,�+m�,yr��: . .. . �..w+�w��o n';:t
<br /> 1': :LL.e �.MWj� �pU(1V�.A i^�1 . _..
<br /> �y» . . ` . — '_"r` '�'.1Y°:
<br /> y � ' �tsr:•
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<br /> ��������
<br /> G.ASSI�NMEN'!'OF�,EASES. iJpon i.ender'a tcqucsl,Borrowu shaA as�ign to LcrAar all kases a?tha
<br /> l�ropeny and all sxurity dcpasit�macle in connxdon with lessc�of the Property.Upon the auignmen�I.endr,r
<br /> shall hnvo tho dght to modUy�oxt�cnd or te�minaW the eaistin8 Iea�e�ond to exccute new least.9,in Y,,ender'e sole
<br /> dlscredon.As usc�in thi.9 parag�eph(3,tho word"lease" shall rnesn"s�bleaso"if�Ito Secudry Inswmcnt is on a _
<br /> IeASehold.
<br /> Bwrower absolutely end uncondl.tion�lly assigns snd tnn�fers u,Lencler ap!he rents a��d revenues("ItenW")of tha
<br /> pcoperty�regardless of to whom the Rent9 of tha Pmperty aro pAYsble• aorrowu authorizes 1.e�ier or Lenckr's
<br /> agenta to coUect tho Rents�end agreea that each tenant of the Property shall pay tho Rents W Lendu or Lendu's
<br /> agents.Ho�vevu.Horrowu ahall receive the P.snss until(ij Lender has Biven Borrowu nodca of default pursu�nt W
<br /> paragraph 21 of tho 5ecur3ty Insuument and pi)Laufa t�given nodce to�he cer►ant(s)�hat the Re;�s ar�W bo
<br /> peid to Lcnder or Lr,���cr's agent 'It►is a�slgnment of Rents consdwus an shsolute a4signment and not an
<br /> �csignmcnt f�r addiBonal secw�ity only.
<br /> If I.enckr giees notice of brcach w Borrower.(i)ell Rents reaivcd by F]ocrower shail ba heid by Barower as
<br /> hustee for tt�6encfit of L�axlu oNy.a bo�pplied ta the suma soc�rod by the Socuriry InstiumerU;(iij L.rndet shatl
<br /> be endtkd to coikct and raxiva all of tho Renu of the Propaty; (ill) Barowa'agioes that e�h tuwu of tho
<br /> p�rogerty sl�1!pay ell Rtn�s d�.xf pn�1 nnnakl m I.endu or Lendtt's aAents upon Laidu's wtittcn deawxl W tlse
<br /> tznani; (iv)unkss aAP�icabk I�w pmvidcs ott�ciwlse�all Renta wllected by Lentk,r a Lencla's bgenu ehall be
<br /> applfed t'ust to the c,�sts of tnkLig control of and managln8�he PropertY�nd�°1��"g tho RenW,including�lwt not
<br /> limiud to,ettomcys'fees,rcxeiver's fees,premfums on roceiver's bonds,rcpair and maintenance costs,insuranca
<br /> premiuma�taues� a4xssments and ottiu charges on the Pmputy.and then to tho sums sa:urod by the Stcurlry
<br /> Instrumenr(v)Lender.I.ax1u's agents or any judiciallY appointal receivu shall be Ilable so account for unly those
<br /> Re�ts acwaUy rocelved: m�d(vi)Leiular ahall bo entitleA to have a recdvar appolnoal w taka po.ssession of and
<br /> rru�n�ge the Pro�xrty end colkct the Rents end profita derived from the Propaty witlwut any slx�wing av u►dhc
<br /> inacleqoacy of shn P�operty es security.
<br /> If the Ra�t� of the Pro�xtty am not sufficient to covrr tha ec�sts of t�ldng control of md ma�wging the
<br /> Propaty a��d oF copocting tue Rcnts any funds oxpendcd by LrnQer foc such pu�poses sha11 becomo indebt�tness of
<br /> A�,rmwrl rn isndei sec�red bv the SocurItv Instrument pursu�nt to Unifam Covtnant 7.
<br /> ----Bomowex�.nt9 and werrants thet Barrower t►s�not execut,�d pny prior a�si�t of 1he Renta md t�
<br /> not end will not petfoctn any act that wouW�ptevent Lutddr frortt eacex+cic�ng its tig�ts nndex this pr�grAph.
<br /> L.enda.or I�ec�der's agents or a judiciaUy�ppointed rectivu�s1ss�1 not be roqalmd w cata�pon,teko control
<br /> of a ma3ntei�a the Propercy befaro or attex glv3ng nodca of default to Borrower. Howova.I.erxtu.or I.a�da's
<br /> �ents nr t judicially appointtd�siver.may do so at any dme when a default occurs.Any applicat�cx�oF Re�ta
<br /> ahall not care a w�tve Any deFault or invelidate any othcr right or remedy of Lenc{a.This assignment oE Rent�of
<br /> the pmpecty sfu�ll tamin�te whtn ell the stims sxured by the Secuti�y Insuumt+�t arc p�id L�f�.
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAULT FROVISION. Barower's defaWt or �brtach under any iwk o� a$ree+na►t L►
<br /> whicb Lender has an inurest ahall be a breach unckr the Securiry Insir�ment end Lendu mty invoke any of tho
<br /> [�emedks perm(tted by the Secwr3ty Instrumen�
<br /> BY SICNII\Ci BBLAW�Bormwa accq�ts end a�oes co ihe terms en�l provisions coatainod in this 1�4 F�amily
<br /> Rider.
<br /> ��O ^ � (Scal) ��//� _,_1��et�1.--.
<br /> ._.(s�) rsea�)
<br /> -Homower -Baro�er
<br /> �•b7 �o�a�.o� Pso•s oi x +�atm�170�10� .
<br /> d M: �
<br /> �; � .
<br /> ' .._.. . _. ..... ._ __ ____ __.___.._ ___-_—_—___.._.
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