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<br /> '��b��•�^F"W� opplicable Inw muy�rccify far tcinytuicment 1 hefore tiulc nt'Ihe I'roperty pu�+uu�N w any powcr of �,ale contuincd in Ihis --
<br /> ' a .•:��`."'�": � Security Inslrumenr,or(b)entry of u judKment enfurciog ihi�Security InstNmcm. Thunc conditiou.are thut Borzower: (a)
<br /> ' �' � � ti l.ender ull zumr which then would I+c duc under il�iti Securiry Intiin�rnent and tlw: Nac ns if no ucceteration had
<br /> PaY..
<br /> . � � ° uccurred:lbt cureti nny defuult of any dher covcnun�ti ur ugreemenl�;lcl p•rys�II vxpe�sen incurred in enforcing thiti Sewnty
<br /> •. � Instrument,including, but nat IfmiteJ io, rea�onuhlc auomcy�'fee�;vnd IJI tukes tivah aclian u+ Lender muy rcutunubty
<br /> � . � -e� .. rcyuire to assurc thut the licn i�f thic Security Ins�rumcm.Lcndrr ti right+ in ihe Property and Borruwc�'s abligution�n puy ihc =__
<br /> � ' sums secured by �his Security In+tNmem xhull c�mtinue unchunged. Upc�n rcmtitatement by Borrower, thiw Security
<br /> , In,trum�nt an�1he obligations�ecured hrrehy rhull remuin fully�effec�ive Ac i t'nn ucccleration hnd accurrcJ. Howevcr,thi4 _ ��
<br /> - ° o - riQht to reinstute�.hall not apply in thc ca�e aC uccelerotion under par�graph I7. =--
<br /> .� , .. 19. SWe ai Note;Chonge of I.opn Srrvlcer. The Nnte��r a partjal intcrctil in Ihe Nnte Uogc�hr�wilh lhi,Security _ ___
<br /> d.:—
<br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or more iimc� withau�pri��r nutirc to Borr�►wer. A +:�14 muy rc,ult in u change in the emity �;;�____
<br />= ; , � Iknown uc the "Loan Scrvicer")�hut cullcc�+manthly paymcntti duc und�r ih� Nata:und thic Sccurity Imtrumcnt. Thcrc uko —
<br /> muy be one or more chunge+of�he L��an Serviccr unrrlated t��u sule�►f the Note, If tlwm iy u rhunge ot'�he l.oun Servicer, �` ,.,�,,,s, W_
<br /> � .. . , Borrowcr will be given wrilteo noticc of thc rhan�c in uccordunce wilh p:u�gruph 1�3 �I�we und•rpplicuhle law. 'fhc naticc � � �-_
<br /> �� will s�u�e the nume und uddre�s of the new Loan Serviccr und the addre�� �u which paymentti should bc mudc. Thc ncNice will �•-�_^�'�•r='� "" '_
<br /> •.� • nlso canwin suiy uther informutiun rcyuired by applicuble luw. �=.A��^�--�•
<br /> 20. Hwzardous Subslnnces. Bonuwcr.hall not rauk or pcmm thc pn:u�n�c,usc.dis�w,al,ti�urugc.or rcicu,e of uny
<br /> ., ° . Huxurdouti Su6s�unce. on iK in�he Propeny. BoROwer+hull nu1 du,n�►r ul low any�mc clxe to do,unyihing uffecting the �,_r,��•��:da
<br /> Praperty that is in vialntion of any Envimnmenwl Law. The preceJing tw��+eniencc, ,half n��t�pply to the pre+cnce.use,or ��,�ra�—
<br /> � , � " titornge on�he Propeny of.m:ill yuuntitic,��f Hw.�rdau.CuBstunces thut arc Fc:ncrs�lly Rcngni•r.ed to ik uppropriutc to normal �. __
<br /> � re+identiul uses and to muintenonre uf Ihc Propeny. �_= .
<br /> Borrower shall promptly givc Lcndcr wriltcn nc►tirc of any invcuiKutinn,claim.dumunJ,luw�uit ur othcr uction by uny ���_
<br /> guvemmemal or regulvtory ugency or privute party involvin�e the P�openy und any Haxardous 5uMti+nce or Envirunmen[ul �_�__
<br /> " �� L.aw oP which Borrower ha+ ucluul knowlrJ�r. If Burruwcr Icurn�. or is nuiifird hy any govcmmental or rc�ulutory �^9=-
<br /> ^ authurity,lhut any removul or aher remediulion nf any HuzurJou� Subxtanc� u(fecting ihe Property i.n��.esst+ry.BorroH�cr .�'�`,�,`��^��
<br /> • �� shull promp�ly tuke ull neres.ary remeJiul actiix�.in accordar►cr with�nvironrnental Law. �,."'''►.:i
<br /> Ay u�ed in thix purugrrpB 20."Hw�+rdous Sub.r�uncci'urr�hozc.uh+tancc+dctincJ a. loxic or h;u.arJ��u+.uh.tunccti by �, ..,,. ::_
<br /> ' Environmental Law urxl the following tiubstuncr�: �utiulinc, k�ru,ene, othcr Ilurnm»Me or a►rir pclroleum pnalucl+.toxic �r"� „ ...,a�
<br /> �' pc+ticidey ana:h�rhicide�. valAlile ��dvrn�+, materiul. conwinin�u.tx,tuti ur lixriialcl�:h�•dr,and radiuuclivr mu�erial.. A� —__
<br /> ° used in thi+parugruph ?��."Environmentul Luw"m�anti 1'ederul law.uixl luw+uf�hc juri.Jiction wherc Ihe Praperry is located -,; _ -.- _--
<br /> that rclute lo heulth,sufety nr cnvironnwniul pr�ucction. .�'�',�'�`� -��
<br /> i.�..."!Y;�.•�-
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomowcr anJ l.cnJrr funhrr cuvcn�nt anci agrcc u�ti►Ilow.:
<br /> , ' ';, 21. Acceleralbn;Remedks. I.ender shall�ive notice to Borroxer priur to ucceleration FollowinR Borrnwer's -� ' ' �=
<br /> breach oP any covenanl ur agreement in this tiecurity In.r•trument Ibut not prbr lo accelerntion under paragraph 17 a ���:
<br /> —________ - unl�s apQl i c a b l e I w w•Q r o v i d e s u t h e r w i�e l. The notic�sball x p ecif y: lul the defaulti(bl the urtinn required to cure the s �:�,,;,�
<br /> �-_�.r.�"=.c�_...,�,-:.
<br /> default;lcl a date,not less tban�0 davs fran the date the n�riice is Rlven In iinrrnwrr,by «hicb ihe drfauit musi ife �;��;.. ,
<br /> cured; s�nd Idl thul failure to cure the dei'ault on ur bePore the ds�le specltied in Ihc notice may result in uccrleratiun oi ;;��,,��,:..;,:�_,;
<br /> the sums secured b}• this Security Instrument und tiale uP the Pr��perl}. The nutice zhall Purlher inform Borrower of' '��4�'''''u';-�":,u
<br /> the right lo reingtate niler accelerati�n und Ihc riKht lo Brin�;u court acliun tuutitiert ihe oon•existence nF x dePault ur � ....
<br /> „ any other dePense uf Borrnwer to uccrleruti��n and�cule. U the dePuuU is ix►t cured on or bePorr the date specifled in ,.
<br /> the nutice,Lender at its option ma��equire immediate puyment in full nP all sumti secured bv this tiecurity Instrument �• , r'
<br /> withnut iLrther demand and may in�•okr the power uf sule und un}other remrdies permitted bv upplicable IaN. � �
<br /> I.ender shell be eatitled to collecl ull exprnsr� incurrcd fn pursuinu the remedies pru�•ided in thiti paruAruph 21, � , , -��
<br /> inctuding,but nut limited lu.rrasonuble utlornr�ti fees und cusls of title e�idence. ���Y�
<br /> If the power of'wle Is in��uked,Truster shs�ll rrcnrd u nntice oP dci's�ul� in eucb county in which uny purt ui the ` _�
<br /> Praperty ic lucuted and shall muil copir�uf wch notice in Ihr munner pm�crll�ed b}applicuble IuN to Borrower und to
<br /> the dher persnns prrscrihed by applicuble luw. AiYrr Ihe timr reyuirerl b} uppliculile lu�v.Truslre shull�;i��e public �
<br /> notice aPsale m the persuns und in Ihr munner preticrihed b}upplicuble lu�+_ 7'ru�ler.«�ilhuul demund on Rurrouer,
<br /> , shall sell the Property ut public uuction to�he hiuhesl bidder•rl Ihe ti� s�nd pluce und under Ihr terms detii�nutc�l in �.
<br /> the aotice uf sale in one or rmirr parcrls und in s�m order'I'rustec delermine.. '1'ru�lre muy po�tpone xule oF aU or any . ,.,�.�:_
<br /> pareel uP the Propert��M•public unnouncement at �hr lime untl pluce of am pre►iousk schedulyd wle. Lendrr ur its ,�. �...
<br /> • , de�f�nee mav purchusr the Properl��ut uny.ale. •
<br /> . Upun receipt of paymrnt nf the prire bid.'fru,lec ,huU cicli�cr��� Ihc purcha.cr Tru+tee's derd come��in�the
<br /> ' . Pruperty. The recituls in the 7�ust��e's deed.hull hr prima furir c�idenco af the trulh oP the stulemrnts mude therein. •
<br /> . ' ' Trustre sholl upply the proceeds of the.rulr in thr lidluwinu order: �a�lo:�0 r.ut.und��pcme�oP c�ercisinu the puw•er . :�—_
<br /> .. �. ��•.�-�.
<br /> -w.�.: .
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