�'. . �SwR1.i ��-�...a�.�}s
<br /> � . . +.��. ._.. .. . � ..--._ __ - - _- - _.
<br /> � � --.-= P- _._.-
<br /> �tt_
<br /> ��ic `•�j • ' ' . - _ - -- _ —.� — ._ _. -_.
<br /> -�.a�. ��`�a`''-;—'_ ---"�! .
<br /> &aruuz�� �i►,�11 p►�►iwtl;; �i�•e l.cn,l.r «•ritten aotice c�f any invr�tigation. cl�im. dcinatul, law�uit ar �thrr ;uti.,n Dy any • —
<br /> govemmcnt�! or regulatory aF;ency or privatc pany invol�ing the Prupert,y urw! :iny 1-lut:u�d�u�Substancc ur Em�ironmcnlal i�+W '
<br /> of u•hirh Bormw•er hus�+ctual kix�wl�ge. If t3onow•er lear�u, or is nou�eJ by s�ny go�'emnk�u�l ur rcgulator�� auU��•eity, ihat .
<br /> Any renw.�il or other remed�atian oF any Hazanlaus 5ubst�►nee uffecting the Pr�eny is ncresszry. Bnrrou•er si►ull prompdy take _-
<br /> •rll necess:try remeclia! action.r• in:ucur�i�Ke with Gnvironn�ntal Iaw. -
<br /> Av uuJ in this pars►�raph 2Q, "Hazur:lous Substances"aze those subxtances deimcd as toxic or hatardous sub�tarues by �_
<br /> Em�ironmental Law and the following subau+ixYS: �;asolinc, kcrosen:, athec flamn�able or t�xic [1C�CQICUlt1 prcxlucts, taxie --
<br /> pesticidzs and herbicides,valatile wlvents,matcrials contair.ing asbestos or forn�alAehyde. and rad�oact��'e��a�crials. As uccil in �-
<br /> :_-
<br /> tltia pae�r�p?� ?0, 'Environmental [.au•" mczns federal iaws tuid laws of th^,jurisdiction wficre dte Property is locatrd titst� _
<br /> rwl,w to hcalth,safety or environmental protectian. --
<br /> NON•UNIFt7R1��COVENA�fTS.Borro�cr:.nd l,esui:r 1uRher cor'e[�ant and agree a. �uiiUws: � -_
<br /> 21. AcccleraHoa;Remedies.Lender shstll glcc notice to Bo:n�Wer prior to aceel�rutlon foltowi�Bosrow�er's bresu =.
<br /> of any eo��e�wat or agreemeat in this Security Instcument (hut not pnor to acc+eleradon under p�ragrs►Ph 17 un1e� �
<br /> AppllcAble Isiw provides othenr�tse). The notice shull spec(f'y: (s�)tfu defaulq(b)the acdon required to cure the�ieiaul _
<br /> (c)s�c1�►te,not less thstn 30 dpys from the�te the notice is given 4o Borro�•er, by which the detault must be cured;� _
<br /> (d) that t�flure ta curn the default on or before tne date speciiied in tde notice mAy restclt in acceleration of the s��''
<br /> secured by thls Securtty Instnunent�nd sAle of the Property. The notice shal! turther Inform Borraµ�er af tde riPht to
<br /> reinsiate after sicceleration and the rlght to bring a court action to accert the aon-existence of a deFault or Any nther
<br /> detense ot Borro.w�er to pcceleration And ss�le. If tt�e defpult is aot cured o0 or beFore the date specified in the notice.
<br /> Lender, �t its optloa, may require immediate pa�ment In full of all sums secured by tdis Security lnsirument withaut
<br /> farther drnutnd and mAy invuke thP pow•er ot sale aud any ather remedies permitted ay�p��1u��b�s�l�be _
<br /> entiticd to coltect all expeaces incurird in pursui�the remedles W'oy��led in this P�'+��P _
<br /> W,�wsawble attorneys'[ees atuf casts of tttle evitknce. �����
<br /> It the power of ss�le is invoi:eel, 1'nutee sha11 record a aotice uf ue�'�u(t in esch county ia whlch any W+ -
<br /> property tv located and stwll mail copies of such notice in t�nner psescd��eY�w�ITrustee s1u�U gB e pub�ic�notice
<br /> the otber personc prescMbed bY aPP��ble IAw.At'ter the time uired by s�ppi
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the ms�nner presrslbed by applicable Isw.Trustee,w�it8cwt demAnd on Borrower, shaU sell
<br /> +►tu•prnrn�y at oubtic auction to ttie hi�6est bidder at ihe time and plsce and unJer the terms des�gns►ted iu the notke ot
<br /> sale tn one o�more parcels And in any order'I�stee determines. 'i�nisttee cuAY P�P�ae���8il 3i wiij;�::::ef t!:=
<br /> �P�Y bY public armouncement at the lime and pl�'e ot auy previ��a.sly ccbeduled sale. Lender ur its desi�nee roaY
<br /> purchs�se tLe Property at s►ny sale.
<br /> Upm r�ceipt of payment of the price bW, Tnutee s1ia11 deliver to the purctw.�' Trustee's deed conveyiag the _
<br /> praperty,'1'Q�e recit�lc In tde T�v.stee's deed s1�a11 be prtma fACle evidence of the t�vt6 of the staiemenis made the�fn•
<br /> T��e�1!�ppiy tbe procecds of the sale in tLe following order: (s�)to all costs sud expenses of exercista�We power ot
<br /> c�k,and the sn�e,iacludin�tht p�ymatt of the Trustee's fees sctu�tly ipcurred,
<br /> not to exceed THE�OF 550.00 OR�`�
<br /> oi tbe PrtaclP�1 smouat of the note st the time ot tbe declaration of def�ult,s�nd reasonuble attorneys' !ces as pau�itted
<br /> by law: (D) W s�ll sua4s secured by tLis Security Instr+»ai;�(c)s►qY exeass to the�erson or persoas legaUy eotiUed to
<br /> u.
<br /> 22,Reconvevaooe. Upon paysnent of all sumc secared by this Secariry Instrument, i.eader shall request Trusiee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and sha11 surrender this Security Instrument and ali notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Incwment to Trustee.7'mstee shall rxoavey the Property without warraruy and without ch�v�e to the pe�son or persons legally
<br /> eatitled W it.Sucfi person or persons shall pay any recordatcon costs.
<br /> 23,Suyqiq�te'Tt�ustee,I.ender,at its option, may from time to time retnove Tn�stee and appoint a successor tnutet to
<br /> �� __.._..»�..�:;,,;..��.,;,..»�.�.,���ttw mnntv in which this SecuricY Insttumet�t is recotded.Without
<br /> _ a[ry irustw a�}ii�iuicu��c�..�.ww�• �
<br /> oonveyance of the�'roperry.the successor trust�e shall sucezed ta aU ttit dda,power and duties cv�nfarral upon Trustee Lertitl
<br /> sisd by appUpble law.
<br /> ?q,Request for Notkes. Borrower requesu that wpies of the notices of default and sale be seiu W Bonowcr's�ddress
<br /> wtiich is the Ptoperty Address.
<br /> y,�r,����c��ty tastsumeat.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> S�urity Nstn�m�at.the coves�ants and agreements of exh wch rider shall be incorporztal inta and shall amend and supple�tncnt
<br /> the coveaants and�greements of this Secunty Insuunxnt as if the dder(s)were z part of th�s Security Inswnx.nt•
<br /> [(;heck applicable box(es)�
<br /> Adjustable Rate Ridet Condominium Ridtr 1-4 F�mily Rider
<br /> G��pay�g�� Planned l7nii Devdopment Rider Biweekly Payntient Rider
<br /> - &:lloan R:dtr Rate Improvement Rider Second Home Ridet
<br /> V.A.Rides �Other(s)[sP��fY1
<br /> BY 5IGIVING BELOR',Borrower accepts�nd agrees to the temu and covenar►ts containod in this Security Iastrument and
<br /> _ in�ny rider(s)e�ted by Borrower and recordad with it.
<br /> Wi[uosxs: !/.�:��!� Q ,%.,..� —(Seal)
<br /> RUSSELL A LEONARD •H«rowu
<br /> i � �_s.�..��1 (5es1)
<br /> ' ROSAI.INE G LEODI�RI) -8on�awer
<br /> (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> - -Horrowu •�O�
<br /> - . t
<br />_- y"fA'TE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Couaty ss: _..•
<br /> �`; The foregoing instrument was acknowledgad before me this is �y of APRIL • 1996 •
<br />-� Wiuxss my hand and notarial se�l at GRAND ISLl+ND, NEB KA �n d Count ,the
<br /> ' .�
<br /> My Commission ' '
<br /> , �����'�l��/Sb Nqnry bl"
<br /> ��au��
<br /> Mj�.E��.
<br /> • a�a o�♦ Fum 3028 9130
<br />