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<br /> QUITCLAIM DEED ° ~ '"`~ z
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<br />MARCIA L. BARTELS f/k/a MARCIA L. SIEMERS, joined in by her husband, ~p
<br />RONALD BARTELS, GRANTORS, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) AND ~~'~
<br />SIEMERS, single, the fallowing described real property (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat.
<br />§76-201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />All of my undivided interest in: ~~~,
<br />The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S1/2NW1/4) ,and the
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4SW1/4) and the North Half of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (N1/2SW1/4) of Section Thirty Six (36), in Township
<br />Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, excepting two certain tracts of land more particularly described
<br />as follows: (1) A tract of land in the North Half (N1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4)
<br />of Section 36, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10), West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the West
<br />Quarter Corner of Section 36, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West, thence South along the West line of said Section 36, One Thousand
<br />Three Hundred Nine and Ninety Three Hundredths (1,309.93) feet; thence
<br />East at right angles 33 feet to the existing County Road right of way line;
<br />thence North parallel to the West line of said Section 36, Six Hundred Seven
<br />and Fifty Eight Hundredths (607.58) feet; thence East at the right angle Seven
<br />(7) feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Section 36, Seven
<br />Hundred Two and Thirty Five Hundredths (702,35) feet; thence West at
<br />right angles 40 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.10 acres more
<br />or less of which 0.99 acres is existing County Road right of way making a
<br />net additional right of way of 0.41 acres mare or less
<br />(2) A tract of land compromising part of the South Half (S1/2) of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 36, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning
<br />at the West Quarter Corner of Section 36, Township Twelve (12) North
<br />Range Ten (10) West thence North along the West line of said Section 36
<br />One Thousand Three Hundred One and Eighty Two Hundredths (1,301.82)
<br />feet; thence East at right angles 33 feet to the existing county road right of
<br />way line; thence South parallel to the West line of said Section 36, Five
<br />Hundred Four and Seventeen Hundredths (504.17) feet; thence East at
<br />right angles Seven (7) feet thence South parallel to the West line of said
<br />Section 36, Seven Hundred Ninety Seven and Sixty Five Hundredths
<br />(797.65) feet; thence West at right angles 40 feet to the point of beginning
<br />and containing 1.12 acres more or less of which .099 acres is existing County
<br />Road right of way making a net additional right of way 0.13 acres mare or less
<br />Executed: ~ , 201. _.- ; -,,
<br />Mar is L. Bartels, f/k/a Marcia L. Siemers
<br />Ronald Bartels
<br />ss.
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ ~ day of
<br />2010, by Marcia L. Bartels f/k/a Marcia L. Siemers and Rona Bartels, wife
<br />d husband, Grantors.
<br />Nota Public
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