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<br /> St�rraw�o�sarow �caount undw th�N�du�l Fi�l Etlat�SMtkrn�nt Ptx`dura Aot o1 1074 u � korn tkn�to tYr�, 12 US.C.
<br /> ' 2601 el(i�Q.("F�(.-'.ucPA")� unMa�t anplfl�r {aw thal appi�:�to tfl�hunaa E:t9 G eS9Bes etnuuiii. Y o"v���..''"'o. �A��.�.-►�..;��tn�s gnMrn)�nA r'=
<br /> hold Fund� In nn nraou�t not to��c�ed the{ensof artiounl. 4ender m�y ullmate Ihe�mounl 01 fund� du�on lhe aAalw o1 ourtYni daU �i_
<br /> cn�rcaooncE�E�entl�n:itC:3 01 C:�j:�sul�Uf�D 01(UIUfJ I?CCfpV1 I!"_Glfl 0�011lllNl.so tn acoor�fsnce wHh Pp��bnhta I�v�.
<br /> Th• Fund� thaN be h�ld In tn Inatqulbn whoa� d�poaR� u� lnourid by � Nde�ol aganoy, h�trummtwtily, cr �ntRy (Yioludnp E_-
<br /> L�nde, M I.end�r N tuoh v� �nitkulbn) or h my Fed�rnl Hon►�lo�n BYnk. Linde �ha�l�ppy th� Fundo to pay th�Ercrow It�mf. °-
<br /> Lsndu m�y nat oherQ� 8orrovwr ibr hotdNp �nd appyinq Ih�Fund�,lumu�ly anryxhp th�Narow �COOUnf, or writyinp tho �wrow
<br /> It�rnl,unMt� L�nd�r p�y�Borrov�rM fnt�l on th�Fundt�nd appNCl�ble kw pKmN� Un�4M lo mak�woh�ch�rQ�. Now�wr,LMt�r
<br /> m�►y r�quin Bortowa to p�y •on�tht� ch�rp�Fot�n hdpmdM�i P�I�tGlt�lax t�poAinp�wvb�uNd by LMttl�r In oonrNOtbn wMh
<br /> I����� •L M�IV N.�u�,�r,w rW�.o„rn mwa�eo w ai�d.�en�r --
<br /> � In Q`' - •�-- �-- -- _-------�
<br /> �11�N���u����r����W�'x piaV{{j�ii V{I{'�7tilFiJ. VIIt�3fi{:ll Gp�L.:���u�r� - - � �_ ..
<br /> sh�N nol b� nquk�d to p�y goROwK any kst�reit or Mrt►Inp��n th�Fund�. BorrowM�nd L�nMr rr►�y tprN In wrMinq,huwwK,lhat
<br /> Intw��1 thtN b� p�ld on tli� Fund�. L�nd�r �h�M plw to Bortow�r, wNhout ohu�, �n �nnud �coountinp of the Fund�, ohowln�
<br /> cs�dN� and d�bRs to ths Fund� �nd th� purpo��tor whbh�oh dtbk to lh�Funde wts mad�. Th�Fund�pn pUdptd u�ddNlon�tl
<br /> aaucky tor�IDYUmf��aund by thh S�ourky In�trum�nt.
<br /> li th�FundR hNd by L�ndK�xcwd th��mounU p�rmkt�d ta b�hNd by eppNaabM kw,L�nd�r �htN sCaount to 8aaovror lor th�
<br /> �zcKa Funds In occordanca wXh tho roquk�mmis o!epplbnbb kw. If the emount o} ths Fund� hdd by L�nd�r�t emy thw I� not
<br /> suffkMnt to p�y th�Escrow Item� whrn dus,Lmd�r rtuy ao notNp BoRawK b wrRinp,�nd,In�ucli cua dortowK shal pRy to Undor
<br /> ih�unount o�c�satry to mak�up th� cNfbl�noy. Bortowa thaM mak�up th� dMbMnoy h no mon th�n tw�ka monthy p�ym�nt�,�t
<br /> l.�r,d�r's toN dbontbn.
<br /> Upon p�ym�nt h tuN o}aN suma s�cund by thh S�carNy Instrummt,Laidw�hsll prQmpty rNund to Borrower Rny Funds hNd by
<br /> Lend�r. If, und�► p�npr�ph 21, L�ncwr �haN ecquk�or NN th�ProputY�����Prbr to th��cquftkbn or taM of th�FYop�ty,th�N
<br /> �ppy any Fundf hNd by L�ntMr at th�tlme o}�cqubkbn or saM�s�andk�p�h�t th�sum���cund by thM S�curRy InstturtNnt.
<br /> 3. Applle�tlon of P�}lments. Unkae �pP�aabM kw providrs oti��rwlio. all p3Yr�Y tcc:�w:d by Len�rr urttlY R!►e:►�ha ---
<br /> 1 �nd 2�haN b� applMd:Hrst,to �ny pnpaY�►t oh�rpa du�undu th�Not�; tsaond, to amounto ptyabM undu puapraph 2;thtrd
<br /> to htsrast due;fourth, to principd duo; �nd kst,to my kt�ohoryes dw untNr the Not�.
<br /> 4. ChaKpes;Lleni. Bonow� ohall p4y aN trx�a, ara�esmwite, charp�s, (In�s u►d Impoakbns attrbut�bM Eo th� (�rop�ty
<br /> whkh may attth prbrity ovK thls S�c�rily InstrumK►t, and kaahobd p�ym�ntt or pround nnb, M any. BorrOwM �h�N pay thM�
<br /> oblp�tbn�h th�mann�r provlded In par�pnph 2, or M not pald In thot mann�r,BoROwK eh�N pay th�n cn tkn�dinctiy to th�p�on
<br /> owed paym�nt. 8orrowK shaN promptty Nmlah to lendw�M not��i of unounte to b�p�ld und�r thla pu�pr�ph. If BortowK m�►ke�
<br /> tha�paym�nb dinoty,BoROw�r�haM prompty fumish to L�ncNr ncsiph evidfncinp lhs paymmt�.
<br /> BoROw�r�ha1 prompty dlsohupa�ny IMn whbh has prbrity owr tha S�ourNy Inrtrum�nt unNts Bonow�r:(�)�pn�s In wrilhp tc
<br /> the paym�nt of th�obNp�tbn srcund by the Nm In�mann�r accaptabw to lend�r; (b)conteste h aood hkh th� Mm by,or drNnd�
<br /> •paln�t�nMrcKn�nt of th�fi�n h,Mpal prx«dinp�whbh h the I.�ndw�ophbn op�rRt�to prwmt th�Mlorc�nK►t of tM NMr or(o) -
<br /> ifCUtN fi0m lPM It010K Of ths ilen an �p�wn�ii "siiw4icivij ii+Lo�zi:::JC�'d'�'1."i:� !!:� !�!: !Q l.h� S!^_�!t!h+ InRkym�nt. 11 LM�dlt
<br /> drt�mina th�l uny past of th� Prop�rty b subject to � W�n whbh rtwy tlrifn prbrky ovw thb S�curky IntWm�nt, Lend�r m�y nlw
<br /> BorrowK�notic�Wmtlfyhy lh� IMn. Bortotiwr sheA satlafy ths IMn or t�ko on�or moro of th�ootbne�M�forth�borre wNhh 10 d�ys
<br /> at th�phrhp of not��.
<br /> 6. Haz�d or Property Inu�r�nce. Borrow�r shaq kwp ►n� Mr►prowm«�t� now �x�stinp or hKMttw onot�d on cne
<br /> PraMrty hsur�d �p�hst ba by tin, ha�rda Inalud�d wlthh th�t�rm'uct�nd�d cowr�'�nd�ny oth�huudf, Y�oludYp tbod� or
<br /> floodhp, tor whbh Land�r nquln� haunnc�. Thfs Enwruic� �haM b� rtuhtaY�d h th� �rnounts �rid lor tM pNiodi lhat Und�
<br /> nquine. Th� Insunnc�cartNr provldhp ths Insuq�nc� shaM be choa�n by BortowK tubJ�ot to L�ndK's�pproval whfch th�N not b�
<br />- unnasonnbly wkhhdd. If BortoMar falls to mahtah oowntQ� d�scrl�sd abow, �.�nd�r rr�y, �t L�ndir's optton, obt�(n co��r�to
<br /> prot�at L�nd�'� riphts h th�PropWty in�CCOrdanc�wRh p�rapnph 7.
<br /> AN hau�anc�poMola Rnd renewaie ahtM De acCeptabb to LandM�nd�haq InalutN�standard moRp�p�okus�. Lend�r sh�M haw
<br /> th�ripht lo hold tM poNCNs md ronovrds. �f �ando►nqulra,BarowK ahaH promptly plw to L�nd�r aN rtclpb of paid pnmkNns
<br /> and rsnawal nottca. In tho ov�n!ot bss, BoROwer sh�N plw prompt notic�to the Inaunnc� curfM�and L�ndK. UndM nuy m�1ce
<br /> �roof of bs�M not rrud�prompty by Borrowar.
<br /> UnM.s I.�nd�r�nd Bonowar othsrwlss�yne In wrkinp�Insunnc�proc�eds�h4N b�epplNd to�actontion or np�t ot th�PropMty
<br /> denwp�d, M th� rwtontlan or nptP Is oconomlaaly tM�D1e and Lmdwe acurlty Is nct Ntwn�d. It th�nttoratian or npaY M not
<br /> oconom�aly NasibM or Lsnder's a�curi� wouk! ba kss�nsd, th� InsunnCS procwds ehaN M �plMd to th� eumf hamyd by thi�
<br /> S�curityr Instruma�t, whMh�r or not than tlw, wkh �ny excsss p�td to BortowK. If Bortower N�tlons th�P�vp�r'ry, or a,w ��ui •
<br /> �nstiwr wdhin 30 d�ya � notics hom Lend�r th�t th� Insur4nc� oartbr haa o}Nrod to sNtM � okkn, th�n I.�nd�r r►wy colMCt tt»
<br /> Insuranc� qrxe�cb. L.M�dar may use ths proceeds to ropalr or naton the PrapKty or to pay auma s�curW by thb S�curky
<br /> Insuum�nt,wMthK or not then dw. Th�30�day porbd wi119»nln wha�th�not��b plwn•
<br /> UnM�s L�da and 8onowsr oth�vie��pn�1n wrkinp, any applicatbn of prQCS�ds to prhop�l th�N not�oct�nd ar postpon� th�
<br /> dw d�u of the monthy paymonte rofeRed to h p�roqnphs t �r.d 2 or chtnp�th�unount of lA� p�Ym�►ts• If un�pa�pnph 21
<br /> tM Propvty I&ncquind by Lmd�r,Borroww'�ripht to arry Inau�a polbins�nd proca+ds r�tuRhp hom dam�q�to th�Prop�ty prlor
<br /> to th� �cqulsRbn oheR pa�e to �ander to th� �xt�nt o1 the suma sscund by thls Sscurky InaWment Mnm�d�t�ty prior to th�
<br /> �cqufaRlon.
<br /> e. Occupmcy, Preservatton� MaRntenenoe end Proteotlon of ths Properly; Barrower'e Lo�n
<br /> Appllc�tlon; Lessaholds. DorrowM sheA oCCUpy, set�(olish, and ua� thi Prope�ty ae BoROww� prh4ip�l rsefd�rtc�wkhh sbAy
<br /> = diys aftK th�executbn of thy Seourity Instrument end ehall aontfnue to qccupy tho Property u Borrower'a prtncfpal nsldena for�t
<br /> - leaf! on� yetr afler th� dat� o} ocoup�noy, unN�e Lender othwwiss oqroas h wrkinp, whbh cona�nt thaN not be unr�r�tonaby
<br /> wRhh�M,or unMsi�xt�nuattn�oircumet�ncn axist whbh ara b�yond Boaowrr'�aonUol. Bonowor oh�q not d�etroy,darn�p�or h�palr
<br /> th�Propirty,Rtbw ths Propatty to deterbmte,or commk waat�on the Propaty. Borrower ehall be 1n cNiauk M any foH�kun�otbn or
<br /> - prxNdNq,wnrthM CNY or crknlnal, Is 6apun that h L�nders pood fakA Judpment oouW nauN In forNkun of th�PropKty or oth�rwis�
<br /> mat�ritlN Ynpek ths Ibn creat�d by thh S�curRyr InsWm�nt or Leader's aocurky Intereat. Oorrower mq oure suoh n dst�uR end
<br /> = ninsteto, ns provided In pnroyraph 18,dy causlny the actbn or procoedinp to be dlsmissed wRh e ruifnp tnat,n �enaere paod nim
<br /> � d�temiinetion, proCludes toAeNuro of the HOROW�6 Ini�nst in the Propertyr or othx mtterial Impahnsr►t of th� IMn Crw�tad by th'�
<br /> = 6ecurky InaWment or Lender's aecurMy k►teresl. Bo►tower ehall eiso be fn defauk M BoROw�r, durinq tho bm applicetbn proeese,
<br /> pav� materialy fa�e or haccunto in4ormatbn ar statements to Lender (or (alkd to provldo LonQar wkh nny matrritl fnfomutfon) In
<br />� connectbn wph th� ban evldencod by the Note,holudhq, but not limkecl to, representatbns conceminp Borrowor's occupnnoy o}the
<br /> - PropeAy aa � prhatpai roskknca. If this Seaurfty Instrument Is on a bssehold, Borrower shall aompy wNh aB the provkbnt uf th�
<br /> = base. If BOrrower c�cqulres tee tNle to the Proqerty, the IeaQet�old and the fee tkb shall not merpe unN9! tho L9nder�prre! to th�
<br />.-� merpK In wrRhp. Form 002�0/i0
<br />��-`,`a F7010.LMA(2/GB1 P�p�7 of 6 :.
<br />---Y
<br />•'� 0��0�23�
<br /> 1 . . . . . _. ... ._.... ... .
<br />