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<br /> APPL# U01-60508011
<br /> '" MI,�1 OOOUOOQOQO
<br /> ���� A:,Il�7 ����'d .6•�6���,�.,�.JL"��.R.% ��
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<br /> oi[no i.�roniy��� uaiJT. ��o��+f�u►o of NFA�S� .. IiereinaRer cnl�ed tlte party of the first part, in
<br /> SIXTY FIVE fH0i19AND AND NO/100 ^^--���'
<br /> consider�tion of �
<br /> in hind paid, do liereby grent,barqain, sell and com•ey unto tha Homa Federal Savin�s dc Loan Assoeiation of(irand Is�and, (in+nd lsl�nd,
<br /> Nebr�ska,and its successors und assigns,the foilowing ee�l estate,situated in �'�'
<br /> Counry,Stato of NEBRT�6KA ,towit:
<br /> Toge�har wich�11 the appurtenances�1►eramto belnn�ing.and ill covenants in all thc dde deeds ronning with said real est�te.and all the rcnts,issues
<br /> �nd prof►ts arising tt�erefrom after default in pert'ormance of any rnvenant or condiNon herein contained:tnd wxmnts�l►a title theato petfect�nd
<br /> clexr exccpt for�his mo�tgage.
<br /> During the timc G�is mortgaga is in force the mortgagors ugree:
<br /> First. To p�y�ll t�xes and special assessments levied agAtnst atid premises,including nll ttaes dnd assessmenta levied upon this mong��e,
<br /> or�hc dcbt secured by this mor¢gage.
<br /> SeconQ. To keep all buildings thcreon insured agaiast loss by fire, flghtning and tornada in somc company,to bc�pproved by the said
<br /> Homa Poderal sivin4s dc I.aan Assaciation of Grand Isl4nd in the 6um af S 65,000.00 __, for the benefit of the said
<br /> ;3�t:�ll A3I rn�it nr suffet flnV W851e Dtl 6a�d
<br /> Associuion,md its Ruccessoro or tssigns;anct to deposit s�id polkka wim said nssa:iaii�r�.:�
<br /> promises,�nd shall pue and icap s�id eeal estate bufidtngs ond improvements in good orAer,
<br /> Third. To pay or cause to hc paid to tlhe Home Federtl Savin��dc I.oan Assoelation of Grand Isl�nd,it�succeasoro or��►si�nf,the sum
<br /> 9IXTX F1VF THOU9AND_AND NO/100 ���'
<br /> sum of S_. - "'
<br /> p�yibk�s t'ollowe:
<br /> UUE: MAY l, 1997
<br /> with incerest t��ereon pay�ble,�ccording to the tenor and effect of�he ono certain first mortQaQe note of safd mortgagors,beuing even date with
<br /> these presents. Afler m�turity said bor►cl dr�ws interest at the cato of nine per ceat per�nnum.
<br /> IP s�id tsxes snd�ssessments are,not nakt when duo,or if the buildinQe on said premises arc not insut+ed�s abovo provideC,or if any
<br /> of e�id inkrest is not psid when due,then said whole deDt shall become due tmmedi�tety,�t the option of the uid Associati�n,and shall thsrextter
<br /> draw(ntorest at tho rate of r�ine per cont per annum.
<br /> The�nortQagor(s)hercby�asiQn(s)to sald mortga�a oU rents and income atisin��t an�y�;��t�sr n����°��f fr�r,�
<br /> euthorize ssid mortB�Ree or iu agent,et its option,upon defiult,w t��e cbuge of�id propercy
<br /> �pply the same w tha PaYment of inurest,pdncip�l, insunnce premiums, uxes,tssessmenta,rep�irs or improvements necessary Sa @ecp said
<br /> _ oroperry in tentnubb condi�bn,or W other ch+►r�ta or p�y.ments provSacd for hereln or in d►e note hercby secured. Thls rcnt asxignment stull
<br /> continue in forct untfl the unp�id b�tinco of iu�!note f9 fi�Uy�tid. '4���iny,of possessiun he�cw►dCP sb�U in to mulntr pseveat ot te��rd pr�
<br /> mortQ�Qa in J�e co1{ectbn of said sums by foifcl0luro pr qtdenvke���
<br /> Whether said debt becomes due by l�psa of time,'erlry n��a►uf tha failure of the patry of the ficet ptrt to comply with any eenditbn
<br /> heroin,the stid Homc Federil S�v1n�s dc Loan Association of(irand!sl�nd,thc successoro snd�ssi;ns,shall have the rl�ht to bc�in the forecbsure
<br /> nf this morta��e�t once on�he whole debt heraby securW,md to includa therein vll taxes,nssessments,insur�nce premiums�nd cosu,p�id by
<br /> it or them;or Qaid Assocatbn, its successors ar�ssigns,moy forectose only as to tho sum p�st due,wi�hout i�ucy to this mortgage,or the
<br /> displuement or impairnxnt of tho liei�thereof.
<br /> — And�he aid firat p�ny�nd the m�kers of said eiote.especially aQrce and declare�h�t tha up�rnte estate of e�ch and every one of�hcm,
<br /> including both th�t now nw�xd md th:t hereatur�cquired,is pled�ad and bound for�he paymont of the debt hereby'secured.
<br /> After the commenamont of any suit in foreclosurc thc pl�inti(i d►ereln sh�ll Nc cntitlecl to thc immediav;possessbi�of s�id premises and
<br /> tht appointmcnt of�receivcr thcrefor,not withstanding thcy m�y be the Romcstcad of the cecupmt and not withstanding the panies li�ble for the
<br /> — dcGt�iwy be solvent,and the first parry hereby consents to the appointment of a Recoiver upon the product+on of this indenture,without o�her
<br /> evldencc.
<br /> Tl�o foreQoing conditions antl egree�nents,all and singular,being fnlly pa�formed,this conveyinco sh�ll Iw vold,OdIC(WISC t0 I�Yt1O
<br /> remafn In fi�ll force and effect.
<br /> -_ �io��y� �TH day of T1AX, 1936 A.D.,
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