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<br /> TH(S Q:Ep O�TRU3T,ts mrdo ce of the,_,_,_3�� d�y of �1' ,19 9�,by�nd�no�0 v
<br /> `O =�
<br /> th�Tru�tor, _ C�+BS J FU�WTFIORNB tltld RHONDA J HAWTH0�2NB. HU9BAND AND WIF�
<br /> �� 1728 8T PAUL RD (iR1�[dD I$LAND Ng 6880:`}r��ST��tor,"�vhsth�r om or monf,
<br /> wha��m�ilinp�ddrw�i��,� --
<br /> ttw Tructeo. 1�RBND HA31CK _._ � _-
<br /> who�s m�ilinp nddr�i� 106 N WHSSLBR �RAND SBLAtTD 2iS 68801 (h�rvn"'�ru�t�e"1,+nd
<br /> th�E�+sfia�ry, THB OVSRI+I�ND I�►'rIOttAL PANK OF C�I2AND I$LAND �._�-'
<br /> whos�miflfnp�ddre��it n � Bax 1�88 aRAND,ISI,RND NB 6ABU?______,_(heroin"L�ndn"1.
<br /> FOR VALUA9I.E CONSiDEAATION,inoludino Lendsr'�extinsion of credlt Id�ntift�d hK�in to CF1�+g�_.a����
<br /> RHONDA �7 HAWTHORNB -""--
<br /> (h�nfn'Ocrrow�r",wh�th�r on�or monf�nd tN�tru�t h�nM+crNt�d,th�
<br /> nc�IDt of whl�+I�h�nby ecknawl�dp�d,Tru�tor h�w6y ftrsvooably pr�nt�,trM�f�n,convey��nd�s�lan�to Tru�tN,IN 7RUST.YVIfN
<br /> POWER OF BALE,tor th�benetit eed s�cunty of i.�r►dor,under mo�ii`vj�+a.��`�t�r=����•ai��"R'!'•u�inalt�r ut torth.th�nal
<br /> property,dNOrib�d��}nllow�:
<br /> 8ee Addendum A
<br /> Tup�►ha wkh dl buitdinp�.&nprov�rr+�ent�,Pixturs�.�trNt�.�{I�y�,Pa�Rapsw�y�,���nsr�ts,ripht�,privil�pe��nd appunr►+aneM
<br /> loo�t�d th�non or fn�ywiaa pnt�k+k+p thento,�nd 1he nnt�,i�au���nd Profit�,rw�ntom wtd nm�ind�n th�twf,�nd wch p�non�l
<br /> ptop�rty thrt I�dt�ehsd to th�imDrovKn�nte�o a�tb aonstitut��tlxturn,Ineludlnp,but not limk�d to.h�tinp�nd coofinp�qulpmsnt;
<br /> �nd top�the with 4h�homMt��d or msrkd int�rNt�, if eny, whlch inte�.t��n h�nby r�l��wd �nd w�iv�d;tll of whtoh, includinp
<br /> r�ptac�mu+t��nd�ddklon�th�nto,N h�nby daMred to b��part ot th�rsal Nttt��ocu»d by th�li�at thi�DNd o}Tnut�nd dl oi
<br /> th�forspohp 6�inp rrt�rr�d to h�rein M the"PropKty".
<br /> Thq Do�d of Tn��!�h�l!Ncur�(�)th�p�ym�nt of th�prMolpel�um �nd Int�nat wld�nc�d by� proe'��woN not� or o��dit
<br /> � 03, 199G ,havinp�maturfty det�o} �►Y 03• 2001 ��,
<br /> �pre�m�nt d�trt! � _, -
<br /> in th�or'�qinal pr'�nolpd�mount ot 1,._,., 5•y�15•�3 ,�nd�ny�nd�11 moditfc�tton�,�xt�mrion�MlY r��•w.i:
<br /> th�rwf or th�r�to�nd�ny�nd sIl futun�dv�na�w�d rMdvaneN to Borrow�r(or rny of th�ni if mon th�n on�)hrrwnd�r purw�nt to
<br /> anr o►mor�prom{wory nots�or cradit�prsem�nt�(hsrein o�lt�d"Yate')t(b)th�p�ymsnt of oth�r wm�sdv+r►e�d by I.�nd�r to prot�ot
<br /> tho Mourity of th�Notr,fe1 th�p�rfortnene�o}dl cov�nant��nd�qrNrn�ntt of Trustor wt forth h�r�fn;�nd(dl�II pr�t end futun
<br /> k�d�ht�dnaM�nd oblip�tlon�of 8orrow�r(or�ny o4 them (f mor�th�n ond to Lande►wh�th�r dinot,ir�dir�ot,�b�olut�or oo+ttiny�nt
<br /> end wh�th�r�►i�inp by nnt�,pu�nnty,ov�rdratY or otherwl��.Th�Note,thf�O�ed o}Tru�t�nd�ny�nd dl oth�r docum�ts th�t Noun
<br /> Ihe Not�ot otherwi��riacut�d M aonnectlon th�r�with,Meludtnp without limk�tlun pu�r�nt�,�ecurity�pnwn�nts Md���+pnm�nt�
<br /> of I�+�+nd nnt�,�Full b�re}�rred to h�r�in��the"Ga�n In�trum�nt�'.
<br /> Tru�tor oov«►mt�und�pr�with t�ndw u tollows:
<br /> �,pry�n�o}����./!U ind�btedn��+rcured h�nby�h�li he pe(d wh�n due.
<br /> 2,TkM.Tru�tor Is th�oWVetx o}ths Prop�rty.h��th�rlyht�nd Kitfiority to oonv�}I ths f'rop�rty,�nd wur�u�ts that th�Ilen creat�ol
<br />- h�nhy e��flnt Md prlor li�n on 1h�Vrop�rty,oxcept for liem�nd an��umbrancn��t forth by Trustor in wtitinp�nd d�livx�d to L�nd�r
<br /> brfors�xautkn of thi�De�d o4 7�urt, �nd tho sx�cutlun �nd d�livery oi thf� DNd of trust daes not violnt�N�y contr�ct or othsr
<br /> ,. oblip�tion to whloh T�u�tor I��uhJeat.
<br /> _ 3.T�cN.A��wr�ft�.7o p�y bstore dellnquency�II t�xes,opeoiil���e�Kn�nt�o�d�11 other charpe�epeEnet the Property now or
<br /> - h�re�ft�r Iwi�d.
<br /> - 4.Inw►�na.To kMp th�P�rop�rty fnrurad o9elnat d�mtp�by fln,haz�rd�,inolud�d withk�ths 4err� "�xc�nd�d cov�r�p�". �nd
<br /> �uoh oth�r hax�rd�N l�nd�r may rpuin,in Mnount��nd with companl�s�ccspt�bN to L�nd�r,n�niny Lw1dM a��n�ddklon�l nw++�d
<br /> {nwred,with toee pW+�blo to th�L�nd�r.In n��e of 10�9 und�r such policlN,th�L�nd�r i�wthariz�d to�dju�t,colbct end compromi�,
<br /> �II olaim�th�round�►�nd�t�d1 fi�v�the option of�ppryinp ell or parE of�h��,uranc��pr?��t finn e th�Pron�etv or lifiNfor�ny oth��r
<br /> 7 N1fI If1 WCh Ofd�i\�LOflQO►T�yl e�[Rmi��.Iri/iv iai iiui�'vi w..:..�....�- -._.-.--. -• ----. . .
<br /> .� purpo��ar obJ�ot�etidAOtory to L�nd�r wlthout�ftwttnp tha lien ot thl�Desd of TeusS for th�tull�muunt e�curecl h�roby b+«t�t und�
<br /> piryM�nt w�r took pl�c�.My�Gp��c�tlon of praaeeds to Indebtadne��ehell not sxtand or postpons th�du�dat�of My paym
<br /> � the Nots,or cun�ny d�t�uR thant!nder or hsrwnder.
<br />�� 6,Erorow,Upon wri+tten dem�nd by le�d�r,Yru�tor ehNl pay to La►der,In�uch m�nner��le�d�r m�y de�ipn�tu,wificlM�t wm�
<br /> -� to�n�bl�lend�r to pW �t they bacome due one or mon of the followfny: (i! ell texe�, es��s�mer�t�u►d otl�ar ch�rpN�p�inot 1he
<br /> :.� Rrop�rty,(ii)th�pnmfum�on th�ProPsrtY insur�nce requftad h�rw��dar,�nd(flfl th�pranium�on�ny mortpe�e In�unnee raqulr�d by
<br />-`j lsnd�r.
<br />_,� e. M�ie�t«t�e�«.gM����n�tw�with l,rw�'1'tusto►�hdl kNp ths Propoty i��pood conditlen end npafr; eh�ll promptly
<br /> repeir,or repl�a�ny knCrov«n+�t whlch m�y 6�dem�p�d or dNtroysd;�h�ll not commit or permit�r►y wa�ts or dst�rlor�tton of the
<br />_� P►op�rty;�hsll not nmova,d�motl�h or�ub�tantfally dt�r�ny of the im�►-v�mentc on th�Propar4y;ahdf not commft,wit�r or p��mit
<br /> � aiy�ot to b�don�M or upon the Proputy in vlol�tton oi�ny I�w, ordln�nc�, or npul�tlon;�nd�hdl p�y �nd promptly sJiah�rpe�t
<br /> Trustor'�cost end�xp�n��dl li�n�,sncumbnnae�nnd chupss Iwted,{mposed ot�uQa��d�p�k»t the Property o►�ny p�rt th�t�of.
<br /> Neca�e�n cNo�,.o�w�c�v�n..n�nw.u�a
<br /> �ae9 N.U«,r er,R�1 cammro.rrut.na awlnw 1WeN•t:en un:e'n N.b.Mi.
<br />