.-.. .�i�{�s'�vs-.r- ^`w...,- .r. . ..�. , __
<br /> �. .. ....o. ._ � .3U. �: �r�.l+C.aiiU:�•''�'� . i s� � . ' ____—'_.
<br /> ��W� ��..-.w. �. . .�•.ni
<br /> � �s,...r.•u�:.�'�'M. �.a�.-.
<br /> -- —- �— — r"-- �-- �MM�A�,..wwr...... . _ � _ ..
<br /> —�„ ,�fN . . _- _.
<br /> ._� - �� . �� . ' r
<br /> .t5:.wae�OSR'.�a'o�c'�n:".. . - -•-
<br /> �t .-
<br /> > � .� 4. 92, i�2�02 � _-- -
<br /> _ � ,�, �..�v;(
<br /> �c;�,�.��^a}r�r�j,i•t.i,r1
<br /> �-�°.";ra^''�(:C'•'.�t�'�}�5�t+.. �.' �,....
<br /> -����'.n�.�,...�'..���a.L'Si4ili�.
<br /> _ -� �•r;�, � n� condrmnuti��n or�Hlxr tukin�t u1 w�y p�n uf Ihu Nru�ny.or for conveyoncc in licu�►1 cund�mnution.arc hcrcby u.�igncd un�)
<br /> -,����•.��"� `°�.�". .
<br /> .,,� , � • .rhull hc paiJ tu l.endcr.
<br /> . ✓
<br /> �"+�'+: =-`^•�� .;! • (n thc evcrn uf c� u+wl laking ol' Ihc i'ru�xrly. Ihc pnkr�d,.hull Ix up��lic�.l iu 1!k �►ml+ ,rcured hy Ihiti 5rru1'lly
<br /> ' � ' In,trumrnt.whe�hcr��r n��t�hcn du�.wilh uny rxrr,� puid lo H��rrav►�r. lu�hc cv�m n(a pahial laking ut thr Pru�xrty in
<br /> ;,:.,�..:', � which Ihc luir murkci vuluc of�hc I'�u�xny immrdiuivl�•hcli�rc Ihc�aMin� i.�qwd�.�ur grcatrr th+ui�hr unwun�ul ih�,um. �
<br /> ��"-�•" �cureJ hy thi.Sccurity Inetrumcn�immcdiulcly Ixti�rc�hc tulinE.unlc�� tiur�uµcr nn�l Lrndcr whcrwiu a�erre in wriiin�. -
<br /> - -- 1_- -- - th� suRl� �ert�rcd hy�hi. ticcurily Intiltv�u��11+ball Ix redu�ed b) Ih�tunuunl ��(Ihc p�tkccd+mullfplied hy Ihr ii►Ilowing � -- -=L---^
<br /> ;`.„,,,. •, iructiun: lu�ihc tolul umnum uf�hr,um�Krumd immcdrncly fktun ihc �alin�.d�v�dc.l h� �1,�U��lair�wu1.�1 ti•aluc��I thr
<br /> -� ,,,ti� .. pro�ny immeJiatcly twl'ure dzc tul�in�t. Any halancc,hull Ix raiJ In Borrower. In tlx evrm ul�► partial iiiking ul Ui� _
<br /> • ' � propcny in which thc fuir murkc� vulua ol thc Nru�xny inmicdiu�cly Ixfar�thc lal.in� i�Ic„than dir amuunt ut �hr�um. °" .
<br /> � ° '"' ucund �mmeJiu�ely txfurc�hc tuhin�.unlc,. Borruwer and l.cndcr Mhc�µ'i�c u�rec in Nriling or unlr.. a�q�liruhlr luw �.__
<br /> _ • • ',e rovide�.�hc nx�wd.,hull tx applirJ tu thr�um�.rrur�d h�thi,Security In.lrumcm whcihrr or nui ihr+um.ure �i,?,•^',�: �'��----
<br /> ;.f�� .' . u�h c r w� p D � L�.�
<br /> �hen duc. �
<br /> .,i;;' .. .. - li'the f'ruprny i�ahanJoned hy Bonuw�r.or if.ulie�n�►ticr hy l.endrr�a Hurruw�r�hat�he cun�lcmnor ull'rr,to male �
<br /> �.;'=.'j un uwurd ar u�tla a claim tiir damn�eti.Hnrn►wer tuil+��,r�,�����to Lrnder within ?u Juy ali�r ihc Jut�ihe notirc i,�ivcn. �•. ``..;.,���:,-:
<br />._,�s� l.ender iti uuth��ri�cd to cuUetil and t�pply Ihc pnxecd..u� i�,upli��n.eiihcr ta rc,���rriiun ur rcpair of�he{'n�Exny�,r w thr _ ----___-__
<br /> ' � xum�yccun'd by ihi.S�ruri�v In�trument.whelhcr u�nut then Juc. ���=_= "
<br />__ �:,. ,
<br /> �, � Unlerti Lcnd�r unJ Borr�►w�r rnh�M'i�r ugrr� in wri�in�.any applirution uf �nxceJ. tu prinrip:�l.hull nut cxlenJ��r �______-
<br /> - ' � . .�•�+ • po.rtp�mc thr Ju�dutc u(thc munUdy p�y�ncm,rcfcRCd tu in pua�g�aphti I anJ 3�K chan�r ihr simoum al,uch puymom+. R
<br /> ���_
<br /> -� ••- � °' ' 11. Borrower Not Releatiedi M�K�arance By I.ender Not u Waiver. Eitrmi�m af thc [imr ti�r puyment ur ��_ _�,,_
<br /> . .: , �., �-
<br /> ., ,..-;•. •.. -
<br />- ,.: ; . . .
<br /> s �����
<br /> � mcxiificali�m��f umortizution uf the.um++ecurcd by thi�Serurity In,tn�mrm grant�J by 4rnJer�u uny wcce��ur in interc,� ��.-�--:.
<br /> .. . of Borrawcr,hull nut uprratc to rrlcax�he liuhiliry uf thc�,rigmul Borrou•cr nr BnROwcr:,uccr�tior.in in�ere+�. Lcndrr � �, W--
<br /> " � ,hull not ix rryuircd to commcncr pnxccding, aguin,� any .uccc�,ur in imcrc+t ��r rrfu.r w c��rixl �ime tix puynunl ��r --`
<br />.� otherwisc m�xlif' umuAi�u�iun��f thc�ums.�cured by Ihi+Securi�}•In+lru�ncm hp rcuKm of uny JcrnanJ mudr hy�hr ori�inul ��` icx.;,z.�-
<br /> Y
<br /> "• Borrowcr or Burn�wcr:�uccr+,i►r.in imcrc.i. Any i'ort►rur.�ncr hy Lcndrr in excrci,ing uny riFht„r r�mrdy tih:�ll nnt tx a _ _ �'�:�?.-
<br /> , • .. w•aiver of or preclude�h�exerci,r uF�ny righ���r remrdy. -_- =
<br /> • � 12. Successors and A�signs Bound;.loint und Several l.iabilitv;C�siqner�. 'Thc rovenunt.und agrermcn��ot'thi, _ _=Y
<br /> , °. . Security Imtrument.hull bind und 1►enetit Ihe �urcr..or.and a.•iEn,of Lendcr u�zJ Borrow�r.tiuhjcrt to thr provi,ion,ui' -•._o�--�� .
<br /> Z.Sfi'�iM1
<br /> � purvgruph 17. Born►w�r:covrn:m�s anJ u�recmcm. �hull i+r joint unJ ,cvcral.r\ny B�xniwrr who cu-.i�n,�hi. Sccurity �.�,,,.��._
<br /> � Imtn�ment But ikx,not rxecute thc Na1e: lal i.co-,igning�hi.Scruriry In+irunxm�mly lo mon���ge.gran�and runvcy �hu� �
<br />' ' Borruwer:in�em.t in Ihe Prupeny unJcr�hr tenm��I'thi,Security In,t�ununr. Ihl i,not persunully��hligu�rJ a,pay tlx,wns ��b..,�.= _:_ -
<br />. .. • . xecureJ by�hi,Srrurity Insirumem:urx11c1 u�rec.Ihut L�nJcr anJ uny��tlier Borc���ver may �grer wex�enJ.m�xlity.ti�rixar ` �.Y�=
<br /> E
<br />� �� or muke uny uc�ommaiuti�ms with reEu�d ki �hr t�rm+ ��I' thi� Sccuriry In.��umem cx Ihr Ni�tc without thu� Bormwer+ �__
<br /> • . • . - contien�.
<br />- : - • ' ' ' � �-`°_-=
<br /> • 13. Loan Charaes. IT thr luan Kcurcd hy tiu. Sc�ui�iy tn.trunarnt ��,�uhj�ti! tu u I8µ' uI1N.•h u•i. muximum oan �J�-_
<br /> ,. , chur�ee..unJ�hui luw i�tinully interpr�teJ.���h�t�hr inlrre+l��r ulhrr luun churE�.cullecied ur�o l+�collrct��l in conn�c�iun ��.�._
<br /> wilh�hr loun cxceed th��xmiittcJ limil�,then: �ul uny.uch loan rhur�e,hall Ix r�JuccJ hy the unx�unt nrrr..ary to reduce _______
<br /> • the�harge to the(xnnitted limi�:aixl (hl nny,um,ulrcady rullectrd Ir�►m BuRO��•ur whicb eacerdrJ�xmiitt�J limit,will t+e �,,.L,�_,,,,____-
<br /> �::�_W_,_
<br /> ° ' .. mYunJeJ ti�Borrowrr. LcnJrr muy rh�w.r�o makc thi,rrfunJ hy rrducing�hr principul i�wrJ undcr the N��te ur by making a ���.,-:__
<br /> dircc�puymrnt tu B��nowcr. 11'u ni�und rrducc�principul,thr r�Jur�ion will ix trcuicd a�:�n�n�:�i rnr�y��»�n��.'ith�,ut any --—
<br /> � pn puymrnt rhurgc unJcr�Ix Noic. ==��==°°-
<br /> l�i. Notices. Am m�tirr tu BorroN•cr providcd titt in thi,Srcurit)•In�trument .hall hr�i��cn by drlivrring it ur hy �-�._��
<br /> `c,u.t�?s`.--
<br /> ��`�:..�
<br /> . muiling it By fir.i clu.+mail unle.,upplir.�hlr I:iw rryuirr,u.r of anulher m��h�xl."llx nutice.hall Ix directrJ�a thc Pro{xrty ���.J; -
<br /> " Addreti�or uny other uddrey+Borro��cr de,ignalc,h��nuiicr lu l.cndcr. .4ny notire t��LrnJcr+hall Fx gi.�cn hy t'ir,t da,. ,
<br /> muil ro Lender ti itJJrc+��rrteJ hcrcin ur:in�ulher uddr�•+L�ndrr dc,ign.u�+hy n�,ticr tu BoROw�r. Any n��tirr pruviJrJ t'or •:^ � _��_,
<br /> ., ' in thi, Security In.tnimcnl �hall hr Jrcmed 1�� havr tken givrn fa H��rn,wcr i�r Lrndcr whcn given c„ pmvidrd in thi. . . . .
<br /> , . ;u1
<br /> � . purugruph. " _
<br /> 1S. Uovernin�I.aa•: tie�•eruBilfl�. Thi, S�curity In,lrumenl ,h:�ll i►e gu��m�J h�• I�drral luu• and Ihc la�v ul the .. . ,. `.--��
<br /> ., , juri.dic�ion in which�hr Pn��xny i,I�xu1rJ. In thr cvcnl ihut any��ru�i�i�m�+rrlau�<<�1 ihiti Scrurii�• In�trumcnt��r thr Notr . ___;^
<br /> ' conflict+with applicublr luw•.,urh r�mllir�,hall not a(I'ccl u�hcr pm�itiium ul ihi. ticrurii� In+�n�mm�t or thr Nu�c��hirh ran •*,`
<br /> Ix givrn effecl wilhuul �he contliclin�pra��i.ion. l��thi,rnd �Ik pro.�i,i„n.af thi. tiecurilJ• In•lrtintcnl unJ Ihr Nutr are _ :V.:
<br /> ° declared ta lx,evcrahle. ,�`.,�- _
<br /> 16. Borrower'tiC'opy. Hurrower,h:�ll lx gi�rn�mrc�mt�,rmrJ.u�,ynt'dx Nul� :wd�,1'tlii.Serurity In�lrumrnt. �.,. �
<br /> �' 17. Trunxfer oithe Pr��►e�ly or u Ifeneticful Intcrest in Norrnwrr. li all.,r:my p:irt ul'ih�Pn��krty ur iim intcrr.�in ^.,� .-_--
<br /> il i+�old��r tr:m+ferred lar iT:� �XIICIICI:1� II1lCl'C+I in 13�,rn���er i, .ul�l��r irun•IrrrrJ iuul Burrow•er i�not a naturul�xr,un� _�;��
<br /> ::�ez:
<br /> withaut L�ndcr:prior�vriUCn run.cn�.Lender may.ul il+up�i��n. reyuirr imnudiatc �,:nment in i'ull ul'all .um,•ecureJ hy ' _k�-•-
<br /> , .. . ! this Seruriry In+trum�nt. HaN•�ver.Ihi�i�pli�Nt�hall�x�l tk r�crci�ed hy L�n�ler it et�rr��e i.pr�,hihitcYl by feJrrul luw a�at' �-f+�:s.:_ ��
<br /> �,�•�• � - thc dutc of thi.Scrurity In,trumcnt. �:°
<br /> .' ' If I.cnder e�crci.r.thi,uption. Lrndcr�h:dl g�ve Norru��rr nuticr u(:irrclrraiinn. 1 hr iNUire.hall pro�id�u�xri�nl��f
<br /> nut Ic.,thun 30 day.1'rom t hr d:Ue t hc n��t ire i,d e l i�r r c d��r ma i h d��ithin���hirh H�m�����.r mu�l p:q :dl,wn..ecur�J hy Ihi� , .
<br /> , ' Srrurity In.u•ument. If H„rru��•rr t:iil. tu p:q• the.e .um. pri.,r w Ihr c���iraii.m�•t'ihi� prriuJ.Lender ma}� imakr um• ,
<br /> i remrJic��xmiiurJ hy thi�tircw•ii� In.lrumrnl��i�h�xi1 t�urlher nuncr ur Jem:ind�a�Burro���r.
<br /> IR. BurroNCr's Riuht to Rcin+tute. It Runv�►rr mcrl.ccnain r�mJiu��n.. l3orm��rr •hall hci�r �he ri�:lil n� havr
<br /> ' �nli�rccm�nt��I Ihi.Securil)� Imlrumrnl �li.r�,n�inurd:u ,im tniir ��u��r t��thr.cu'li�r �,L �:i�5�lu�•�ur.urh ulher�xri�xl:i,
<br /> \u�El.I.nml� Punnlc�lue h'rrddir\lacl�Ih'�1H�1 1\�1 Rl�II�:�I 1 n�i�•,,i,t'�,.cnaiin 4�W1 �pd:��.d��P����'•�
<br /> �
<br />- . ;
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . ±
<br /> . . _—`� __ — -
<br />