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<br /> 5. llnrnrd o�' P►'O�1CP�}I II75lIA'CIi1Cv^.. [3nrm�vcr shnli kccp Aic improvemcnts natv existin� or hercaftcr crcctcd on th� _
<br /> Property insurcd against loss by firc, haz:inis includcd withir the term "oxten�ed eoverage"and any ather liazards. ineltiding
<br /> floods or fluoding, far which Lender requires insurunc�. '�Bis insurnnce shall be maintuined in the nmounts nnd for the periads
<br /> that L.encier requires. The insurance clrrier providing tiie insurnnce shall be clinsen by Borrower subject to C.ender's npprovAl
<br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to muintnin covernge described ubove, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> optim�,obtuin coverage to protect[.ender's rights in the Prop�rty in accordance with parngraph 7.
<br />. All ioon�ooro�+nlini�o oa+�1 w uolo obnll {..o..non�oFb f.. /o.vl�� owl ..6011 i....h�do 0 o�onilu�vl �s���snowv nloum 1 s.�vl�►
<br /> .... ............�. p........� ,,.... ...no�,.�... ...�.... .... .•a...,�...,.... ... ..u....... ....._ ....n.. �..�........ ., :............ .......a..p.. ...,...,... �........,. -
<br /> shall have the right to hold►he policies and�enewals.If l.ender require�.Aorro�ver shnll promptty glve ta Lender�11 rec�lpts of
<br /> puid prcmiums and renewal nottces. In N►e,evertt of loss, Burrower sh111 give Qrompt notice ta ti�c insumnce c:irrier und Lender.
<br /> I.ender may muke proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrowcr.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower�thcrwisc ogrce in writing, insurunc�c procccds shnil be applicd ta restaration or repnir of thc
<br /> P�nperty dam�ged,if the restarc�t[on or repair is ewnomicully tGisiblc nnsl L.ender's security is not Iessened,If the restorattun or
<br /> repair Is not ec.�nomicelly fe,�sible or l,enaler's Fec�irity would he IessenecR,thc insurnnce procce<Is shnll he nppllcd 1u tha xums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, w1Ui uny �xcess paid to Sormwcr. If&irrowcr uhaixluns Ihe
<br /> Propcny, or does not ui�swcr within 30 daye o notice frc�m I.e�xtcr that tho insuruncc carrler has offcred to sctllc u dnim, thei�
<br /> Lender may collcct the insurance ��roceecls. lA:nder muy use tbe pnMecds to rep�lr nr restnro �hc Property �►r to puy humy
<br /> sccurcd by thls Security Inhtrumcnt,whcthcr ur nos thcn duc.Thc�(bduy periixl will bcgln whcn thc notico ix glven,
<br /> Unless L,cnder end &�rrowcr othcrwlse ugrcc ia wrUing, uny uppllratian �if pmcceds t� princl{�al e�hull not cxteixt a►r
<br /> pns�ponc thc due dute of thc mui�thly payments refcrrMt to in parugrapha 1 u►xl 2 nT cha��gc the unwunt nf�no ppynxmti. IF
<br /> u�xltr�urugruNii Z1 tl��Pn►pe�iy iy ucyulr�d by [w:�ide��, fd�rti�uwer's rigid to uny insurunc��mlici�s atxi procc�xiy reyuidng fmnZ
<br /> dam�gc ta the Property prior to the acyuisition sha11 pASS to l.c�xlcr ta Ihe cxecnt of thc sums securai by tliis Security Inytrument
<br /> immediutcly prlor tn tlic ncquisition.
<br /> 6.OccupAncy,f'reservatlon�Matntena�xe and Protectlon of the Property; Bur►�r�wer's Loan Appllcatlon;L.ea.veM►Ide.
<br /> Borrawer shall occupy,establish,und use the Propeny ss}3onower's principnl residence within sixty days after Ihe executton of
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt uud shnll continue to occupy tlie Prope�ty as Borrower's princlp�l residenr.e For nt least one year after
<br /> tho date af c►ccupuncy, unlcss Lendcr otherwisc agrces in writinE, which consent shall not bc unrcasonnbly wlthheld. or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist wh{ch ure beyond Borrowcr's control. Ronower shull not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Propeny, allow the Property to deteriarate, ar commlt wastc on the Property. 23orrower shall b� in default if any forfetture
<br /> nction or proce,eding, whether civil or criminnl, is bsgun that in Lendar's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Froperty or othcrwise matcrially impnir thc licn crcatcd by this Security Instru►nent or Lender's security interest.Borrawer may
<br /> �il�c StiLii d�cfditll dflu icii�Std�c,d"a Niu'ria�c�iii Nd�a���i�'i Ta,�ij%CdiiSiib I{"ic a�iiu�i�'r piin.-cuiiug iv i�c uismi�scc�wiin u ruling
<br /> thnt, ln Lender's gaxl faith determination, precludes forfcituro of the Rorrower's interest in the Property or other matedal
<br /> impairn�ent of the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiiy Interest. Borcower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower, during the loan applicallon pracess,guve materiully false ar inaccurate informntion or statements to Lender(ar failod
<br /> to provide L.ender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but�nt limited
<br /> to,rep�rsentations concerning$orrower's occupancy of the Property us a principnl residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> lensehold. Borrower shnll comply with all the provislons of the lease. If Horrower acquires fec title to the Property, the
<br /> leasehold and the fcc titic shall not mcrgc unless I.en�ier agrces to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.R»tecttun ot Ixnder's Rlghts tn the Property.If Borrower fuls to pe:rform thc covennnu and agrccments wntainccl ir�
<br /> ; this Security Instcument, or there is a Iegal proceeding thut may signi�eantly nffect L.ender's r'�hts in the Property (such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for cundemnution or forfeiture or fo cnforcc laws ot rcgulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> � pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property And L.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> � include payfng any sums sec;urecl by c� lien whicl� has priority ovcr this Securiry Instniment, nppearing in court, paying
<br /> � re�sonable attorneys' fees und entering on tl��Properry to makc repuirs. Although Lcnder may t�e act[on under this pnragrapb
<br /> 7.Lcndcr docs not havc to do so.
<br /> Any amounts d[sbursorl by L.erdcr under this par�graph 7 shall becoms additional debt of Borrower suured by this
<br /> Sa:uriry Instrument. Uniess Borrower und Lcndcr agree to othcr terms of payment,thcse amounts shall bear intec�st from the
<br /> , date �f disburscmcnt at thc Notc ratc and shali bc payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to i3orrower requcsting
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8.MortgAge Insurance. If l.cnder required mortgage insurance ns n condition of making the loan secured by this Securiry
<br /> ' Instrument, Borrowcr shall p�y the premiums rcquizcd to maintain the mungage insurencx in effcct. If, fur nny reasou, d�c
<br /> tmirtgage insurnnce coverage xcyuired by Lender lapses or cwscs to be in effect, I3orrower shall pay thc premiums requircd to
<br /> ' obtain rnveragc substantially equiv�lent to thc mortgnga insurance�reviously in effcct.At a cast substantially equivalent to die
<br /> ' cost to Borrower of the �nortgage insurance prevtously in effect, from an altsms�te mortgage insurcr uppeovtd by I.ender. If
<br /> " substuntially cyuivalent mortgage insurnnce coveiY�ge iw not avnilable,Rorrower st�nit pay to I.ender each month n sum equal to
<br />+ one-twelRh uf tlie yearly mortsage insurancc premiurn being pnid by Borrowcr when thc insurnncc covcragc lapscd or ceascd to
<br /> be in effect. Lender wil)accept,usc und retain thesc paymcnts as a loss reservc in lieu of mortgnge insurancc. Loss rescrve
<br /> � Porm 3028 9100
<br /> ; Pepe 9 of 0
<br /> i . �
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