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<br /> 1'QtIG'�I�IGP. P✓1'1'�1 ell thc ini�3rovetnca4s nmv an c�rcattcl cec��cd an tnc prop::I�y,i���� �"^���W r`
<br /> . L�HlUI'C9 IIqG OY IlCYC9RC7 0 E)atii of tiro pi�op:Yiy.All wc��l�cements n►td ed�lidon�rhall 11�:0{x:covaPCd hy t1ii�;Scc��e�ty Insv«ment.
<br /> Ap Af tho forcgoing is rcfcrrect co in Uiis 5ccurity Instramcnt ns thc"proper�y." �,�<<
<br /> ; r�� BCIRROWER COV�NAt�iTS thet nortowcr Is In��fully sciscd of thc cstaw hcrcby conveycd nnd ha�thc right to grant nnd _^
<br /> �__.
<br /> �• � ' wnvay thc Prc�crty and tl�nt Qio PropertY is unancumbcrctl. cxccpt for cncumbrances of rccard. Bonowcr wnrran�9 rnd wfll �_
<br /> ', �,, � defend generaUy the title to A►�Propeny ugainst u!I claims and demt,nds,sabject w onY encumbmnces of record. �..�.
<br />-?;,� .,w, � d,_.
<br /> T1�iS SE(:URITY iNS'I'FtUN[�NT com6incs unifarm covcnsnte far notlonal usc and non-unifarm covcnants with Iimitcd
<br /> � ` .,p�tA���PS ny jwiy�licuoz w cm�sUtutc n unifncm�'ecurity instrumcnt covcring rcal pmpertY• �-.�"
<br /> '���' UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Hortowcr and Lcndcr covcnnnt ann agrec:n�iultow�: whcn duc thc
<br /> '-=��� � 1.Payment a!PrincipAl wnd Interat;I'repAy�ent and l.ate �havg�s. Borrovucr shall prompdy pay �-
<br />-"���� prfncipal of and intcrest on the debt cvidencecl by tho Naw and any pr�payment and Inte ch:ugca duc undcr Ute Notc.
<br /> T� � '•Q 2.Funds far Tpxes pnd Iissurance. Subject to app�icnble law or to a wriucn wniver by i.cndcr, Bonowcr shall pAy to v-
<br />�•-:.� �� �t Lendcr on ilic day monthly payments cue due undcr thc Nous,until the Note is pafd in tull.a sum(ro,y�iy�°�ch paymcnts
<br /> �'��4, �• "� nnd esscssmcnts wl�ich may nttain priadty ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcut as a Ucn on tho Property; '
<br /> ' ' �C'�`'�� or ground rents on thc Property,if Any;(c)ycarly hnzard or property insurance prcmiums;(d)ycartY flood insuear►ce Prcmiums,if
<br />�'�k�.;�;� • nny; (e)ycArly rnangage insurnnce premiums,if tu►y;and(�nny sums pay�ble by Horrower co 1-ender,in accardance with the
<br /> ..+4`i.}i�.�.
<br />-,:-���,�,1 � prQVislons of parngcuph 8, in lic�uf��e pAyment of mort�age insur:uicc premiums.'Iheso items are culled "IIscrow Items.
<br />�_-�_'�+���' Lende�r C��tmaY�e�quira fortBorrower's eserow acco nt under the federal Renl Bs�tate ettlement Pc�ocedures Act af 1974 as
<br /> -��`�� nmendcd fmm dmc tm time.l2 U.S.C.Sccdon 2601 et ssg. ("RESPA��)�unlese�u►ot�er law th�►t applies to tho Funds scts a lcs;�cr
<br />``'`�'��� ' I.endee may. at any time, coilect ac►d hald�unds in ::n amount not tn exeeed the lesser amounG I.ender may
<br />_:•ry i,��� nmoun� If so. _
<br /> - �� - esdmete the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current data and reasonable cstimates of expenditures of future Escraw I�ems or
<br /> ..�"'S.�r,P
<br /> : t,a•�; � otherwisc in accarda�ce with applicablc law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an insHtudon whosa dc;posits suo insured by a federal agency,i�►suvm c ta1l�ry�o�P��Y�Cnc�doW
<br /> '"`��N I.ender, if Lender is such on lnsdtuflon) or in any Fulerul Home Loan Bai►k• I.ender ahall app y
<br />-.�'):������
<br />:�r�—�=�_� Items•L.ender may not charge Bonower for holding and applyin� �he Funds,annually analYzing the escrow account,or ver�fying
<br /> the Bscraw Iten�s,unless Lender pays Bnrrower interest on th�Funds and applicable lnw pennits Lender to mnka such a charge.
<br />�=�aE�!�,�. However,Lender may requice�orrower to pay u one-dm�charge for an independent real estate ta�c rePortinB sen'lca used by
<br />--__,�,���i� Lendes in connecdon with th�s loan,unless applicable law provides othrrwMse. Unless an agmemcnt is made or nppUcablc law
<br /> -=.�;;r�w'�� requires inteaest to bc paid,Lender sh�ll not be required to pay Bnrrawer any lnterest cs�earnings an the Funds.�onowcr snd
<br />---,_:�_��;��� Lcnder may agrec in wridng,however,that intcrest shall be paid an the Funds.L�nder shall give to Borrower,without charge,an
<br /> --�_��+� annua!accounting of the runds,showiny5 ciaiw;�d�t;,�tw tc s�==F�-`zf1°'-'nA thc nurUOSe for which cach dcbit to th�Funds was
<br /> -��`���� mada.'Il�o Funds aro piedged a5 nddidonal secudty for all sums see;ured by this Securlry Inson�menG
<br /> �-�—"��.� If tho Funds heid by L.ender exceed tho amnunts pem►itt,�1 tc� bo hcld by epplicable law,Lender shall uccount to Borrower for
<br /> ==--= ihe excess Futiids in accordance with ihe requuements of appllcable law.If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender e�t any dme is
<br /> �+��� not suffcient to pay the Escrow Ltcros when due,Lender may so nodfy Borrower in wridng,and,in such case Boaower shall pay
<br /> ��:,i,.3t��re
<br /> -- — to Lender the amount necessArY co m�lC� uP t�e deficienGy.Borcower shnll make up the deCciency in no more thnn twe vc
<br /> monthly payments,at Londar's sole dlscredon.
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full of nll sums securcd by t3�is Securiry Insuumsn�Lender s��p�0p por to thc acquis d n or sale of tho
<br /> -------� held by i.ender.If,under paraBraph 21.1.,endG'shatl acquir�or scll ihc PropenY�
<br />