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<br /> 17.Trw�sfrr uf e!u Pin�pert.r•or�3�e��rfici�l intrrat t��llormNer. It�ull or un}• part��t thr Prc�xny or any �racre�t in it
<br /> is�c�i.i nr transf�rnd(iir if�hri�eti��91 intcrest in Hc►rn,w�cr i� w�IJ��r�r�n�f��r�.� ai�!E'x��iuwcr i.iku ;. ��utural�rs:�n)��•ithuut
<br /> Lc�ti,l;i`s prior w•riu.n �onsrnt, Ltrxier m•r�•, ut il. u,xi�m, reyuir� imnxriiatc paynunt in ful! uf alt auiitti sctiureJ by this
<br /> Se�urity I��tntnwnl.��ow'cver.this uptiu�!ahall rw►t be raer�isai by l.�iuter if cxcrcise is prohibitcel b}� fc�lcrul law us of the d�te
<br /> pf thi�Sccucity I��.ti�tun�ent.
<br /> If l.e»der exer�i.es this uption. l.cixkr whall gi��e Buiruw�e�ix�lice af a�celer��ion. Thc n�uice ch:ill provide a pericxl of n�u
<br /> Ie•• th�i� :�I)cla}�. P�um thc datc the �xKirc is�t:li�•ctad c�r nuileJi within which Ik�nnwer mast �+;�y� all sun�� secureJ hy this
<br /> �urity Instrunxnt. IF&�rmu�er fLils to Euy these�un�.ti pric�r tu the cxpiration uf this period, Lender may im•oice any remedies
<br /> Y-`;;it�+.;��.��ti{.�c.v,����kv h«tn�ownt with�wt fuctl�cr�wKicc.�dcn•a�xi cu�ti.ur�u•cr.
<br /> .� .. .. ..�_.. ._ a.,�.....�... ��� u,�..�..,�. �rwwrc �rrtain t•�lndilioriS. Bal'f1fK'P.I' �hill (la�f t�1C �iL'tli Iu i1:1�C
<br /> 1�. PYi77�WC1 r iay�ua w ����.u.w�.. .
<br /> enfurcement of thi.r• Security Inst;umcnt discontinuecl ut wtiy tinr priur t� the earlicr af: (a) 5 days tur such cuher pericxi .c
<br /> npplicat+le law� may sperify for rcinstatenxnt) beforc �tle of the PrapercY {wr,u�u to uny pnwet of salc cantainad in thiy
<br /> Seeurity In.u�umen�;�r(bl e�it�y of a judgment enfi�rcing this Securiry instrun�ent.Tho.ce cunditions are�hat Bc�rcow•er.(a)pays
<br /> Lender all wms whieh then wauld t�e due under this Security Iactrument anJ the Ncue ac if nc�:ieeelcration had occurred; (b)
<br /> cutec any def:wlt uF any other co�•enants ar ar�re.ements; (rl pays all expc�ues incurred in enfarcing this 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> including, t+ut ncu limited to, masatiable au��meys•' fees;wd (d)takes wch action as i.ender n�ay ttasonahly require to assure
<br /> that tbc lien of this Security Inutument, Lcnder's rights in the Properly�nd Rorrowcr's atdi�a�ion to pay th�sums secured by
<br /> this Security In.urun�ent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowzr, this Sa;urity iactrum�nt and the
<br /> ablig�tioiu secured bereby shall remain fully effective as if rw acceler�tion had occurred.Hou•ever,this right to reinstate st�all
<br /> nat app!y in the case of xceleration under paragnph 17.
<br /> 19. SsOe of Note: Chan�e af I.oan Servicer. 'I'tie Note or a partial intemst in the iVote (togethcr with this Security
<br /> ir►strumeni)nmy be sold one or moce time.e withcwt prior natice to Borrawec.A sale mzy result in a ehange in thc entity(knawn
<br /> ac the'Loan Servicer")that collects nx�nthly payments due urxfer Q►e Note mx!this Secunty Instrumcnt. ficre:+Jso m�y be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a s�e of the Nate. If there is a ehange o;'the l.oan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in acwrd�nce with paragraph 14 above:,nd applicuble law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the new I.oan Servicer arid the address to wh�ch payments should be made. The notice will also wntain any oitur
<br /> inforalation required by app{icable law.
<br /> ZV. HATATf10LL4 J�IDS�sOOES. SOROWCT Sllall IWi a:dU�C v� Nc�uiii GiC �iCn:�.n.. :.. . �:}."J`.:�. SIOi9a�� q�rQirace nf�ny
<br /> lia�ardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borcower st�all not do, nor allow anl�one else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Propetity that is in violation af any Euviro�unental law. Tiie pmceding two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use. or
<br /> storage on the Property of small qu�ntities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be apprapriate to nom�l
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give I.ender written notice of any inveuigation. claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> gaWer�unental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental law
<br /> of which Bottower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learnc, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory�uthority. that
<br /> any removal or other remediaiion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> a!l necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As usad in this paragraph 20, 'H�zardous Substaiues" sue those substances defined us toxic or haiardau substances by
<br /> Environmental� Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides und hefiicides,volatile solvenu,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and r�dioactive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, 'Environmental l.aw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propesty is locatad that
<br /> te!,ate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NUN-U1vIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Aaderatioo;Remedles. Lender slwl)give notice to Borrow�er prlor to s�cedemtkn followtag Sonower's brcACL
<br /> of anv covenaut or aitceaneat in this Security Instnunent (but aot prior w aocderation under p�ragrap6 17 uo{ess
<br /> epplicable taw provi�ks otf�e�wise).The nc►tice sfu�ll spediy: (a)tl�e defauth (Dl tbe actioo reQairea tu cme see defanii;
<br /> (c)p date,not kse than 30 days tmm the date t6e notice�s givea to Borrower.by wh'sch the default m�si be cured;and
<br /> fd)t6xt tailure to cure the defanit on or befare the d�te specitied in the notice may result In Aoceleratiou of tLe sums
<br /> secnred by this Security In�tsument and sale of the Property. The notice shall furtber inforra Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> reinstxte ntter aoceleratiau and the rigi�t to bring a court s�ction to suserG t6e nornexistence of a defaWt or aay otLer
<br /> defeose ot BwrowK to aa�dr.ration and ss�lle. U We default 1s not c�red oa or before the d�te speciiied tn tlie notia,
<br /> Leader, at its optlon, �aay requlre immedlate paymeat in tull of�Il sums savrcd by this Security instrument wiWout
<br /> turtlur�demand and may invoke the power of sule and nny other eemedics perinitted by appllcsbie law.i.eit�kr sltiall6e
<br /> entltled to cdlect all expeases incumed in piusuing tLe remedtes provided in tWs pasay�ph 21,fndudit�,but not limfted
<br /> to,reaSOnaWe attw�aeys'tees sud oosts of title evide��e.
<br /> If thepo wer ot sale is invoi�ed, Trustce shall record a notice of defpult in each county io w61c6 any part of the
<br /> pwpntY is located and shall nwi7 copies of svch notke in the manner presetibed by npplicaWe 1aw to Borrowet and to
<br /> the otLer pe�sons prescribed by�tpplicaDle law.At'ter thc ttme r+equired by applk�ble law,TnuYce si�ll give puWk notice
<br /> of sale to the pasons aud in the manner prescribecl by applkable law.T�ustee,wit6out demand on Borrower,s3w11 sell
<br /> the property at pub!!c auctiou to the highesi bidder s�t the time and place and under the termc designxted in t6e notfce oi
<br /> s�ie in oae or more parceis�nd in any order Trastee 3ete�mines.Tructee�uaY postpone ss�1e ot all os any parcd c�f t6e
<br /> Property by public an�wuucanent at We time aad plxe of any previousty scheduled saie. Lender or its des��*nee may
<br /> parci�a+�e the Pi+uperty at aay sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> wo.bae
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