc. Thc noticc will �_. ,,
<br /> �,�� alxa 20taHazard uarSubstances.`Borrowcr hall�nobl aluw.or permi�thc preticncr.u.rc.di+po+ul..loragc.or rcicas�ol uny ..--�"•°�,�'�"""'''�""`'�L'..
<br /> ��:;�,:�.�; �,� ; p
<br /> '�'�` HAZUrdous Substnnces on or in the Propeny. Borrc►wer shull not do, nor:�U��w aayonc cl.r tu Jo,unylhing ufferting thc
<br /> �• ,. Property that is in violation of uny Envimnmenlnl Luw. The preceding�wo.emrnces,hull not upply w�hr presence, uu,ur
<br /> .. � _ ctors+ge on thc Property of�mall yuanti�ics of HAZnrdous Subs�unces that ure genc�ully recotaniieJ�o be uppro�xiute�o iwrmul .,.�_;_.;.�,,.�,5
<br /> • � residential uxes und to maimenunce of thc Propeny. �� �
<br /> ' . ° ' � RoROwer shull promptly Five Lender wriuen natice of any imestigation,cluim,demunJ,law,uit or other i�ction hy uny r �=�
<br /> � Favemmentul ar�egulatory agency or privutc pany involvin�the Prop�:ny and uny Hururdou,Sub��unrc ur Environments►I E �i���:i��
<br /> Luw of which Borrower ha� urtuul knowledgc. If Borrowa:r Ieurns, or i. naiticd by uny �ovemmentul ur reFulalory � � _•� ?`'
<br /> authority,thAt ony removal ur other remediution of uny Huzardouti Sub+lunce uffccting the Property i+ ncrc,wry.Borniwcr . � �.���'�
<br /> shall prompQy Ia ke u l l necessury rcme Jiu l uctiun.in accor duncc wi l h E nv i r o n me n l a l L u w. � ��
<br /> As uxed in this purugraph 30."Hazurdous Subslances"•rre Uw.c sub�lunres defineJ a.ioxic or har.urJou.�uhstunce.hy .-. --y�
<br /> ,"�_; � EnvironmentAl l.uw and the following wb�iunrc.: gu.nlinc.kero.rene, othcr tlummublc ur�oxic �xtrokum�roduct�,tuxic � � -}°' _-
<br /> ��' pesticidew und herbicides, volulile solvents, mutcri;dti con�aininF uzhetitox or iiirmuldehyJe.unJ rudioucuvc ma�criuls. A� ' '?.��
<br /> uscd in this parugruph 20."Environmentul l.uw"mcunx fedcral luws and laws of tlx jurisdictian where Ihc Prqxi�ty i+I�xuted s , . -
<br /> Ihat rclule lo health,�ufcty or environmental protrction. • ,
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Sorrower und Lendcr t'unher covenun�and agree as foUcnvs: �' 1 .�' ,�
<br /> 21. Acceleration: Reaiedies. Lender shall Rive n�Nlce lo Borruwer prior la accelernUon following Bnrrower's . . •.•. �,�� �,
<br /> � breach of'any covenaM or asreement in this tiecu�ilv In�t�ument Ibut not priar tu acceleration unde�paragraph l7 :-�•<:� .� �Q�
<br /> , ; • � •
<br /> ----- us�lcss applfrable la�Y pravlde.s otherwisel. The notlee Shall ti�iPy: ia)the dePuull:�bl the actiun required lu cure the i ._:__ '.• "
<br /> -- -- ---
<br /> default;Ic1 u date.not le�.c than 30 dayg Prom the date the notice is kiven tu Rorrower,by which the default must he ;.�;R , � =�
<br /> ' cured:and(dl that i'ailure to curr Ihe defaull on or befirce the date!�pecified in the nutice muy result ln eccele�ation uf 1•�
<br /> � . Ihe sums secured by lhls Security Intitrument xnd tiale ut Ihe Propertv. The notice shall i'urther ioPorm B�Krower af�.r^. ..
<br /> the ri�hl tu rein5tate after ucceleration And the rlaht k�bring u caurt aclion In as�ert Ihe non-rxictence of u defuult or 4 •�:;'�. _
<br /> ��.•',�;'• �
<br /> anv other deiense aP Bor�ower to uccelerutiun und sule. If Ihe defuult is nnt cured on ur bePare the date specifled in �_ { :
<br /> " Ihe notice.Lender al its option may�eyuire immediule pr�menl in full of ull sume.secured by this tiNCUrity Inslrument ��'' ' , -
<br /> - without i'urthe� demand and may invoke Ihc power oi sule and anv other remedirs permilted 1►y s�pplicuble law�. �
<br /> I.ender shall be entilled W collect ull expensex incerred in pursainR the remedies prnvided in this par�Rraph 21, i. • .��^''���
<br /> includinR.but not limited�n,reasonuble uttorney�'Peeti und cusls oP tiNe evidrnce. . ' � �
<br /> , � If the puwe�of'xule is invoked.7'rustee.r•hull �ecord u nnlice of defuult io euch county in which any pwrt ui the ; , • •��-
<br /> � Praperi�i,i�Kaled and tihull muil c�rpirs uf xuch notice in the mannrr pre+cribed by upplicuble luw lo Borroe•er and to __
<br /> • I the uther persuns preycribed b�•upplicubic lux�. Af'ter the tfine reyuired b�•upplicuble IaH•,Trustee shull ui�•r public � , _:
<br /> notfce of sale N�the persuns und in Ihe munner prexcribed bv appliroble lu��•. Tru!�tee.w•+thout demand on Bnrruw�er, ;
<br /> ti h a l l s e l l t h e P r o p e r h•a t p u b l i c u u c t i o n t o t h e h i�h e y l b i d d e r u t t h e t i m e u n d p l a ce und under thr terms drs i�nated in � �;
<br /> � the notice ni sale in one or m�rre panrls und in any��rder 7Yuslec drtermines. Trustee muy portpone.r•ule��f ull or um• ' __
<br /> � parcel of the Propertv by public unnouncemrnt at the limr und pluce oi'vn��pre�iouslv schedulyd xule. I.ender ur itti � • �'• --
<br /> ' � d�l�nee ma��purchase Ihe 1'ropert}•ul un}•xale. � ���" �
<br /> Upon receipt nf payment �if the pricc bid,'I�u�ter+hull delh•er to the punhuser 7'ru�te�'r deed com�e}inR the ; � � •
<br /> � Propertv. 'fhe recilals in Ihe'1'rusler',deed shull l►e primu fucic c��idence oY the truth oP th��slutemenls made therein. ' '��•
<br /> . '� : � 7'ruslee shall upply tl�pr��ceeds of the�Ic in Ihe Pollu��in�urder: lal lu ull co,l�•riid e�pentieti of exerci�in�;the poa�er
<br /> . ; • .'ss;,:
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