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.,,a��c { r �„' ' 'v•�: ���i .f'ii� r• r ` .: t,�V �S <br /> '` 4 } 1�• 1� F 5' �i' NI•..i: r �]� '' <br /> J1$�Lk'_ •:U}�y` �;Pi:�;N_ _ e.?yc{1.4,t(�'..�i;n,:�.u.M��r.M,: er• �i�i;� T f�;t - •. A�' ��''1 �N Sir}l�iUSL. — <br /> �'{��y�— .i, _ - — tYuii.. �r(tl�..._.. _ _ .1�'L...�1L..,�§_ _ <br /> �� �s�i .�- N i s � ��... r�e�;:i.:•:(1�ttJh i _r__ —_. <br /> .�ti��-• �, v�,:�.- <br /> . •'1�,•k. ���"''�r .�:r ,`.`.,_ <br /> .:r!Ne•'"�►v''A:t`•�. � i;ivi��_.__._.._ ..__ . ..._�._.v� <br /> I�� <br /> _:��...,. � -���� 92—��i n��i 2 �--_-__- <br /> ,yM I+. r j <br /> �:;�t��`;tt�.s�.��� --- <br /> �r,���=-_ <br /> -�=',�,.,,�-,�,.:•,..� condcmnu�fun or other tuking of any pun�+f�hc Pr��peny,or for cnnveyunce in licu ol'rondcmnu�ian.ure hereby u��igncd und <br /> �T:__-_-_:-- <br /> ,_�—--',��y��t.:^+�., shall hc paid to l.cnde�. — <br /> ��'�;,. � In thc cvent oP u totul tnking of �h� Pra�xrty. �hc pr�x:ceJ, ,hull M: upplicd �n Uic .umr. ,ccurcd hy �hh �iuurity <br /> - Ins�rument.whethcr or nut then duc,with :��y exce,ti puid to BnROwrr. In �hc event of u puniul iukin� ��f ihc Pn��xny in <br /> �;�`*�� � which thc i'uir murket vulue of thr Pro�xrty immediutcly Fx:forr�he lukin�:i.cyuul to��r greutcr�hun�hc unmum of thc humv <br /> ;...� '. ` .:,;:: , <br /> ;r,.R :�,; r;�cured by Ihis Security Instrument immediu�cly befor�thc luking,unle++Burrowcr und l.cndcr o�hcrwihc ugrec in writing. <br /> '`'.=`'''�°�:u_'"' - thc wums.ccured by this Sccuriry Imtrument+holl t+c rcJuced by thc um�►um uf�he pr�xceds multipliad by the fo0owing <br /> ` ;'"� ~ - -- � -° - fruction: lu1 thc totnl umounl uf�hc SUI11D hLCUfCII Illlllll'IIIA�CI��hcfaR thc tukinl�,diviJrd hy �hl thc 1'uir murkct vuluc i,l'the �,,;---__�---_ _. <br /> • � . V.' 'n? propcny immediu�ely before the�uking. Any bulunce xhall lx puiJ to S��rrower. In the cvem ��f u puhlul �uking o1 the <br /> Property in which the fui�murket vuluc of the Propeny immediutely t+ri'orc tlk tuking is k.�thun dx umount of thc xum+� <br /> '. r� • I necured immediutely before the tuking, unle�h f3orr��wer unJ L.ender otherwi.e ugrec in w�i�ing ur unle,ti upplicuble luw <br /> -_� � `�� otherwi+e provides,the proc��.-d+shull ix upplieJ to the wm.��cured by thiti Security In�tnmicnt whether cx not�he sumn ure <br /> P'�•'J, � ' •%'° _ <br /> �•,r then dur. <br /> i;;x•. ' It the t'rapeny is nbandaned by BoROwer,or if,ul'tcr natice by Lendrr to Bnrr��wcr thut�he condemimr uffen�o muke <br /> ^"�r �' �' �'� ° `' an aN�:ud or settle u cluim i'or dumages.Bonower I'ail,�o�espond ro l.cndr��+•i�liin 30 Juy+uf�er�hc d�ie the nutice i.given. _._----_��y <br />��•':ti, � `�'�I n•"-� �.��`��' LenJrr i•authorized to collcct AnJ upply the prcicecd+,ut i�s opticH�,cilhcr to rr,turulion or repui�of the PmpeAY nr�o the <br /> :.� :> ,•�. . .�•. <br /> ` � �ums srrurcd h�thi+Serurity In�trumen�.whether or not then duc. <br /> ��, �� .°, U�tess Lendcr und Bortower othenvi�c aeree in writin�,u��y �rr��.:�����n ��f pr�x�edx to prinripul shull nat cxtend or <br /> , ^ .e. ' po�tpunc Ih,due date nf the monlhly puyincnt.�efcrred�o in puragraph� 1 und"_'or rhange thc umount uf tiuch puymentx. <br /> ' � • ^ 11. Barrawer Not Released; FurbeArana�e By Lender Not u Nuiver. Ext�nsion of �h� �ime for puymem or <br /> '� .� ,.;;_=,,, �^• � . � maditicalion of umonixutian ui�the.umti secumd by this Security Im�rument grumed by Lender to uny Yucce.sor in interest <br /> ' - "����'�'''. �� � • of Rorr�wer shull not uperu�e to releuse thc linbilily of ihe original SoRUwer or Borruwer's succestiurs in interest.l.ender <br /> . k,;.. . <br /> ; : ' ,: shall not be reyuired lo commencr pr�xeeding+ uEain,i :�n�• �ucce.sor in in�err.t ur rel'u.e lo c�tend�irne ur paymenl ��r � . -_-____ <br /> ��- � -- otherwixe madify umonizution of the sumx secured by this Serurit� Im�rumrnt by reusnn��f uny dcmunJ mude by�hr ori�inal -4.� - <br /> . � Borrower or Borrower'x in�ere+t. Any forbearance hy Lrnder in��unY nghi or re�nedy shall not be u __ _ <br /> waiver of��r precluJe thc excrci�c of uny right or rcmcdy. ';:��-=�_ - <br /> � 12. Succes.w�rs and ASSi�na Bound;Jdnt and Several l.iabiHty:Co•g�Rner�►. Thc cuvcnunts und ug�eements of this •.,;,_� <br /> . ,�:. <br /> Securiry Instrument shull hind aixl lx�nefit the wcresxor�►►nd ux,igm uf Lc�xler und Bcirrnwer.subject to�h� pruvislans of ::�;,r�;ti;;_ <br /> y ���;,�;,,t�;�- <br /> . purugruph 17. Horrower,covcnuntx unJ ugrcements shall Ix joint unJ ,rvcral. Any BoRUwcr who co-�ign. this Securit .����.__N_p_` <br /> In�trument hu�daex na execute thu No�e: �u�,igning thi,Scrurity In�trument only to mongugc,g�ant u�d runvey thu� �;_____ <br /> � Borrower:imcrc+t in thc Pmperty undcr�he tcrma ot this Sccurity In+trunknt: I lil is n��t personully obliFcued to puy thc�um. ��:.=v.�.- <br /> secured by thi.Securi�y Ins�rument:unJ Ic)uFree.thn�Lendrr und uny uihrr Burrower muy agrec�o exicnd,mcxlify,forhear ���'�_,°._- <br /> or make any accommodutions with n�urd to the terms nf' thi. Security Instrumem or Ilie Note withciw Ihut Bartowerk �- <br /> ' coment. �.--...-_ <br /> — ---_-=- !3. l.aan Clsarges. !C the loun Kctir��d hy �hi. Security Instrumrnt i, ,ubject ta u luw which �c�.nr.iximum Ic�un _�___-. <br />� '• , charges,und thnt luw iti tinully imcrpreted so ihut thc intrrc.t ur otlxr loun charges collected„r to tx coiiecte�i in couueciion ���. <br /> ' � , ��i with thc loan exceed Ihe pertnitted limit+,then: lul any,uch luan rharge shull lx rcdurcd by�hr t�muunt neceti+�ry t��reduce �' -- - <br /> ' .� Ihe chzirgc lo Ihe Fx:rmiucd litnit:und lbl any+um+alreuJy collcrted fmm tionuwer which cxcreJed�xmiiucel limitr will he _ <br /> ., refunded�u Borcowcr. Lender muy rh�w.c to muke thi.retund by r�during�he principul uwrd under ihe Note ur hy mak ing u �r:��±�"— <br /> . . direct puymem u�Borrower. li'u rci'und reduce�principal.�hr reduclion will iw irculed as a partit►I �npUyment wilhout uny �«-..�� <br /> , T'.:"'�.'r":-- <br /> � ' prcpuymcnt rhurgc undcr thr Nolc. �'4���--� <br />