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<br /> � &►m�ur�slwU promptly gi��e l.cnckr u:iucn iw�tic� uf iny ime�tiFatii�n, claim, demarwl, lawwit ur other ac:tion hy any -
<br /> � Lm•crnnkntal vr m�ulatary xgency c�r pri�•atc�ny inrol�•iu�thr Pn��rrty u�kl w�y Fl:uanl�wa Sub�t:uk�c�r L'm�irunmca�tal l.aw _
<br /> uf whkh&►rn�w��r lu�a.•twl �.►.�wlaJ��. It'&�rr,�wrr I�arn•, nr i.�wWiticd hy um• gu�•ct'iuixntal or ngul�turp authority,that
<br /> i y��y� rar��i�•ai u►��ah.:r r.r+�:�iati+�n c�f any Huu+nlaus Suhctan��z affecting the!'mprny i,necY��ury•. BurroK�e�t�rtl pr�tti'�tl�tal:: -
<br /> �I{�►:,:.�n�r:nu�fi�)�ciur�ti in a.rordamr w•ith Envimnnxntal l.uw. � �
<br /> jAc uk�:! in this�r:�ra�h 20, "H:u:a��kw>Sut�awuk�," :�r�tl�iitic wG�tan..�d.tiiticd a.� to.ric i�r h:u:uduu,�ub.laixrc hy �
<br /> E:m•ir�ai»rntal L:ni• �iul thc folluwing sub�ta�xr�: g+w�liix, kcn��enc. iNhcr il:uanublc or t��xic pr�ralcum prcxiuct�, t�,+cic� -
<br /> � pc�ticiJcs;uxl herbiri�ks,w�latilc u�lvenlr,m;atcrials coitit:�ining a�be�tu`��r fumuldch��Jc.:ukt r;Kli�wcti�•c matcrials.As uscc!in �
<br />. i �hi� parr�ra�+1i 20, "L•nvii•unmcntal law" mcaru f'alcral laus :ux! l:�w> uf the juriuiictiun w�hcrc thr Prupecty i� I�xatcd that �
<br />_.� rcl�tc ta hcalth.safcty ur cm•irunmcnta!pnKCrli��7. � E_
<br /> .: [VUN-UNlFOtZb1 COVENANTS. Ek�rn�we►'��xf l.encl�r fwth:r un•en�u�tid atn:c a�:fultuws: _
<br /> s ■ r �. 1/ t . •�..w�.. �n�w�. wlnw�n w.wlowt��Y�Fi�I�IlNIt10 Rfli'Yi1K'M'�t DI�MICR � - -
<br /> aj L�.:\l'CC�ifi{iwii:i�csuruica. a.cisuci a�siu�j��:�i�v.... .. N .:::�, .. .. . M � k-_.
<br /> �Y..•a.... ....a.... .......n 1. t� ��wlncc
<br /> ' OS oll� CO�'!'qY11t OT {1�,1Y�Ci11Ci11 IJl M1C ACCU11l�' �4ti1f41A1'ul Iu4Q Iwa Ni'fui iV �aa�a�w�wu .��w.. !�«•—e.•�r.• • e r.. _
<br /> ''�j AppllcAble Is►w pra��ltler otAerwise).'[be nc►ttcr shsdl speciiy: (s�)the defi�uit: lD)the action ccquired ta curc�ik ue,au��. �a.
<br /> �7 (c)A�tate, nat le�tlwn 30 day�s tY�an the date the�wttce is�t��e�to Boc�rower.by W�hlch the dei's�ult must be cured;And � _
<br /> � (d) thut faUum to cure the default on ur betom the date spacilied in the rwtk�e may msult in s+ccekrsition oi'tbe ww =
<br /> � securec�by thl�SecuNty [nstrument And snle ot the Pt�npei�ty. The natiee shall Punher intor�u BorroK'er oi'the rirht to _
<br /> rein.ctpte a!'ter suti^elers�t{on s�nd the rtght to bring w court actlon to us.�en thr Aon-extctetue oi's� default or an� other
<br /> � detease of BorroK�c�to acceteratioa and ss�le. If the de!'pult is not curti�d on w• betore the date sQecified in the noticc.
<br /> � l.ender. At its opiion, may require immedis�te ppyment tn full ot all sums secured by thls Security Instn�ment withoat
<br /> (uriher demand and ms�y tavol:e the power ot sale aad�ny otber remedies pettuitted by appUcable law. i.ender shall be
<br /> - eatitled to collect WI expences i�icurred in putsulag the remedles provided ia t6ts para�rAph Zl,iaclud[n�,but nat limited
<br /> - to,reasonable Attorneys'fees s�od costs of title evidence.
<br /> - Ii tbe pow�er of sale is im•ol:ed. Tre►ctee shsill record a aotke of default in each county in wWcd any part of thr
<br /> � Properiy is la�ated und shall rwiil copies of such notice in t6e manner prescrlbed by applkable law to Borrower and to
<br /> " tne ainer pr�p�ucri`ued b�x�p:�caWe iaM.r.Eie:t;x t::r.�rralr•d by.p�l:�ble l�w.'i'rusiee shg!!give�+nblic ix►tice _
<br /> � of sale ta the pejsons and in tde manner pnsc�ibed by applicsDle law. Tnutce. wit6out demand or�Borrow'er, shull sell _
<br /> � the Property xt pobUc stuction ta the hi�hest bidder at tde tlme aad place and uuder the tertnc desiga�ted in the uatke ot
<br /> = sale ia oae or more ps►nels and in aay ardcr 7'�ustee determines. Trustee raaY p�slpooe sale of all or any puu.�el af the
<br /> - Protxitv bv Wb�ic aaaouiteemeat ut the time swd plsice af any pttivionsly scheduled sale. Ixnder or its desi�nee rrwc
<br /> _ purct�ase ehe Prop�ty s�t�ny s�le.
<br /> - _ Upon recelpt of pwymeat of the price bfd, Trustee sdaU ddlves to tbe jwrchaser Trustee's deed coaveyiae the _
<br /> - propeity. 'The recitWs ia tbe Trustee's deed sdall be prlma facie evitleac:of the truth of tbe statements owde tber�in.
<br /> Tcvstee slwU apply t!K pm��eed9 0!tttie sale in the tolbwiag order:(a)to pl!costs and expeuces of exercising tbe pow•er of
<br /> sale,aad the sa:e,includiag tde p�yauat of the Trustee's fees sctu�lly incurred,oot to exceed TEiE�OF 550.00 OR�`�
<br /> = of cbe priwciprl�unawt of the note at tbe tiwe ot the da�rxtioa of default, and reasonabk attorneys' fees as p�raiitted
<br /> by Mw.(b)to all sums s�cumd by this Security Instrument,aud(c)a0.Y eacess to the pe�soa or persons teYally entitled to
<br /> ic. �
<br /> = • 22. :eoouyey�ace. Upo� payrn:,m of «l! sums s�ur�d by il�s Secs!rity Insuurn�nt> I.enrier chall request Tmstoe to __
<br /> recorcaey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrum�nt and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instn�inent to Tes.c:ee.T�ustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without chuge to tho person or persons le�ally •
<br /> entitled to it.Such person ar persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 23.Substitute Tructa. Lender, at its option,may S'rom time to time rtmove Tn�sue and appoini a sacassor Uvstce to
<br /> �ny T�vstee appointed hereuader by an icuirument recorded in the county in which this Seeurity Iastrument is recorcied.Without
<br /> oonveyance of the Property.tBe successor tnuta shall succeed to all the tide.powu and duties conferrcd upon Tnuue txrcin
<br /> aad bv apNicabk law.
<br /> - � �4.Requeat for Notices. Iiormwer reQuests th�t copi� ot tht nouoes of�eiauit anci saIe oe seni iu aw��Y.�,'s -�;�
<br /> which is the ProptRy Address.
<br /> 2S.Itide�s to this Security Instrument.If one or more riders are execated by Borrower and recorclad cogether with this
<br /> Security Insirument,the covenants a�agroements of each such rider sh�ll be incorponted into and shall amend and suppltmtnt
<br /> the covenants and agraments of this Security Inswment as if the rider(s)were a patt of this Sacurity Instrumeni.
<br /> [Cf�eck applicaDle box(es)]
<br />— Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominitun Rider 1-4 Family Ridu
<br /> - Gndu�ted t syment Rider Pluu«�i U�ut Dzvelopr.x�-u riti�.r 3iw:.:�ly P�ym..:ns Redrs
<br /> Balloon Ridu Rate Improveme�t Rider Seonm Home Rider
<br /> Y.A.Rider �p�ns)[��fYl
<br /> - ° NOTICE OF DF.�'AULT
<br /> - BY SIGMNG BELOW, Borrower acce�ts and agrces W the termc and cove�u►u contained in dvs Security Iiuirvment and
<br /> - � in any rider(s)executed by Bc�rrower wd recorded with it.
<br /> � Witnesses: ( ).
<br /> _ n/ (Seal)
<br /> = GARY W PErIDERTON "B0"'O""f
<br /> r� � (�)
<br /> _= -9onnwu -
<br />�� M PT�ERTON �
<br />_ _ :
<br /> _; ��� (Sea})
<br />..�i -Horrower '�W .
<br />-_�
<br />�.ti■ ,
<br />`-�:=.�
<br />`--�'� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22 day of APRIL . 1996 ."
<br />,,%n -
<br /> :�:',, Witness roy haad and notarial seal ai GRAND ISLAND, NEB in Cqunty.the te
<br />- _ biy Commissio � � z " " �'�t/
<br /> ��ua�oi�r-s+�.eo+�ea�su N� hlic
<br /> jO1tN LE1GH Oill 2N�6� , . _
<br /> y��.EtiD•Sep1•
<br /> P,o.s a♦ Fxm 3028 9l90
<br /> - - . - - - -- — —
<br />.. '*�°'�'r.��?-_--:�::c.T.?:-zk- - _ . !,Z_s,Xa��•.. .."^��^v�•�.��'�":'riG�"%r=�—:�:�-:':`.c w.:i..-��v.!u_-: . _.,_ — .. .. �.�-_._�...-
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