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<br /> ���C��„�`��;�';• ' applicable law may speclfy for reinstatcment)befora sale of the Pmperty pu�suant to any power af sale contalned in this _ _
<br /> �-��.�.�r�~� Sceurity Insqument;or(b)enay of a Judgment enforcing this Secunq'Inatrumen� Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) — _
<br /> :=�;:���,,;;�,_�i�s, :, �,, paya Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insaument and the Note na if no accelerntion had
<br /> • ,:.,.r. .. ,... ;. :, occurned;(b)cures any default of eny other covenants or ogreements:(c)puys nll expenses incuRed in enforcing this Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument, including, but not limited to, rcasonubtc attarneys'fees; and (d)takes such action ns Lender m4y reasonably
<br /> ;;i,;;.r:,`.;'`•;•;�:r,�,,,.,', require to assure that the lien of thia Security lnstrumcnt,l,ender'x rights in the Property and Borrowcrss obligation to pay the _
<br /> - • • sums secured by Ihia Security Instrument shall continue unchunged. Upon reins�atement by Borrower, this Securlty
<br /> -:-----'y., --- Ins�rument and the ablig�tions secured hereby shull remain fulty effective ac if na acceleration hud accuRed. However,this �__,___1 _
<br /> , ••• ;;, � �IQht to reinstete shall not apply in Ihe co�e of accelerwfon under purograph 17.
<br /> � • '' , • 19. 3ale of Note;ChanQe of l.o�n Servicer. Thc Note ar u pw�ual in�ere�t in the Nnic Itagethcr with lhis Security
<br /> � ,; . Inatrument)may be sold onc or more�fines wi�hou[priar notice to Borrawer. A sulc muy result in a chungc in thc entity
<br /> • � (knawn us Ihe'Laan Servicer')thut callecis munlhly paymenlF due under Ihe N�HC anJ thia Security Inx�rument. There al�o
<br /> • ° moy bc onc or mom changes of thc Lvun Scrvircr unmlulcd Iu a ruk of�he Nntc. It thcrc ix u chungc uf thc l.uun Scrviccr.
<br /> •••-aL� �•'+• �� Hormwer will be given w�luen notice of Ihe changc in accurdune�•with puruKruph 14 uhove und upplicuhle low. The notice _
<br />,"'` •:..�. .� A will.rtalc�hc numn unJ uddresti of Ihc ncw l.uan 5ervxcr unJ�he addreyF►o which puymenh shuuld ix mude. Thc m►�icc wHl
<br />�� ' ul�u cumaln uny othcr informulion rryuircd hy applicuhlc luw. 6
<br /> 20. Nazardous Sub�luncex. Bum�wcr rhull n��cau�c ar pcnnit�hc pnticncc,u�c.di+�xnul.��oruRc,or cclrusc of any _
<br />�: .. Ilar.�rdou�Sub�l�nccti un c�r In thc I'ri►�ny. linrruwcr.h�dl not do.nur u1Mw unyonc cl.c to do,unything ul"Prcling�hc _--.�r --
<br /> , �? Prupeny thut ig fn viulution uf uny F.nvironmental Luw. The pr��eJing�wo sen�cncew�hall not upply to the px�ence,uxe,ur �.-�.-
<br /> �� ' ' •'• � ntaragc on�he Properly of xmull yuunNlics ol�Haiurduu�Suba�anceK thut ure gencrally recognized u�lx:uppn►priu�c to nomiul �;;,��:�..;:
<br />�- • r, •� . • residen�iul uncs und to muintenumc ut'ihc Prupeny. �' -
<br /> e
<br /> ; � Borrower shull promptly give l.ender wrfllen ncxfce of uny investigution,cluim.demund,luwxuit ur other uction by nny ���j"�;�=,:
<br /> • governmentul ur rcgulutory agency ar privotc pany involvinb tl�r Prupeny and uny H�ardnuc Subtitunce ar EnvironmemNl
<br />' Luw oP which Borrowcr ha+ ucluul knowlcdge. It BaROwer Iearns, or is naifcd by uny govemmcntul or rcgulAtory
<br />� � � '', wulhority.that any removul or other rcmediation oP uny Haxurdous Subswnce nf(ecting the Pruperty iti necesw�ry,BoROwer � �;_
<br /> . shall prompUy wke ull necesyury remediul actions in a:corJunce with Enviranmenlul Luw. �•' -
<br /> .. As useJ in this puragrnph 2U."Huzurdous Sub+lonceti'ure those substanceti de�ned ns u�xic or huzurdaus substuncex by ��*t��'e
<br /> � Environments�l Law and thc follnwing suhstunces: gatioline, kero�ene.Mher flammable or taxic petroleum productti,toxic -�� 7�,-:-
<br /> „ ", pesticides und herbicideh, valutile +olvents, muteriuM cantuining astxstos or Pnrmuldehyde, und rudiouctive muterial+. As �1�,�n••>�-
<br /> �„-
<br /> • used in this paragruph 2Q."Enviranmcntul Luw'mrs�ns federul laws und Inws of�he jurisdiction where the Property is lacuted ����
<br /> � thut relute to health,sufety or environmcntul protcction. �__ -__
<br /> �): : ^ ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lcndcr furthcr cov�nnnt unJ ugrce ux fallows:
<br /> 'S ' � 2 1. A c c e l e r a t lun; Remediex. I.ender chwll glve�otice tu Borrower prlor to ecceleraUon Polluwing Burrower's ____
<br /> �'�;�+ '��`� breach of any covens�nt or ugreement in this Security lastrument Ibul not prior to acceleratian under paragraph 17 ���_
<br /> '' r-.:---=
<br /> ___ ���sg App��rnble law Qrovldes otherwisel. The notice shall speclfy: lal the default;lbl lhe actlon required to cure!he � -
<br /> " dePuull; Ic)a date,not lesg than 311 days from the date the notice is given to Borcower,by which ihe drfauti ���uai i►r
<br /> cured;und Id)lhat Pailure to cure the dePault on ur before the date apecified In the nutice may regull in acceleralion of �_
<br /> � „ the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale uf the Propert,r. The noUce shall further inPorm Borrower of ��r._
<br /> � the right to relnstate aPter ucceleration and the right to brin�a cnurt uction to assert 1he non-existence of A default or _
<br /> ' '���• any other defense of Borrower lo accelerution and�ule. [f the default is nd cured un or beiore the date specitied in .
<br /> �.;��� , ,
<br /> • . the notice.Lender at its option may reyulre immedlr�le paymenl in iull of all sums secured by this Security Inslrumenl
<br /> without Purther demand and may Invoke the power uP.sale and any ulber remedies permitled by upplicable law. I
<br /> ••� Lender shall be entilled to collect all expenses iwcurred in pursuin�the remedieti provided in Ihig paragrapb 2l, 4,�u��-�-v_•
<br /> r.s�s�,�,
<br /> includin�,but nat limited lo.reayunuble uttorneyti'Fee�und cnsls of litle evidence. �,;._�,:,a��-�..-
<br /> • � If the power oi'sale is invuked,7Yustee shall recurd a nutice oP defuult in each county in which uny purt��f'the -.•-�•,�'��_•'
<br /> ' Property is locuted und shull maU copie�oPauch rxdice in the manner prescribed by upplicable luw tu Borrower und to _
<br /> the other per.�ns prescribed b��upplirable luw. After the lime required by opplicable law.7lruxtee shall Rive public , ,
<br /> � notice of sale to the persons and in the munner preticrihed by appliceble luw, 'llruxtee,withuut demund on Borrower, .� .-
<br /> � � shall sell lhe Propertv ut publk auctbn to the hi�heu biddcr al the time und pluce und under the Irrms designated in ,��;•.,;;_T::�_
<br /> , the notice of sule In une nr more parcels und in uny�Mder'I�uslee determine�. 7Yustee muy postpune sale of aU or uny • .• :- ,-,,
<br /> • ' parcel of the Property by publlc unnouncement at the lime und pluce of'unv pre�•iouslv scheduled tiule. I.e�der or its „Y,�.-
<br /> .•u
<br /> ' desiRnee may purchase the Pruperty ut uny cale. ��,� '� � -
<br /> • Upon receipt of payment oi'the price bfd. 71�ustee�hull deliver Io the purchutier 7'ruslee'x deed cunveyin�the _ , ,
<br /> ' ' " Property. The recituls in the'11�ustce�deed shull be prima Pucie e�•idence of the truth of the stutements tnade the�efn. ;
<br /> ' 71�ueter xhaU apply the praceeds uf the hule fn thr fullo��ing order: lu)to ull coxls und erpense+ui'exercisin�;the power �
<br /> "ti`r"..-
<br />. , . � ,�.�c.�+
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