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<br />_.----- rnyclu�Rt/!t ; ��' �'+B�l��� 1L;�=�
<br /> ' 1. Psyrn_�ii�. f3orrovfcr upr000 to malio nll I�nymonta an tho aocumd dabt whon dua. Unl000 Ilorrowar und l.ondor n�roo othmwino, nny
<br /> pnymonts Lander rocelvos trorn Doriowor or fur fiorrawor's bonafit will ba epp�lod firat to ony mm�u�to Dorrawor uwoo an tl�o c+ocuroU dobt
<br /> oxclui�ve o}InterosY or princlpel,et�Gand to Interuet,end thon tn prinelpnl.If partlel propnymont of thn aecured daht occuro for any roaeon,it wlll
<br /> .,� not reduce or exeuen any�cheduled p�ymant u2ttl the aecured dobt In peld In fuil. �-
<br /> '' 2.Ci�lm�Ap�tmt TiN�.Bnrrowd►wlil pny hll�x�.).i•yarh,eni�.� d p�her chupe�ettrlbuteble ta the proporty when duo end wlll dafand title �_
<br /> to the prapnrty e �inAt eny cl�lme whlah�voul (mN�lr tht YAn�} �da�d of truat.Lendar may requlro Oorrowor to�selpn any rlphta,clalnie or _
<br /> . �'t deten�e�vililr.li�arrower mey h�ve apein�t p�rtler.who supply I��r,or m�t�tlalo to Improvs or malnt�in the property,
<br /> 3. Ir,=urenco. Rorrovler will keop the property Imured undar tarmn eac�pt�hie to Londor et Dorrawer'a exponee und for Lundat'e benellt. All .�
<br /> �,,,,,,, Uturence pollcl��shdl Includo��t�nderd mort �ps ciwss In fNVOr of Londer.Lender will be n�rned e�loca puyc�or co tho In°urod on eny cuch �'
<br />- ��v�.�_�����;M�...;��,,.,..,�,..�.��..na m•v R•aopil�d.withln Lender'�Ulacretlon,to elthei the reotaratlon or rnpelr of thn demeped prope�ty
<br /> ��,+ or to tho Qecured dnbt,�f lmder raqulres morfqsQe Imurence,Dorrower epreen to metntnn sucn insur�nco iu���I��iy ui Car��er raqu;:c�. _
<br />-`�"� ��.� 4.Propwty.BArrower wll!kenp the proporty In pood condltlon end make ell repelrs reeeonably neceerery. —
<br /> °-° 6.Exp�ns��.Borrower epreee to pay nll Lender'e expensee Includinp ronsenable ettornoya'fese, If Borrowa�breake eny covenante In thle doed
<br /> 'y. o}truet or In any abligetlon eecured by thle deed of truat.�orrower wlll pey thaae emou�te 40 lander ee provided In Covenant 9 of thle deed o}
<br /> trust.
<br /> _ � ..�.�i, 8. Prlol$ltu�ity Int�r�iU.Unlae�Borrowor firet obtalne Lendar's written consent, Borrower wltl not meko or permit any ch�ngos ta eny prio� °
<br /> necurity Intereate. Borrower will perform ell of Borrower'o obilpations undor eny prior moripage, daed of trust or other �ocurity epreement,
<br /> . Includ!ru��orrowet's covenente to meke peVmonte when due.
<br /> :_G�:., _` .
<br />;?.,��•;'`. 7./1stSorxn�nt of R�nU�nd Protito.Bo:rowo►aselpna to Lender the rnnte end pro/ito of the proporry. Unleae Borrawer and Londer huvo agreed
<br /> ,t �. , � othervei"se In writing. Rorro�var moy callact and rotain the r�nts ns lon�ae Barrowor Is not In dofauit, If Bonawnr dofaulto, Lender, Lender's
<br /> ;:.-;,,+'_ egnnt,or a court appolnted receivflr moy take possesoion and manapo tho property and colieot tho rants. Any ronts Lendor colloate ehali bs
<br />:ti:�, u opptied firet to the coste of inenndin(1 the proporty. Inc�udinU caurt costo nnd ettorneys' feae, commisalone to rentel aflants, and eny othor
<br />_r_`;`f�a nece4sory rolated axpensea.Tho romalning amount of ronte will thon npply to payments on the socurKd debt as provldod In Covenant 1. _
<br /> . < '+P 8.Leet�hdds•ConOominlume:Plenned l�nit Uav�lupmen4�.BoPrower a raos to comply v�ith tho provislone of eny InASe if this dnod nf truet is on
<br /> ::•-r+�_L�. ` a loasehold. I�thia doed of truet la on e unit in a condaminlum or a p�anned uMt development, Rorrower wlll pertorm ell of Borrower e duttea
<br /> �+ ��• undar the covnnent�,hylawo,or re0uiatione of lhe condominlum or planned un(t devetopment.
<br /> N�r;., ,
<br />.�•hi.,.��: �
<br /> 9. �luthorfty of L�nd�r to P�rform for Borrowu. If Borrawxr folis to�porfarm eny of Borrower's dutiea under thla deod of trust, Len er may
<br /> --M±��_�:*� par9orm ihe dutlee ot caune thom to be performed.Lender may alfln Botrowor'e name or poy eny dmount If nocossery for performence.If eny
<br /> -.�r<<� '.�;;:�: conatruction on the property la dlacontinued or not aerriad on in a reahoneblo manner.Lender may do whatevee le necesanry to prote¢t Lender'o
<br /> ;��� ;;�!:; secudry intoreet in the property.Thia moy Inciudo completinp the conatructlon.
<br /> l.e._;,
<br />-�`��-•Yi' Londer's feilure to parfotm will not preclude Lendor from axeralainp eny of Ite athor rights under tFie lew or thls deed of trust,
<br /> ::.29:;-., ,.
<br />` ` ' Any emount�p�id 6y I.ender to protect l.ender's security Intereat will he seaured by thla deed of trust.Surh amounts will bo due on demend
<br />-���"�Y� end wfll beer Interest from the dete of the payment uM(1 paid in full at tho intorest rete In oNoct on tho securod debt.
<br /> -- � 10. D�i�utt W►d Ace�i�ra9on. If Bonower felle to make any payment when due or breake any covenante under thia doed af truet or Any
<br />' �""`'i oblipetimi eecur�d by th(a dead of truat or eny prior mortgege or deed of trust. Londer may acceterate the maturity of the secured debt and
<br /> — domrnd immedlate payment snd mny invoke the power of ente end eny other romodlea permitted by epplicable law.
<br /> `-�� hoieto�et the eddro°s�s of each euah�person 88eysdt}orth haroln,copiea oi cna noiicee ui u'oCci;�i ar�ea o b.::�r.t!a se�h�reon Wn^�e a psn�,
<br /> y�°`��! 12.PowN ot BMe.If the Lender invokoc the power of saie, the Trustee ehell firet record in the oftice of the ragieter of dneda of ench county
<br /> — whereln the truet ptopa►ty or nome pett or parcel theraof Is eltuotod e notlr.e of defeult contolnln the Information requlred by law.1'he Tiustee
<br /> — -�• shall elao mell copies of the notice of dotautt to the Borrower,to eaoh poreon who Is a party �ereto, end to other peraona ae prescribed by
<br /> � appifceble law.Not le�s then ono month efter the Truatee recorde the notice of defeult or two monthe If the trust property Is not fn erty
<br /> Incorpc�rated city ar vlllage and Is uaed in terming operatiom carrled on by the trusto►,the fruatae shell pivo publla notice of oale to the persan�
<br /> - --3 tn tltt sstsnnsr prexrihud b�rnp�llaehle lew.Trustee.without demend on Borrower,uhail Reli the proparty at public euctlon to th�hlatiest
<br /> bidder.If required 6y the Ferm Homeste�d Protection Aot,Truetoe ehall offor the propertyr in two ceparaia emuu uu�nyuiind hy aypit�-:�;.l�::.
<br /> T�uttee may po�tpone ssls of dl a�ny percel of the property by pubtlo ennounsement at tho time end plbce o4 eny previouely schsdui�d�ele.
<br /> Lendsr or it�de:ipnee may purchate the property et eny sate.
<br /> Upon recelpt of p�Yment of the prlce bid,Truetee sh�ll deliver to the purchaser Truatee'e desd conveying the prapeRy.The recltleln contefned In
<br />' Tru�tse'�deed�hsll be prlma fecie evidlence of the truth of the etatemento contelned theroln.Truo4ee ahail eppiy ttie proceed�of the sete tn the
<br /> refn titi erlt teeia�lb)to�elliupns secured by thls�deeduof I trunt nnd(c)�thet belence e}eny t'u ths perROn�leqilty entltled�to receive�t,feei ersd
<br />— 7�,For�dosw�.At Lender's optlon,thl�deed of trust may de fareclosed In the menner provide by eppliceble law tor toreciocure of mortp�pei
<br /> on rool propercy.
<br /> 14.Map�ctlon.Lender msy enter tho prapetty to inepeat it if Lender give� Borrowar notice butorehend. The notics muat etate the reesoneblo
<br /> c�uem for Lerxlor'4 In�pectlon.
<br /> � 16.Cond�nmatlun.Borrower ea�lene to Lender the roceads of eny eward a�r elnim for damepoe connacted wlth e condemnaEl�n ur other taY,ln9
<br /> � of dl or�ny pert of the property.Such proceeda wiP be applled ey provided in Covenent 1.7hfa esaignment Is tubJact to the terms oi�ny prlor _
<br /> _._____ _ eec¢rity�preement.
<br /> — - . !g ;9:Sv:s.Sy s�erd�lnQ woy�emedy evaUabte to Lander,Lendor does not give up any Nghte io later uee eny other remedy.By not exercislnp
<br /> eny remedy upon Borr�wer'e defeutt,Lender doea not walve eny►ipht to leter consider the eve�t e defuult if it happnnd xyaln.
<br /> � 17, Joirrt�nd S�vrrM lltblMty; Co•slqn�u: Succ�t�w��nd Aqipn� Bound. All dutles unde� this deed of truat ere Jolnt end severol. Any
<br /> --' Borrow�r who co•clpns thio doe� of vuet but doos not co•siyn the underlyir.g debt I�atrumeMls) daes so only to prent end convey thet
<br /> ----•--- Bayrrower's fnteroct li�the proporty to the Truatee under the tenna of thfa deed oT trust.In addtxion,auch a Borrower eUreel thet the l.ende►and
<br /> de6t t ttiout thit�Borro�ver n�consent end withoutreleeeing that Bolrow�erfrom the termi of thls deed of tru i thle daed of trust or the tecured
<br /> � 7M dutiea and benefits of t1Us deed of trust shall bind end bonotit the successore end estiqne oi Lender�nd 8orrower.
<br /> — 78.Notle�.Unlsss othenivlse roquired by law,eny notice to Dorrowor shafl be alvon by delivering It or by meilinp It by certified meil eAdresaed to
<br /> --- = Borrower�t tAe proparty Eddrsss or eny other eddrees thet Borrower ha�given to Lendor.Borrower wiil qiva eny notica to Londor by cortified
<br />-_�y;�n„� mnfl tu londePe nddrees on pepe 1 of thfa deed o}trost,or tc?�ry other eddroee whlch Lendar hee daeipnatad.Any oth0r notice to Lender aheil
<br /> --- be sent to Lender'e�ddrees ei stated on pagc.1 ot thle deed of trust.
<br /> _:*�-�`s_�
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