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<br /> • MORTCAGB _ J"�'-- -
<br /> �i.�=ry—
<br /> � MORT(:AGIi WANNO. HI 976 FHA �= � "��'�^
<br /> n r � '`:.�:-':R-:�
<br /> KNOW ALL MFN BY TNFSF.PRFSGNTS:That Nowerd D. H888Qtt Bnd DeAnn L. H888ett. eeCh 111 „7."•` -_ � "
<br /> �� his end her ow� right, end es spouse of eech other, �=�._��=..�.,,�.,�
<br /> Mort�o�.whethar on�or morc�in oon�idewtiaa o[the aun ot t ..;y-;....�..-----.�..
<br /> . �.P,...•:.
<br /> � Seventy Seven Hundred end n�100 --------------__�--_—--'-"""'""-��� � -� `-."��
<br />- lo�ned to raid moASag�ur by The Nquftabk 9uilding u�d I.uan Assoeiatbn oi Gnnd Idand,IVebnika.Mo�tguee,upon 7 7 shsres oP rtod�of
<br /> aid ASSOCIA7'ION.Cettific�tc No. W I 976 F HA do bercby graot, wnvey and murl�agv unto the a!d ASSOCIA770N ibe Pollowrin{ . _ . • �
<br /> dpaibed mal pUle��itwted in Ildl (:ounty.Nebradu: • s_,.`•, � _
<br /> . r .
<br /> Lo� Eleven (11) Argo Second Subdivi.sion. Village of Alde. Hell County, Ne. f �.�,,,1.:,
<br /> [�; .r�:���
<br /> � � - �.�•Yy::.�S':_Q"�-_-
<br /> r:',� .�W4�..
<br /> [.
<br /> It �� � �r���"7r3 .
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<br /> �. , . 1 � _
<br /> � � }. ;. �::.t�:�
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<br /> � :., -
<br /> ,' .
<br /> , e . � •N�,)��
<br /> � togelher with all the tenemcnti,hercdi�amcnts and appurlcn�nas Ihereunl�bebn�ing,including�itached fluot coverings,dl window�nf, �' . �.;:..�t,�.�`�
<br /> . ,,.. rrlado�shsda,bUnds,slotsrt windnws,awnino�,heat�n�t_�ir ttmditioninR.md QlumbinR and waar equipment md auessorie�themto,pump�,stovp. �' ;: ��
<br /> 1 refrieentors,and athcr flzturc:�nd equfpment noW ur hereaftcr attached ta or uscd in a�nncctiun wilh iaid real estWe, t �i�!.�� :
<br /> � And whercas the mid mortgagnr has agreed and dces hereby aRrec Ihal thc murtgaRur�all and wiU pay all taxa and aaemnenb levkd or , i , �
<br /> aaemd upon wid prcmfse:and upon �his mort�aRc and thc bnnd securrd�hereby brfurc!he same+hall bewme dclinquent;to furnl�h approved �� .
<br /> ; I insurancc upon thc buildings on said prertuus situated in Ihc sum��f S ] �(]Q,QQ p�yahk tu said ASS(xIAT10N �nd to deUver to s�id ; �
<br /> ASSOCIATION 1he policici fot said insurana:anJ nnt In commit or permj any wa:tc un ur abuu!saW premises; y�.
<br /> � � In case of default in tha performance uf nny i�f ihe terms�nd condit�uns nf th�a murtgage ur Ihe bond secuted hercby.the mortgsgee sFuU, �
<br /> ,:� on dertwnd,he entitled to imrt�edlrie p�uession uf�he mortg�ged premises anJ thc rtwri�gor hemby asslgns, lransfen and sets avar to Ihe ; �'�
<br /> ` � mortgagee all the rents,revenues and inaime�u be dcrived frum Ihe murtp�gcd premises Juring such time u the moAg�ge indebtednes��hall rcmJn
<br /> unpaid;and the murtgagcc sFwll have thc puwer w�ppnmt any�gent or agen�s u may desire for thc purpose of reQ�iring�ld premisea md rcnting
<br /> , the sama and colkcting the rents,revenucs anJ inmrne,and it may pay out ��f mid incume all expensea of repairing nid prtmites and neamry �
<br /> f , � � commis�iuns and expcnses incurred in renting anJ mona�,mg Ihe came and��f collectinR mntals therefrum; 1he b�lance romaining,if any,to be
<br /> applied lowatd Ihe dischargc of s�id murtgagc indchlcdness;lhcu rights af�hc morlg•rger may be cxercised nt any Ilme during the txittanae of such ' _
<br /> • dcf�ult,irrespcctive of any Icmpurary waiver uf Ihc s:imc. . ,
<br /> These Presanls,however,are u�x�n the Cunditiun,'fh•rl ff Ihe said M��dg•rgur shall repay safd luan un ur bcWto the malutity of�id shares by
<br /> paymcnt;pay monlhly W saiJ ASSO('IATION nf Ihr sum sprciPicd in the Nund sccured I�rteby•rs Intcrexl and principa!un said lo�n,on or bofote
<br /> „ Ihe Twenticth Jay oi'cach and evcry m�Mth,un�il saiJ luan is fully paiJ;pay�II�axcs aoJ asseumen�s levied against sald premises rnd on thls Mortg�ge
<br /> and 1he Bond secured�hereby,heWre delinyuency;(urn�sh+ppwved insur•rnce upun the bwWings thereun in the sum of S 7.700.00 payable
<br /> - to said ASSOCIATION:repay w s�id AtiS(M'IhTION u��n dem�nd all mnncy by�� prid fur such taxes,assessmenta and insuronce wilh intereat�t
<br /> i the rtwxlmum lega)rate Ihcreun frum Jate uf paymcnt all i�f wtiich Mnr�FaRur hereby agrees iu pay:permit no waste on taid premiser keep andcomply
<br /> wi�h all the agrecmcnta and condiUuns of thc IionJ fcx S � 7��.OUhis Jay Frven by the srid�lortgagur tu s�id A5SOCIATION,and comply
<br /> ' I wNh a0 thc requiremcnts of'the Cunstitutiun anJ liy-l.+ws of sa�d ASti(l('IATIUN:thcn these presenls shall becume nu0 and wld,utherwlse they
<br /> ahnll remain fn (ull force and may be fureclosed at�hr optiun��f�he SaiJ ASSO('IATIOA �fler fadure for lhree munths to make any of s�id
<br /> . � p�ymcnts or 6e �hrcc mun�hs in•rttca�s m makmg s:�id monthly prymen�s,��r �u kecp and a�mply wNh thc agrcements and conditions of saW Bond:
<br /> and Morlgagor ugrees tu have•r rccerver�pp�InteJ forthwith m such fureclusurc pruceedmKs.
<br /> r
<br /> 4 I If there is any change in owncrship o(llne rc�l cs�atc mur�gagrJ hcrcin,by s�lc ur ��Ilierwise, then tht entlre remalning indebtedneu hero y
<br /> �s; � secured shall,a�Ihe optiun uf The I?yuityble Building and Luan Assuciatiun nl(:�anJ IslanJ.Nebraska.becume immediately due�nd pay�ble without
<br /> : •�.� � further nulim, and thc�muunt rem�iniog duc undrr said Mond,anJ any���her h�mJ for�ny addi�iunal adv�nces made thereunder,sh�ll.irom the
<br /> I dalc of cxcrcisc nf saiJ option,bcu mlcrest a�thc moximum Icg•rl ratc,anJ th�s m�tttgngc may thcn be farecluud to satisfy thc�muunt due on wid
<br /> 1 bond,and any othcr hund fur adJitkinal aJrances,t�igc�hrr with�II sums pa�l hy saiJ'I he I�ywtablc BuUdfnR�nd l.uan Aswcintlun of Grand Islmd.
<br /> Nebraska for fnsuwnce,tazes and assessnunts,and abstracling exle�s�nn chuges, wid� mt¢�est thereun, liom �le uf payment at the tn�zjmum
<br /> kgnl ratc.
<br /> As pruvided in the&mJ secureJ Iterehy,while thn m�.rtgage�emamc m ellrri thc murigatiee mry hereafter advance addition�l sums to the
<br /> m�kers of saiJ&mJ,lheir•rssigns��r w�ccuurx in mlerecl,which wnn�hrll Me w��hm the xrun�y ��f this murtgage the same as the funds origfnaUy .
<br /> �ewreJ Ihereby,lhe lohrl a►nuunl��f pnnc�pal debl i�ai tu exrceJ a�any�hmr U�e rn�y,mrl nn��unt nf th�s mong�ge.
<br /> t�t '�his 4�h , y ot Mat ch � n..I�� 92
<br /> J � '-e��- .
<br /> ., ' �"
<br /> ! OeAnn L. assett
<br /> �
<br /> STAT�OI�NI'.BRASKA. �. ()n tl��s 24th Jay u( March 19 92 .befote me.
<br /> COUN7'Y OI�IIAI I.
<br /> ; �lir undc�s��mcd.r N��ta�y Publir�n ynd fo�sa�J l'imnty,pets�tt�nllypme
<br /> � Howerd D. Hassett and DeAnn L. Hessett. each in his andW,�� ere persun�llyknuwnto
<br /> her own right. and as spouse of each other
<br /> � me to be the idenlical perxn8 whose nrme S eT@ �Iliaed w Ihe ahuve uistrmucnt•rs mur��ui 8 utd t�l@y stvenlly
<br /> � adcnowledged the saiJ iosuumenl t..n� the ir volun�ary�ct and derd.
<br /> WI'1 N{:tiS my hynd�ad Nuirnal ti��al thc datc diacv�d.
<br /> � My c„ ,i�;. ',.�;,,�<� 3 _ - ;I ���.�.--_ _
<br /> �W11 NOIARY•St�q of NcOr� '`r ���� l� .
<br /> ., SHEILq Nulary Publie
<br /> 4.-..� J.ALpER
<br /> I I�MYM 61 '.-� ��Amm.E�P.Nov 9,1g93
<br /> f
<br /> � ' �
<br />