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<br /> -- -- - ----' ---- - - - f 7��,. ---
<br /> ��:.�ts - -- - --:.=.msr.iQS�.�_�c��_,—�---..
<br /> ......r . —c.-,..P,...��-,,.- ��rc�cs�c�au.��-r...�,."„p,.,+r+n..�a ,��7"'+..1'.':-1_..:3�:--_
<br /> _'"!_T.11'_P=
<br /> w �
<br /> R�AL. ff,STAT� MClRTQAQ� (�(�.��«�.,,1�
<br /> Thlo Mortqae� mmde thld_ tat day n! A�+rll . 1996. -
<br /> �.:°{.:::��:' .L'''.°��° p::34: r'=:;:3c1 1_ L3°_'_'1:3�Ft•B: u�7s_a,_C•c�asvaar �� _::_� �^:3l:
<br /> p�V�r �
<br /> J. Cnnnelia lI1 . mnd Ma�ry Joaephine Cannella. he�elnditer
<br /> ��Mort�n�eee.�� ,.
<br /> IN CONSIDERI�TION o� One Hun�red Thoueand dollare.
<br /> �l100.090.OQ). adv�nced by the Martpaq�eee to Mortqagors. who
<br /> acknowledpe cecel�t af auch aum. whlch l� evlda��cad by a
<br /> Prtxnlaaory I�ota af even d�te. attached and lncarparated
<br /> he�ein ao Appenc�ix "A." herelnr�ftec " the Note." whlch thle
<br /> Nlo.rtgaga aecur�ee the Mortga�arg. herQby mortqr�qee to the
<br /> t4orCgageea �ha followlnq daa�ribed ceal prop�erty eltuated ln
<br /> the Gounty of Ha11 . State of Nebraaka. and �Isecrlbed ne
<br /> Fol IOW��
<br /> Lot Three (3) !n Block Three C3) !n Replat of Rlvorelcte
<br /> A�rea. an Addltlon ta the Clty of Grand Inland. Hall
<br /> County. Nebraeka. �
<br /> toqether wlth all rents, eaaementn, apPUrtenances.
<br /> heredltament�. lnte�reet� in adJc�lnlna roade. etreota and
<br /> aileye. lmprovetrtent� and bulldir�qs of any klnd altuated
<br /> thereon and ali peraonal propccty that �rtay lnteqrarly belonq
<br /> to or herea�ter become an inteqral PArt of 9rrcri bulldlr�q9
<br /> and lmprovemen�a. collectively "the Property.°
<br /> Mort�aqor� covenant wlth Mortqageee end thalr
<br /> erucca�aor� !n lntere�� ,that C1) Mortqmqore hold tltte to the �
<br /> • Prnpar�y ln fee alm�+l� and have lawful authortty to mortqage
<br /> the eame. t�l� the Property l� free e� lpene and
<br /> . �ncwabrancee �xaept �a �tated abave� and �111) Mort�aqora
<br /> ; wll 1 defand tt�e Propexty aaainst the .��►wful clalme of any
<br /> , �er�or� or entitv.
<br /> .�
<br /> � j 1. _P�Y�+iF�„�� Mortqaqar� vha.l I prornpt 1 y make ai 1
<br /> ;� pnymante r4qulred under the Note and any othex lnetrument
<br /> � .
<br /> eecurinp the unpaid prinaipol b�lance of the Note.
<br /> " 2. �cc�;L��?��rro-�. I f dcfau 1 t mha I 1 be made 1 n tha
<br /> � payment of tha t�ate. or any part of the l�tareet therean, or
<br /> an� other edv�ance ar obllqatlon whfch meY be aecurad he�ceby.
<br /> � then. �►t tho.aptlon of the Mort9raaeea. the Note dnd tha
<br /> � wnoie oi tne indebtedna�s secured ioY trtia 'riortpaQe, aha�l i
<br /> b�ecome� due and shall become collactlble a� �er the tarmt� eet
<br /> � forth !n the ��lA�e, whlch !s dktaiched and lnaorporated a�
<br /> Appendlx "A." .
<br /> 3. Mjs -�: . .AN .0 iq� The term "Mortqapora" and '
<br /> ' "Mortgngeae" ms u�ed heral e� l na I udea auCCeeeora 1 o i r��ereat.
<br /> �hl� MortOaqe ehall be conatcued !n daco�rdance w1tPf tha �awa
<br /> , of the State �of Nebragka. Tiie rrxa�turlty dnte of the Note'!a
<br /> .
<br /> ---=__=-_=__-_--__ -- ---=s;�tl;_,�--_-- - -
<br /> �� � x::'`�.. -
<br /> .. �a-�"�ri c�����J,�!�' ,�' N��� �uf�rttaer ,'W`^ _ __ _. _
<br /> _-Y. rJ't'Mll� �c"c.�yj9��-r�- ' ` � vs��!¢'�� _ — -- -.
<br /> ..�L- �
<br /> _- � r. �± L 1� . .�,d . . +re�:.isa.0 .�.� .
<br /> — ..-_�.� ' .v'1^.'�7�R ��? lr. � �{,�t v� '.�iw���,r E �.� —__
<br /> _. iv'7}�i{q�i74:S�"'x�U�@ {rd++vsi- _. .ft➢�"il6�r�TlIIB"� — — _ _ ._
<br /> ;.,,�,7��'1i11 . ':1�'yF� n'�'i�1� '�''±."� - —_ - --
<br /> . ..-"".._ rv x,es r J. 4 ,_��'�.1.; Ca "" - - -- �
<br /> �'� '�!���y � 'K �:�if.� :i .�„"t'7 i'�� ^1` '�'�1�,d�'t'i"i4— — — .
<br /> _.���tsYt_l�'�rc?.� .9P�!r•ii. „�/ — - .
<br /> i��11'�.T �'� ?Yy; �. ."1i1'�. t� �l;��,� t�"7,�+.�_;;�..�_ ._'�'-'v�
<br /> �M( `"��,�TiY.rfi 1 2-I -t •� +�i�n� ) c� Q l Y,.%r� 'L.�•_;�"
<br /> - zy+�,U .{t - �{_ 3�.n, i�;�l t j�A'•,J' U�c2�h�' S��l�RFF� � — —� - —— .
<br /> -�.+�.r.;i� � ; �3t ��., �-1� ��t? ,Y.. * �
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