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<br /> G.A�SSIQNMENT OF LF.AS�9. Upan Lcndcr's rcqucst,8armwcr ahall usslgn to I.cndu ap lease�nf thc _
<br /> .t�:C"ErL.�ij i.i.L: u�:�,;.,or.ty���•'v".;�w�:'w::3"...�"12SYfew:3::'��3 �u...^^��a GP RS:� I`jn�gr�, f I�nr� rhr.nr,ci�nmrnt;lrndr.r -
<br /> shall havo thc dght to modify,extend ar tcrmlrwte tho exisdng Irase.+and to exocuta now Icascs,in Lcndcr'e solc
<br /> dlscrction.As uscd!n thls para�raph 0,tho word"Icaso" shall mcan"RUbleaso" if 4hc Sccurlty Instrumcnt is on e
<br /> leac�hold.
<br /> Borrower absoluuly snd uncondlUoneliy essigns and transfue to I�.nder all th�rcnta end revenue.9("Rents")of the
<br /> Nrope.rty,regardlcss of w whom tho Renis of tho Froperty ar�payablc. Borrower author�as Y.cader nr Lender's �
<br /> egents to a�lloct the Rents,and agreea that each tenunt of tho Propcity shall pay the Rents w l,cnder ar l.ender'&
<br /> agcnts.Howaver,Borrower shall roccivc thG�e��undl(i)Lcnder has given Borrower notice of dcfantt puesaant w
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Sec��riry Insirumer►t and (ii)I.ender ha9 Qive��nodce to tho tcnant(s) that�ho Rcnts are to be
<br /> paid W I.endcr �r I.ender's agenG Thls assignment af Rcnts constttut�.w an ubsalute assignment snd not an
<br /> assignment for a�ididonsl aecurlty anly.
<br /> If L,cndcr givcs nodce of breach w Honowcr.(i)all Rents rece[ved by Barrower shall be held by Borrower av
<br /> trustee for the benefit of U,nder on1y.to be applied to tho sums secured by the Securlty[nstrument;(ii)Lender shall "
<br /> be entided to colkct and receiva ell of the Rents of tho Prop�xty; (iii) Sorrower agrzcs that each tenant of thG
<br /> Property shull pay atl Rcnts due and unpaid to L.er�der or I.cnder's sgcnts upon L.cnder's written dem�r►d to the
<br /> 2enant; (iv) unless applicable law providas otherwiso,aU Rent� coAecccd by Lendet or Lender's agents shall be
<br /> �npplkd first co tho costs of taicing control of c�nd manag+ng lhe�ropc.�ty and c:olleciing tho Rents�ine[uding,but mat
<br /> limited to,Attomeys'fer,s,teceiver's fces,premiums�n receiver's bonds,repair and mainten�u�co costv,insurancr,
<br /> pre�niums,tnxes, assessments and oti�er charges on the Pimperty, and then to ttie sums socured by the Securiry
<br /> xnstniment;(v)I.cnder.Lendcr's agents or any Judlcially ap�inted recelvar shell be li�ble w account for only those
<br /> Rcnts accually reccived; and (vi) Lender shail be entided w�ave a recciver appointed to talce possession af und
<br /> _ ma��age the Prupexty antl coll,�ct the Rent�and pr8fits derived fram tha Property without any show3ng as to thc
<br /> inadoquacy of the Properiy es security•
<br /> If tha Iients of the Propaty ere not sufficient to cover the costs oi taicing conaoi af and managing ine
<br /> Property and of collxting thc Rcnts any funds oupended by Y.cr�du for such pucposes shalL becomc irtdebtedncss of
<br /> Borrowu to Len�er�ecural by tho Sccurity Instrumcnt pu�suant w Uniform Covcna�it 7.
<br /> Borrowa reimscnu and wanants�hat Horrowu has not execntod any pr�or essignmens of Uia Rents end�S
<br /> nw and wilt not perfonr aey sct that would prevcnt I.endar fmm cxercising its dghts undu thlv pacagraph.
<br /> Lender.or I�e+�der's�gents a a judicl�ily eppointal roceivu�sh�ll not be required to entar upon�teke control
<br /> of or maintain the Fropaty lxfaa a pfter giving notica af def4uit w aarower. Howevu�L.cnder.or i.enckt'a
<br /> uganW or a judicially appointed roceivu�may do so at eny tLra when�default occura.MY Nppikatlon of Renu
<br /> ah�ll na cure a w�iva any defeuit or fnvalldato�ny other right or remody of Lender.'I1iis asefgnment of Ren1s of
<br /> � tho Property ahAll tuminate when aU the sums socurcd by tho Secudty Instrumont arc pa�d in full.
<br /> I.CROSS•D�FAU�.T I+ROVISION. Banower's ciefault or bc�each undu any ��ote or egroement in
<br /> � wh6ch[,ender h�s m intcrest sh�ll bo a breach under the Security Instrumxnt nnd T.ender may invoke any of the
<br /> remR•dies pamitud by thc Socurity Inswment.
<br /> PY SIGMNG BfiLOW.Barower aca�ts and a�roes to the temis and provisions contained in this 1-4 F�rnity
<br /> � Itider.
<br /> ,' �
<br /> .r
<br /> •. � (scat} u�� �� �.M� sca])
<br /> JO L ARREL -Botrower LEE C PARAELI,R1 •Borrower
<br /> _ .(S�) � �S�)
<br /> •Dorrowtr •Dortower
<br /> �•67 �oao��.o� r�•p•z o�x Form 3170 S/D�
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