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<br /> • �. �""_ii_._�.__
<br /> • � r�"
<br /> � � ly, pqW�t lor Notic�. Trwtor h�r�by r�qw�t• a copy of �ny notic� of dd�ult md eh�t an7 �:y�:�.�,,"--F9
<br /> , ��..:� notia� at ��1� h�e�wd�r b� �afl�d eo Teu�tor �t th� �dde��� ��t foeth in ehe tls�e pa�a��ph oi thi� !�h•.-�_
<br /> =�� O��d at Trwt.
<br /> a. �:r.�r,;�•-
<br /> ' � �� 16. AvPOiauent o[ 8uec���or Tru�t��. B�n�fici�ry s�y. [raw tia� to tiw, by vrittoo ln�tr�aent
<br /> � • "� ��ncut�d �nd acknovl�dg�d by B�a�Eiclary. �ail�d to Tsu�tor and r�cord�d in th� County in vhich Ch� __ _
<br /> "d '-� p vtth th� sovtslan� o[ the applic�ble l�v o[ tM Stah
<br /> pcop�rey !� loc�ted and by oth�n+i�� caiplying P '� affu-
<br /> ,? �•� ot N�bra�ka. �ub�titut� • �uce���or ar �ucc���or� to th� Teu�t�� n�Md her�in or acting Mr�under. ',,;.a,����
<br /> . � J:.=.`S.0 '._'—'—_--.
<br /> --� 1�. Succaa�ors sad Msigo�. Tht� Deed ot Trwt appli�s to �ufd lnura� to eh� b�n�fit o i an d b i n d�
<br /> ��^ •11 p�rel�� h�r�to. th�ir hair�, leg�t�n. dwlraos, pareonnl repreeentetivee. xueceeeor� and a�siqar. ��'"�`_•�'?�!��
<br /> Th� an "6�n�tici�rq" �hall w�un tM a+n�e and hold�r ot tIM not�. wh�eh�r or not aa�d �� 6�a��iciary
<br /> .. , .. h�t�ln. �;:_�....._--
<br /> ' 18. l�a�liciar9'• Povar�. Nithout afiectit►g th� li�bility ot �u►y oth�r p�non 11�b1� tor eh� p�y- � '' 'j'`3��.`=L'"'�
<br /> . ', t.ti_.;_
<br /> smt ot any obllQation h�r�in rntioned, +nd without �ft�ceing th� 1lan os chsrge of thie De�d oi iswt i �. � � � �,,,�_—
<br /> � upon any portion oI the property not then or theretotoee r�le��ad a� eecurlty [os tb��ull paywale of '��n�?�,,;�,;,��""�-�'�'•
<br /> all �mp�id obli;acion�. B�Mficiary �ay. irow tias to tia� �nd withouC noticst � , .
<br /> � (�) r�lea�� any PQraon� eo li�blei -
<br /> (b) �xt�nd eM�aturity oc alt�r my of tht t�n� of anq �uch ob114stlani L'���_ -�
<br /> . (o) Brant other ladulgenc�at f'",. .,�_
<br /> � (d) relea�t or ra-convey or cauae to be relea�ed os re-eonv�yad at anr (�;�;_�_,�'°
<br /> tise at B�nsficiary's optlan. any patcel. poetion or all of eh� pxopactyi �_ -
<br /> � (e) teke or r�lea�� afY oth�r or additlonal ��eusltq ior anq obllQatim► {����'-_ __ _
<br /> .., ' �,�". h�r�in �antionadi or ��±'�' - --
<br /> . " (t) w�k� co�po�ieion� or other �rrmQe�ent• vich dQbtor� !n r�laeion ch�r�to.
<br /> 19. GoverninR Lav. ihis Deed ot iruet ehrll be gw�rned by ehs laws o[ tho Stat� oi N�brs�ka and. R a�
<br /> ' in the event any onn or more o[ the provieione contsined in thie Dead oF Truet, or ehe note or any othar , �' ,_
<br /> � a�cucity in�tru�ent given in conn�ctlon vith thle transaction ahall be for any rea�on be held to ba in- ',- . _
<br /> • valid, illegal or unenforceable in eny reepect. euch lnvalidity, illeq�lity or unenforceability �h�ll + ,_•�=-�
<br /> not affect any other proviaion� of thie Deed of Truet. but the Deed of Truet eheli be con�trwd aa if •'. . ��
<br /> �uch inv�lid, i11eQa1 or enforc�able provlsion had nevar bean conedned herein or chaein. ; ,�__
<br /> �' 2 0. E f f e c t o f F o r b e e r e n c a. A n y f o r b e a r a nce b y Boneficiary or Truetee Ln exarci�ing any right or j � • - __
<br /> rewedy h�rn�mder. or otherwlae efforded by applicable lav. shall not be a wsiver o f ar prec l u d a t h e e x e s-
<br /> ci�e of any euch right or remedy hereunder. i.ikewiee, the aaiver by Beneficiacy or Trustee of eny default � 1..=.,._,.e•.' �� j �.
<br /> o[ eha Trustor undar thip Deed oP Tsu a t o h all not 6� d��aed to be a waivor of any othor os aiuilar de- �, � , �
<br /> _ ___ _ _ fault wbaequantly occur:fng. �` ,���;
<br /> � 21. Re-canvnyance bY Trwtea. Upon vritten reque�t of the Beneficiary �CMti.�g thaT a21 a�a aecured �p4 ; ,�
<br /> hereby hava been paid, and upon aurrender of thi� Oeed of Truot end the nota to the Truatee �or cmcal- f _
<br /> ' lation and retention and upon peyment by Truator of Truetee'e fees, Truetee ehall rQ-�onvey to Truetor. �
<br /> out varrent any portion of the property then %F••�4 ., , ��' ,
<br /> oe the pereon ue peraone legally entitled thereto. vith Y. o
<br /> held hereu�der. Recitale in euch re-conveyance af any mattera or facte ehell be conelu�ive ptoof of th� F � .
<br /> truthfulnese theraof. Cranteee in che re-conveyance w�y bu deecribQd a� "the peraon or per�ono l�gslly in_ �.;�� �
<br /> ' . enticled thereto." � ' '"
<br /> 22. Accevts»ee by TrueteQ. Trustee acccspte thir+ truot when thia Deed of Trwt. duly exocutsd �nd „ �-;�..�ol:�
<br /> , acla►owledRed. 1■ made a public record ne provided fiy lav. � " �'�
<br /> i�
<br /> � !4�
<br /> . I N W I?N P«9 8 I J H B R B O F. T r u o t o r h a� e xe cuted thia Ueed of Truot on tha dnte firat tad abova. � %�4r;, ,
<br /> teph J. Ebarhar t �� • •�',;; `
<br /> ,f:_:.•
<br /> , ..,:,.�sY_ -
<br /> • i ..ry�.
<br /> , • .. -a��`-
<br /> STATE OF NE9MSICA ) � �!
<br /> .��.�'.._l�:,
<br /> ) s�s � ���'".
<br /> ' � COUNTY OF Hall ) - -- --
<br /> '::�:":k=-
<br /> , On thi• ,�_dey of ���mh��. 19�__.�__a -1 � before me. ehe �mderaigned. a Notary • �,.:.. ;
<br /> • Public duly cowniseioned and qualified £or eafd County. perronally came._�j���1, Fti�+-ti�t•dt �
<br /> � �:�. ..,'.,!,,,,�.'w
<br /> to me known to be the identieal peraon(s) ahoRe nnnQ(�) are nubvolunedrtoacteandtdeed�R inetr�mant ,
<br /> and acknowledged Ehe execution thereaf to be his Y
<br /> Nitneaa �y hnnd and Notarial Seal nt ILl'Yll/kJi��^�""""`.in eaid County. the date �
<br /> �
<br /> aforeeatd.
<br /> My com�ieeion exptrees ._ __. _
<br /> � ��� �� .
<br /> � 6fNERAI NOTARY•S4t110�N��1�w Nota[y Public \
<br /> ; KELLY A.ENCK ... .
<br /> �.� MvComm EYD lu�v14.1993 � CT�
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