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<br /> � 1. T}�is coaveyance is wade upan nnd subject to the fuxther trust that the said T�utor shsll r�maln tn qulet
<br /> k and peaceable possess{on of the above granted and descrIbed premises and take the profits thereo[to Gis ov+n use untll
<br /> ' r;� ' deFault be made in any payment of an Installment due on sald not�or in the performance of any of dxe coveaaats or _
<br /> -� - -- condiuons eoncained ibcrcin or in�his uccd o£Trus�;and,aiso io sccura wc ceim�urseraen[oi we ueneiici�y or any
<br /> ,,,,��..:�."�9 � otLer I�older oE said aote, the Trustee or nu substitute uustee of an aud aU costs and e
<br /> y y xpenses incurred, including
<br /> ~•��� reasonnblo attome}�s fees,on account of any lidgadun which may arise arith,respect ro ttais Trust or with respect to the
<br /> indebtedacss ovidcnced by saId note, tlie protecdon and mainteaancc of tha property herelnnbove described or la
<br /> " 7. obttinjng possession of said proparty after�y sale wtuch may be macle ns hcreiaafter provided.
<br /> ... ��
<br /> ' ' 2. Upou eiie[u1D payrneut of the indebted,neas evidenccd by ssud note and t�e iateres�t thcreora,tho paymant -
<br />,K+j�� ��� a of all ot&er sums herein provlded for,the repayment of all monies advanced or expettcied pursuant to saId noto or this
<br /> ,,. �. :�;
<br /> • ���',,' . instrument, and upon the paymeat of all ot�ar proper costs,¢harges,cammis.vons, awd expenses, the above desa{bcd
<br /> •. properry shall ba eeleased aud reconveyed to�d at thc cosi of the Trustar.
<br /> �.�.4::�T: - —.
<br /> ���` ,
<br /> �� -� . 3. Upon default in any of the covenants or conditions of tbis Iiutrument or of the aate or loaa t�greement
<br />==:�1��': � secused bereby,tbe Hene&ciary or hts assigns may without nodce and wir.hout re�ard to tbe adequacy of securttg�Eur the
<br />`'`' '`��` tndebtednass sacuiea, either ersonall or b auorne or a ent witbout brin ' an acdon or roceect'sn or b a
<br />_-�• =•t P Y Y Y B �E Y P 8> Y
<br />�-�'=Ci;:�t� receiver to be appointed by the court,enter upon and take possessiva of said property or any psrt thereoF,and�do any
<br /> � acts whlch�eneficiary deems pr�per to protect the securiry hereof,anc��ither with�r�arithout taking possession of said
<br />_�_:xs.r'�° property�collect and receive the rents,royalUes�issues,and profits thereo�,ineluding reats accrued and unpaid,and apply
<br /> t6c same, less cosGC of operatioa end collection, upon the indebtednews.ecurad by this Deed of Trust, slid rents�
<br /> ;,K;��`�� royalcies, issues� and proGts� baiag hereby assigned to the BenefIaary as further s�curity for thc paymant ot such
<br />_ °,� ;, indebtedness. Exetcise of tights under this para�aph shall not cure or waive any default or�aYic�of de4'atdt hereunder
<br /> °:':._-���� or invalidate auy act donc pursuant to such aotice but shall be cumul�tive to any ri�t and remedy to dac3uo a default
<br /> ' and to cause not�ce of default to be recorded as hereinaher provided,and cumulative to any other right and�or semedy
<br /> =� Lereunder,or provided by law,aud may be exercised wacurrendy or iudepeudendy.Ex�nses incurred by�encfiaary
<br />;;;^r=°;��� hereunder including reasoaable attorae}�s fees shnll bo secured hereby.
<br /> -- -=-.,,�,—
<br /> ���'��-�- 4. The Trustor ccweneats aad agrees thet iE he shall fail to pay said iadebtednesz.or aay patt thertof,whea
<br />---_-���'� duG,or shell fail to perform any covennnt or ag�eemeat of WIs instrument or of the p:omissory notc secured hertby�the
<br /> »�����nTM� ent'sse iudebtedness hereby secured shall Lnmediately become due� payable, aud collectiblo at the opcnva of the
<br /> -.y,�;�•'�� 8eaefiaary or assigns,regardless of maturity, and the Boneficiary or assigac may enter upoa aaid property aad callect
<br /> =- -- t6e cents aad profitt tl�ereo� Upou such defae�lt in paymcnt or performunce,nnd lxfure or after auch entry�the Trustee,
<br /> - acting in the execudon of this Trust,after the notice of default ha�been recorded,Rhall mail a copy ot the defnult to each
<br /> --.___ person who is a party tp this iactrument, at the addresa set out in thls inswmeat, as well as to any persoe who has
<br /> __� requested any aodre of default and aotice ot salo b3►recording said request for notice with thr,register oE dr:eds ta the
<br /> _ county in whicli this tnstrumeat is recorded,and aRer tho lepse of timo which u rtquirad by law nftc�maili�g t3e notice�
<br /> tho Trustee shall havo the power to sell said property.and it shal!be tl�e Trustee'a duey to aell said property(aad in case
<br /> of any defnult o[any purchaseq to reseU) at publIc aacdon,to Rho highest bidder�fust pjving Cvo wee�s'aotice of tho
<br /> time,terms,nnd place uf such sale,by advertisement aot less than once dvring each of said five weeks im a noarspaper
<br /> publIshed or distn'but�d in titie covaty or polidcsil subdi�islon in which said property is eituated,and writtea aotice of sal�
<br /> shall hn mailed to eash per;,on who Ls a party to tGis iaatrument at tba address set forth heretn�(and tha Hem�sciary or
<br /> aay person on behalt oi Wo BeneQdary may bid aad purchase at such s�le).Such sale will be held ai a suitable place
<br />-- -__ ---= to hC selected hy tho Ben�fi�iary withir��ta.i�1 cqnntv nr a�litirn�c�b�livicinn, Th�'1'rt�aS��ia F��thY���4�n�isr.��O G?M'CUfO
<br /> _ aad dcllver to the purchaser at suc6 sale a sutticieat conveyonce of said property�wluch conveyance shall wctnin redtals
<br /> _ as to thc heppcning of default upon which the exeCUtion of the power of sale hereia gtanted depeads;and the�id
<br /> - -- Tnutor hercby wnstitutes and apgoiats thc Trustee as his egent aad attorney in fact to uiake sucb reacalti and tm euecute
<br /> _ � safd c�nveyance and hereby covenants and agees that the r�atals so made shall bo bindIng and waclusive upuu the
<br /> --.---.= T'rustor,and said conveyance shall be affecival to bar all equiry or rig6t ot redemption. ho�nestead. dower� righi of
<br /> -_. -_== appraisement,and all othtr riglits and exemptioas of the Trustor nll of wluch azo hereby expresaly waived and conveyed
<br /> :__�--��� to thC 'Trus4ee. In the evcat oi a sale as I�ersinabove providcd, the Trustor or any persan tn possessian undar tho
<br /> - -_���`�� Trustnr,shaU then bCCOme�ad be tenants holding over aad shall forthaith deGver possesslon to the purcl:asCr nt such
<br /> -- snle or be summarily�spossessed, in accordance with the provisions of laa applicable to tenaats holdiag over. 'i'he
<br />_=�t°=��t";;� � powcr aad agenry hereby graated are coupled with aa interest and are irrcvocablo by death or otherwise,and aro grantcd -
<br />-.-��:n-�`_�, as cumtilative to u!1 other rcmedi�s for collcction oF said indebtedacss. The BeneFciary or Assigns may tahe ewy otLer
<br />. --�:l�.i-y::•
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