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<br /> "� 16,k��z�rc�K�c:'e�o�y. Ilot�o�vc�citall bc ivc�onc cflf�fa7��icc1 capy of tha Rlotc an:1 of this�ccurlty 1nsCnemcn�
<br /> 1i'.9 PAfi4/ri�?Qt:�4'eu�.riy�•r r�€bc�?cilc�ll9�a¢c•rr.::9[a tl�i; 1f e!I or ttaY}�_et of iho Prop�fty or c�ny��itcrest in it is
<br /> � " sold or tnNefGrrccl(or it u bcnoticfnl intcrest In Iianowc�r i�s91d ar trnnsferted cnd Doreowee is not n nv.turulp�rsnn) withaut
<br /> . .� l.cnskx'A prinr wrlttcn conscnt,l.cndcr may,st its upUon,rcquiro immcctta[c puyment i�full of all suma sccurcil by d�1s Sc;curltp -_
<br /> InswmuiG Haworcr,lhie opibn sh�11 not bo oxcn:isod by I.cndcr if oxcrclse is prohibltcct by fcdcrnl law as of che dete of�iis
<br /> � Sccurity Ins�uiunGnt. �
<br />_:`�`�q:�;. ,� If�.cndor ozctciscv thlnopdon,I.cnctcr shAll glvo Borrowcr noUcc of acccicrwdon.'ihc noUcc shall paavidc a iod of not Icss -_
<br /> --.
<br /> _,_ _,, than 30 deys fram IJho dnto tho rtotice i��jcldyetrd or mailod�vrithin whlch l�orrowcr must pey ell sums scc by this Socuriry
<br /> �.__.�..v...�:Ir.�a..�1:.�..wl.ednn nf�hiu�v�.rlrx�,I�ndcr mey invako onY ecmcdics pcm�ittCd �._
<br /> •.. ,;�— 103W1i1C.(If.ti nUrruwu iai�a iv�rwjj i+tio..eau..o ....,....._.... _ _
<br /> :� pr ckM�ind on•Somowcr.
<br /> �, by this Socudty Inatrumcnt without[W{hc�nd�..�. w� ��
<br /> ls.Borrower'e RIRht ta Rdns�ite. �f�pekkhta��fuals certrin condidons, Borrower ahall h�vo the right u� havo
<br /> _�,.,:__.. . _
<br /> ¢nfaCCrncrit of thia Socurity instrument dissc�ntinucd at�ny tlmu prto� to tho earl�cr of: (a) 5 dnys(or such athu ped as _
<br />•- epplicablo lew mey Rpc:clfy for relnstetemcnt)beforo sala ot the Prapetty purs►�m to anY Powcr of salo conWined in thi.a Sec�rity
<br /> ' Insuumcnt;or(fi�)onay ot a Judgmcnt enforcing Ihis Sxurity fnsuumenl.'i�toso condIdons ara that Hartowcr:(a) ys I,endu nll
<br /> �(b)cures bny
<br /> ; -��+�` sums wMch thcn wouldl bo due und�er this Socwlty Inswment and tho Noto as if no acccicreUon had occu ,
<br />' ° � .°.�. default.of any athcr covcaanta or t�cem�nt�;(c)pays�11 expenses incurred in enf�rcinR this Securlty Instrument,incluctinA,but `
<br /> '^,.�?-.�� not limited w�rcasonabk atwrncys'fee��and(d)takcs such a�Unn�v I�et�der may u:asonably requ�re to ossure that the lkn of this �_
<br /> J.�Rr � Socurity InstrumenL �du'R righte in tho Proputy and Horrowe.r's obligadon to pay the sums socurcd by thls Security
<br /> ..�� her by shap rcmain fu ly cffi�d a as if o��ccelerado�n�had�occurred.How�cvcr�thl�s ght to reinmtato shaU not apply in�the ca5a of
<br />= :��x��c.
<br /> r.;�� acccletation undcr patagcaph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak of Notei Chwnge of[.oAn Servker. 'It�o Note or a {►artfal interest in tha Note (wgether with thls Sxurlty
<br /> ='•��`'=� Insuucr►cnt)n►ay ba sold one or moro tlmcs without prior nottco w Donowu.A salo may result in e chango in the endty(kiwwn
<br /> m�i�i�`i� a9 the"Lua��Su vicc+")thai co!lr,cts monthly a�n�t.nts d�ss u�s!ha Not�and this Securlty Inswment.'Itiere also may lse ono or -
<br /> ���u� moro changes of th�Loan ScrvlcrR unre to s salo of tho Not�.If thcro is a chango uf the Loan Servdcer.Borrowcr will ho
<br />_..�Y,�t�, - given wrltten notko of thu chenga in ecr,ordance withpa�graph 14�bove and appl�cable law.'It�e notice will state tho namo aad _
<br /> �-,,�� addres�of 1ho now Loun Swlcer end tho�sddress to which payments should bc mude.'ihe nodae wW alao contain eny othu
<br />-- .-_- -- infamnation�q uire�by appUcabk law.
<br /> - - - - 20.Hasardo�s Substpnas. Hocrower shall not cause� or permit the presenco, use, dLsposal. atoragc, or releage of aay
<br /> -= Hezardous Substances on or in the Pmnerty.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyono clse to do,anything affecdn8 the ProP�9
<br /> -- that is in violadon of enY Environmental'[t�e proceding two r,entences shaU nw�ply w ro Ix��nor�rt►a�cesf�tial uses
<br /> Proputy of sm�l1 quanuties of I3azerdous Substances that aca generellY reco8nlzed to be upp pdate
<br /> � and w maLucnanco of tho Prope�ty.
<br /> -- Bacowu st�all prompUy g�ve I.ender wdtten noticce of any invespgation, clalm, ckmand, iawauit or other Actlon by any
<br /> ---=_= govemmental or regulatay agency or privata pacty involving tho Property and sny Hazardous Substenco or�nvironmatLl Law
<br /> of whk�h Borrower iw ectual kn on 1�ga.A�f nIIe1or S��le�n����c�Pc�p tY is acx;essary Burrow�r s�tiall p�pdy talce�eU
<br /> - - �sa:�!ar r..6s�r:m�._..��f r - -
<br /> - neo�ssary remedW actions in accordance with Environmu►tal Law.
<br /> As used in diis para�uph 20, °Hazardous 5ubstances" are thoscs substances deC�ned es toaic or hazardouA substAnce,� by
<br /> -- - Buvlronmental Lsw and the followiug substances: gasolino, keroseno, other tlammable or coaic petmlcum ucts, toxic
<br /> --- pesdctdes and herbi�ides.voladlo solvents,maarials containing asbescos or fom�aldchyde,end rsdioucdve As usod in
<br /> �� this h 20."Envuonmental Law"means fedual laws end laws of tFie jurLgdicdon wheca tho Pcopccty is located that reWa
<br /> ta heal�oty or envimnmcntal protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CUVBNAI`1'I5.�3orrowu end Lender funtxx covenant and agcoe av follow�:
<br /> ---- 21.Accekratbn;Itemedks.Leec4�r shall give notke to Borrower prbr to 400ekratioe�tollawins Bormwer'e bre�cL ot
<br /> -= nny cuvenxnt or �g��eement In thb Security Instrumeet (but eot prbr to �ooekrat8on ussder para�'�p� 17 uafeae
<br /> -- Applic�6k law pmvWes oE6erw�se).The natioe s6aU specify:(e)the detaulh(b)We action requfred to¢ure tbe defnul�;(c)
<br /> p date,not kss than 30 dAys trom the date the eotbe i�`iven to Bon�mver,by whk6 the defautt muat be cured;��d(d)
<br /> t6�t Ailure to cure tNe defiult on or before 4he date spe�U'eed in the notice mey resuB in accekratbn ot the sums secnred
<br /> - - by thta Security Instrument and sak ot t6e Property.T8e nutke sh�U further inform BorroKer ot t6�ri�6t to reinatate
<br /> - A�ter �ocelerAtion and the rlg6t to bring o court act6on to assert the nun-eu�tence of�defauit or�oy ot6er defewe of
<br /> BOROwtP t0 A�ClIlYBHOID f1Ad Bilk.I�the dePault is aot cured on or betore the date specltkd in t6e notke,I.ender��t ita
<br /> - - - optbn,may require iesmedi�te pAyment in full o�all sum�secured by thta Secarity Instrument vrifiwut further dem�nd
<br /> a*d mAy ievotce the power mt eu�k and Any othcr r.emedks perm�tted by appfkabk lAw.Leud�r ehaU bs entitkd to colfect
<br /> _ � oll expeases fecurred in pursuing the rsmedks provWed in t6ia p�raRreph 21�Including,but nut iimited tn�rr�nwii�
<br /> - -- attorneys'�ees and casta ot titk evideace.
<br /> It fhe {wwer o1 sak ts invoked, Tr�teE shall record a noHce of def�ult (a eACh rnunty in whk6 aoy part o�the
<br /> Property b bcated and shaU mal!mpl¢�of Ruch eotice in tha manner prescr3bed by applicxbk law to Bonrower a�nd to the
<br /> uther persons prescribed by applkabk taw.Aner the Nme required by Apy7lcnbk law�Trustee s6a11 give public noSice ot
<br /> — sak to the persons aed En the mAnner prPSCribcd by oppUcaBk taw.Trustee�without demend on Borroxer,ahau Rell the
<br /> = Pruperty ot public auctlon to the h9ghast bWder at the time and place and under the terma destgnataf in tl�e notice o!sale
<br /> ----- --- Form 302a 9100
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