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��r ' -� • ' �: + „�, �7,� .A•j�li:- -;�, . � ".......' .7�'=:1� F,•+i�� ,iuµe' t . _ ^ �.. <br /> �• '� .a t�.s�r,. � 'F�n r _ <br />. _ =r- -.r..�-.. �nr- . �R.._.- - • . . _ .-'a�i-;_—.. <br /> �� t <br /> ��L� ��n.,.. � .� - - --,f- v �'-- <br /> ., � - wr.:��...., �._ �� � . <br /> ., . . _ � ..- �_-° _ ���__ <br /> - "�—�`---' ----� <br /> , .�.��� <br /> �.��w .. ���;�� 92-- 102502 =--_ <br /> . �... - , ` _ <br /> :,���:.,��: - <br /> TpCi�THER WITH all thc impruvcmcnt� nuw on c�rcufi�r crcctcd��n�hc propcny,and�dl ru,rmcnl�,+�ppurtGnunrcti. _ <br /> °°"`�,`•���•��� and fixwrex now ur hercofter a pun of the prupeny. All mplucrmcm�:unJ udditian,�hull ul�w hc covered hy �his Sn:un�y <br /> a3;.;,;��";.-:;H';�. �' Instrumcnl. All�►Y the f��rcguing is refcrr�d to in Ihi�Sccurity In+lrumrrn�"Pru�rly." — <br /> . '. `" BORROWER COVENANTS that B��rtawcr i.lawfully +cikd ui' �hc c.iu�e hrnhy cimvcyrd und ha. tlk right lo�rant . ;�;a: <br /> ;! , unJ com�ey Ihe Properly und Ihut ihe Pn►peny iti uncnrumber�d,except li�r rn.umhrunrc.uf�rrurd. Horn�xrr wurrun�.und .�: '`_. <br /> r . �''`'_ `:_...-- <br /> �� ��"F.'`.� will defend Kcnerully thc tiUe io Ihc Pn►�;ny uguinst all cloimx a�ui dcmand,,�uhjcct lo uny rnrumFxuncc�uf rrcurd. r:-+���.�-- <br /> �� �. ;..'r.�'�������- <br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbincti unifomi rnvcnim�� P�K nulian:d u,c and rnm-unit�imn cuvrn•rn�. with �____��T.,,���,�_ <br /> .. . ., � .'.; �,.; limikd variation�by juri,diction to comtitwc a unil'artn xcurity inti�rurncm covcring re�l praprny. ___ <br /> • �`.�' � p � ,. UNIFORMCOVENANTS. BoR�►wcrunJ LcndcrcuvrnantunJu fCl'A��1lIIOWti: � "`"'"°''�` <br /> !� �`_.u.. ::s...:ixtis•.��eYr <br /> �— r:., 0 1. Pndment ot Princ{pal and Intere�t;Prep+�ymeat aad L.rte CharRes. B��rtowcr+hull prumptly p•ry wh��due Ihc " <br /> ':���� . . . principal af And intere�t un ihc deM uvidencec!by�hc Notc und any prcpayment and la�c rhurgc+Juc unJrr tlH Nute. _ <br /> • ". 2. runds�o�7la�ces and Insu�ance.Subj��t tu upplicublc luw or tu a writtcn waivcr hy l.endrr.Durrawcr+h•rll pay�u ���_ <br /> "".ti Lender on the dny manlfily paymentti urc duc undcr th�Nutc,unlil Ihc Nutc i.puiJ in full,u rum 1"Fund+"1 ti�e(ul ycurly ,�h;,�.�;,,�,„;, - <br /> ' � � . taxes und assessmentti which muy uttuin pnority ovcr ihis Sewrity In,t�unknt a+u licn on thc F'ropcny:�hl yc:uly Ica+chuld ����` � � <br /> payments or ground renty on the Propeny. if uny: lc1 ye:uly h;�urd or p�operty in�,u�unec prcmium�; Idl ycurty tlaxl � <br /> in+urnnce premiums, if uny; Ic) yesuly mortgagc insuruncc premium,, if uny: and U"1 �ny .um� payublc by Burrowcr tu � ; <br /> � ' Lender, in uccordancc wi�h �hc provi.iun+of pu�agraph it,in licu of thc {rryrncnt uf mungagc in,uranr� �xrrnium+, Thc,� ��" �. <br /> f='���' items are cullcd"Eurow Itemti' Lrnder mu .��ao timr,collect su�d hold FunJti in un umoun�n�it w�xr.rd the maximum > <br />. d�� . Y•' Y ��"-�'`,-�, <br /> '� amount u lender f'ar u federally related mortgage Ioan may a�uire i'or B�rrow���;escrow uccount under ihc fcdrrul Real W�,�� <br /> � � � `� Estate SetUement Procedureti Act af 197-i a�amend�d from time to�im�. I?U.S.C. ��t�i)I�•t.�ry.("RCSPA"1. unlr.,+•rnuthcr <br /> .. . � � . � law�ha� thc Funds set�a les,er amount. If so.Lrnder may.:�t uny limc.c�dlcrt�nd huW an :�muunl no1 io _��__ �- - -. <br /> " � �� �� exceed the le,�r amounl. Lender may ertimale thc umount ��f Fundy duc on thc of currcm duta anJ rcuwnublc <br /> ,,�,�...,- <br /> , „ • estima�es af expendiwms of futurc E�cn�w Items or othenvise in urcurdunce wi�h applirable luw, `,�.�,��, <br /> Thc Funds shall bc hclJ in un instilWion whosc dcposi�+ urc inaund by u fcikrul agency, inslrum�rot�lily,ur umiry <br /> „ (including Lender,if Lend�r is such an insiitutionl or in any FrJrrol Nume Lu•rn B�nk. Lender.hall apply th�Fund,tu pay `` '.• �,i <br /> � the Escrow Items. LenJer mny nol ch.uFe Bum�wer for holding and upplying the Fwxlx, •rnnuully unuly�ing thc e+cruw -�_ru�_��__ <br /> . accoun4 or verifying the Escrow Items,unle.s Lender pay� BoRawer imrrr+t �m th.� Fim�l� :md ,�n�r��ni� luw prrmil. ";'�?•�l _ <br /> Lender to make zuch a chArge. However.Lrndcr muy reyuirc BuRUwcr�o pay u unc-timc chargr tix un u�dr�ndcnt rc•rl � � '`•a,:::, <br /> . estu�e tnx reporling service used by Lender in cunnectian wi�h this luan,unk.r applicable I�w proviJ�:,o�henv i,c. Unlr++un �"-` <br /> �_. <br /> . u�reement ia madc or upplicable law rcquirc.intc2�t to be paiJ.l.cnd�r tihall nut Ixx reyuired lo pry Borruwcr uny imcrc.t ur �; <br /> . es►rnings on�he Funds. Borroµ�er and Lendcr muy ugrcc in wri�in�s,howcvcr,thu�intcrest.hall bc paid un th�Funa.. l.cnder �'�;,;°„�•� <br /> shull give to Barrowcr,wilhow rhargc, an annual ucruunung uf thc FunJ,..howing c�edi��und tl� FunJ.and thc - <br /> � purpose for which cach debit to the Funds wus made. Thc Fund.urc plrJg��J a.udditi�mul�ecurity 1'nr ull tium>krured by �.��..,�-_ <br /> ,� <br /> = ,��.— , -- iltis S�.�curily lastrument. _ <br /> „ If the Funds held by Lendcr cxcecJ thc •rmoum. �:rmittrd io bc hclJ bY applicaMc I•rw, L.cnJrr�h:Jl arcounl lu a� <br /> , Borrower for the exce�s Fund� in•rccurclaner w�ilh the rcyuiremrnt.uf applicablc law. If 1hc a�nount of Ilx Fundti hcW By ��� �'.;■ <br /> Lender at uny�imc is not sufficicnt to pay thr Eua►w Item+when Juc, Lcnikr may tio nutil'y Borruwcr in wri�in�!.and,in ,, <br /> „ such cuse Borrowcr shall p•ry ta LrnJcr Ih� amuunt nrce,+ury to mnk�up the defiriency. Borrower �hal l mukr up thc rax�,.;�N,..� <br /> . deficiency in no more th;u�twel.�e monthly payrnent+.ut Lrnder;�ule di.cntiun. -:`�;�*.`..'•� t, <br /> � Upon payment in full c�f all wm, ,ecureJ hy thi.Security Insirument. Lendcr.hall pruntpUy rcfund�o Hotrowe�any :�;_,. <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under parugraph?I.Lcndcr�hull arquiR��r.cll tlx Proprrty,Lenikr,pri��r tu�h� aryuitiitiun ur -• �: <br /> , , sule of the Property, shull upply any FutMis hrlJ h�• Lr�xirr at �hr�i�m of aryui.ition or+ulc�x •r credit u�;�imt the .um, .� <br /> , secured by�his Sewriry Instrument. " <br /> 3. Applkation of I'nyments. Unlesx applicabk law pruviJe. u�hcrwi�r, ull payment. mcrived by Lender undcr .,.,,,,,,,,�-,_� 'x <br /> . • paragraphs I and 2 shall bc applied:fir.t.w any prcpaym�n�churge+ duc undcr thc Notr:+ccond.lo amuunls payahlr undrr ,. ..� •;`"" <br /> • paragraph 2;third,lo intere�t due;fourlh.�o princip.d eluc;anJ I•r+t,t��any la��charges due unJer Ihe Nute. �? ;"'•t..`�='__ <br /> � 4. Charges; Liens. Born�wcr +hall p:+y aU taxe., u+.r+�mcrn,, rhur�e., t'inr. and imprnitiunti auributuble to thc . .. _ -- <br /> . Propeny which muy utluin priurity uvrr �hi� Srcurity In+wrmnt,unJ lea.chuld puyment+��r Ln�unJ renh,if imy. Barowrr - ._ <br /> '_�_�: <br /> whall pay Ihesc obligatians in thr mannrr�rovidcJ in paragraph?�rc il'nui puiJ in�hat manncr.Borrnwrr+hull pay�hrm nn -.J : <br /> time directly t��1he per+on owed paymenl. Borrowcr�hall prampUy funii,h t�i Lrnder all notirc+of amuunts t��Ix paid und�r • . �_ - <br /> ' this paragr�ph. It'Borrower m•rkes�hese puym��n��directly.Borrawrr+h•rll promp�ly 1'umi.h t��Lender recript.rvidrncing . y'=-_ <br /> ,�.: --- <br /> ., the payments. '.,�W.= <br /> . . Borrowcr,hall prompdy di.charEr any lirn wliirh ha,pnarity uver Ihiti Scruriiy In.trumrnl unlc+ti Burto�vcr:lal a�nr. - �:,Qr- <br /> �'� , in writinF to the puymem oi'the obliga�ion.rcunJ hy Ihe licn in a ma��ner arcrptaMe tu Lcnder:lhl cunte,ls in gaxl faith thc . . .__ .�__- <br /> , lien by,or defends against enforcement of thc licn in. pnkrcJinf;���•hirh in thc Lcndcr���pinion upc:�atc�o prcvrnt thc .y�,,,� <br /> " ' enforeement of the lien;or(c)secure.frum thr Ix�IJcr�►i'thr li�n an:+grremrnt�ati.factap ta Lrndcr�utwniinaiin�:�hr lien � -::,..�. <br /> , to this Security Instrument. If Lender determine+thut any part of�hr Pru�ny is ,uhj�ci�o a lirn which may nlluin priority r '"""." <br /> - over this Security Instrument.Lcndcr m•ry�!ivr 6orruwcr u notirc idc»til"ying ihc licn. li�xr��wrr,hall,ati+fy thc lirn or tal.c a ..:�•, <br /> . � one or more of the action,sct furlh atx►vc within IO Jay.i►f�he givinF ��f nolire. � <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Burn���cr.hall krep the improvrmcnl�nu�v exiti�in�,ur hereufkr rror�cJ��n 1hr , <br /> Praperly insured againtit lotiz by tiro.haiardti i�uludcd wiihin ihc tcrn�"cx�endcd ruverag."anJ any���U�cr haianl.. inrluJiog ` <br /> ' � flaods or flcioding. kx which Len�kr rryuir�s in+uranrr. Thi. in+ur;inrc ,hall hr�naimaineJ in thc ami+un�s unJ for thr � <br /> � . . � <br /> FiKm W38 ��9Y r�r,qr'��i n�w�e�i ' <br /> f <br /> � <br /> � _ <br />