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<br /> ' 'i�I•. • ,r�'�ns A .�t+��:+.:��! , "�� .._�.�-..,,�1� +Jiti�a'YA'---'�rr.e--»1• •.• ,- „ •4M ' Y �w.n-v.x v�.od..�... ..+w:i�'!a^Jai-+.=:v:.�...._�.. - . _ _-..
<br /> -,7.,���,jr�{�i..-- ..� aMi1+Ma.e-�xi..Wr�.�.e.e+v..iq-.-I�,.�
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<br /> 92� 14253� `�
<br /> • . .. �,,_
<br /> T(XIETHEiR WI7'H uU thc impmYement,now on c�rruftcr rrrctcJ on th�prn�ny.anJ:dl ca.rmrntti,uppurtcnunccti. __
<br /> � und �xturew now�r hereufter u pan of�he prn�ny. All replurrmen�+unJ udditionx�hall ulx�ix covcred by thi4 Security �
<br /> � ���� � In�trumcm. AU uf�hr furr(r�ing i�rrfcrt�d tu m Ihi�Securily Imtrumcnt us Ihc"1'�o�xny." -
<br /> � BARROWER COV�NANTS thul Borr�►wcr i�luwfully+ci,cJ of ihc�+lutc hcreby cnnveycJ und hu.�hc ri�ht lu grant
<br /> - ,� und c�mcy thc F'raperly and thut�hc Pra{x'ny i�unrncumbcrcd.rxccpl ti►r encumhrunc�s uf record. Boiruwcr waRAms uncl __
<br /> will defend FcncrAlly�he title�o�he Pr��pchy uguimt ull cluim+and�kmunds.�ubjrci to uny rncumhrunce�uf rccurd. �
<br /> - � THIS SECURITl' INSTRUMENT cambinc� uniG�rm ruvenunl+ fi�r n.��inn:d u�r und nun•unili�mi cuvcnuntti �vith � �T - T_
<br /> limited variu�iom hy juri�Jiciinn tucan+titutc a uniform Kcuriry in�trumcnt cnvrring rcul pro�xny.
<br /> " UNIFORM COVENANTS. Buaower und Lend��covenant und u�mr u�li�llnw.: __
<br /> ' 1. Pnymenl of PrincipAl and laterest:Preps�ymenl�nd I.ate Chargcw. HoROwcr�haU promplly pay whrn Jur �hr
<br />� �� � principal of anJ inlere+t on Ihe det�evidcnced by the Ni�te und uny prcpayment and lutc churgex Jue under Ihe Note. �
<br /> 2. Funds ior TAxes and Inwrance. Suhject�o upplicablc luw or lu u wriucn wuiver hy l.�:n�kr.I�ixrowcr whull pay�o �
<br /> , —�--
<br /> Lencler on the duy momhly puyments arc Jue under the No�r,until Ihe Noic i�paiJ in full,a wm 1"Fund..")fi�r.lul yetuly _..
<br /> . _,..,'
<br /> �oxe+und u�setitiment+which may attuin pnanry uver�his Securiiy Im�rument ati a licn un thr 1'ru�xny:lh1 yeurly Ieuxha �---_ _ . -
<br /> Quymentti or ground rents on thr Pmp�rty. if +mY: l�1 YNUrIy hwurJ or pruperty imur�nre premium�; lJl ycu�ly flcwd �r
<br /> msurunce premium�, if any, Ie) year�y mangugc insurnncc prcmium�. iC •rny; und Itl uny +ums payuMc by Burcawer�o _ � s
<br /> Lender, in accordancc wilh thc provi.inn+uf parugruph K, in licu of thc payment of mongugr imuroncc premiun►�. Tlic+c ��
<br /> ilcros succullcd "E�cruw Item,' Lcndcr may,ut uny timc,rallccl und h��ld Fundx in un amount not u�cxcced thc muximum _._
<br /> � umount u lender for u feJcrally rcl��ed mortgage loun muy reyuire fix BoROwer:e.crow uccoum under�he federal Reul �_:�W
<br /> Esta�c Sculement Procedum+Act ai' 197�3 u,amended from lime w�imc.12 U.S.C.�2(�01 er se�y.l"RESPA"),unlcr�+another ____
<br /> law that applies to the Funds set�a Iecu�•umount. If sa,Lender muy,ut any time,coUect und hold Fund�in un umaunt not to �,,M•�;-
<br /> exceed the Icsscr umount. Lendcr may estimatc �hc amount of Funds due on thc hasix ol current dutn and mu,unuble ��1-__
<br /> estimates af expenditureti of fuwre Escrow Items or otherwi�e in uccordance with upplicubM luw. -
<br /> Thc Fundti �hall lx held in an instilution whosc depo+itz are insured by u fedcrul ugcnry.inxtrumentaliry, or enlity �
<br /> ' .� lincluding Lender,it Lender is.uch an ins�itutioni or in any Fedcrul Home Loun Bank. Lcndcr+hall apply thc Fundti►o pay _•;__�__
<br /> thc Escrow Itemti. LcnJcr ma�� nc►t chur�:c Borrowcr for holding und upplyinF tF►c FunJs,annuully unalyzing thr ��+crow ti`-:_�N�a
<br /> uccaunt.or verifying the Escrow Item.. unlex+ Lender pays Borrower interetit on thc Fund+ :uid applicablc law perrnits , _
<br /> ' Lender to makr wch u churge. However,L�nder may reyuire Borcower ta puy u one-time cburge for un independrnt real _
<br /> ,. . estnle tux reporting+ervire uscd by Lcndcr in connection with�his loun,unless upplicuble law providc�otherwi,e. Unless un _�_;,}..�. �
<br /> ogreement is mude ur upplic•rblc law reyuim�interes��u Ix:paid.Lendcr shall not bc rcyuircd to pay Bc��rowcr uny intem.t or __::f'w
<br /> • ,;.;y curning�nn thc Fund,. Borrower and l.ender mAy ugree in writiog.howevrr,lhut intercst xhall Ix paiJ on Ihe FunJs. Lendcr ��`�-�N.�...,�
<br /> :.•4•.
<br /> �� sh�+ll give to BoROwcr,wilhuut chargc,an unnuul urrounting of ihc Fundti,,howing credit.und dcbits to Ihc FunJs and thc �' � ` -_-
<br /> � pu�pose(or which r+wh ckbit lo�he Funds wax muJe. The Fundx are pledgeJ nti udditionul securily for ull sumti xecumd by
<br /> _- -- — .- this 5ecuri�y inairu�ucul. `-�- ' �'
<br /> If thr Funds hcld by Lcndcr excccd �he umaunt� permiucd to hc held hy applicublc law. Lender �hull uccoun� to �•,F•;°!:�� �
<br /> Bortawer for the exces. Fundx in uccurduncr with ihc reyuiremems of applicublr law. !f Ihe umount of tha Fundr fx�ld by ��:�- :;;.4
<br /> Lender at uny time iti not sufficient to puy the Escrow Item.when due, LenJ�r muy �n no�ify Borrower in writing,and,in :�� ,
<br /> such caye Borrowcr shall p•ay to LenJrr the amount necr.sary �u muke up the deficiency. Borrowcr �h�ll muke up the
<br /> � deticiency in no miire thun twelve mauhly pu}•ment�,•rt Lender:+ole di.cretion. j
<br /> ' Upon paymcm in full of ull sum��ccured by�hi�Security In�trumcn�. Lender xhull promptly rcl'und to Bartower uny �� .� .
<br /> Funds hclJ by Lcndcr. If,wxicr paruFr.�ph'1.Lendrr.hull acyuirc cN zrll thc Pn►pcny.LrnJcr,priur to tha urquisiti�>n ur �
<br /> . s�lc of thc Property..hull apply uny Fundx hcld by Lendcr ut �hc timo ol acyuisition or .alc :�s u credit aguin+t thc sumr:•
<br /> • ,ecured by this Security In�irument. ,�
<br /> •� 3. Application of Payment9. Unle�. upplicablc la�v proviJrs utherwise, all paymantti rcceivcJ by LenJcr unJcr �
<br /> paragruphs I and 3 ahull hc applied:fint.w imy prcpayment churgr,duc undcr tho Noic; second,to amounts payablu under •-t;:_.
<br /> i .�.�,�.
<br /> • paragri�ph 2:third,to intcrest dur:l'cwnh.�o principul dur:und lutit.to any lute chu�ge�duu undcr the Note. . •_�
<br /> 4. (:Nnrges; I.ienc. Borruwcr.hull pay all Iaxes, ax+c+simnlx. chu�gc,, finus unJ impur.itionn altribWablc lo Ihc ' .
<br /> " ' Propeny which mi�y+iquin priority uver thiti Serurlty In�trumcnt,anJ Ieasehold puymerm+or gmund rentti,it'uny. Borrower .
<br /> rhall puy thcse obligution�in the manncr proviJed in parugraph 3.ur if n��1 puid in thiu munncr. Norrower xhull puy�hem on I , y�����;. ..
<br /> lime directly lo Ihc�xrson uwed paymcn�. BoROwcr rh•rll promplly 1'urni,h to l.rnder ull notirr,af amaunt�to Ix paid under : •.=.-;:'__
<br /> . thiy parugrAph. If Borruwcr makcs Ihc�c paymrnts dircctly.Borrowrr vhall prompdy iumish to Lcnder rcrcipts evidencin� i -•;:,�,i�rr�
<br /> the puyments. ' , ' .
<br /> Borrowcr shall pn►mpUy diuhargr any licn which ha+priuriry��vcr thi,Srcuri�y In+lrumrnt unlcss Borrowrr:(al��.n�+
<br /> in writing to Ihe puyment ul�hr��bliFaiiun+ccurcd hp tFw li�n�n a munnrr ucr�plahlr tu l.cnJer; Ib►contetit,in gaxi faith thr ? . .
<br /> " licn by,ur defends ugainst cnf��rccnxnt af thc lien in.Icgal pnxceJinE+which in Ihe Lcndcr;upinion uperatr to prevent thr .
<br /> enforcement of�hc lien:ur lcl +ecurc�from thc holdrr uf the li�n an agrremrnt tiuti�t'urtory tu Lrndrr sutx►rdinuling�hr lien j • ••�;1:'�•�
<br /> ' � � ro this Security Instrumenl. II'l.cnder dctermine,�hut any part of 1hc I'roprrty i.+uhjecl to a lien which muy attuin prioriry � .
<br /> over thi�Securiry Instrument.Lender may givc Nurrower a nutice idrn�ifying Ihc licn. Hurr��wcr tihaU sulixfy the licn or takc i
<br /> . , onc or more of thc.rctiuns+c�fonh aM�vr within I(1 day.ol�Ihr�iving ol'no�irc.
<br /> � 5. Hazard or Property Ipsuraoce. Rorri�w•rr,hall hcrp thc improvcnunt.nnw rxi+ting or herruftcr crectcJ nn the _
<br /> prc�:rty insureJ a�uin+t lo„by fire.ha�ard�inrludrd within thc tenn°rxtendrJ ro�era�r"and any ulhrr h.vard..includin�
<br />'� •� tlonds or fla►dinF. for which Lcndcr rcyuirc+ in.uruncc. 'fh�s m�uranrr .hall tk nuiintt�iurd in thc •rmounts und(i�r thc , .
<br />�
<br /> � Form J1128 4P10 �puv�•�n/n r�u�rt�
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br /> � �
<br /> • -_- — __ _"' � --__ __ —._ '.."_ . ..--
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