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<br /> 'l't2tlli'i'i�f?�1�U1111 nll Il�e i►iiprnvements�ie�ti•�i her��ltce te�tcd`o����dJiti�rai!�i�nlldnlrc��be caverednf y�I i�n3ccurhy �::
<br /> fixtures now ��r here.itter � pnrt af the �rop�rtg+• P►�� �Gp n
<br /> Insirun�ent.MII uf thc faregoing fs rcfcf�ral to in tt►is S�cu�ity Gistnnncnt us tli�"Prnpeny•"
<br /> a4KRnW�It COVKNAN'CS Uiut i�crrrawcr iR lawfully sefsecl oF t!ic cstnte hereby conveyed nnd has thc rlblu to g�•unt nnd
<br /> convey tNe PmpertY und d�ut Q�e C'rop�:rty is unencumbered, excent for encumbrnnecs af record. &vrower wnrrnnrs ond wiil
<br /> dcfe�td gcncrully tl�o tide to the Property uguinst all claims nnd demanda,subject to nny encumbranccs of rccoril.
<br /> .....,o oa,.�,o�TV�n�cTa�itv[r�NT combines unifonn covennnte far natianal use nnd non-unlfmm cuvenants with Ilmited
<br /> �����1 JV4.�+����• �.�. .. ...
<br /> vnriatlon9 by Jurix�ticlton ro constitute a uniform sccurity instn►ntant covcrin�rcal pro�r�y.
<br /> UNIPORM COV�'IvANTS.Borrc►wcr and Ldendcr covennnt And nsrec as follows: Wh�p due tlie
<br /> 1. �yment ot Princ1p�1 end interest; Prepayment and Late Churges. Borrawcr shnll promptly pay
<br /> pri�xipal of and intcrest on thc detst cvidencal by the Note and any prepayment nnd lato charges dua under the Notc.
<br /> 3. Funds tor Tpx�and InsurAnc:c. Subject to npplicnble luw or to a written wnivcr by Lender. Borrower chnll pay to
<br /> I,endcr on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note ls paid in full,a sum("Fmids")for: (�)ye,arly taxes
<br /> and essessmenta which may uttain Rr[ority ovcr this Securiry In�trument ns n licn on the Froperty;(b)ycarly leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rents on thc Propeny,if any;(c)yeurly huzard or property insurnnce premiums;
<br /> (d)yeurly fload insurnnce premlums,
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage iusurance preniiums, if any; nnd(�uny sums paynble by Eionower to I.en�ler. in accordance with
<br /> the provisions af paragraph 8.in lica of thc plyment of mortgage insurance premiums. Thcse items are allted"Bscrow Items."
<br /> Lender may, at any time, caqect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed tlie maximum am�unt a lender for a feclerally
<br /> related mort$uge loan may require for Borrower's escrow uccount under tl�e federal Real Estate Settlement Proc�xiures Act of
<br /> 1974 as ntnended from ti�as to ticr,c, 12 LI.S.C.S�ctian 7.(�(11 et seq. ("R�SPA"),unless nnother law that applies tu ihe Funds
<br /> sets a lssser amount. If so� Lender may, at nny time, cullect and hold Funds in an amount n�t ta exceed the lesser arnuuut.
<br /> [,ender may estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of currcnt dutn and reusanable estimates nf cxpendituxes of future
<br /> Escrow Itcros or utherwise in accordance wlth npplicable law.
<br /> Thc Funds shnll bc held in an inst3tution whosc deposits :�re Insurecl by a federal agency, instrumentaltty, ar entity
<br /> (including I.encler,if l.ender is such pn institutton)or in any Fcdcral Hame Luun Bank.I.ender shall npply the ruuds to pay the
<br /> Escrow items.L.ender nwy not chnrge Bonower far holding nnd Applying the Funds,annually nnalyzing the escrow accuunt,or
<br /> verifyir.g thc L'scrow Items,unitss Lendcr pays Bonowcr intcrest an d�c Funds and npplicabte law permits Lender to make such
<br /> a chargc. Howevcr,Lender may requirc Borrowcr to pay a one-ttmc chargc for an indeper.ctcnt rcal estate tax reporting service
<br /> psed by I.ender tu connection with t}iis loan, unless applicable !aw provides otherwist. Unless nn agreement is m�de or
<br /> applicable luw requires interest ta be p�1d o��w ver.t`thattint rc�st shailtba paea o the FundsntLenderrsl�iail�give totFBonowcr,
<br /> Borrower arKi i.c�wc��;�a�abiw 222 uritir.a, ---. . .
<br /> wlthout charge, an annunl accuunting of:tie Funds. showing cralits aud debiu ta the Funds arxi tt►e pur{wsc ipr w���ci���c�
<br /> ' debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledSed as additional security for.all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> if the Funds held by Lender c�:ceed the amounts permttted to i�e held by upplicuble la�uv,I.ender shnll account to Borrower
<br /> for[he excess Funds in uccordunce witt�the requirements of appliccible law. If the amount of the Punds held by Y.ender:�t au►y
<br /> ttme is not sufficient to pzy the Escrow Itcros when due,Lcnder may so notify&►rrower in wrlting,and,in such cuse Aonower
<br /> shall pay to I.ender the ar►MUnt uccessary to make up Ihe deficiency. Borrower shall make up thc deficienay in no nx�r�than
<br /> twe►ve monthly paym�ents.At Lender's eole dissrction.
<br /> Upan payment In full of al! sums secured by this Sccurity :Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to Borra�ver any
<br /> of the Psopercy�hU applynu y �d t helld by Le der t the time of acqu'isiti�n or sale�as a ceredt againsi�tl��.sumsticecurcd by
<br /> this Security instrument.
<br /> 3.Applicatian of Pyyments.Unless applicable law provides�itherwise,all payments reccivcd by Lender under parag s
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to;►ny prcpayment chargcs duc under the Note: sccond.to smounts payablc under paragraph 2;
<br /> thiid,to interest due;fourih,to principal due;and last,to any lntc charges due under tlx Notc.
<br /> 4.Clwcqes.Uens. Borrower shall pay�ell taxes, nssessments.charges, fines a�x1 icnposit9ons attributable to die Pruperty
<br /> whict�may attain=pr`ori�ty uvc^thi.,`Security raara,h 2t�or if nnt�a d m tl at manner,Aoxmwrernshall payythmron time d,re.ctly �
<br /> (�ICSC Ootiga:iu�ra�u u��...u��.B. pro.:..e�in p.
<br /> to the person owod Faymcnt,Borrov�er shall promptly fumish to�.ender all no!ices of amnun�,to hc paid uixler G�is��:��r�h.
<br /> a
<br /> If Borrowcr m:�ccs these.puym�•nts directly,Borrowcr shall promptiy furnish to I.cnder receipts cvidcncing thc paym��xs.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischargc any lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(a)agc+c�s in
<br /> writing to the payment of the ubligatimi secural by tt�e licn in a munner ucceptable to l.erxler;(b)contests in goud faitl►tlie lien
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of thc lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion uperate to prevcnt the
<br /> enfox�cemcnt uf the licn; ur(c)sec��scs from tlic holdcr of the licn un agreement saNsfactory to Lcndcr subordinating ehe licn to
<br /> th�s Security [nsitument. 1f Lender determines tUat any parc of th�Property is subject to n lieu which may �ttain pric�rity over
<br /> thts Security Ynstrument. l.cnder may givc Borrower a notice idcntifying the 1icn.Bonbwcr shall s�ltisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> rnorc of the actinns set�orth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Fann 3028 9f90
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