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<br /> 16.Borrower'a C�opy.Borrower shall be givcn ono conformed copY ot the Note an o t �s unty instruntent. �_
<br /> 17. Traaafer oP tde Pcoperty or s BenaP�c�si laterest i»GoeroKer. It zll ar any p3rt ot thc Praperty or�ny
<br /> interest in it is sold or tras►.ferreci tor if a beneiicial int�reet in Borrow�r is sold or transferred and Bormwer�s nat s
<br /> � nsturel parson)without l.ender's priur written consent,Lender mey,at iu optian,require immediote paymont in full of
<br /> i tii sums secur�i by ►�i� �,u:::�lrWtr�:m�!. �!e�Ay^!'. th�p �ntion shall not bo eYCrcisod by I.endet if eynrcise is .,_
<br /> ' prohibitod by federai iww as o�ti►e aatc:ui���ia 5:,:,u:::i;r:.::um�z:• F"-
<br /> It l.ender exercises thia option,Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice sholl provida a period
<br /> oi not lass than 3Q daya irom tho date the notice is delivercxl or mailed within which Borrower must pay�ll suma secured �_-.
<br /> by this Socurity Instrument.It Banower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,I.ender may Ynvoke E
<br /> ony remedi�s permitted by this Socurity Instrument without further notice or domond on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrowei s Rl�ht to Reinstate.If Borrower mats certain conditions,Borcower shall have the right to hav�
<br /> enforcement oi this Security]nstrument discontiauad tt any time prior to the earlier of:(a)S days(or such other period
<br /> as applicable laa may specify for reinstatement)ba'oro sale nt tho Property�ursuant to any power of sale contained in
<br /> this Security Instrument; or (b) entry ot a udgment entorcing this Socurrty lnstrumrnt.'I'hosa conditions are that _
<br /> Bn;rower. (s) pays I,ender �ll sume which t�en would be due under thia Security .nsuum�nt ond the Noto as it no
<br /> acceleration had oceurred; (b)cures any d�fault of any other covenants or agreem�nts;(c)pays all eYpenses incurnd in
<br /> enforcing this Sacurity]nstrument,including,but not limited to,reasonable attornaye'fees;and (d)tak�a such action as
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to essure that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender'a rights in tho Ptoperty and
<br /> Borrower s obli�ation to pa�r the sums secwod by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstatement
<br /> by Borrower,thsa Security Instrumentand the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effectivo as�f no acceler�tion
<br /> hsd occwred.However,this right to reinstau shall not apply in the case of acc�leration under paragraph 17.
<br /> �9.Sale at Note;C6sn�e of Loaa Servicer.Tho Note or a partial interest in the Note(to�ether with thia Socurity
<br /> Instrument)msy be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity
<br /> (known as the"Loan�ervicer')that wilects munthly pay m�to 3c'naarr'-ht Ne'-'"--^-�th+�Security Instrumait.There _
<br /> � also may be one or more changes oi the Loan Serviar unrelated to a sale of the Note.It there ie a change oi the Loan
<br /> Servicer,Borrower will be given written notice af the change in accordana with paragraph� 14 abova and applicable law.
<br /> - The notice will stau the nsme and address of the new Losn Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. �
<br /> .� The notice will also conwin any other information roquired by applicable law. r
<br /> 20.Hazardous�uostsnces.Sorrower�ha11 nat csu�or��ni*.the gnx?nce,use,disposal,storage.or relesse o4 ��
<br /> _� any Haurdo�u Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone elsc to do,anything affxtir.g _
<br /> i the property that is in violstion of u�y Env�ronmental Law.The preceding tw o sentences shall not apply to the presrnce,
<br /> use, or storage on the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazardous Substanoes thst are generally rocognized to b�
<br /> _ spproprisu to normal residential uses and to m�intenance of the Property.,
<br /> Bartower shall promptly give Lender written notice ot any investigat�on,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by
<br /> any governmental or r�gulatory �gency or priv4te party involving the Property and ae� Haurdous Substance or
<br /> Envrromnental Law of wtuch Borrower 6is actual knowledge.If Bomowcr learns,or is notified by any governmental or
<br />~� regulatory suthority, that any removal or other remediatioA of any Hazardous Substance aftectiag the Propertp is
<br />;� noc�ssuy�Borrower shall pramptl�talce all nxessary nmodi�l actions�n eccordance with Environmenul I.aw.
<br />� As ueed�n this P�'�BnPh 20� Hazardous Substaac�s"are those substancas definod is toxic or hazudous substancea
<br /> _ by 2�nvitotltrietltai isw ano ine iuiiuw;a��n—�w�.:.:�.g.".r..�iT.L,y:s"�^--^",^ttxr 11�n►mable ot toxic petrOleutri pcoducts�
<br /> "� toxic �esticides and herbicides. volatile solvents. materials contsisung as�bastos or tormaldehyde, aad radio�ctive _
<br /> - matenals.As used in this paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law" means federal laws aad laws of the Nrisdiction where the
<br /> � Property is located that relat�to health.safaty or envimnmcntal protation.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANY'S.Botrower and Lendet further covenant and a�rx as follows:
<br /> �; 21. Acceleration; R�m�dies. I.ender ahall �ivo notice to Bono�ver prior to acceleration tollowin=
<br /> - Borrower s breach ot anp coveaant or a=reement in this Securitq Iastrument (but aot prior to acceleratioa
<br />�` under para�rapb 17 ualess applicable law providea ot�er�viu).The notice shsll specify: (�)the defanit;(b)t3�e
<br /> � action required to cure the default; (c) a date.not less than 30 days from the date the notioe ia =iven to
<br />— BorroRer.by Rbich tbe de[ault must be cnred;iad(d)that failure to cure the default oa or before tho date
<br />�— soxified in tho aotice may result ia acceleration of tho sums cecured by this Security Instrumeat and sale of
<br /> �' t�o Property.The notice shall furt�er in4orm Bonower oi the ri�ht to sainstate af3er acceleration and the __
<br />�� rijbt to bring a court actioa to �ssert the noa-esistence of s default or anp other defease ot Borrowor to
<br /> acceleration and sale. If the detault is�not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender.at its
<br /> � option, may require immediate payraent in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument without
<br />;,j iurther d�mand aad may iavoke the power ot salo aad aay other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> z Londer shall be entitled to colleci all exptnces incurred in purauin=the remedies provided in this paratrapL
<br /> �� 21.includin�,but aot limited to,reasonable�ttorneyd fees and costs of title evidcnce.
<br /> V the poWer of sale ia iAVOked.Trustee shall record a notice oi default in each couaty in��icb any part of
<br /> the Froperty �s located�nd shall mail copies ot such notice in the maaner prescribed bp applicable 1a�v to
<br />.� Borrower aad to the oth�r percons prescribed by applicable law.After the time required by applicable law.
<br /> Trurtee cflall�ivt public notia of sale to thepetcons�nd ia the m�nner prescribed by sp�licable laW.Trustee.
<br /> �vithout demand oa Borro�ver,shall tell t8e Property at public auctioo to the hi�hcst bidder at the time and
<br /> � place aad uader the terms desi�nated ia tbe notice of sale ia one or more parcels and in any ordeY Trustee
<br /> � determiaes.Trustee may postpone ssle of all or aay pucel of the Property by public annouacement at the
<br />' � time aad plsce ot my previously scheduled sale. Lendor or ita desip,nee may purchase the Property�t auy _
<br /> � cslo. _
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