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<br /> _ . � __ 92—� ���2�592 ==--�= _ __
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<br /> � u licablc luw muy ��x:cify for min+latrmcnU hcfar� +alr uf�hc F'ro�xny punuunt �u an�• {��wrr of�ulc r�mtuincd in�hi� ��'"_"-_
<br /> , pp �
<br /> � , . .. Sccurily Inslrument:or Ihl entry af u judgment enfnrring thih Securi�y In.lrumcnt. 'I'hu�e�undwun�:►R�hut Burruwcr, lu1 �..`_ ,';.;.-----
<br /> , • p�yr l.ender All .um. whicb then wuuld he dur under thi. Secunry In.�rumem uixi the Nutr u+ il n�� uccelrru�iun hud -":.:_:,��,,'
<br /> � � , incuRed;lhl rures uny defuult of any Mher covenont, rxugreement�;lcl puy.�II ex�xmrti incumd in rnliircing thi�Secun�y ,.,•��=�.,,:
<br /> 4'� ."
<br /> -� Instrumcnt,inrluding,hut not limi�cd ta,rcu.onuhlc w�orn�y.'fac�; and ldl wkc� .urh urtion a. Lcndr�muy rcurunubly �tir:v -
<br /> ���
<br /> ��. ' . ,:., w'rr.�-�
<br /> ' � . � rcyui�c tu a,surc thut thc licn of'tbis Securiry In+�rum�n6 Lendrr ti righl+in thc Pro�ny anJ Barr�►wrr:oblig•r�iun lo��u�•�hc -
<br /> t:.:.
<br /> �� nums sccured hy this Sccuri�y In��rumenl +hnll coniinuc unchangrd. U�x�n rcin.ia�cnxnt hy BuROwcr. thi. Sccurily .; �.,�__r��
<br /> In.trwncnl and Ihc ohligatians sccurcd hrmby vht�l)rc main i'ully cffcclivc u.il'no ucccicra�ian hud�xruned. Howcvrr,lhiti ,_.,�;�u�:_z�a�'_
<br /> right lo roin�tute�hull not apply in�hc ru.c of urccicru�H�n undrr pa�agruph 17. "�'.>���°�
<br /> � 19. Sale of Nute; Chwnge oP I.oan Servlcer. The N��c ix n puninl imerc+t in�hc Natc Ito�r�hrr wi�h�hi. Srcurit ''' " � __
<br /> �, y -:;y,,�;XT�,�,�.�„
<br /> In.rtrument►may Ix� uiW onc or murc�imc� wi�huut prior nolice u�i3arrow•cr. A.ulr muy rc�ult in u chunRe in thr cmity . • F,: .�.'�:.��.°
<br /> Iknnwn os Ihe"l.oan Serviccr")�ha�rollrcl+munthly paymentti duc unJer�he N��te unJ thi.r Security In.trumcnt. 1 hrrc ul+o . ,_, .;�;_:.o� ---
<br /> . • � mny be one or mare chunge�af Ihe Loun Servicer un�ela�eJ�o u+ule af Ihc No�c. If Iher�i�u cUnn�r af thr Loun Scrvicer, : �'u•=-
<br /> ' sorrower will Ix�Fivcn writtcn n�»irc af�hc changc in uca�rduncc with purugruph 14 uMwc an�l applirablc lu�v. 1'hc n��tirc ,
<br /> will,tute the nume and nddres.of the neu•Loan Servicer nnJ�hr uddm.+io which puymem+rh�►uld t►r mude. Th��otice wil I '��� �,
<br /> ulso contain�ny othcr infurmatiun reyui�cd hy upplicuhk luw. � `
<br /> 20. Haza�dous Subst�aces. Bc,rr��wer+hull n��i cuuk or permit ihr presencc.�ue.Ji,�xaad.tiluruge.or rcl�a+r ul'•rny •' '�-,;�,;�-� -.'
<br /> Harurdous Subs�:ue�x. un ar in�he Pro�xny. B��rtowcr tihull no1 do, nu�allow anyonc cl.c lo da. an}thing alkrtin�thc - :,,a.
<br /> Piropeny that is in�iola�iixi��I am En�irunm�nwl Luw. The prece din������xn t�nre..h a l l n i��u p p l��t u�h r p r e.e n r e.u w.a r :�',,:-
<br /> ,ioragr on thc Prupeny uf.mull yuami��rz uf Hara�dc�us Sub.tance+iha�urr grner:�ll? r�YUgnir.ed to hr uppn�priate to normal .: :�,��p���_
<br /> resiJential u.c.und to mainten:urcr oi�he Propcny. , - •• •�i��r, °";�_
<br /> B�MOwcr shnll promptly�i�r Lendrr Nrincn noticc ui uny invcstigation,rlaim,dcmanJ.law,ui�or ulhrr urli�m h}any .�'-.;,�;�,---
<br /> govemmental or regulatap uier.r� r�►(1f1V:llt party involving thr Pro�xA� :+nd an}� tlaiardau.Sub��anr� or Emironmrnl:�l . .–
<br /> • L�H of whirh Born�wcr ha, a�tual I,no�vl�dec. If BaROwcr Icum.. ��r i, noiificd hy .uiy guvrrnnxn�al or regulator�• �
<br /> • ��l .,. � ' authorny.�hat any �emiwal ar�Nher rcmediaiion af uny Haiardiwti Subsiancr affcrtiag 1he Nrnpeny i.ncrr,.ury. B��rn�wrr '1 � � y �
<br /> . •,. �';, '� shall pramplly lakc ull nere,.an•remedial urli�m.in acrnrdunc�wi�h�nvir�►nmrnrrl La��. .�:,n
<br /> �: : Ati uscd in thi.paraga►ph'(1."Hararduuy SuMtances"urc�hn.c,ubztuncc�dcl'inrd a.toxir or huiurduu,,ub.�ancc�hy
<br /> �nvironmcnwl Law und tlk ti�lla��•ing +uh�1•rncr�: �a+olinc,kcn>.cnr,olhrr IlummaM�or t��rir �xtr�►kum produc�.,wsic , '��•-
<br /> ., petilicidc�und hcrbicidrti.volutilr .nlvrms. mu�criat,mn�uining uslx:.io. or formaldchyd:. and rudioartivr matcrial,. :�. ., . •+.
<br /> useJ in thiti puragraph 2(1,"Environmrntal Lu��•"mcan+fcdcrul luw�and law,of�he juri.Jic�ion wln�t ihc F'ro�xny i.I�xa�ed -.i
<br /> Ihat relntc lo hcalth,x•ri'ely ar environmcntul pnHection.
<br /> NON-UnIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr unci Lendrr further rovenant and agree a.lidl�iw,: ��
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remedie�. l.rnder shall�i��e nutice to Borrower prior ta acceleration i'iill�n��ing Rorro��e�'+ .+���'
<br /> breach uP uny covenunt or a�reement in this Securlly Instrument Ibut nut prlor lo uccelerallnn under paragruph 17 �
<br /> __ _ _- _, unlecc apQlicvble law Qrovide.r othenvixel. 7'he noUce shull specQy: la)the default:lbl the action rec�uired to cure the ' ��,.�ri �;
<br /> dePaulh lcl u date.not khs than ill dayx Prnm the date the notice is�i��en to Hurrower.by which ffir dNiaufi inu,i be � =;;�,:�,'� �
<br /> cured;and(dl that Pailure to cure Ihe del'uuh on or bef�Me the datr speclfled in Ihe notice may�resuh ln acceleration of :.t,;.' <�.=i• t
<br /> the�ums secured bv this Sewrity Instrumenl and sale of the Property. The n��tice.r•hall Purlher infi�rm Borrmver ni ',-r..� : . S
<br /> � the right to�einstate after accelrralMm and Ihe ri�M to bring a a�url urUun to a�.tiert the non•rxistence of u dePault��r ; . _ ,
<br /> any other defense ui'Borrower to acceleraliun und wle. If'thr default is not cured on or before thr date specified in �,���
<br /> the nolke�Lender at its��ption ma�•require immediule pa}•ment in Pull oP all sumx tiecured by this tiecurity Inctrumenl �• � � :
<br /> withaut further dem�nd and may invoke the pux�er nf'sule vnd am olher rrmedieti permitted by applicablc law•. �
<br /> � Lender shell be entitled to adlecl all expenses incurred in purtiulnR the remedirs prn�•ided in this par���raph 21, �. -, �y .
<br /> includinR,but nnt limited to.reusonuble attornecs'feeti and custs nf'IiNe evidence. , ,�
<br /> 1P Ihe p��wer of sale is invoked.'IYu�tre tihall n�ord u nutkr uf default in each count� in N hich uny purt uP the :
<br /> Property Is I�kuted und xhall mail cnpi�w oP surh n�dice in tbe munner prescrilred by upplicable law�b�Rurrower and to i -
<br /> . Ihe olher persnns prexcrlbrd b�� upplicable lu��•. �18er the Nme required by applicuble laK•.'I'rutilce shall�i�•e public ,
<br /> �� notfce of sule to the persunti and in Ihr manner prcuribed bv apNllcuble lu��•. 7Yuslee,��ilhout demund nn Rorro�ser, !
<br /> shall sell Ihe Pruperty ut publlc s�uctiun to Ihr hi�he�l bidde�u11hr limr und pluce und undrr the Ierms drzignaled in � :
<br /> the�otice of sale ln one ar mi�re parrrlx und in un}ordcr'I rustee dclermMc�. 'fruzhe mu�•pu+lponr sule of all or uny � ;�'
<br /> • parcel of thr Propert�•b�•public unnouncemenl at tbe dme und plu�e��P an�•prrviousl}•+cheduled+ale. Lender or its �
<br /> ' • � desiRnee muy purchase the Proprrlp ul un}•sule.
<br /> Upun receipt of payment oP the price bid.'IYuster shull deli�•cr to the purchusrr 7'ruxlec's deed con�•e}in�the
<br /> Pruperty. The reritals in the Truxlcr'�dred shull hc primu fucir e�idencc oP Ihc truth of Ihc stutemenls mude therein. �
<br /> � 'I�uslee shall apply thr proceeds of thc sulr in thc fi�W►win�order: �al t��all ro.r•ts aod expen.e+oi'excrcising the power ;
<br /> �
<br /> f ..: . ,
<br /> i
<br /> . ,
<br /> . n;
<br /> A '
<br /> FormJ112ri 9�N1 rpdc� c•dnp��er�i
<br /> . � �
<br />