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<br /> CbV6�lANY6 96 �,�,DQ��!!)� �"=_
<br /> ' 9. FRymante. Rorrot•tcr qproCY to mntco cll ppymonto on tho cocurod dobt v�hon duo. Unloao f3orro�var ❑nd Londor nproo othan�l�o, nny
<br /> p�ymo�ito Lcnd�r rccolva� from [lorrnwo► or ror borm�vcr'o banotlt �vlll bo appllod tlrot to ony amounta Uorrovrcr o�von on Yho nocurcd dobt
<br /> " excludv6 0!Interoat ot principnl,sucond to Intoroet,ond thon to princlpal.If pn�t�nl propnymont o1:hn no�urod dabt occuro Par any roocon, it wlll
<br /> not coduCa or excuea any echodulad peyment untll tho eocurcd dabt Is pald In full.
<br /> 2.Cl�lm�Ap�lntt TkN�BorrQwM AvIH p�'y allt�x�,i�rettment�,and other chu�ea ottrlbutable to the raperty�vhen due ond wlll detend titl3
<br /> ° t�th�propurty epNn�t enY ct�lme whlC1�would�fmp�ir ths Ilen of thla deed o}truet.l.endcr mey requlre�orrowar to eselpn eny rlphti,cielme or
<br />_., debnte�which 9mrowar may heve op�lnat p��tf�i who suppty labo►or meteriote to Improve or malnteln the propeRy.
<br />� " 9. In�ur�na. �orrower wlll kaep tNa proporty fmured under term� eccsptoble to lsndar et Bonower'e expen�e end tor Lender'o benefit.All
<br /> �• Ineurance policlea ohall Include e st�nderd mortyepe clsuee In favor o1 Lendor.Lender wlll t�o named ao IosE poyee or as tho inaured on eny such
<br /> - + Imunnc�ontiav.AnV�n�urance procoed�m�y l�s apptied,wii�lo Le��dar'c diaerotlon,to cithcr tita rcaturnUon ar�ep�lr of tt!o drmnpcd pro(�nrty
<br />- ��,,.��e.�l or ta the�icurod dsbt.If I,endu reqwru mor►fl�pe in�ura0C0�norrqWer cyrneo iu nt�ttii�i�i iui.i�iP�buiw��oa�v�uo�v'y'3��.t��L'TCG��' . -
<br />. - -t... •'C .
<br /> - A.Proputy.dorrower wiil keep the property In pood conditlon and mnke ell repa�re roaeonapiy nece�aary.
<br /> .���� 6,Exp�nu�,Borrower�press to pay a�lender'�expense� Includinp re��on�ble sttorney�'fse�,If Borrower breake any covenante In thls deod ,
<br /> of trust or In any obliq�tlnn secured hy thli deed of truat.�ortative►wlll pey thete emounte to Lender ee provlded In Covanant 9 0}this deed of
<br /> trust. ,,. ..
<br /> y • - °' --
<br /> ;� d.Pdar 6ecuritY Inteteete.Unle9a F3orrawer first obtalna Londor'e written conaent, BorrowAr wtil not maka or permlt eny chenpae to eny prtor
<br /> �'• eecurity Interea;o. Borrower wfll pertorm all ot Borrower'6 obllpatlons under nny pvior mort�aQe, dood of trust or othor socurity ayroement,
<br /> � . � Inc;uding Borrower'e coventnt�to mtke psymenti when due. -
<br /> 7.Aisipnm�nt o}R�nU�nd Pro}it�.Borrower eeatpna to I.ender the rente and profite ot the p�operty.Unlese Borrower and Londor havn apreod
<br /> �� , otherwlae In writing, Barrower may collet1 end rocaln the rente as lonp as Borrower la not In detauit. I} F3arrower dateulte, Lendor, Lendor's �,:;'
<br /> agent, or e caurt appolntad recelver mey teke possession and me�epe the proparty end colluct the tente. Any rente Lender collocla ohall 60
<br /> "� .� nece�ssary related expenoee+The iemelnlnQ e nount o}rente will then apply to peymente on the securbd d�obt ae p ovlded Ie�Covenant�any othor �.�.-.
<br /> a.i.... � . _' � ��
<br /> "r^ � 8.Lws�holds•Condo�n+;W�nnal Unit D�wdopmMt�.[iorrower egreaa to comply with the pravfelona of eny le�se If this deed of trust ie on �``=
<br /> a Iaeaehoid.IO fhla daed of Yrust is an a �nR in a condominlum or a planrted unit dsvela�tment, Bo►rower will pe►form eil nf 8orrowor'e dutios _
<br /> ' under the coven�nts,bylews,or repuletlane of the con�ominlum or planned unit devetopment. =;_
<br /> - �L'.4
<br />- ° 9. Authority of L�nd�r to P�rform to►dortown. I} Borrower fellt tope rform any of Borrowor's dutlea under thie deed ot trust, Lender may _,
<br /> _ , perform the duties or cause them to be pertormed. Londer may sip�Borrower'e�emo or pey any amount If necessery for peHormence. li eny _,...
<br /> can�tructlon on the property la discontirtuod or not curiAd on in e reasone6le mennar,Lender may do whatevor la necessary to protect Londnr's e;,y.,
<br />__. ' "*', { eecurity Intarost In the property.Thla may Inctude completinp the comtructinn. ----
<br /> c.__ , '�• Londer'e fafiure to perfarm wlll not preclude Lenda•irom exercising eny of ite othor riphta under the law ar thia doed of truat. [;;�
<br />-,_-.::!-s_', �.:..
<br /> ,,'� � R,�V emounte peld by Lende►to protect Lender's secutity intereet will ba secured by thia deed ot truet. Such emounte will be dua on demand
<br /> '`•.,� end wiil bear intereat irom the dets of the payment untll pald in tull at the intereat rete In eHect on the aecur4d debt,
<br />__n•��•��� 10. ��htdt�nd Acc�Won.If Borrower falls to make eny poyment when dua or breake any covenanto under thie dsed of truot or any _=
<br /> � �•"'�`%`� oblip�tion encurod by thls deed of trust or any prior monp�Ae or deed o}trusY, Lender may sccelerate the matur(ty o}the recured debt end
<br /> "�"`�• demind immedi�te payment rnd may Invoke the power of ede and any other remediee permitted by applic�ble law.
<br /> :•,��,y •;
<br /> '',+1�':�'�� 11,W�qu��t ta.Notic�of D�t�ult.It le hereby roqueated that copte�of the notir.es of default and sate be sent to eech pereon who(a e party
<br /> '°'�,��n�;; tleroto,at t110�CafOlE OT E6C�t 6ilC{l pEf600�ea evi iorii�i�vioi��.
<br /> s
<br /> !q-�7.�y,�'� � 12.PowK of SY�.If the Lender invokea the power of sa;e, the Truetee eha0(Iret record In the offlce of the repieter o}deeda of eech county
<br /> wherein the trurt prop�rty or eome pert or parcel thereaf It situeted e natice o}defauh contelninp the In}arm�tion rsqulnd by Isw.The Truetae
<br /> '_.,�:,:� `�` ereto, and to other percone aa prsscribed by
<br /> .��- shall also mail coples o4 tho notice of defauit to the Borrower,to each per�on who ia e perty h
<br /> -''��i�'��s_ eppllceDle lew. Not lesa tAan one mantfi ofter the Truetee records the notice of defeult or two months I}the truxt proparry ia not In eny
<br /> �,,.;��:� I�corpor�ted city or vlllaga and Ir used in ferming o�peretian�carrled on by the tru�tor,the�'ruetee shall pive pvblla notice of ule to tiie psrsone
<br />--==ay+���. �nd In the manner prescribed 6V appD�lcable law.Trustee,withaut demand on Dorrower,shall eell the property nt public�uctlon to the hiqhest
<br /> ---"`''�"'�� hfdder. It required by the Parm Homettead Protection Act, Inistee sfieii oifer[nu propuriv in iwu enpu�:��emv$oo�a"y��r�by aN�;lcsb:a l��:.
<br /> . .��,F;,�� T�uetae roay paitpone eele of ell or nny parcel of the property by publio ennouncemont et the time snd pt�ce of any prevloudy scheduled�ale.
<br /> • Lender or It�dealpnee msy purchase the�xoperty et eny eele.
<br /> .�::]L"'' " .
<br />---�r•R�� Upon receipt of peyment o}the price bid,Trustee shell deliver to the purcheaer Trustee'e deed conveyin the proparty.TM redtlate cantatnod in
<br /> __- _.,,,_:�s� • Trwtee'�daed shali ba prims t�cle evldienc�of the truth o}the ttstement�contalned thereln.Trustee s�all appty the proceede of the sote In the
<br /> n^y,�� followiny order. (sl to �II expsncee of the o6ie, Includinp, but �ot Ilmited to, reasonable Truotee's feee, reaconsble ettomey's teea end
<br /> reinat�tement fees;(b)to ull ouma sucured Ey thfa deed of trust,end Ic)tha bolnnco,if eny,to the pereons leyaity entitled to receJvo it.
<br /> '..�,i�i'��I _.
<br /> --
<br />