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<br /> .� (b) �ei�i�a�ion. �� �oiqnor h�r�by rati=i�a ali that oaid =
<br /> attorn�y al�all la�Puliy do or �aus� to b� done by virtw har�of. _
<br /> ` �3' �y� wP a�tnr*!!; �! y �i�I' E=�n�l�, wf��l �A �T1�='�t a=1d =
<br /> sAall D� irravocabl�.
<br /> 0. Asm�dies U�o� ,$yent o! Dapeuit. Upon th� occurr�nc• o! ���
<br /> any Evant o! Dolault or ar�y tailur� o! Aoaiqnor to p»rPors or =
<br /> discharq� its obliqations, cov�rian�s, agr��aants or duti�s hars- -
<br /> ' utindsr or undar any o! th� Sacurity Documanta oz tha 1►gr��aant =
<br />�7 (vhic.h �hsl,l cq�tinu� lcr�yond any applicabi� cur� p�ri«i p�r�ittad
<br /> �, w�d�r ths Crsdit 11q�c�aunt), a� th� option o! ]1q�nt and th�
<br /> Y�tndars, i� addition to �u�h otbar righta and rsaQdie� as aay ba -
<br /> ';. � a!lord to ]1y�nt and th� I�nd�r� und�r the 8�awrity Documan�s and by =
<br /> lav or in �quity, 1lssiqnotc aqr�ss that 1lqont and th� Ltndars ahali �'
<br /> �. • havo tha riq3►tc, pav�r�, �rivilaqac, authar3zationa or benslfts =
<br /> ad�iqnad and translanwd to ]1q�nt, on luhai! o! itsei! and the -_
<br />;�� Land�rs pursusnt to this Acsignsont (all o! which rfghta shall be -
<br /> : subjact t� the taras and canditfono of thn 11qr��m�nt), including, -
<br />:� vitt�out liaitatfan, tha right to take posssssion of any portion of
<br /> .� th� Faciliti�s to vhich lls��gnor has pos�essory rignts itselY or �by -
<br />$• or through any aq�nta or as�iqns, in which evant llssaqnor aqreea to
<br /> psacefully surrander tha Facilfties to the ]lqent, on behal! o!
<br /> '" its�l! a�td the Lenders or ito desiqnee, together with a�l ia�prova-
<br /> � �ts, appurtsnancss, aiachinuy, equipsent, lurniture� lurnishfngs, _
<br /> __ lixturss and othar propertiy ot 11a�iqnor then aituat�d thareo� or
<br /> attach�d th�reto. Tl:ereatter, any expenses includinq, without
<br />� liaitstioa, �snt, fncurr�d by 1lqent in coruiection with ita antry
<br /> u�on and/or the taking o! possession oi thi� portion a! tho
<br /> o Facilitits and appurtenancss thorato and i��rovsaenta thcrson shall
<br /> � be daa�ed to b� additional obliqationa of Assignor pursuant to th�
<br /> � 8acurity E�ocu�wnta, paiyabla on da�ancl, and shall b�ar fntarast at
<br /> � Ltu dat�ult sate ot int�rs�t sot torth in the Credit 11g�caa�nt.
<br /> - 7• �iitis�o42 Vj�� �'�{/j� 4{a� y41j vioa.i o.ay� SIt� aOVa�LPV{�.yv�� Vi --
<br /> all o! tt�� obliqations, ttiia Asaignmer�t and ail rights herein -
<br /> ; Yssiqnad to ]►garit and t�h� i.�adsrs shall tarafnat�.
<br /> �. - .
<br /> � 10. �oncarnina tha 11Qent. The provisions o!�1lttfcle XZI of
<br /> -- th� Qr�dit l�qrasa�at shall inure to tho benef it ot th� ]►q�nt in
<br /> _= rssp4ct o! t2�ia 1laafqns�at arW shail ba Dinding upon th� psrtisc to
<br /> ,�,. t1a� Cr�dit ]►qtcssa�nt in such raspsct. In gurthsranc� and nct in -
<br /> d�roqation o! th� riqhto, privilaqaa and i.siunitie� o! th� ]lqsnt
<br /> tDar�in sat tortb:
<br />�
<br />� (a) Th� Ag�nt is authoriz�d to taka all such action as is
<br /> provid�d to b� taken by it as Aqant haraund�r and aZl oths.r action
<br /> = fs�cfd�a�a� s��r�f�o. as tco any aaicicara not axpreasly provided for `
<br /> � har�in, th� Aqant aay s�quaat instructfon� lroa the ?wndsrs and
<br /> � :3aall sct crr ralrain trc� act3�.� in accorda�sce wiLli writtan -
<br /> � instructions lroa t2u R�ir�d I.�nders (or, �han �xpraasiy z�quir�d
<br /> � by thia lls�iqna��t or th� Qcsdit ]1gre�s�nt, all th4 Lender�) or, in
<br />:�
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