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<br /> � �uccesear in interest to Truator, (5) if ouch praperty includes a _
<br /> � leasehold estate, all payments and oblig�tions required of the
<br /> Trustior or hia 9ucceeeor in interQet under the terms of the _
<br /> � instrument or instruments creatinq such leasehold, (6) al? paymente -
<br />.`� and tnonetary obliq�tions required af the owner of auch property
<br /> under any declaration of covenanta, conditiong and restrictione
<br /> '� Dertainiiia to such Uroperty oz' modiricaiion LIlCZCUl j �i j a��
<br /> mortgage in�curanca or guaranty feea, premiume, or chargee o= any _
<br /> nature pertaining to such nroperty. Truator agrees ta notifp
<br /> Beneficiary immediately upon receipt by Truator of notice of an� -
<br /> increase in the assessed value af such property and agrees that
<br /> aeneficiary, in the name of �rustor, may contest by appropriate
<br /> proceedings such increase in asaessment.
<br /> In the evan� oE the passage of any law deducting from the value of _
<br /> � real property for the gui-poaes of taxation a�y lien thereon or _
<br /> ' changing in any v►ay the �.a�s for the tc3x�tion o� deeds of truet or =
<br /> _ debts secured b�► deeds Qf tTusr far �tate or loca2 purnoses, or the
<br />.:; �r�er af the co].lectia� o� an� buch taxes, so as to affect this
<br /> � Deed of Truet, the ha��er of thie Deed of Truat and of the
<br /> . obligatione whic:� it secures shall have the right to deelare all
<br /> sume secured hereby due as of aa� date to be epecified by not less
<br />,��� than 3� days s WI'1LLCil iiaLice LO LG giJan w8 Trua.}.oZ' by °°nefi�i�r•j;
<br />-- provided, however, that euch election ehall be ineffective if
<br /> - Trustor is permitted by law to p�y the whole of euch tax in addition
<br /> ;�" to ell paymenta required horeunder and if, prior to euch epccified _
<br /> -:� ua�a, 3aaa pay ss:.h t�� and �gr�ss t� g=y r*�� 9LC�1 *.�,ar �rhAn
<br />— heseafter levied or asseseed aqainet euch property, and euch
<br /> ��
<br /> aqreemont ehall �onstitute a modification of this Deed of Truet.
<br /> �., FUNDS FOR TAXES AND iNSURANCE: If Beneficiary shall so request,
<br />;� Truetor agrees that the�e shall be added to the periodical Fayment
<br /> required to be made hereunder an amount eatimated by Truetor to be
<br /> = suff icient to enable Truetor to pay, at leASe thirty (30) days
<br /> — before delinquency, all general and epecial taxes, asaesements, or
<br /> vi.itesi Yiir✓il�: Causs.yca ayniIIot ot2�:2 F'iavYv��j�� t�l° °Z^'�3���=�s Nntg� �r
<br />= npon or on account of the debt or the lien of the Deed of Trust,
<br />— together with premiums for insurance required to be provided under
<br />� this Deed of Trust and all mortgage iasurance or guaranty fees,
<br />= premiums or similar charqes and not interest shall be payable to
<br />_— Trustor in respect thereof. Upon demand by Trustee, Truetor ehall
<br />� deliver to Trustee auch additional swas of money se are necessary
<br />— to make up any deficiency in the siaounts �ecessary to enab2e Trustee
<br /> to pay any of the foreqoing itema.
<br /> SUMS At3VANCED TO BEAR INTEREST: To pay immediately upon demand any
<br />— sums advanced or paid by Beneficiary or �`rustee under gny clause or
<br />-= provis�c� of thi� De�d cf Truet. Any such sums, until ao re�aid;
<br /> -- ehall he secured hereby and bear interest from the date advanced or
<br />�� paid at the same rate as aet forth in such Promissory Note and sha7cl
<br />�_� be secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />:��.
<br />�:�: ASSIGNMENT OF DEPOSITS: That as additional security if thi� be a
<br />"� construction loan, Trustor hereby transfers and assigns to
<br /> Beneficiary during continuance of these Trusts, all right, title and
<br /> -� interes� to any and all monies deposited by Trustor or deposited on
<br /> =� behalf of Truetor with any city, aounty, public body or aqency,
<br /> ,� eanitary distriet, gae and/pr electric company, telephone company
<br /> dnd any other body or agency, for the installation or to secure the
<br /> ^� installatiQn of an, util.it� by Trustor, pertaininc� �o tini.s praperty.
<br /> Trustor should fail to make any payment, or to do any act as
<br /> provided in this Deed of Trust, or fail to perform any obligation
<br /> secured by this Deed of Truat, or do any act Trustor agreed not to
<br /> do, Benef iciary, but �aithout obligation so to do and without notice
<br /> � to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any
<br /> � obligation hereof and without contestincy the validity or amount of
<br /> ; the same, may (a) pay, make or do the same in such manner and to
<br /> i such extent ae it may deem necessary to protect the security hereef,
<br /> � Beneficiary being authorized to enter upon such property for such
<br /> ' purposes, and (b) pay, purchase, contest or compromise any
<br /> � encumbrance, charqe or �ien, which in its judgment is or appears to
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