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:.. .. ..... .� <br /> � �,� . :: �:�� �.a �� �, .,: >;., - ti , ;�,�_� _ <br /> �i:?�. 1i� 7.�v. - _ •,��' S,� ' ����.1�_ �p;"�� _ <br /> 1� " �a.f��. ' �"f��',i`. ;�� ....,.,,. <br /> 1' ..4�.d� ..: � t '�1� .:� , �`���- . .._ . _._ ... . . }� -_— - _— <br /> � �.. r�jf�yA�S4,hn•,��• <br /> . ••e.rr t... ii4d+Q1's: .... , . <br /> . •. f r.�:. � � . "--.- - . <br /> ,'��`'r►'�.fir.t�?.r�i�,t*�,,•; ... . . ".-�r-r:�;:'_ <br /> �-e-�. <br /> � _ - - - - .._._ .�...,..uo._._ <br /> Al�/1 �-- _-- --- <br /> � . . - M�.�"'� �O�� V V w� <br /> � � .. <br /> " � • • applicuble luw muy specify for reinstntementl beiore sale of the Property purr+u+u�t to uny power of snie cutuuined In Ihie <br /> �+•1'�tiS.C.� *.+r r. .E_-...—,_ <br /> °,, Security In��n�ment;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing�hix Securi�y Instrumeni. Thoxe conditiona ure ihut Bormwer: la) <br /> ;� ; „,�,•°• puya Leuder ull xums which then would be duc under thih Securily InxtNment und the NMc us if no ucccleration had <br /> � occurred;(b>cures uny defuul�oi'any wher covenuntti or ugreements:(c)pays ol I expenses incurreJ in enfore ing thi�Securily <br /> o`:• Inslrumen6 fnciuding.but nc►t limiled to, rca+onable uttomcys' fees; und Idl tukes Such actinn uc l.ender may reuxonubly �— <br /> • � ,;:� ;�. requim to uasure Ihnt the lien af thiK Security Instrumcnt,L.ender Y righlx in �hc Propeny und BoRUw�r�obli�alion 1a puy thc �,,--.-,-,._ <br /> � � ° sums secured by �i�in Securfiy In�trument shatl conlinue unchunged. Upnn reinstutemem hy soRUwer, Ihis Securlty 6= _` � <br /> Insaument And the ubliguliun��currd hereby shaU remain fully efPeclive s�c if no accelerution hud�xcumd. However,this � __ <br /> " �' , �ight to rein�lnte�hall not apply in Ihr cou:of acceleration under purugraph 11. •� <br /> • 19. Sale of Notei �:hpuBe ot l.oAn Servicer. The Note or u punial interest in thr No�c 1.lugcthet with thia Security �o_;;_ <br /> . . ' ' lnstrument) muy bc u►Id one or more timey without prior no�ice to Bartowcr. A +ule may rexuli in u chunge in thc entity ,, <br />— (known as the"L.oun Servicer")thut collects monthly paymems duc under the Noie und thix Security Instrumenl. There ulso �"`�`--- <br /> r • '... may bc one or marc changes of the Loan Scrviccr unrelated ta u sule of Ihe Note. If therc ix a chunge of the I.�un Servicer. �,•:�,__ <br /> Bonower will be given written notice uf the change in acwrdance with parugraph 14 ubovc und upplicuble luw. The notice �,�,- <br /> � " wlll xtute the name and address of�he new Loan Scrvicer s+nd the nddress to which paymem+s+hould be mude. The naticc will � � rN -- <br /> � �Iso contain uny other information requfrcd t►y applicuble law. ��"''''`'�� � <br /> , �,��°:.. <br /> 2p. Hazardous Subslances. Bnm►wer�hull not cc+ucc:or prrmit the presence,usc,dir�posul,s�aruge, or r�leuse of�ny <br /> Hnzardous Substunces on or in [he Prapeny BoROwer�hall not do, nor allow�yone cl�e to do, unything Affei:tin�the r-��._.— <br /> �,;:,•., '""__--- <br /> Prapeny that is in violution of nny Environmenwl Luw. The preceding two seniencev+hall not Apply ta Ihe pre,cnce,uxe,or _ <br /> • storage on the Propeny of small yuunti�ies of Hazardous Substances that aregenemlly recognized lo be uppropriute to narmal ,•;.�. ,_ <br /> • " residen�i�l use�ancl to muintenunce af�hc Property. ` �"'""'�""�' <br /> , .,.,•�'?�:.u'.�,,�+'�• ` <br /> _ °o, . �:a}x�uy.s,- <br /> • Bonower shall promptly Sive Lender w�itten notice of any investigation,claim.demund,luw�uit or othcr action y any Y.�_ <br /> govcrnmen[al ar m�ulutory ugency o�private party involving th�Pruperty�nd any Haiardous Subxtancc c�r Environmcnlul .,, ;_.,�,;' _ <br /> �,uw of which Botrower has ucwul knowledgc. (f B�rtowcr learn.r•, ar is noti�ed by uny govcrnmen�nl or rcgulutory :,� .::�:;'--�--.- <br /> .. authority.thnt uny removul or other remediution of nny Harardous Subxtunce Uf(ecting the Praperty is necexwry.BoRawer ,�WP <br /> . shull pmmptly take ull necexsury remeJial uctionx in accordunce with Environmemul Luw. ��_�,��,�_ <br /> �. U'...,�.. <br /> ,,, , As used in this puragraph 2(►."Hururdouti 5ubstunces"ure those tiubstrxn�es defined us taxic or hu-t.anic�us substance�by `n,:° <br /> •.:ti�� <br /> Environmentul Luw und the f��llowing wh.�uncex: gusoline,kerosene,other tlammable or�oxic petrokurn product,,toxic ,T.�.A�y� <br /> , „ pesliciJes und herbicide�, vo�u����u�lvents,muterials contuining uc►n`stor�r ti�mialdehydr,und radio:alive materiul.r•. As � <br /> uscd in�hiz paraRraph 2U,"Environmcntul Law"mcans federal laws und laws c�f�h�:juri�diclian wlkre the Prapeny ic lacated ,k'x.:'j:!-���'-�+ <br /> � thul rclutc to hcalth,safcty or cnvironmentul protection. ,:,;� <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'PS. Bormwer und Lenderfunhcr covrnant und vgree us follow,: _� ,-., <br /> '' 21. Acce lerat ion: Remedles. Lender shull pive natice to Borrower prior lo acceleralion PaNawfp� Borrower's ;:��y,r;�;:. �; <br /> breech aF any covenant or a�reement in Ihis Security Inslrument lbul a�it priur lu ucceleraNun uader paragraph 1 7 , , f��„�_�: <br /> --'-'=r,— -- onie�.s appltcable!aw prov;des��thenvL+e1. The nutke shall specffy: lal lhe dePAUlt;lbl the actfon required w cure the .t•L.�J,` ; !_. <br /> defaull;lc►a date,nat lecs than;tl duys i'rom the date the nodce is Qiren to whicb iiir det'auli�sas!!se ,��,-,,�r <br /> ' � cured:and Id1 that Pailure lo cure the drfuult on ar beiore Ihe dute spec�ie�l in the notice may result i n acceleraliun uP <br /> � ..• , �, <br /> Ihe sums secured by thig Securily Instrumr.nt and sule oP the Praperty Tbe noUce�hall Purther ipfi�rm Borrower of <br /> the riRht to reinstate after nccelerati�m and the riuht tn brinR a rourl ucliun ro assert the non�r�ictence aP a det'sult or �f�.�;„ <br /> anv other dePense oi'Borrower lo LccrlerutG►n und sule. If the dei'aull[w n��t cured un or bePure the dvte specified in , <br /> � � the notice.l.ender at its uplMm may require immediute pupment in full af all sums tiecured by lhis tiecu�fty InStrumenl �ti;a' <br /> withoul further demund and muv In��uke Ihe pu�vrr nf'sale and any�ither remedies permitted by upplicuble law•. N^ � i <br /> Lender shnll be entitled tu collert ull exprnxes incu�red in pursuinu Ihe remedi� provided in Ihis parapruph 21. � . <br /> including.but not limited lu,reuconubte utlornry�s'Pc�x und cozlc��f litle evidence. �,�,,;�,^ <br /> IP Ihe power of'sule Is in�•oked,'IYuxlee shull record u nntice uP dePuult in euch countv in whlch any purt of the ,h,,_ <br /> ,. Property is luculed und tihull moil ropirti oP.r•uch notice in Ihe munner preticribed by applicable law to Burrower and to ___ <br /> the other persons prescrfbed by�upplirublr lua. APter INe limr rrquired b} u�plicable luw�.Truslre shall give public 1.. <br /> notice of sale lo the pertionr und i�Ihr munner prescribed bv upplicuhle lu�c. 'frutilee.a•ithnut demand im Norrow�er. . <br /> : shull sell the Prnperty vt public auclion tn thr hi�!hest bidder ut thr time rand plure und under the terms deslanuled in <br /> the notice of sule in ane or mure parcrk und in am•order 7ru�tee detrrminer•. Tru.r•tee may p��stpone wle oi ull ur uny � :�ry���� <br /> parcel oP the Property by public unnuuncement ut Ihe titne und pl�e��'anr preciousl��scheduled sule. l.ender or its , •..�},-,•.?::,�-_ <br /> ..�,...=.;, . <br /> desi�nee muy purchase Ihe Pr��perty ut un�•xale. •""` "' <br /> � Upnn receipt af payment nT Ihe price Nid.7'rustee shall deli�er lu thr purchutier'1'rastre's deed comr��in�;thr <br /> Praperty. The reritals in Ihe'IYutit�r'ti deed shull be primu fucie e�iden�e��f the truth of'the stutemenls mude Iherrin. <br /> 71�ustee shall apply�he pruceed.of Ihe sule in the PoUo�+in�ordrr: �u/ln sall co�lti und er�xmes uf ezrrchinu Ihe po�rer �;' ',•;.,,=,,,,in__ <br /> � :,'�',�;:�,�. <br /> �•�ns: <br /> � . <br /> i <br /> , , � <br /> ' /'''� ; Fiwm JU21t 4;40 �pdc� ����n I+�t��� . <br /> i <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> : � ' <br /> . . � <br />