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•`'���t .-Y�7��5��ti��r` A��i�'��� :i.� ;:`i: ..t-:;�j;:.-, n-L ..: -- ,,.,---- - _ _ __ �� _.. <br /> F' �;F �leti�ro•sw :�.. _satl�?� <br /> F• .�u`S�tYty._ ek+. <br /> 1�y 'I . . �.. a�� 6�"'W_ , ' . . _. . <br /> li��:L''-•--•:'"✓e��4l�rh'' . . ., . . , .-$':..�er _ _ <br /> � ., <br /> - �. . �.... ,. „ --_ <br /> .. , . .. . ... <br /> , � .... , . . . _ .,._-. <br /> .� � . : 92- 102589 �_ .._ _- <br /> . �t ; . . . <br /> �� �+PPlicoblc luw muy+pccify for rein�tu�emenU bcfi,re snfe of �hc Pmperty pu�suunt tn any �xiwer ot'sAlc rontaincd in lhis _ <br /> ' �'`'�''r''Y`; °� Securlty Ins�n�ment:or Ib1 en�ry oi a judgment�nforcinR Ihis S��:urity Instrument. 'Ri�se conditions are Ihat Borrower. (u) <br /> ,��� � puys l.ender ull wm� which lhen would he due under Ihiti Securiry Ins�n�mem wid �hc N�Ne us if no uaelention had <br /> ° occumd;Ihl rures any defuult nf uny�Hher cuvenonts or agrcement.:tcl pay�����xP����Y inrurred in enfarcing this Security <br /> . � � . . In�trumcnt, including, hut nrn Nmited iu,rcu+onablc a�tameys'fce+: unJ (dl tukc. +uch uc�ian us Len�icr muy rcusanably _. <br /> � �+. , •••'� reyuire tc+a+sure�hu��hc lien af Ihis Security(nslnimeM, Lender+rights in the Pn.�pcny und Bom►wcrti ubligu�io�m p�y the �:"_ <br /> . � �umr yccured by �hix Secunty In,�rumrnt sbull con�inue unchanged. Up�►n relnswtemrnt by Born�wer, this Security ___ <br /> , ,. - Instrum�nt and the obfig�nium+�xurcJ I�creby,haU rcmuin fully�ffective as if na c�rcelemtion huJ�xcurred. However,this _ _��z <br /> � �. �ight to reiaswtc r�hull nW upply in the cux of ucccicrulion undcr purugruph I T. <br /> 19. Swle of Note;ChAage oP Loan Servlcer. Thr Note ur a puni:�l imcre,t in the N�NC (k�grther with Ihis Security _ <br /> �� �� Im�rumcn�l muy he wIJ onc or mom�imc. wi�houi prior nuticc tu Bnrrowcr. A .alr muy re.ult in•r rhangr in�hc entity �__. <br />• �" . Iknnwn uc the"l.aan Servicer"1 lhul rollectti monthly payments due under�Iu�Notc und ihis Se�urily In+trument. There ulxo <br /> � may hc une or mum rhang�s ul'Ihe Lo�n S�rviccr unrclutcd to u+ale uf ihc Note. If therc is a change uf Ihe Lo:ui Servicrr. <br /> Bormwer will be given wntten natice of�he change in uccordvnrc with p•rrugrapb Id atwvr and upplicable luw. The notice �-. <br /> � will.tute�he name and addrcss of the new l.oun Servicer und thc uddrcss to which payment+slwuld tx�mude. The nuucc w'��� �L�- <br /> � also contuin uny other informntion rcquireJ by upplicuble IAw. — <br /> • ' 20. Hazardou�Substpncex. Borrowc:r tihull nut ruu�: or pcmiit Ihr prc.cnrr.usc,disp�tiul..torage,cir rcicasc of uny <br /> •� Har.sudous Subs�unces on ar in Ihe Pmperty. Borrowrr.hull not do.nix uUow anyone clsc tu Ju. •rnylhing at'fccting the �..�_ <br /> � Property lhal i�in violution oi uny Environmentul Law. Thc prcc�ding two srntcncc+.h•rll nix upply lo ihc prescrxc,u+e,or ,-�-� <br /> �".:.::-.::- <br /> „ storage on thc Prupeny of+mull quontitica��f Hsu.urd�ws Sub.tunces that urc gencivlly rcco�niceJ to tx:uppropriutc to normul —� <br /> rcsidential uxes und a�maintem►ncr of thc Propeny. ___ <br /> . � _ H�rrowcr shall promptly givc Lcnder written notK<<�f uny inve�tiFution,rlaim.demunJ,lawsui�or�Nher uction by uny =���� <br /> � guv�mmemul or regula�ory ugency or privute party inv��lving Ihe Propc:rty und uny Hur.arduu.5ub,twi�r ur CnviranmentAl <br /> , • Law of which BoROwer hus uctuul kiwwleJgr. If Borrower leams. ur is niriifeJ hy uny guvemmcntal ur rcgulutury = <br /> •� uuthoriry,thnt nny rcmuval ar o�her remediution of any H�urdoux Sub,tunce uffecting thc ProExny i.necc.+ury.Brn'd►w'er - =,=:___ <br /> .�, " .hull promptly i�kc ull necc,.ury rcmcdiul acuim,in uccc�rJancc with Environmcnlul Luw. • �r� J <br /> As uscd in thi�pvrugraph 20,"Haiurdous Substuncc,"urc Iho.e.ub�tunrc.defincd u+tnxic or huiurJou++ubstancc.hy � �_ <br /> � Environmentul Luw und Ihe ti�llowin� �uhstunrc�: �a.cilinc, kcro.enc.uthcr Ilammablc or�oxir�xuolcum pr��duct+.toxic i•-- <br /> � pesticide.und herbicidc., vol:uile +ol��rms, muteria lti comuinin� a�t+c.k�, o r t i i rt n u l d e h y d e.a n d raJioactive materiul.. A, =. �....� <br /> u,rd in this paragraph 21►."Environm�n�al Luw"mwn�t'eJcrul luw.und luwx of ihc juriadictiun where the Prop�ny ix I�xutrd � ,��� <br /> thut rrlutc to hculth.�afcry i�rcnvironmental protcrti��n. �`t-��' •�_' <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Rc�rruwer and Lrixlrr i'urthcr ri►vcnum and aFn-r a.follow.: '°��� •� <br /> � 2!. AcceleratMn; Remediew. Lrnder shull �i�•e nntice tu Bur�ow•er prior tn eccelers�tion fnlluH ixg Borrox•er's �� -, , : `- <br /> breach ui any covenant or usreemrnt in this tiecurity Instrument Ibut nol prior to ucce l era t ion un der paru pra ph 17 �_� `�� <br /> --- –= oalcs.e applirsble la�+�prorides uther+Ylsel. The n�►tire�hsdl.pecify: Ia1 the defuult:lbl lhP actian reyuired te cure the ,,,, ... �z <br /> �• defaulh Icl u date,nM less Ihan 30 days Prom Ihe dute 1he notice iK�iven to Borrower,b}• which the deiault must br �:;-:.�. _ <br /> � cured;und Idl that failure to cure lhe default on ar heiur�the date specified in the nutice muy rexult in accelerudun af + �<< _ <br /> ,,.�:,•; : ' '� � <br /> Ihe sums secured by Ihis Security Intitrumenl and w�le of the Propert}t The nolice shuU further iafurm Barr��a�er of:•.,: _ <br /> � . ' the ri�ht ro reinslate uffer ucceleration und the riuhl to brin};u cnurt urtiun Io ustirn the non-rxistence of u dei'ault or u�• � �� • : <br /> � . .: . <br /> ' � ` uny other dePense uf Borrower tn urcelerution and suk. If the defuult is nut cured on ur bePore the d�le tipecified in �: • <br /> � .. Ihe nutice,Lender ut i1s opNon ma�•reyuire immedlute puymenl in Pull�►�ull sums tiecured 6}•thlc tiecurit�• lnstrument �:' _ <br /> withoirt further demund und mu�• in�•okr the pux•er nP zule und um• olher remedicw permittcd M• applkuble lu��. . <br /> I.ender xhall be entided to a�llect ull rxpenses incurmd in pursuin�; thr remedi� pro�ided in thiti paruRruph 21. °�' � <br /> IncludinR,but not IimUed tu.reusonuble uttorneyx icrs und cotits nf titte�n�idence. � �^=��� <br /> 1 he ower of sule ix im�nked.Trutilee sbull n cord u notice of drfuull io each cuuntv in whicb un�• part i�'thr �� + ;,�;;�,��,�, <br /> Ft p <br /> Property Is locutrd und.rhull muil copie+uf wrh nMice in thr manner prescrihrd by uppNcuble lu��lo N��rrower und U� �� ��;= <br /> the other pertions p�escrilxd bc upplicubk lu�v. ,1f'tir the limc rcyuired b} upplirable lu��•,Trustee tihull ghr puhlic '�. �`1:_-, <br /> � noticr of'sale to the pernons und M the munner prMCrlbed b}�upplicublc lu��. 'I'ruslce.��ithaut demand on Borru��•er, t; _ <br /> tihull sell lhe Property ut public auctinn lo the I�i�!qetit bidder ut the lime:md ploce und under the trrms de�l};naled in � =:'.' . <br /> thr n�Nire oP sule in one or mnrc purcrlti und fn uny order'I'ruNec dclermine�. 'I'rusk�mu� pustpune sale��f ull ur anc , ���_;;�.-- <br /> u <br /> parcel of'thr Properl��M public�mnouncement ut Ihe�i�rx und pluc�ol'unc pre�i�w�l}•�cheduled wlr. Lender or it+ f• ' , : <br /> , dexi}!nee mav purchLxe Ihe Propert}�ut um�r•alc. � <br /> Upon rereipt oP pu��ment uf the pricc bid. 'I'rutilcc .rhull dcli��r lo tbc purchuticr'1'rustcr ti decd come��in�; the <br /> Property. The recitals in the'1'ruxlee'�dced�hull be prima 1'ucie e�idence uf the t�ulh of Ihe�tutement.mude Iherein. <br /> ,`� 71�ustee sball apply the pr��ceedx of the sule in thr fdfoxinu ordr�: i+u to ull cu,t,und c�penus of e�erci�in�Ihe poaer . , <br /> rm---- <br /> ' � :�-Mx�-� <br /> . i ,���t�x_-. <br /> ., .�. <br /> .. Form.i112N 4W1 •p.rLr<,.rnp,�arv <br /> e <br /> . � _ . . --- _ . . .._ . <br />