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�� � _ ,f�••��_ . .•u�Tf� ' �(K„�:i'G 4 �i�'� - i.; Ii 5- �Hi � . :•r. � � ,�i.r,=:��. .� :�:._ _ . <br /> . I ' !�5 '_.3Jd► w �� .�'i� �� . -+ Il. . '� '�� -�-Iti '%�r( f 1��t�� t� r ,�.fi � 4k�. <br /> , 'lli n .. .a.Md.►�' �rtir� . ..1.,1 �.�tr��' n,, � 1 ' i i{�} t ��f� �11iiw�.S C7i �{1'c���w -- <br /> I'•, ..tlr+w��+nv�wM,'.�, i� ;�...�,y:� .;.��:,�:°.Wf�f�i 1"�• III _kn..n«.�,. , ,4+✓LMNJlM�� ,. — — -- <br /> ���� <br /> 1,�: .��'g%tiellCAr��. 'Wf�'xr'�e�...�' � <br /> ,� • „•..... k�+!�Nr:i n�nr.w�,�a�lf11 „(^,�t'MYi+�w�'.'"-e' I .____. <br /> .i._._--. _. . �. . -- <br /> �YRilINGS'.?4�br. . "" .. _ . _ _—__ _- <br /> � . ...�.. - - - _'--- -- - ...._. ._ . - - -- — - ��' _ •.t� . <br /> _. .,. ; ' .. c.— �Z�� �V�f�t� �t,.'1r r_=!-_=_---. _ . <br /> �.i_i: <br /> d�._av�.._.. <br /> ... . . . .. ��--'t ti-"t .. <br /> � TOC.iETHER WITti aU thc improvcmcm+now on c�roulirr rrectcd un�hr pru�rty.und•rU �asrnnniti,uppunenuncc,. - <br /> • . � �., . <br /> �� '�' und fizwrc�now on c�reuf�cr�� purt of tlx pmpcny. All replrKCment+unJ uddiiiun++hull ulW� 6�rnvered hy Ihis Securi�y ��:=r��r=-°_°_ <br /> � . Instrumcnt All ni�du tircc�oing iy rcfcrrcd to in�hi+Scrurity Inh�rumrni a�thc"Pr.��ny." �:':��+:-=- <br /> . . .. . BORROWER CAVFNANTS thal &�RUwcr i�luwfully+ci�rJ��f Ihc c�lulc h�rrhy a►nvcyctl und hu�Ihc righl lu grunt '� _��Y.��� <br /> ., nnc�cunvey ihr Propcny und�hu�ihr Pru{�ny i�unrncumhrred.cxcrpi lur cncumhruncrti al'mrurd. Nunowcr wurrunt�und i.: ,:,.�_=;-- — <br /> , ..: �-��.-- <br /> will dcfcnd generully ihe tiUc�o ihr Pmpcny ugainrt ull cluim�und dcmand�.�uhJcct to uny encumbrunrr.�,f rec�Kd. .:�;:=--- _�•- <br /> THIS SFCI�RITY INS7'RIiMF.NT cnmhinr� unilinm covenunl� ti�r nutional u.e :�nd nan•uniinrm covenun�r� wi�h :��.-,- •� j� <br /> ; . limited vanutiun.hy ju�i�dirtian tu c�x�,tiiutr u unifumn xcurity in+�romem covenng mul propeny. �,_,_. _=_ _- <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrnwcr und l.endcr cuvrnant unJ uErrr u� ti�U��wti: - ,,;;��_;TS� <br /> " I. Ppyment aP Princlpal and Interesli Prepayment And Lrte Churgea. B��rniwrr.hall pmmpUy puy wh�n duc Ihe ;,,.,.:,a- <br /> :i�'�'.�;--- <br />� ,� . principul af und imem+�on�he deM cviJenccd hy thc No�e und uny prepaymcnt;xid luic rhargc+dur under ihc NiNc. -:••'.r,r,;_== <br /> Z Punds ior Taxer And Inwurance. Suhjrct t��applicablc luw or tu u wriucn wuivcr hy L�nJer.Burrower�hull puy��+ ���,:;i..;__�:' <br /> .��.��.a,- <br /> � Lcndcr un thc duy monthly puymcntx urc duc undcr thc N��tc,un�il thc N��tc i�puiJ in 1'ull, 1"Fwid:'► li�r: Iu1 y�vrly : r�,����:_� <br /> luxc+und asticssmcm�which muy uuain priority uvcr thix Securiry Intilrumcnt uti s� Ikn on thr Pru�xny:Ihl ycarly Icuschold '�T ^y, �; _ <br /> .•.• � paymentx ur ground rentti an the Pm�ny, if uny: lcl y�+uly haiurJ or property in.uruncc premium.: Id) yeurly Il�Kxl � •• r�'*-�r7 <br /> ._.:�.4!tiltl>_aSw�..=��_e'.�= <br /> insuruncc premiumti, it'any: Iel y�+�ly murtgu�c insu�unc� premiumx, if uny;und if) uny tium� puyubk by Bom�wer to •:.-.Y.:�-F.;,�;-; <br /> LenJer, in uccarJnnce with the provi�iun�ul'puragraph K, in lieu of the pay�nent ��f m�mguge insurun�c pmmium,. These •�'' '4 <br /> " - items ure culled"Escn�w ltems.' LrnJcr may.ut any time.callect und h��ld Fundx in un umount not�o rxceed thc maximum `�.. . <br /> umount u Iendcr for u fedcrully rclu�ed mortgage loun muy rcquirc fur Borrowc�:e��� �w account unJcr�hc frderul Rcal •��,���� <br /> Estulc Seukment Prucedurc.Aci ot'1974 us umended fram time w�imc, 12 U.S.C.$2ti111 ��r se•y.l"ItESPA"1.unle.+unahcr ' .���;��'—:--. <br /> .. law ihat uppl iex to the Fund�.ct+u Iesser umount. If tio.Lender uny tirnc.collec�und IxdJ Funds in un umuunt not tu , �° '''` � <br /> � ,:w�- <br /> ►__y�. <br /> exceed the Iestier umount. Lcnder muy e,timatc the umount oF Fundti duc �m �he bu�i+ of current data and reu.onublc � ._;, :,�,�}.,^ <br /> ertimates of exprndiiures of futur� E+crow Itemx ur othenvi.e in acc��rclancc wi�h upplicublr luw. � � • „:-. <br /> • Thc Funds �hall t,e hcld in un imiiw�ion whase depcnits ure insured hy u federul ugenry, ins�rumentali�y, or entiry <br /> linc lu ding Le n Jcr,i f l.en der i.�urh un inti�itu�ion)nr in any Fedrrul Hnme Loan Bank. Lendcr�hall upply thc FunJti to puy � • •'='•��"_ <br /> ° thc Escrow Item.. L�ncicr muy no�churgr Borrowrr lor haWing anJ upplyinE tlu Fund�.unnually unulyting thc c,crow u�_ <br /> uccount. �tt verifying thr E�rmw licm.. unle+s Lender puys Borrowcr imerc,t on the FunJ, anJ upplicoNlc luw permit+ � '��=� - <br /> � Lcndcr ta make +uch n churge. Howcvcr.LcnJer muy requirc Barrower u� p•ry u one-�ime churgc fur un indc�xndent rcul ` ,�:.`. ���.•�� <br /> estute��x rcpcxling�ervic�u+ed by Lend�r in connertiun wilh Ihi,loun,unlesti applicuMc luw pruviJeti otherwi�e. Unlc,s un , ;:,'. �-�. <br /> � ugrcement is made ar applicable luw rcyuires intcrext to lx puid.Lcnder,twll nul lx requireJ to puy B�►rrower any intcresl ur ;j;;z; <br /> earning�on the Fwxls. BoROwcr unJ l�endcr muy ngrce in writing,howcvcr,ehat imere,t xhull hc paiJ on�he Fundti, LenJer <br /> � " . shull givc lo Borruwcr,withaut chargr, an unnual+Krounting of Ihc Funds,showing crcditti and ckbitti to�hc Fundti and thc .�, ` :�:. <br /> �, purpnsl for which each debit�u�hc Funds wus mude. Thc Funds are pledged us additionul�ecun�y for ull xumx�ecureJ by � . � <br /> --- ._--...- this Securily lnstn�mf•nt. . '�� <br /> If the Funds held by Lcndcr excc¢d the umounts pe:rmittcJ to bc� held by appliruhlc luw, i.endcr.hall ucc��unl iu ' - <br /> Bom►wcr for thc cxcc.,Fund� in uccordo�x:c with thc rcyuircmcnh of�pplic:ablc law. !f Ihc umount uf Ihc Fund+hclJ by . � <br /> Lender ut uny�ime is nw xufficicnt io puy thc E,crow licm�when due, l.cnder�nay �o notify Borrowcr in writing,und, in � , <br /> � such caxe Borrower tihull pay to Lendu the umoum necc,+ary 10 muke up �he ckficiency. Born�wcr�hull muke up the t � <br /> deficiency in no rnorc thun iwelve m�mthly puymenh.ut Lrnikr ti,olc Ji�crctiun. , <br /> Upan puymem in I'ull of all ,ums secured by�hi.Securiry In,trumem. Lendcr sh•rll promptly rcfund to Borrower any . - <br /> Funds held hy Lendcr. If,undcr purr�:raph 2L l.ender�hall acyuirc ar xll thc Property,Lendrr,prior lo thc xyuirition ur <br /> +ale of Ihe Properly, shall upply any FunJ, held hy Lencicr at thc time of ucyui,iii�m or +ule us:i credii u�uinst the xumti , • � <br /> secured by thi.Security Inslrunxnt. � <br /> 3. ApplkalH�n of Poyment.r. u�,i�.,,►��i��.�ni� luw pruviJeti ��therwi�c, uU puyment, rrccivcd hy Lrndcr undcr <br /> ' paragruphx 1 and 2.hall Ix applird:lir,i.tu•rny prepaymen�chargr+duc under the Notr;.rcund,t��umcwn��payaMle under ; <br /> • � paraFraph�:third,to imrrc+t duc: timnh.lo principal dur;unJ Ia.�,1u any lalc churgc+duc undcr Ihc Nutc. � _ <br /> J. Charges; Lienx. Bc�rrc�wer ,hall piiy all laxes, ati�cti�mcN+, chargeti, linc� and im�x»itiom altrihutuble to the <br /> property which may auuin pri��riry nvrr�hi. Securily In�trumenl.ancl Iec�zeh��ld puyment.ur Eruund'any. Borrower <br /> ,hall puy Ih�se obliga�ions in thc rnanncr pruvided in prragraph �.ur if nu1 paid in�hu�mannrr. Bnrruwer�hull puy them un <br /> linm direclly Io tlu�xr�un owed p.�ymcnt. Burrow¢r+hall promptly fumi�h a,Lcnder all n���icr�of Ix paid undrr , <br /> this puraEruph. If BoROwer makrs Ihrx puymenl�directly.Norrnwcr.hall prum�ly fumi.h t�,I.enJrr rcrriptti evidetxing <br /> thc puy�mnts. � , <br /> Borrowcr shull promptly di+chargr:my Gcn whirh ha�priuriiy uvcr Ihi,Sccuriiy Di,trument unlrtiti Bittro�vcr:lal agrcrs <br /> in writin�to Ihr paymcnt ul'Ihr ohli�utiun�rrured by thc licn in a mannrr arcr�tuhlc�u Lrndcr. �h1 cantc,h in guuJ I'uith Ihc <br /> lien hy.or dc(cnd+�igain,t cnfarcenkm uf ihc lien in. Icral pnx�rcdinE+ which in Ihc Lrndrr;��piniun o�xratc Io prcvrnt thc , <br /> enforccment ol'�he li�n:ur(c1.ecuR� 1'rnm �hc hiddrr ul'thc lirn an u�reemcnl.ali.l'ariory Ia Lcnder+uixvdinatinE thc lirn <br /> to Ihis S��:urily Intitroment. 11'Lrn�kr�klrrniinc,�hat any pan ol ihc Pru�xrt�•i. ,uhjrct�u;i licn whirh may attain priority <br /> , ovrr�his Scrurity Inrtrumrnt.Lcndcr may give Horruwcr:►nntirc idrntifyiu�. ihc licn. RoROwrr,hull .an�ty Ihr licn or takc <br /> . * ' onc or�iwrc uf Ihe artionx.ct fonh alxive�vithin IU d:�y+ot�Ihe givin�!ot�n�Niu�. <br /> S. Hazurd or Propert�•Intiur�nce. Hurrowrr,hall I�crp ihc impruv�mcnh ni,a•rxi�iing ur h�rcal'I�r crrrted im thr <br /> , Prupcny msur�d again.t lo.�hy firc.hai:ird.inrluckd wi�hin Ihr i�rni"�•xten�kJ ru�•rra�:r"und an}•athrr haiard,.including <br /> ticxids or tlocxling,fur which Lcnd.r rci�uirc� in.urunr.. 1'hi. iu�uranrc.hall Ix m:w►t:►mc�l in thr am�,unt, and ti,r thc <br /> Mi�rm.IN28 4�W1 ��y,e.•:.,�r��,ue,•„ <br /> � <br /> t <br /> � <br /> • r' �.1 <br />