<br /> � _ _._._�. _ . _ *►__..:.:_.1„x- —
<br /> ,,,�� -_--_ -`-�._
<br /> -.;<_�-.,-
<br /> ��. i-T-. _
<br /> _ _ . �
<br />:.I �
<br /> I &�rmwcr �Iwll promptly gicc I,cixier wrincn itotice af w�y in�•r�tigatian,claim. .icnund, law�uit ar cuhcr xt�o�i h}• uny � __
<br /> � li,vcrnmcntal ur n�ula�ury ageixy o,-prieata p:►r.y im�al�•ing the Pru�xny u�xl eny Nar:►rduu::Sub�tanrc ur En��irun»knwl l«�w
<br /> ot wh�ch F3��rntNer Fw.:��ual I��u�wl�rlgc. lf t3��u�ur► I.,�y��:.or i�natiC:c! by a�y gn�emmental �,���ulrturv :wttu>rity. th:U �--�
<br /> �_
<br /> any renx�val��r�dher renktiiiation af an}•H:uar�l�ws Subst�uc affrrtin�the Pr��:�ry h ��c,,:�r��. &�rcuwcr alwlt p►.in�tly Wl:c _..:
<br /> all tia2rsary rnk,ifia!rati.ms in arcard:uxe with Enviranntrnt�l l.aw. ` `
<br /> As u.cd in thic parig�aph 2U, 'H;u:►rduus Substance�" a�r those sub�t�iue. dcfinat :i.� tn�ir ur h:u:+�d��vs wh.taikcx hy ��
<br /> L'•m•in�mnental l.a�• ancl thc following wbtitance�: gu.udiik, k��osc�xr, othcr tlanmiablc ur tnxic Extr��lcum pr�xiucts. tu�ic �
<br /> pe.Uci�le:;uui herbicides,volatite u�l�•entti, n�zterials crntuinins:.sbestoti or fumtialdch�•ck,u�xl radicxutive nutc�ialz. A�u�1 ir�
<br /> ] thi� parabr,►ph .0. 'Fan•irunnxntal Law° mcans fcder.tl 1'aws arrl luwa uP ilk jueiuii�;tian where the Pct�periy is t�x�tcal ttu►t�A �
<br />' � r..l�te t�hralth,safciy ur enviro�m�ental protection. W ��_
<br /> HnN-UNIFORl�1 Cfl�'EHANTS.��rr�wcr H�wt 1 rncirr fiihh:r cnrcnant and a�rcc ac fi�l���w..�� � �u�•�...`-•���,y °-
<br />- � 71 �HValorofNw•Qa�iyw�ip�.�LC�C�'5�1��)4��'e[10��CC�n�1�KQY�['{OT[O Ill'�'ti��:riivu�w�iii:�w+. �:
<br />- oP any co��c�wut or ag►�emcnt in this Securily Lulruriie�E (bu. not F-9ar to zrctic=�tion untier p��grnjw. �7 :;r:�� �:
<br /> �w
<br /> ppplicaWe law pn►vides otherwise). The notice shai! spacli'y: (A)the default; (6)t�action requimd to cure the default;0 L.•-
<br /> (c)p ds�te.ncit lesc tlwn 30 days ilrom the etate ti�e notice u given ta Borrow-er,by whirh the default must be eured;a -
<br /> (d) that falluce to cum the default on or before the date specf0ed in the n�tice may result in accelersitb�of tde su ' �'
<br /> secured by this Secudty� Instcument and sale ot the Property'. The notice shail further inform Bormw�er of the ri�ht t �
<br />- reinstate aftter accele�tion and the rlght to bring a coort actbn to ussert tbe namexistence af a defs►ult or s�ny athe
<br /> defense of Borrow�er to acceteratlaa and sale. It'the defauit is nat cured on or betore the ds�te speciiied In the notict*,�
<br />_� Lender, at its optlon, may requtre immediate payment in tldi oF a!1 sums secured by this Security Instrumeni without
<br />=j further�nd and ms�y im•oke the pow•er of sA1e s�nd any other t�emedies pern►ftted by applicable I�w• 1R�uic�sl�1�be
<br />-= entitle�l to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the�provided In this para�raph 21,includiaE,but not limited _
<br /> T� to,rea.u►n�ble attorneys'fees And costs of Ntte evideace.
<br /> If'the pow�er of salc i� im•oked. Tnutee shall record a notice oi default in each county iu w•hlc4 any part of the
<br /> p�►��ty i�I�ted and slwll mAU rnples of such notice in the ma�er pmscribed by applicable law to Borro��er and to
<br />_� the otNee persons prescrlbed by applicable law.ARer the time requlred oy appiicaote iaw,T.us:�st►�1!�cc F::b!!;r.atiee
<br />�� ot ss►le to the persons and i�t6e rtwnner prescribeil by applicable law. Trustee,without demand on Bon�ow•er,shall sell
<br />-_ the prnperty at�wWic suctbn to the hi�hest bidder at tl�e time and place and uader the e sale of�ll orea�ny pum� of the
<br /> -- sale in oae or more parcels and in any order Tnutee detern�ines. Tn�stee msiy postp�n
<br /> -= ;;� ;�..�. ��o^as.TM��!!c�*_!ens a! tiw time and glace of an,� prevlo�cl9 scheduled sale. Lender or Zts designee may
<br /> � ' � `���.._ v s�t ony sale.
<br />`_' purchzse the PmPert.
<br />� Upon receipt of payment of the Price bid. '�ractee stwll deliver to the purchacer Trustee's deed ooaveyiag tbe -
<br />- proPerty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall b�prima ts►cie evideace of the truib ot'tbe statemenis made tbereia.
<br /> - 'I�yrtee shs11 s�pply the proeeedc oi the sale in tbe folbwiag order: (�)to�ll castc�nd expeaces of exercistag the power ot
<br />� sA1e,and the sstle,iacluding the payment ot t6e TnLStee's ices�.Yually incurred,noi to e��d THE�$50.00 or '� `�
<br />" of the�x(ncip�l Amount oi the note at t6e time of the declaratian ot defs�dt, and reasoa�lbtr attaraeys';ees as M�tted
<br />— by 1vw:(b)to all suais secured by tbts Security Iact�ment:and(c)anY e�c�s to tLe pecsoa or per5on� egallY
<br />:� it. _
<br /> 22. Reeoaveyance. Upon payment of all sums seeured by this Securily lnstcument. 4nder shs!] requesi Tnistee to
<br />'_� re�onvey the Pro}�erty and sha11 surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidenci:tit debt secun'd by this�ecurity
<br /> instrument to Tzustoe.Tnutee shall reconvey the Property without wairanty and without charge to the persoa or persons lcgally
<br /> � eutidod to it. Such person or perwns shall pay any recordat�on costs.
<br /> 23,Substitute Ttiustee. Lender,at its option, may from time to time remove Tn�stee and appoint s suaxssor wstee to
<br /> any Trustee appointed fiereunder by an instruntent rernrded in the oounty in which this Securiry Iaurument is recordod.Without
<br /> ° oonveyuxe of the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duties confesrod upon Trustee het+ein
<br /> aud Dy appiicabfie iaw. -
<br /> _. 24.Request tor Notioes. Borrower raquests that copies of the ao�ices ut default a,-jd salc be scnt to Borrovrrei s addms
<br /> which is the Property Address. � �
<br /> ZS,RidKS to Wis Savrity Instruaaent.If otsc or more riders are exe�vted by Borrower u�d recorded togettter w'i�i
<br /> _ Securiry IncUVment.the covenants and agreemenu of each such rider shall be incorporatad into and shall arr�end usd supP
<br /> the covenants and�groen�ents of this Socurity Instrument as it the rider(s)wen a pan of this Security Instnmxot•
<br /> - [Check�pplicable box(es)] �
<br /> _ ��Adiust�ble Rate Rider �Co������r �i-4 F�Y��
<br /> []Gr�duatsd Paynx,nt Ridu Plam�ed Unit Dcvelopment Ridet Biwcekiy e"'aywua Ri.:�
<br /> �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider Second Home Rider
<br /> V.A.Rider ��ns)[��fS+]
<br /> � �'"'E EQUITY LINE RIDEt� -
<br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW.Borrowu acc�pts�nd agrees w teims and veaants oont�ined in this Security Instnunent and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borcower aad recorded with it. �
<br /> Wit�sses:
<br />=� (�)
<br /> - BONNIE C SCRAI3TO:�i -eo�`'O"`�` -
<br />-- �=/L�� .�sJC��� l�1)..�
<br /> .! ELnII3 L SCRANTON -�" _
<br />-� ��� (Seal)'.•.
<br />_,� -eorro�er -ewro�rer
<br /> :`�� STATE OF NEB�tASKA, HALL Couaty ss'
<br /> � •
<br /> .-- Th°.foregoing incttument wac acknowledged before me this lg day of ApRIL • 1996 �
<br /> . bY BONNIE C SCRANTON AND ELVIN L SCRANTON � �.�unty,the e
<br /> . Witness my i�nd and notarial seal at GRAND ISLAND, NE � -
<br /> My Commission Expi
<br /> �pAt M0T11RY•Stsle�I MtOnsl� y Publ
<br /> � _ ` �jOIW LE1CH OILtENBACK
<br /> ily Ow�w.EtO.Seq-20.1999
<br /> wo.a o�s Form a028 9190
<br />