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<br /> „ .,M• DH� OH '1'aQST
<br /> �� THIg TRUST DEED made this 27th dny o! !latch, ].991, botwoon i„
<br /> � GEgI�LD L. WiS3iNG an d SU811N J. WISSING, huebilnd and wilo, a4
<br /> ��� , TRIISTORB, whoso addreas is 203 West 2Znd Stre�t, Grand Island, _
<br /> " • Nebraska 68801 f H� J. CUNNINGHl�M, �• . �t�rnoY� $a TRUSTEE, who�e
<br /> t. o�- " .. addreas is �22 North Cedar StrQet, P.O. Box 2280, Grand Ialand, _
<br /> Nebraska 68802= and RONAL�D l�. IRVINE and 012J1 lrl. IRVINE, husband � uT
<br /> 217 wEast a 22nd n Street� Gr�nd n Ialand, �Nabraaka oa� 68801�S aa � .` -
<br /> `' --
<br /> • WITNS83ETH: �� .-
<br /> ° That TRU8TOR8 hereby grant, bargain, seli, convey and warrant ~
<br /> to TRUSTEE, IN TRUBT, his sucaessors and asa�9n�. witb power of �,,,�..����`�
<br /> sale, the following-desaribed real prape�Y= � . _
<br /> '�i���—
<br /> � Lat Fourteen (14), Imperial Village Eiqhth Subdivision, ,� �,�v,
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, e" '�
<br /> � urtsnances theraon. 4- ?��°��'���=
<br /> 1 together with all improvements and app ; ' •-;,�,._
<br /> • .atiy�_
<br /> , The TRUSTOltB hereby covenant and agree with the TRUSTEE and _;�i;_—
<br /> � �ENEFICIARIES that they are lawfully seized and the owners of the .
<br /> above-described property; that they have qood�at safd d remises ...,��:-
<br /> authority to sell and convey said preuses and P �:5•. ;.t •-:-
<br /> �rQ free and clear of all liens and encu�mbranaes, and further, that
<br /> TRUSTORS will warrant and defend the title i.ca aaid gremi.res forever �-.�',��`..-�;��
<br /> �� � ' . againat the clafms of all persons whomsoever. j � �
<br /> For the purpo
<br /> se of securinq perfermanc� of each agreement of �'� f:1
<br /> TRUSTORS herein contained and the payaaent of FORTY-ONE THOUSAND �.�,
<br /> � TRUSTORS have executed a Trust Deed Note bearing even date, at the
<br /> rate of interest and on the terms and conditions as set foxth in �-. . ;
<br /> �«�'�
<br /> ' such Trust Deed Note until paid. The principal sum and interest _
<br /> � ahall be payable in accordance with and upon �e t g� due
<br /> I c onditions of said Trust Deed Not a d d r e s s o f a t h e B E N E F I C I A R I E S as '
<br /> i he r e u n d e r s h a l l b e p a i d a t t h e . :�
<br /> t h eV h o d e r sioPdsaid security shall designate in writ�ing I�I� or
<br /> It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while _
<br /> title is vested in the TRUSTEE and until f il inq of Notice of ,r,,�:;;±�:
<br /> . �Y•4'•�{,=
<br /> Default, the TRUSTORS shall: ��,:�.-i��'"•
<br /> A. Retain possession of the property at all times, exaept as may • � �"��:1¢�� `
<br /> � � be otherwise agreed by the partfes in writing. .
<br /> B. Maintain the building and its inprovements and all personal
<br /> property sold by BENEFICIARIES to TRUSTORS, in goocl condition
<br /> and repair.
<br /> C. pay all qeneral and special taxes and all special assessments
<br /> � of every kind levied or assessed against or due upon said
<br /> � copiestofbreceiptslshowingYpayment�of@suchrtaxesEeachCyAR�ES
<br /> � p. Procure and maintain policies of all-risk insurance on said
<br /> • improvements, in sums and underwritten by companies acceptable
<br /> . to the BENEFICIARIES, in an amount at least�equa*hto �A
<br /> property�s full insurabie va3ue, Lu� a�a�a= �,-�- ------ ----
<br /> amount due under the parties' Trust Deed Note, which policy
<br /> shall name the BENEFICIARIES as additional insureds, with the
<br /> proceeds payable to the partfes as their interests may appear
<br /> hereunder. TRU5TORS aqree to provide BENEFICIARIES with
<br /> copies of such policies or certificates of insurance durinq
<br /> the term of this indebtedness, which policies of insurance may
<br /> a not be cancelled by said carrier without fifteen (15) days
<br /> prior written notice to BENEFICIARIES .
<br /> �
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<br />